
Arrival Quotes

There are 1901 quotes

"Kazuto receives a mysterious package. In it, he finds Alice naked and in bubble wrap."
"Suddenly, the doors cast aside and in comes an ecstatic Arya, who proclaims that their time had come."
"I've been running around like a chicken without his head, guys. I'm here, I'm here finally. Alright, guys, good to see you."
"Guess what, darling? I've arrived. I am here."
"It feels like about time. I've been here all along, you know? I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting, but I'm here now."
"He's arrived to the play, knock knock, doors, he's arrived."
"We have just landed at ABC airport, the outside temperature is 25 degrees centigrade, 77 Fahrenheit."
"It's that moment when you unlock the door, hit the garage door open or whatever it is and you come inside and it's like ah yes I'm home."
"On December the 21st, Masaric arrived to vast crowds."
"True love is coming into your life, whether it's a strengthening of your relationship or meeting your true love."
"Larry, I'm on my way! I'll be there in 20 seconds!"
"The best leggings of your life and they're finally here."
"It's been a long time coming, but we finally arrived at the last well-known floor guarding within a Zurich."
"She was meant to be, and it took something to get her here, but she's here now."
"I'm long overdue but at least it's finally here."
"Proud to announce I have arrived with the Z fa Soul."
"European football, Bordeaux has arrived finally."
"Reinforcements is on their way baby just know this it's on this way."
"The hard part is over, you're here, you made it. You're awesome. It's valiant, it's beautiful, it's love."
"The bus has arrived at the foot of the mountains."
"I was like, 'Damn, I have arrived. I am here.'"
"It's good to be on the right side. Also, I'm coming."
"Meanwhile all right guys so the boys finally got here."
"It's just about 30 minutes from now we should see our new crew arrive at the space station."
"After all was said and done, Frieza sent his ship to Earth to discuss something."
"Our arrival is nigh and with it the Stars you will resist when you do."
"Breakthrough is not coming, breakthrough is here!"
"I am here, the glow up of the century has arrived."
"Welcome to the Air Force because your boy is freakin arrived!"
"That's what meant the most, is when they came."
"Army of guards that welcomed me every time I came back home."
"Commander Nathaniel Taylor greets them, and he congratulates everyone for arriving safely."
"Less than 24 hours after arriving on the scene."
"Sorry to have kept you waiting, but of course here we are."
"What a long trip, but I'm glad to be here." - Jason Belmonte
"They're coming here aware, tapped in with all of their gifts."
"This stability really wants to come in for you."
"Few sporting competitions could have such a beautiful arena."
"Before he can try anything else, a carriage rolls up outside bearing the flags of the night Edge."
"Just to reassure you that you've arrived somewhere."
"For unto us a child is born, a Son is given."
"This is it, this is having back of our place right here!" - Capturing the excitement of arriving at a destination.
"The eagle has landed they're here and let's just hope that we get positives from it."
"No more waiting around, the ship is here, it is here!"
"I just got here, so fast, take my time, just enjoy the ride."
"Did you see that? The Super Wings are here. Things are looking up."
"When he arrives at the facility, he's shocked by what he sees."
"Cleaver, it's your brother worthy, are on his way."
"It's reported that none of her family was at the airport in Georgia when she arrived."
"You've been waiting for this, your ships are coming in."
"Emotional fulfillment is coming your way."
"Horns, horns, horns. In dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the north wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last."
"This is Manchester, and we've arrived."
"I'm so excited for my dresser to come in."
"Yay, another person's on their way here!"
"The time has finally arrived, I am so excited."
"Hayate is full of smiles as he and Nagi arrive together at Haku Academy."
"Love yourself more and what you want is going to come in for you."
"I'm officially in the United States, yay! Spent about a day in Canada."
"There is love on the way, there is a drench of love that's coming in for you."
"Every time you come to town, you bring something cool."
"Welcome to Mordor, population: lots, I guess."
"Loyalty, somebody's coming in loyal."
"Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; God is the Lord, and hath showed us light."
"Someone with all these qualities has come along or is coming along."
"We're finally getting the cutest baby!"
"You have just arrived, you have spread like the spring."
"We just got off the train, we're in Medina, and you just get that feeling of excitement when you arrive anywhere."
"We are witnessing the arrival of a massive talent."
"I honestly cannot believe that we are finally here."
"By the time you wake up, I think we'll arrive at our destination."
"The ship had actually arrived in a period of some national turmoil."
"After walking inside for a while, Sofia disclosed that they had arrived."
"The time will come when with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door in your own mirror."
"The bat swarm is not just a method of escape, it's a message, a signal of his arrival in Gotham."
"This person's on their way to you."
"When it lands, people know that Breeze has arrived."
"Arriving to Porto Montt was a surreal feeling; large buildings and industrial shipping ports replaced the sea of green mountains we were used to."
"Her face brightens when Belle informs her that items from the temple have arrived."
"Finally, the reinforcements have arrived"
"Alyssa along with Marian Olivia arrive at the scene with a bright smile."
"Just touched down, big daddy's home."
"Yo yo hey what's up yo there is no one here we made it."
"Isabella's first sight of England was on the 7th of February when their ship finally landed at Dover to everyone's horror."
"When Google Maps estimates that you will get at your destination in 30 minutes, but you get there in 29 minutes and 12 seconds."
"We're at Hanza and the door just buzzed."
"Oh my gosh, they're happy to see you boy, you're here finally."
"Someone is coming at the right time, exactly when you will need them."
"They had all heard it, wheels crunching on the gravel."
"I can't disagree when she arrived."
"spring is like it's here we're in the spring"
"The Divas are coming the Divas are coming the Divas are coming."
"But then, right before the giant crushes the ships, Shanks and Luffy appear."
"I come like the Mystic to throw myself on the hospitality of the British people."
"We have finally made it to Windermere."
"He is coming from a specific area, but will show up out of nowhere."
"Love is coming into your life, even though it's very cryptic."
"We shall be there waiting for him when he arrives."
"Man's first arrival but not Cybertronians."
"All I had to wait for it to come through."
"We are awaited in Stovokor. Let the thunder of our guns announce our arrival."
"The stars have aligned, the opportunity has arrived."
"We made it, guys! We made it to the hotel, that's the Monaco, I think, on the right over there somewhere."
"Land ho boys. Land ho boys we made it."
"The greatest of all time is here."
"It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here."
"I'm just so excited for her to be here."
"Coming around the bend, there he goes."
"Zack, Trini, and Billy arrive in the destroyed world of Draken to the coordinates of the Coinless."
"I'm so happy you made it here, I'm so, dude."
"He who is coming will come and will not delay."
"I can't believe she's finally here."
"I might have them come down here in a second"
"We're finally here. Oh my gosh, we made it."
"When he comes, he comes to his people, he comes in his glory, he comes in his power."
"You're about to get mommy and daddy. You don't have a few."
"Guys, we're here. We're parked in front of the Ice House, and I'm gonna see who's home."
"Their hopes had arrived as the White Mage Lloyd reached just in time."
"Kai Havertz, my friends, has arrived."
"Our baby girl, she's finally here."
"He's here he's here he's here everybody."
"here comes the flatbed to take the car back"
"Excuse me, is this McCullough residence?"
"I got to their house on a Monday afternoon after school."
"When we got that message, we had no idea when they would arrive, or more importantly, what they would do when they arrived."
"The blessing for the whole world had finally come."
"Gandalf appeared like a savior descending from the heavens."
"The first light of dawn broke over the horizon as we reached the shore."
"I came as soon as I heard, all the way from London."
"The waiting is over, the moment has arrived."
"Home sweet home," she said joyously as she arrived.
"You arrive precisely when you mean to."
"The others can't hold the guardian off, but that's when beta and the others have arrived."
"Something's coming my way, it's coming my way right now."
"By the time I made it down there in the Malibu, the place was already starting to fill up."
"I'm ordering a cab, and then he said, 'Hey, everybody come to the window,' and everybody went to the window, and they looked out the window and the cab was there."
"Not all Western airports have such austere arrival concourses as does Heathrow."
"I guess we should get going now. We can't wait to meet your new baby."
"All right, Chris from aimless Adventures has arrived."
"Running footsteps announced the arrival of Principal Harris."
"We've reached our final destination."
"The moment we've been waiting for has arrived."
"Approximately 1,000 BNB, the odds Satsuki arrives."
"The feeling of having arrived is subjective for different people, for some people it's their successes, but for me, the feeling of arriving is to arrive at a place where I have finally given myself the permission to be my authentic self."
"What do you think? We have arrived in Greece. Oh my gosh, I cannot believe this. You guys, this boat is ours for the evening, and I am so excited."
"The nearer I approached to your habitation, the more deeply did I feel the spirit of revenge enkindled in my heart."
"Saturn, I'm in the yard. My new signs have arrived."
"Sang Pitt somehow made it to the law firm's office."
"As the first hinge of dawn read in the sea, a small boat with a solitary occupant approached the cliffs."
"It's gonna be really shocking how this person comes into your life."
"I came as soon as I could thank God"
"Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day at dawn, look to the east."
"The TT is imminent. It's upon us."
"That picture was taken just moments before Carrie knocked on their door."
"Let me know when you land downtown."
"I loved 'Arrival' so much, it is now definitely one of my favorite Sci-Fi movies."
"Well, I can't tell you how long it has been coming."
"USS North Carolina emerged from the horizon, slicing through the waves with determination."
"Money isn't coming, money has arrived."
"Goku and Raditz arrive on the planet, they can immediately sense the immense powers wrestling with each other on the other side."
"Your timing couldn't be better, here comes the day queen now."
"Where's coming? Are you gonna wiggle her in?"
"Stability arrived in the form of David Moyes."
"Normandy's Reign cruising into New York over two hours earlier than the friendship's fastest time."
"I got here last Wednesday, feeling pretty good."
"Well, I just got in town a few minutes ago."
"Is love like the snow does it arrive silently with no Fanfare?"
"A boom resounds in Warrior Hill as yuffa arrives."
"What's up, bro? You made it to the party. Let's go."
"Safety after arriving at the room 202."
"Finally, you're here. Alhamdulillah."
"Oh my gosh, it's the monkeys! Well, everyone, our Uber has arrived."
"When we finally reach that point when he shows up before he has impeccable timing."
"Pulling into the gravel lot felt like stepping back in time, a hulking figure emerged from the garage's shadowed interior."
"The place goes batshit and here comes the Rock."
"When this person comes in, it will be quite sudden."
"We just made it to the house and Maddy's opening the door for us."
"Enjoy what this incredible thing is as it arrives for you."
"There's something happening now, something very immediate that you have been manifesting is about to arrive."
"Just like that we have arrived here to Homewood Suites by Hilton here at Flamingo Crossings Town Center."
"The kingdom of God has arrived because you walked in there."
"I am definitely the first person here."
"All we need to worry about is the baby getting here."
"Finally! Something shows up to the party!"
"The kingdom had come because the king had come."
"Praise the Sun 'cause Escanor has finally arrived to take his seat."
"Welcome to our sisters, the swallows, who carry spring to us each year on slender wings."
"When he comes is the time his majesty arrived."
"Kid arriving at Elba first, coming in with aggressive intent."
"We're finally back home, clocking in at 3:35 p.m."
"He gave his ticket to the attendant and he got here...he finally gets to his seat and he sits out."
"I thought I was getting towed, but we're here."
"In order to arrive at what you do not know, you must go by a way which is the way of ignorance."
"I parked on the gravel driveway and went up to the door putting in the code and going inside the house."
"It's site number 11. Just got here like Buena Vista."
"Guys, I have finally arrived in Thailand."
"It's better to travel hopefully than to arrive," wrote Robert Louis Stevenson in the nineteenth century.
"Here we go, entrance to Arcadia, baby!"
"We have arrived at the ocean terminal where Iona is looking beautiful, glistening in the sun."
"He walks in like Julia's [__] season."