
Manhood Quotes

There are 427 quotes

"You can't live a life of inauthenticity if there's something that you genuinely feel as a man that you should be doing."
"Man chases freedom. You need freedom in as many areas as possible."
"You're peeling back the onion on the trail of awesomeness of Christian manhood."
"Traditionalists tend to define manhood under the criteria of qualities attributed to masculinity, anatomy, and heterosexuality."
"The glad acceptance of sacrificial responsibility, that is what it truly means to be a man."
"Being a man of your word is the most important trait you could have."
"You see, if I lose my job tomorrow, I'm still a man, as long as I'm responsible, treat my wife correctly, raise my children; that's responsibility."
"Being a man is first and foremost being a good human. That means being responsible, working hard, being kind, respectful, and compassionate."
"At the end of the day, that's what a man should be. You should be a provider for your family."
"You're not a man because you had a lot of birthdays. You're a man because you've been through hell and you stood up against it and kept on going."
"Be a man of God, financially stable, purpose-driven."
"Confidence is the entry point to real manhood."
"What is a man? A man is he says what he does and he does what he says."
"Family is where you go for comfort when the world has beaten you up."
"Give me my props for being a man and doing what a man is supposed to do, provided for my woman, provided for my children."
"He's little, he's not little, he's a man. He's a man."
"What kind of man can you call yourself if you can't carry your own weight?"
"Heal and allow God to reshape and reform your soul as a man."
"To take a man's hope away is to take his manhood away."
"A real man understands that you have obligations to your family and to your community."
"A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."
"He delays gratification for the sake of other people because Adonis understands manhood. He understands what it takes to feel fulfilled, to work on yourself, to make sacrifices, to delay gratification instead of pursuing pleasure."
"A man doesn't stop him knock [__] little broads up willy-nilly, a man cares about his legacy."
"True manhood is not from the waist down, it's from the neck up."
"If you can't stand up and protect which is part of black manhood if we can't do that for it for fear of losing a job for fear of losing a check then we can't go home and go to sleep and feel that we're real men."
"I believe one of the tests of authentic manhood is his willingness, his desire to protect womanhood."
"What makes you a man isn't the ability to conceive a child; it's having the courage to raise one."
"As a man, no one will save you. You gotta save yourself."
"I'm trying to become a man. I might join the Navy."
"Confidence is a foundation from which everything else that man has is built upon."
"Then yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, and what's more, you'll be a man, my son."
"Exploring life is how you ultimately develop confidence as a man."
"You are becoming the man you are meant to be."
"Nothing says manhood like a burner before your 18th birthday."
"It's okay to want to be great. Greatness is built into the DNA of manhood."
"A man who never eats a pork bun is not a real man."
"Exodus 90: prayer, asceticism, fraternity—touches all dimensions of manhood."
"A man is somebody that has principles that he believes in, things that he stands up for, a guy that takes care of his business, takes care of his friends and family."
"Why can't we all get along? And you know I try to talk to you guys a lot about the situations with manhood and law."
"You got to be a man to deal with the consequences of what you did."
"And—which is more—you'll be a Man, my son!"
"Being a man is so important, especially with my sons. We talk about manhood, responsibilities, and accountability."
"Your family needs you to step up to be the man that you can be and that you are meant to be."
"A real man has matured to the point where he can articulate himself and communicate."
"He left such an impression on me to want to be a better man."
"It's not enough of us that's married and faithful and understand manhood and understand what it means to be a real man, to be a good husband, to be a provider."
"It's them basically saying, 'Let's see how far you're progressing towards becoming a man.'"
"I'm a free man like Morgan, seeing manhood in the hoods, a damn good bargain."
"Here's how you become a man: you recognize that you're not a man. When you recognize that and go in for real and at that very moment, your nature starts to change."
"There's more to being a man than just how much money can come out his pocket or his bank account."
"As a man, I want to own myself before I want to own my cars, I want to own my art. I want to own myself."
"Being a man is knowing where you're needed the most, and for you right now, that's here protecting your sister."
"Iro teaches him what it truly means to be a man."
"When you become a real man, you've got that kind of discipline. When you make a decision, that decision leads to discipline."
"A man who can't wish happiness to the girl he loves is not a man, right?"
"A real man takes accountability for his actions period."
"You have the option and the right as a man to tell the truth."
"A real man is that man who stands in front of the loss of a gentleman was every other human being is sleeping."
"The most important thing is for a man to have personal dignity."
"You made me a man for not only myself but for my kids, for you, for my family."
"At the end of the day, nah, 'cause it told me, like, it ain't gonna say it taught me who I am, but it taught me more about being a man and, you know what I'm saying, walking the streets."
"Do I regret joining the gang? At the end of the day, nah, 'cause it told me, like, it ain't gonna say it taught me who I am, but it taught me more about being a man and, you know what I'm saying, walking the streets."
"Manhood is achieved by taking full responsibility for everything that exists in your world... spiritual development and spiritual growth... happens in the context of the life of the church."
"Age does not make you a man, your maturity level does."
"Being a man is about making decisions and being able to deal with the consequences."
"Prison taught me how to be a man, and I mean that by respect and boundaries."
"A real man is a leader. Let me say that again, a real man is a leader."
"A good man accepts full responsibility for his life, no blaming others."
"Once you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, then you have every right as a man just to stand on it and demand none less."
"I preached for more than two hours about manhood and basically gave the dad talk to my men for looking at porno, sleeping with young women, not serving Christ, not working hard at their jobs, and so on."
"Focus on trying to become the man of hers."
"What he may not care really about breaking a woman's heart because if he didn't feel he was wrong in the past and that's just life to him, and that's just what a man is, that's his belief around manhood, then he will break your heart."
"The best thing about being a man is digging things."
"How men held on each one knows, not I, but manhood commands admiration." - Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
"The deepest heart cry of a man is, am I able? Am I adequate?"
"I'm just on this journey to learn man, trying to understand myself and what it means to be a man."
"Manhood is about being honest and true and trustworthy manhood is about integrity."
"...the essence of manhood has always been the same: that courteousness, that self-sacrifice, that respect for the dignity of others, that generosity, that largeness of heart that gentlemen have always represented."
"My dad said the question isn't am I a man, it's what kind of man."
"What makes you a man is not only studying but then getting up and doing what the Bible says."
"Part of the definition of manhood is not simply how much money you make or how many rules you make, but can I make the people in my life feel happy, safe, and secure? And on that, you have failed grossly."
"Being gangster is not being a man."
"He was one of the most perfect types of physical manhood I ever saw."
"Master your manhood and don't allow your emotions to take you way off course."
"He's a man because ten blocks out from the fight his knees give out."
"Manhood is coming in phases and through failures."
"What does it mean for a man to sacrifice?"
"It's just about upgrading your mission, your core, your purpose as a man in this world."
"Being a man is being responsible."
"Your job as a man isn't just to go to school. Exactly, your job growing up, like job was to take out trash, mow the lawn, go do the shopping, the heavy duty things."
"The qualities of manhood include having firm feet and being cool under pressure."
"There comes a time in every man's life where he must realize that he has to man up and become a real man."
"A man got to feel like it's his castle, dog. And if you don't feel that way then it's gonna eat at him."
"Marlon Brando told me: acting, Frank Sinatra taught me how to sing, and Monroe made me a man."
"Being man enough means admitting you're wrong and then grow."
"I think the authenticity of who you are as a man speaks a lot about your character."
"Being independent is what defines manhood, not his size, shape, or anything beyond his control."
"You can't claim 'man' when it's convenient. You got to claim 'man' all the time, and a good man not only financially contributes but contributes to the health of the relationship."
"Courage is necessary to be a man to protect your family Allah says in chapter 4:34 that men are the maintainers and Protectors of the women folk you cannot be courageous you cannot be a man unless you're courageous."
"In order to be a man, you need an image of a man in front of you. You need a picture, a right picture of what a man really is, and you can't have that apart from studying Jesus."
"...what's the one common denominator? The difference between 'I was a boy' and 'Now I'm a man'? And I don't think it's external. I think it's internal. I think the first mark of a man is very, very simple."
"...to be a man, ultimately, is to take responsibility."
"It takes a real man with understanding, patience, and a lot of character."
"God created man first because he would be the one God would be looking to first. Abraham is now in the vicinity of Sodom and Gomorrah, a decaying culture as you and I are living in today, a decaying culture for all three of the same reasons, and he gives him three things."
"Greatness is built into the DNA of manhood. The problem is, they don't want to win God's way; they want to win their way."
"The first thing about manhood is honesty and truth."
"Being a man to me now means having integrity and being consistent in my character."
"I'm old school when it comes to being a man like I think it's my job to provide for me family you do Shock Me."
"The responsibility that you take on will turn you into a man."
"That's what being a man is, right? Being a man is about taking the trauma which happens to you and internalizing it and using it in a way to build yourself into a stronger, more powerful man."
"That's part of being a man bro it's like you you moving with intention."
"In all well, not in all, but in many cultures initiation into manhood consists precisely in finding that out."
"A man who has no pride or interest in his family is no man at all."
"The biblical structure for manhood is very humble, it's self-sacrifice not self-motivated but it is motivated by principle and standing on what's right."
"Manhood is defined by compassion and courage at the same time."
"Courage and compassion define true manhood."
"Don't you want to stand up like a man among men?"
"You're not a cub, you're not a bear, you're not an animal. All the things you did to help Zach, you were showing the very best part of being a real man."
"It is in your best interest as a man to build yourself."
"Football taught me how to be a man."
"What a man. Genuinely, what a man."
"I'm sick of these bums who just don't want to grow up or be men. Act like a [ __ ] man."
"Discipline nurtures, and it makes the kid a real man."
"Having the love of my wife is what made me feel like a man."
"You help us be the best men we can be."
"If you make that child, you're a man. You gotta act like one."
"Real men take seriously... generational legacy matters."
"Man tries to face things as they come. You were facing it like a man."
"There is no sense in me trying to be a man. There is sense for me in my life to try to be a good man."
"To be a high value man, you must have purpose."
"Your physical strength is extremely important as a man."
"Real men are concerned with what's going on in the community."
"Being a man has nothing to do with age."
"There are a few times in my life that have defined me as a man."
"As a man, you're always paying your dues. Always. That never stops. Never stops."
"The Bible says, show yourself to be a man by keeping the Commandments."
"Take care of your wife, take care of your children, and be a man, amen."
"Be strong, therefore, and prove yourself a man."
"Doing what is right, not what is easy, is what makes a man."
"The weight of manhood is not too much for me to bear."
"Part of being a man is you don't have to be right, you just have to be growing."
"The greater you are at managing yourself, the more you are of a man."
"Part of manhood is being able to protect self, and then after you gain that protection from self, you can protect others."
"Being a man, you have to be working on yourself at all times."
"Until you become sacrificial, when it's not about you, then you're showing another level of manhood."
"As a man, you're making a commitment to somebody you should be holding to those commitments. That's what being a man is about."
"At some point, you need to make your own way as a man."
"I think a real man is someone who is willing to sacrifice for those he loves."
"A real man is someone who is able to put himself behind others and lift up others."
"I'm gonna do my part and do everything I can to help encourage you to become a man that you can be proud of."
"It's just about a man being the best version of himself."
"Are you giving more than you're taking? That's a man. A man gives more than he takes."
"It's not a burden, it's just something you do as a man, you accept that and take care of it."
"Let us praise His greatness, for he has prepared us and made us into men."
"You need the heart of a mother to bring out the boy in a man."
"You just have to be a man of value."
"You're male by birth, you're a man by choice."
"Money doesn't make a man, but a man should make money."
"It's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's okay."
"The signal of worthy manhood is self-control."
"I think going into your manhood, you start developing your principles of how you live your life, your morals and stuff like that."
"Manhood is the value of what we bring to the table."
"Before I want you to become a good husband, I want you to be a good man."
"A man ain't a man if he don't grow."
"Manhood means you've got to accept responsibility."
"It is now our turn to prove our worth as men."
"A man comes with responsibilities."
"As a man, your focus should never be enjoyment, your focus should be legacy."
"It showed what type of father you were but just also the type of man."
"If you build yourself up as a man, then the confidence will be natural."
"You are a man, it's not always your fault, but it's always your responsibility."
"Being emotionally and physically present for my family is my definition of being a man."
"What makes a man is not the distance between the bottom of his toes and the top of his scalp; what makes a man is what's in there."
"The initiation of the boy into manhood was deemed absolutely necessary for cultural survival and for personal spirituality."
"I'm a man before anything, and I'm never going to change the person I am."
"What makes you a man is being responsible for other people, being responsible for other things."
"If men will by the grace of God step into manhood, and they will see women as needed and necessary... then families thrive."
"You have to be constantly growing as a man."
"This ain't got nothing to do with no street stuff, this is being a man, this is being real at the end of the day."
"If you can take care of children, you are even more of a man than to just leave it up to a woman."
"We applaud the fathers, man. Come on, that's a real man right there."
"As a man, you make promises, and I am a man and keep their promises."
"It takes a real man to apologize when he is wrong."
"You got to learn how to love better, learn how to be a better man."
"You become a man when you take full responsibility for your life."
"I don't let none of those things prohibit me from being a man."
"In the life of a man, there are times and there are seasons."
"Being needed is everything to a man."
"Someone who looks after his family, that's a real man."
"Men make choice, men take responsibility."
"The point of being a man is not what can I get, but what can I give."
"It takes more than broad shoulders to make a man."
"I'm excited because this is what shaped me as a man."
"As a man, you have to decide what path you want to walk in life."
"You have to be a stand-up dude, you got to be able to look yourself in the mirror and your family, your loved ones, your woman, and your kids respect you as a man."
"The most essential thing is for a man to have dignity."
"It's not about his position, it's about him as a man."
"Every single young man needs to have this moment... to take control of his destiny in a moment. This is the path to true manhood."
"I spent my life trying to be an example of what a man should be."
"We are men, aren't we? And men never betray each other."