
Conference Quotes

There are 376 quotes

"And no, actually, seems like the peace conference is working properly. I was worried."
"Megan Markle was named on a star-studded keynote panel at the South by Southwest Festival in Texas."
"The theme of the conference is the problem I most want to solve in the world."
"This is a Spring conference, and we love Spring here, don't we?"
"May this conference be a time of peace and spiritual feasting for you."
"This is a complete disaster and actually, I think there's a conference that's probably even more important than the Tory party which is next week at the meeting of the IMF in Washington DC."
"We welcome you to the priesthood session of the 191st annual general conference."
"Julian Hartman is also the founder of the Healing Journeys conference."
"The lavish event was the first major in-person conference in the U.S since the start of the pandemic."
"In an infamous 1981 conference she claimed that it’s 'beautiful for the poor to accept their lot'."
"This really is one of those diagrams you could hold up in an Egyptology conference and then just drop the microphone because the natural water flow pretty much matches the erosional patterns on the Sphinx enclosure."
"Introducing the speakers that we have today."
"And then the end of the conference by showing a full gameplay demo..."
"Trump did a masterful job at Davos... This is a time for optimism not pessimism."
"This conference will awaken and make us more aware but most of all it'll deal with the evolution of human consciousness which is really what I'm about."
"You're here at this conference you can chat to each other and come up with some of these ideas about where we're going to go next and I'm very excited to see it and hopefully be part of what you create."
"Jim Nugent red elephants has a good video on CPAC and who is banned and some of the other BS that went on there."
"This was the strongest conference of all of them that we've seen thus far. Just because it had such a variety of, 'Oh, here's this thing you've been anticipating, here's this thing that we're bringing back.'"
"Thank you for coming, I hope the speakers have given you lots to reflect on."
"We're excited to get ready on 2024, we have got absolutely a jam-packed agenda for you guys today."
"If you guys want to support this conference or the work we're doing you guys can do it out there and please support our exhibitors guys."
"This knowledge that you have received this weekend at this conference is knowledge about really a sacred responsibility, a call to action, a call to do something about this."
"This has become the biggest business conference in the world."
"Everything that we're doing today is on volunteer time; we have no corporate sponsors for this conference."
"I wanted to share some photos from the 2021 conference because that event is one of the reasons Coin Stories took off."
"I thought all of them were good and so I thought I'd just talk a little bit about each one because I think it relates to the conference itself."
"Moving to the Red River conference essentially our version of the Big 12."
"We're actually sharing a full presentation from our scientific and medical conference Metabolic Healthit 2024, and this presentation is by Dr. Richard Johnson."
"The WAC extended invitations to New Mexico State, Utah State, and Idaho in 2003 and 2004 respectively."
"With the departure of those three teams, the WAC's feasibility as a football conference was no longer apparent."
"The WAC scrambled to stay afloat as a group of five league."
"The WAC officially began their push for an FCS football league."
"The Big 10's not going to take a bad school but if Notre Dame called tomorrow and said finally we're ready to join the conference they would wave any sort of perception of requirements for that program."
"Everything the light touches is VidSummit."
"Welcome to Dreamforce, where Innovation meets inspiration meets entertainment."
"This is the first of our US 10x world tour... largest, most talked-about entrepreneur conference on the planet."
"This 10x growth conference that I do every year though this thing is ridiculous."
"We just had an incredible conference called Spirit and Business."
"Together at the next conference, we'll set you on a trajectory for success."
"The number one Roi of a conference like this is the people that are sitting to the left and right and front and back of you that you've never met in your life."
"Regardless of its future, the history of the conference is one full of twists and turns."
"Concluding remarks: The scientific literature surrounding the diverse potential of creatine is growing, hence why we have such an amazing conference like today."
"I'm still waiting for my invite to the conference in Boca Raton. Invited, you're my guest."
"This is the most amazing Dreamforce ever. We talked about every year. It's gonna be even better and better."
"The countdown for the world's leading institutional crypto conference has begun."
"This conference is a game-changer."
"We want you personally to join us for two days of discussions and debate all happening at the inaugural dissident dialogues 2024."
"In every conference there was a demand to have some time to just talk to me and ask questions and see if we can get biblical answers."
"A resolution management conference is about half an hour. You wanna be pretty specific in your resolution statement about exactly how you’d like the case to be resolved."
"God bless you, God keep you, and we'll see you at the conference, friend. Amen."
"You might leave that conference with tangible steps you can go take to make more money."
"So the real reason why we've actually come to New York City is because of the physical Meetup... eBay open which is a big conference that eBay puts on every year."
"The best conference was the Big East."
"God bless you, God keep you, we will see you at the conference."
"As someone who went to this conference and to E-path, I want to tell everyone here that it was very surprising to me, in a good way, what was happening there."
"What's the most interesting part that came out of Python? As far as I'm concerned, it's this conference, absolutely."
"A feast of amazing thinkers will be there, and I hope to see some of you there tomorrow and Saturday."
"I'm very doubtful about that. I was at a little conference in Santa Cruz a few weeks ago that was talking about these issues, what do we do now that, the name of the conference was Arts of Living in a Damaged Planet."
"Miracles will be happening while we are in the conference. I'm telling you, it's that real, it's that real, man."
"...if you're still considering coming out and you want more information, definitely come to the conference."
"Welcome delegates to this year's Liberal Democrat conference, conference, conference!"
"Thanks again and best wishes hoping you have a fabulous conference."
"It's a very tough game, but the buzz of it, you know? I mean, going into the first conference, meeting different people, going to a training camp for up to three months and really setting in the training camp and really work very hard."
"Welcome to our today's keynote presentation for this conference."
"You want to leave the economy to sort itself out because the economy is always going to be better than a few people in a conference room."
"I'm also giving a talk about expressing sameness in modern C++."
"Avoiding such a bug is well worth the price of a conference registration."
"Welcome to the ECCV 2020 tutorial on normalizing flows, convertible neural networks in computer vision."
"...I actually just used this the other day I recorded a 1-hour conference with the R50."
"This conference is innovative, this conference is Cutting Edge and I appreciate it so very much."
"The best thing that will come out of this conference is whatever this conference drives people to do back in the sphere of their local church."
"My prayer now for this conference is that God would stand forth in this room and in your life, and reassert his creator rights over our lives."
"So it's very, very nice to be here and it's my first conference in person since the year that we all don't speak about."
"If there's no other questions, I guess you can go get another coffee or whatever it is we do in these virtual conferences."
"uh we do want to give a quick shout out to tackops uh you guys if you haven't been to the conference and you're in any type of Patrol capacity SWAT anything we really do encourage you guys to get signed up for these conferences their three a year."
"This conference is moving toward unity, and we hope that by the end of the session, we're gonna walk out of here with something written, something historical."
"Every year in general conference, you're just waiting... 'Oh, it's 12 million, oh, it's 14 million, oh, it's 16 million...'"
"So as Paul Sappho who's here tonight knows on our board has said this is his favorite conference in that it's just been going for 10 years basically it's just a very long drawn-out single conference."
"I invite you to grab your coffee, tea, or beverage of choice and settle in for a full day of content-filled sessions."
"I am here as a teacher; this is a conference for me. This is not a writing retreat."
"Nintendo Came Out Swinging at this year's E3. their conference mainly focused on a demo of Super Mario 64."
"Welcome to the 2020 virtual NECAD conference."
"I was told I'd be attending an out-of-town software conference for the software they sold and configured. Cool, I'm excited to learn more about the product."
"...a huge announcement coming out of Spring One Platform 2018..."
"Thank you and I hope you have a great rest of the conference and we'll see you around."
"...but I started blogging again, I would blog like crazy and one thing led to another and I eventually started a conference, like a TED Talk style conference, and I got all my customers to come to that event through blogging."
"Millions conference was an excellent event and it is one that I would highly recommend that Christian business people or even non-Christian alike attend those conferences."
"The recent creatine conference was based on a collection of articles that some of the world's greatest creatine researchers published and made them all open access."
"What a great opportunity this is our conference theme is live the truth sanctification living the Christian life."
"I'm really excited, and hopefully, we can have you back in a year or two years or three years and we can help kind of continue to address this and support this at the conference so thank you."
"So in conclusion I would like to thank John Cobb and the program committee and all the volunteers who worked tirelessly to put this conference together so that I could bring my ideas and share them with you thank you all for coming."
"This conference is running for 72 hours, round the clock. Wherever you are in whichever part of the world, you can join."
"If you're gonna win this conference, you gotta play a little bit of defense."
"I mean, I'm looking at the talk, I'm just saying, 'Oh, this is perfect for async, you know?'"
"Wow, that was actually pretty awesome for like one session removed before the end of the conference."
"Welcome to your first plenary session. We're doing tracks at this conference, and this plenary session is for our hormone receptor-positive and/or ER-positive breast cancer."
"Wow, keto Fest: the best conference that combines music, food, socializing, and science."
"We love learning in our circles it's why you come to Indianapolis in the rain and a pandemic to come to this conference is that we love learning."
"Who's had a good conference so far? Let's hear it!"
"Watching that Keith media conference, man, like I'm a human being. That was a tough media conference to watch."
"This conference is going to stick in our minds. We're not going to forget Landmark 2023."
"This conference is going to be absolutely life-changing."
"Thanks very much for joining and enjoy the rest of the conference."
"Welcome everyone to the Microsoft 365 virtual marathon. Thank you for attending and I hope you're having a great conference."
"It's good news for the conference in general."
"This has been a phenomenal conference. AIM 2022 has been amazing."
"Thank you very much for all and I'm grateful for all the speakers and the moderators. Thank you."
"...great conferences were called to discuss the problem and how to combat the dissolution of society."
"Our International Conference is great because it's professional, it's educational, and it saves lives."
"I just wanted to close up by thanking our conference sponsors without whom this would not be possible."
"Welcome to PyCon and welcome to my talk."
"My favorite place to speak ever except for the Stan conference of course."
"Set an intention for the conference."
"I love everything about this conference."
"The conference will showcase the expanding impact of geni on the opportunities in reaching the global Computing infrastructure."
"The conference should appeal to accountants, economists, and corporate lawyers dealing with international tax issues in Latin America."
"It's early yet, but today, as part of .NET Conf, I'm going to share a beginner's look at modern .NET messaging and the state of things."
"I'm truly humbled by the biggest line at the conference was at our booth, and I met so many unbelievably nice people; it was overwhelming."
"This conference was just so amazing and so interesting."
"We have secured for this country the COP 26; we will be hosting the world climate change conference here in the UK."
"If you haven't been before, I highly recommend the NAPSA conference."
"Welcome everyone to SAP Tech 2023; welcome to Bangalore, and a very warm welcome to every single one of you joining us around the globe."
"This is super exciting to be at the first PyCon Canada that's outside of Toronto."
"Hello, thanks for joining this session of the Imbalance Conference 2031."
"Thank you very much for your time. Please remember to rate all the sessions. Your feedback is very important to us, and I hope that you enjoy the rest of your conference."
"This is where we had our first VueConf US, and that was a really great memory."
"It's 200 people, which is, I think, more than Silicon Valley Conference, so that's quite an achievement."
"It's so awesome being here in Turin again for I think the third time. I love this city and I love this conference."
"Every time I come to this conference, I find it very educational and motivational."
"OKC is undeniable, eight and two in their last 10 games, they're at the top of the Western Conference."
"Keep your expectation real high because God has a plan for this conference."
"I'm incredibly excited to be here; you can just feel the Good Vibes coming off of this conference."
"We could do the summit today; what we're trying to constantly do is make it better."
"I love this conference, I love this community, and already these days have been great."
"It's a pleasure, it's a privilege to be contributing to this conference today."
"It's such an honor to speak at this conference which I have watched for every year that it has been around."
"I'm excited to be with you here again at NetConf."
"Enjoy the rest of the day and the conference in general."
"What a blessing this conference has been; never expected to feel such unity, such love, such spirit."
"Vid Summit is where the world's top video creators, marketers, and brands reveal everything they know about turning videos into sales."
"Thank you very much for coming; enjoy the rest of CPPCon 2023."
"Texas set a new conference rushing record with 611 yards."
"I'm very grateful to the people that have put this conference together."
"I'm very excited and honored to be presenting at my very first CPP Con."
"This is a singular privilege for me, John, to be a part of this extraordinary conference."
"If you are trying to determine what is your vision and how to pursue it, this is going to be an absolutely powerful conference."
"It has been a pleasure to be at NDC Porto; I have had so much fun and everyone's been very gracious."
"Dot net conf is not done yet, and we're excited."
"Let us start Filicon Sri Lanka 2022, the biggest Python conference for Python enthusiasts."
"This conference is an invitation to think big."
"Welcome everyone to day two of JuliaCon."
"We have had some unbelievable individual performances in the conference this year."
"It's worth attending the conference."
"It's one thing to go to a conference like this and take copious notes, but it's another to actually put that knowledge into action."
"I regard it as a great privilege to be invited to take part in this conference."
"It's just a crazy, crazy conference, and I love it."
"We continue to attract large numbers, we have over 1,100 people registered from around the globe."
"We feel we have one of our best speaking lineups ever to drive discussion and debate."
"It's the National Unicorn Conference of America."
"The marriage conference was so powerful, y'all."
"Ladies, on behalf of the women of worth, I am so excited to announce our 2024 Women's Conference, the women behind the mask."
"Wow, my heart has been so unbelievably touched by this conference."
"Inshallah, you guys will find this conference very beneficial, very fruitful."
"It's a nice conference, so if you've never had the chance to attend, I recommend attending it."
"It's been a few weeks since we did anything here, but we had a great time at the conference in Barcelona."
"Big place in my heart for Defcon."
"I've been looking forward to the conference for weeks, Admiral. I'll be there bright and early."
"We got to fly to Paris in France for the Kai 2013 conference, and we ended up winning the first place."
"We have been seeing a fantastic response, over a thousand people attending this conference."
"This is supposed to be a career type conference for young professionals."
"The robotic Summit and Expo will be held in Boston in May this year."
"I'm so excited to be joining the team again as one of the conveners for the conference."
"This conference matters, and we should all thank Senators Booker and Braun, Chairman McGovern, and the late Congresswoman Linsky for their leadership."
"This conference represents an historic opportunity for us to learn directly from those most impacted."
"I add my word of Welcome to all who are gathered in this great conference."
"Fun match to watch from the nation's premier wrestling conference."
"Good morning everyone, I'm very pleased to be the first to speak in this conference."
"If you're new here tonight, I hope that you leave this conference with some hope."
"Welcome to iOS Conference Singapore 2022 edition."
"I'm really pleased to be here talking at this important conference on this important topic."
"Welcome all my friends across Canada and around the world to this extraordinary virtual conference."
"Invite the Prince of Peace in your peace conference."
"Push notifications are terrible for conference speakers like us, but background push messages to applications are awesome."
"Insure tech insight is a must-do conference for the network that is built here."
"This is called the World Candle Congress and it's basically a conference but it involves a lot more than just a conference."
"We do the conference to serve you, to build the kingdom of God."
"Every year, Facebook, now Meta, holds a conference called F8."
"We had a conference I called the next 40 years of exoplanets."
"The credibility prestige we bring to the conference, people don't understand."
"Thank you to the ASPOS organizers for inviting me to give this talk, I hope this has been helpful and interesting."
"Please join me in thanking all the speakers, all the volunteers, and everyone who made this conference possible."
"It's my absolute pleasure to be here for the inaugural GopherCon."
"Thank you all so much, it is an honor, and I'm so thrilled to be here at DEF CON, my first DEF CON."
"I'm thrilled we're finally able to gather tonight and tomorrow, albeit virtually, to explore some of the important themes of the original conference."
"This conference was one of the most important ever held on traditionalist topics."
"I got a little burn out, but we have our big yearly conference next week, and that always fills my cup."
"Welcome everybody to JuliaCon 2022."
"I'm very excited to speak at the PI Ohio conference."
"The IMF is a tremendous conference; if you've not been, I highly recommend you consider it."
"Please enjoy the rest of DapperCon, I wish I could be there with you all in person, but until we are again, please take care and I'll see you all soon."