
Economic Issues Quotes

There are 445 quotes

"The cost of living and the prices of these things are pretty high."
"The real issue here is that people can't afford to retire."
"Right now, we are seeing a literally unprecedented level of corporate greed in this country."
"The level of debt our citizens are going into...with $280,000 in debt at enormously high interest rates, and the piece of paper's not getting them a good job anymore. I mean, it's really bad in America."
"I don't think inequality is our biggest problem; I think our biggest problem is stagnation."
"All of the underlying metrics of economic anxiety were still there, like the jobs being outsourced, the collapse of the manufacturing industry, underemployment, the fact that most Americans can't afford an emergency of $300, the medical debt."
"Housing affordability has started to crater."
"China has a problem: its groceries are too cheap."
"Economic freedom and personal freedom are still freedom."
"We have a problem of too much debt in this country."
"Until we have a real honest conversation about racism and there is money behind it, because at the end of the day, this is an economic issue, we're never going to make a change."
"When wealth gets too concentrated, when you got 150% turnover rates, high accident rates, you're going to have to have a media to vent your grievances."
"The biggest problem that we have in the United States right now is not a historic wealth gap; the biggest problem we have is an income gap in the United States."
"Slavery today has gone from ball-and-chain slavery to economic slavery and also psychological slavery."
"The cost of college has gotten completely out of line with the salaries that you would expect to earn."
"It is not immigrants that are causing economic problems around the country. It's the fact that technology is pushing our economy to a point where more and more Americans have trouble getting by."
"The national debt is a problem we need to deal with."
"No one should work as millions are doing today, 40 hours a week at a job and still live below the poverty line."
"Our job is to understand people are going to have different views, but on a lot of these economic issues, I am optimistic that we can bring people together."
"The world has too much debt and not enough growth to cover the debt."
"I don't think it matters who's in office when the economy is bad, all that matters is the economy is bad."
"The pay gap will take over a hundred years to close."
"Abortion is an economic issue. Having it, yes, how many mouths you have to feed at your kitchen table is a kitchen table issue."
"Americans paying more and more for everything with each passing month. No, this is more than transitory inflation."
"The next step beyond all of the supply chain issues could be a pretty bad recession."
"When a country introduces special wartime measures and economic controls, it usually means that things are not going to plan."
"Even though it may sound silly to some, this is turning into a serious problem for the future of China's economy and the communist government."
"Cost of living allowance was a massive issue."
"Productivity is a hot topic on the island, particularly in recent years."
"American families are paying substantially more for everyday products... Inflation is a tax on us all, especially our working class and those on fixed incomes."
"People no longer care about economic issues, they care about politics."
"Economic inequality leads to serious economic instability."
"Your silver has become draw your US dollar is so inflated you can't afford to buy baby powder."
"These threats include ballooning debt, demographic time bombs, climate disasters, and geopolitical explosions."
"Shortages, inflation, shrinkflation, it's all still getting worse."
"The house is on fire and the fire is called inflation."
"A comprehensive collapse of the middle class."
"This is an absolute controlled demolition of our society, economy, way of life."
"The serious lack of new affordable housing has enabled landlords to charge higher rents."
"Insurance and property tax increases are pricing people out of their homes."
"Gas prices are through the roof, that's just how Biden wants it."
"We can't talk about the middle class disappearing and why jobs suddenly suck now without talking about losing the power to make sure that they don't."
"We have to get the fuel price down. Once that fuel price comes down, a lot of other things are going to happen."
"High inflation is on the verge of bankrupting American families, our economy is breaking in half, a typical American Family can't afford to buy a house in 99% of US counties."
"We are near the end of this whole system and it is going to collapse and implode." Lynette Zhang
"We're watching in real-time an unraveling of the global economy."
"I care about high gas prices because it affects everybody."
"Sustainability is going to be the longer-term issue for the economy."
"What a problem to have, people raining money."
"Here's the reality: your gas prices are extremely high right now."
"Real wages in the United States are falling, that the United States like Britain like other countries in the West is now experiencing a cost of living crisis."
"The American Dream is becoming harder to achieve."
"We're looking at over 30 million people who in the last several months had to file for unemployment."
"Inflation forces over half of Americans to consider second jobs as real wages fall."
"And that's what's going on here in the United States. We're focusing on people aren't working hard enough. They're not doing this. They're not doing that. When really the problem is that there aren't enough chairs in the game."
"The biggest victims of all this are normal people who simply wanted greater financial independence and ended up getting essentially scammed."
"The economy is in shambles... gas prices are skyrocketing, world war three is looming."
"Prescription drug prices in this country... they're way too high."
"Debt, the horrible debt that we have right now, is an enemy. It's an insidious cancer that's eating our country from the inside out, and we have to stop it now."
"Wage theft is literally over 100 times larger in the amount of money than robbery."
"Sleepy Joe Biden is the living embodiment of the corrupt political class that enriched itself while draining the economic life and soul from our country."
"Now chips aren't available even with additional money; speculation in the chip market is widespread and the price of some products has increased five times."
"It's actually a problem for business everywhere."
"The number one issue I'm talking about are jobs, economic development. That's how you grow."
"Food has gone up 40% in the last two years, bro!"
"Why do just four companies control eighty percent of the US meat industry? Because big food crushes the little guy."
"We will not get to a place of true economic progress in this country until we start to see social class as the identity that it is."
"The gender pay Gap should be zero. It is not zero."
"The CCP regime has already spent and wasted almost all of China's wealth over the past few years."
"The response... was at the right time... there's a shortage of workers and there's a shortage of a place to live..."
"We need to save our economy and stop the inflation crippling American families."
"Part of what we have to do is really understand the economic frustration that people have right now."
"The nightmare of racial discrimination goes hand in hand with economic discrimination."
"Gas prices skyrocketing and we just sit back and we're like well you reap what you sow like you voted for this congratulations I guess." - Unknown
"This nation is borrowing money from China to stay alive."
"Fast food restaurants are advertising $25 an hour... inflation is hitting harder and harder."
"People want jobs, people want better healthcare, across the board premiums are too damn high."
"It's not about 30 pesos; it's about 30 years."
"People cannot live on the salaries that they have right now."
"What causes inflation? Everyone's very upset about inflation in the United States."
"The approval ratings figures are showing exactly that - disapproval of the economy, above all."
"We need political leaders able to connect people's existing economic sufferings with political failures of the past."
"Strategy from Biden for the left to know that the gas prices being lower got the average voter to say I'm cool."
"The economy was suffering the political Elite was dying out and Corruption was eating away at Society while the people were going hungry."
"If you have too much competitive consumption you get really bad social outcomes."
"Domestic price inflation continues to rise around the world."
"Inflation is not an act of God, like a drought or hurricane, it is like drunk driving."
"So people are suffering or things are difficult housing costs are high uh money does not go as far as people want it to go but then there lie therein lies the debate on the policies of the future to try to ameliorate and correct that."
"For a young person to be out of work, it is very damaging."
"Nigeria is so poor that these guys have made Nigeria so poor that it will break your heart, it should break your heart."
"China's taxation problem is not even just a singular matter; it is a multi-layered issue driven by a complex web of factors."
"There's a shortage of workers, we can't get enough workers."
"Debt, debt, debt, on top of that, on top of that, it's been piling up."
"American economy is not working for workers."
"Prices rose in November compared to a year ago by almost seven percent, that's the highest annual inflation jump since June of 1982."
"If your doctor had to raise their salary, you know, like no, no, I want them to focus on medicine."
"Price inflation is usually where people start to care more about it because it's when it's actually impacting the prices that you pay for goods."
"California is incredibly expensive. It's become unaffordable."
"It's not just about lumber and supply chain. Did you get a 7% pay raise this year?"
"Russia had inherited a weak and bankrupt state."
"Stagnant wages, housing affordability, and rising debt levels paint a grim picture."
"The problem of the modern economy is a failure of a knowledge of history."
"This is just so bad, it tells you that like you're literally seeing this inflation broaden out to everything. This is really bad."
"The bigger issue for our economy right now is not that there's too much money or that the money doesn't get the hugest return on investment and all of the places that it goes. But that it needs to be there."
"There's not a single place in America where someone working a minimum wage can afford a one-bedroom apartment."
"Canadians can't afford to drive the cars or heat their homes but that doesn't matter to this NDP liberal Government."
"We need to lower costs... housing costs, energy costs, child care costs."
"International Trade had broken down completely."
"The middle class is struggling." - Robert Reich
"The problem of advanced capitalism isn't production, it's overproduction."
"Housing is becoming extremely expensive, which is making it very difficult for all people."
"Recent reports have found that less than 30% of American workers are on track to retire at all, and even fewer think they will have a comfortable retirement and they might be right."
"Is it really a regulatory issue or is it a market issue?"
"Only a labor shortage because they're not paying enough."
"Inflation is wildly out of control right now. I mean, we're talking 40-year highs in inflation."
"We're facing a trifecta of macroimbalances today: the debt to GDP problem of the 1940s, the inflation problem of the 70s, and the speculative environment of the late 90s."
"My conservatism has tended to be more on cultural issues and less on economic issues."
"China continues to be on the edge of an economic cataclysm."
"No matter where you go across America, no matter who you talk to, one of the biggest issues is the economy and jobs."
"The fact that people have to make a choice between rent food and medication is just wrong."
"Inflation remains a problem and the recession risk is still here."
"Democrats win elections when we show we understand the painful economic realities facing American families."
"Money will not make you happy, but not having money will make you miserable."
"China's stock market is collapsing... China's economy is clearly not doing well."
"The financial system is in real trouble. A lot of people who don't want to be thinking about money need to be thinking about money."
"We are experiencing the highest inflation in 40 years. The average American household is suffering under $5,000 reduced purchasing power."
"Republicans want this election to be about... cost of living, gas prices, things like that."
"Inflation is a regressive tax, it affects the working class much worse."
"The cracks in our economy are starting to show up everywhere."
"I think Trump could do better in 2024 based off of what we're seeing with inflation with what's going on at the border potential Suburban reversion."
"Chinese ghost cities raise concerns about the sustainability of development practices, potential economic repercussions, and the long-term viability of these large-scale projects."
"The Democrats are trying to fault him for the collapse of the economy."
"Inflation is the highest we've seen since 1982. It's only a matter of time before the House of Cards comes crashing down."
"All symptoms of broken international supply chains."
"Inflation fears is still real even cpi data shows it's real and pow and janet yellen both says it's real."
"What we should care about is not just inequality, but economic growth, real wage growth, poverty, and concentrations of power." - David Sacks
"The politicization of interest rates is in itself the problem."
"Inflation is here. This is truly the most important story."
"For a mall to be left abandoned for that long is extremely rare."
"One of the great tragedies...is that for working class people...wages in this country have been stagnant for decades."
"The racial wealth gap is real and it's growing."
"Inflation won't go away until we fix supply chain shortages."
"If the federal government can't fix the shortage, it could result in benefit cuts up to 24% for retirees beginning in 2023."
"This isn't about people not being able to budget properly. This isn't about people making bad decisions. This is about the government just tanking everything."
"The collapse of the British economy... has resulted in the collapse of his political position."
"Whatever you think of all this, the wealth gap is growing."
"The cost of living in the United States has skyrocketed over the past few decades, putting a strain on the wallets of many Americans."
"It is the cost of living skyrocketing, it is greedy landlords and landowners selling out to corporate real estate companies."
"This is really important and it's about so much more than inflation."
"We absolutely have a major problem in our economy today."
"Food shortages are real my friends, we have this story from the Wall Street Journal: fertilizer prices surge as Ukraine war cuts supply, leaving farmers shocked."
"I applaud Ice Cube for really trying to further the conversation about the needs and economical issues that black people in America face."
"Gold is near an all-time high... I thought it would be approaching 2500 with all of the problems we have in the world."
"Europe just keeps looking like more and more of a mess." (Repeated for emphasis)
"The current economic situation needs fixing not just for its national leaderboard rankings but to improve the lives of its citizens."
"The NCAA will tell a kid your mama and daddy's lights and water gotta just be turned off because this $3500 that you're about to make from signing your own damn name is illegal."
"75 percent of middle-class Americans say their earnings are falling behind the cost of living."
"When these burst it's going to unleash an enormous amount of anger. People will feel like they were played by the system that they had intended to upend."
"If the dollar loses its supremacy it is much more likely to be a symptom of our problem than a cause of our problems."
"That is not stability, and nobody wants to participate in a market that has unstable pricing, so it's broken."
"We're in this pickle largely because of excessive intervention at the government level."
"Reckless spending which devalues our dollar, um is one of them."
"We are talking about huge, huge increases in people's energy bills over in Europe now."
"If the 401k stop working and stuff like this."
"This is a mess right, I mean this is a basic financial crisis 2.0 if you will."
"This entire nexus of market failure is designed for each of the players to extract as much money as they can, and the public gets screwed."
"Letting workers in is the easy win; it solves a bunch of problems because we have a labor shortage and inflation."
"The failure to answer the fundamental question about how much money there is in existence is an admission that there's way more money in existence than acknowledged."
"That mass extinction of small businesses in the U.S. that were clinging on mostly by the desire of the entrepreneur to make it work."
"Currently there is 1.6 trillion dollars of student loan debt outstanding in America."
"Now we got a serious problem which is problem number two: nobody's making any money doing their job right now."
"One of the great sadnesses of all this is that this is coming at a time when we already see shortages, supply chain snafus, and rising prices."
"The most urgent problem facing the American people was COVID-19 and the economic displacement."
"40% of Americans lack $400 for emergencies, while 70% have less than $1,000 in savings."
"You can't obsess over woke concerns and also fight crime or inflation."
"The situation is getting worse, it's not getting better."
"What's cool about the black economic genocide? How y'all gonna act like you serious about a reparations conversation when every time you get a dollar bill, you're telling each other to give the dollar bills away?"
"The vast majority of the workers earning less than $15 an hour are not teenagers, 89% are 20 or older."
"Abandoned because there were no goods to sell. It's that age-old problem that we've had quite a few times in our city."
"Self-sovereignty over your own money is actually becoming a more important issue. It certainly does."
"Gas prices hit five dollar national average after rapid rise."
"The big problem in America is called "excess capacity" - when your ability to make is greater than what you can profitably sell."
"These are not just issues we talk about, it's people being able to afford the milk and put on their table."
"The problem is the lag and I think they're beginning to see that right now but there'll still be a lot of pain ahead because the damage is already done from the hikes that they've done."
"Where we are right now with inflation is unacceptable but we expect this to be temporary..."
"It's the economy stupid and they're not paying attention."
"When someone can't buy gas when there is no gas when there is no food they are going to vote for anything other than Democrats."
"We're here not just to talk about economic issues, we're here to talk about racial and social justice."
"California's tax burden: pushing away businesses and wealthy individuals."
"Inflation is a very serious subject. You can argue it's the way democracies die."
"It's about money, it's about politics, but nonetheless it's an existential threat for the United States for Haitians to be able to decide their own future."
"The situation in China is indeed bad as they face a liquidity trap."
"The financial crisis plaguing the Chinese government is not only a snapshot of China's distorted economic growth but also a cumulative result of its longstanding structural economic problems."
"Wages across the economy in the lower third of the economy have been artificially suppressed for way too long."
"People are upset... they're worried about a lot of economic issues."
"Never in a million years would I ever think that would replace the vast systemic multi-trillion dollar debt that is owed to black people for reparations."
"I hope you always know what a special place you have in the hearts of so many people."
"Hyperinflation, taxation, migration, frustration, manifestation, irritation—all of it's happening."
"Long-term stagnation in rates of economic growth comes from massive concentration and centralization within the economy."
"The purpose of a job is supposed to pay for you to be able to afford to live and that's just not the case anymore."