
Protests Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"This isn't protest for George Floyd; these protests are for civil rights and actual equality."
"The idea that all of his supporters are currently being arrested after mass protests and all of his party members are being arrested and being forced to not participate in the electoral process in Pakistan without America ever mentioning it is something that should get you to think about it a little bit further."
"Women, life, freedom — that's the rallying cry in Iran and cities around the world as protests continue demanding justice."
"The full extent of the protests or the security crackdown remains unknown as the Iranian government has disrupted internet access."
"Women-centric slogans like 'zanzendegi Azadi' have been very much at the forefront of these protests."
"The protests in Iran are capturing our attention because we're seeing in real life how women are putting their lives on the line."
"The recent death of George Floyd and the nationwide protests that followed have once again put a spotlight on the perceptions of a racial divide and inequality."
"Protests broke out across the country following George Floyd's death in Minnesota, after a police officer there knelt on his neck for eight minutes and forty-six seconds."
"The government should look terrible when they break up protests."
"Canadians are not sufficiently shocked about the bank account seizures during the protests, partly because they don't understand what that did to Canada's international reputation."
"The fans are uniting behind one common goal and they're doing a pretty good job at building momentum around protests and movements."
"The possible increase in COVID-19 cases after protests was not distinguishable from zero."
"You will find a situation where the majority of the people peacefully protesting are just looking for their own freedom of speech, freedom of choice, democracy in their way of life that they were promised by the Chinese government with the handover, which they're not getting."
"Rioting is bad, looting is bad, setting fires is not protesting."
"About 93% of the racial justice protests that swept the United States this summer remained peaceful and non-destructive."
"Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful."
"Protests don't have to get violent for people to notice them, but when they do, it hurts your movement so much."
"Hong Kong's protests started in June against plans to allow extradition to mainland China, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets."
"There's a very fine line between a protest and a riot."
"An anti-cop protest is an anti-racist protest."
"It is incredibly powerful to see you lay down your batons and your riot shield and walk with us."
"The vast majority of those killed have been killed due to security forces firing live ammunition at their head or chest, which shows the intention of the security forces to kill protesters."
"When people protest against your form of speech, they're exercising their own free speech."
"You can tell me you want something but if you've got people setting fires to buildings, destroying them completely, beating people in the streets, smashing windows, that's the voice being heard in the press."
"Protesting environments aren't chaotic; riots are."
"Banks would be able to freeze personal accounts of anyone linked with the protests without any need for a court order."
"Following the money, this is about stopping the financing of these illegal blockades."
"Portland protesters launch mortars at federal buildings, smash windows, and burn American flags."
"We need full-blown protests demanding a structural change else this cycle will keep on repeating."
"The panic and fear isn't just in DC... Maryland State Police monitoring cross-country trucker protests."
"Until you confront the law enforcement problems with law enforcement and the criminal justice system, you're going to continue to get protests." - Jason Stanley
"There's a selective engagement and endorsement... when protests are against targeted governments."
"The world seems to be exploding in protest and I think it's worth not only putting that protest across the globe into geographic context but putting it into historical context."
"It's because of protests that we've been able to make America better. We believe in this country and that it can be about justice and equality for everybody."
"If you don't know what's going on in the last week week and a half there have been mass protests all over the country..."
"If Russia loses and their soldiers are driven out, many of them killed, you can see protests coming up there."
"Meanwhile on the other side, you have these insane veterans of protests."
"Anonymous vs. Church of Scientology protests."
"Protests erupted, protesters chanting 'no to War' as police carried out arrests."
"We're preparing for potential protests in the wake of the indictment."
"There's major huge demonstrations with thousands of people, tens of thousands even in some instances hundreds of thousands of people hitting the streets saying enough is enough."
"I'm like dude right now we are seeing you see these videos right where the woman's sitting at the table and they're screaming black lives matter and they get in her face and they hold their fists to her face like it is it is psychotic mob."
"No refunds, no peace, no f***ing refunds, no peace."
"Yanukovych said no to the austerity plan, and that led to these large protests and eventually the coup."
"For many former Democrats, the mostly peaceful protests were the pivotal moment."
"Actual footage of the protests... people dancing in the streets, people cleaning up garbage, people putting honorable signs up."
"Are we now at the point where we believe that people throwing mile 12 cocktails at Federal buildings last year in 2020, they're mostly peaceful protesters but parents protesting radicalism in their kids' Schools, they're the domestic terrorists?"
"Keep up the protests and keep up the backlash."
"It's a sign to sort of keep up the protests and keep up the backlash."
"Forget the radical agendas out there and forget the rioters. Let's prove something by walking together in love and honesty."
"You're so right. This is like the protest version of just honking your horn in standstill traffic."
"Peaceful, unarmed protesters have been beaten, journalists have been jailed."
"I'm down with protests, man. You know me, I like a protest."
"It's just so hard to see those videos with police officers doing that shit to people that are just out there protesting peacefully."
"When protesters were peaceful and the cops were violent that was when it was more likely to get the change that the protesters wanted."
"Many of the protesters who have testified this week have shared a similar message—positive, loving atmosphere."
"Russian economy in crisis as protests erupt."
"Solidarity around the world means protests, taking to the streets, demanding action from political leaders."
"When Jay-Z stepped up during the protests in Baltimore Maryland and when Jay-Z stepped up during the protest down in St. Louis."
"Dramatic change has never come from peaceful protests."
"Insane that nonviolent protesters are being charged with felonies in the United States."
"Marjorie Taylor Greene has been doing press conferences throughout the trial and there's always been protesters behind him trying to distract him from what he's saying," emphasizing the disruptive nature of the protests.
"These are anti-communist protests now taking place in Cuba."
"How do we differentiate between protests that are completely unacceptable and legitimate protests about just causes?"
"I wonder if they would have that same approach where that same person would be out there with that same sign in that same protest with that same energy if the protests had to do with black people and not immigrants from other countries."
"Putin, who had been prepared owing to anti-war protests organized within Russia's borders, promptly dispatched Russian Security Forces to the region."
"Presidents of liberal democracies still do not like protests, of course."
"Liberal democracies should allow for effective protests and effective protests tend to cause a nuisance."
"93 percent of Black Lives Matter protests have been peaceful."
"Charging protesters with domestic terrorism is a really dangerous thing."
"Protests sweeping China against authoritarian policies."
"It's down to the fans. Look, we've just got to support the fans if they decide to protest and they're angry. It's our job to try and win back their trust."
"People in Russia, where protests and rioting are on the rise, want Putin to step down."
"You don't see a lot of news coverage in the mainstream media of the peaceful Black Lives Matter protests that happened throughout the country."
"History is littered with protests that get the result that's needed."
"The reaction of the world of the Resistance was impressive. Many protests."
"Protests are now escalating into violence, and we lose a lot of stability as a result."
"If you want to stop looting, organize targeted protests at the politicians in Congress."
"It's complete BS that the left is already trying to spend any violence that will happen or any kind of protesting as being racist."
"We are all entitled to peaceful protests violence is not, I'm sorry hit the mic there violence is not a part of that what's happening in the capital right now must stop."
"The violent crackdown on these protests must end."
"Ridiculous, it's like Germans protesting in German cities, isn't it?"
"Whether they're fighting against Macron's Wall Street-serving attack on pensions or fighting for real pay raises... workers have been hitting the streets."
"Instigators ruin the concept of peaceful protests."
"Blockades are unacceptable and they have to end for the good of all Canadians."
"Expect spicy mass protests; I plan on being there. It's time to see what's going on."
"There could be protests or something outside Wayne Enterprises."
"Trump almost every day in this period was pressuring his attorney general the defense secretary and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff to use a military response to the Black Lives Matter demonstrations and they resisted at every turn."
"...it's a hot button issue and it's one that's leading to a lot of protests and a few riots around the street."
"Protests are happening in Cuba and this is massive for anyone who hasn't seen what is going on."
"Football and protests go together like 70-year-old men and the misplaced belief that they somehow fought in a war that ended before they were born."
"No wonder there's people in the streets attacking people."
"The death of George Floyd sparks protests in cities across the US and many parts of the world."
"In late May, Colombian elections were marred by violent protests and riots after Cesar Gaviria won the presidency."
"This child's death prompted protests after police body cam footage was released."
"It's not just that there's a state violence that exists that causes these uprisings, but actually, the riots and the uprisings against the state violence have further been vilified, where the protesters are actually accused of inciting violence."
"Mass protests themselves may not be a source of legitimacy, although their threat of violence may lead to a revolution that founds a new political authority and therefore new tradition."
"The point is student protests against injustice generally age pretty well and the efforts to criticize or crack down on them tend not to."
"Just because the protests are getting less coverage by the media, doesn't mean they aren't still happening."
"Truth is, Summer, Boob World's been at the center of a few protests every day for 30 years."
"Authorities have attempted to distance the events at the prison from the ongoing protests."
"My goal going into these protest zones is to tell the full picture."
"The government response to protests is more and more repression."
"The protests and the social division caused by the protest was putting a really big strain on the US government."
"Protests have continued in India today, with large demonstrations being held in a number of major cities."