
Cost Of Living Quotes

There are 595 quotes

"The cost of living and the prices of these things are pretty high."
"We live in a system that requires people to desire to want more, and since the cost of living is so astronomically high, people work more hours for less pay."
"The fact that people are marching in every country on cost of living should become a deeper question: the right to live."
"We live in a time of dwindling pensions, insufficient social security, and rising costs of living."
"It helps provide a more livable wage in a time when things are getting more and more expensive."
"Most of us are barely maintaining our living standards; the cost of living has become incredibly oppressive."
"The cost of living in America today is just not enough to cover the cost of healthcare, college, and purchasing a home."
"The cost of living is just going up, and wages aren't going up."
"Cardi B is furious about how expensive everything has gotten. 'How are people surviving? I want to know.'"
"I can see the opportunities of cheaper food, clothing, and footwear, helping most of all those with lower incomes."
"Life is not cheap, and the good life costs even more."
"The cost of living goes down and his standard of living goes up."
"It is becoming way too expensive just to have a place to live and eat and make love."
"I've cut back on eating because I literally cannot afford food."
"Making $100,000 in New York versus $100,000... it depends on where you live."
"Cost of living allowance was a massive issue."
"The vast majority of Americans care much more about their pocketbooks than about the fact they're paying hundreds of dollars more per month every month now thanks to Joe Biden."
"California is one of the states with the highest taxes in all of America, it's also one of the most expensive places to live."
"Life wouldn't be as expensive, so it'd be easier to get by."
"Soon things might start to get just a little bit more expensive."
"I don't have enough money to pay for gas every day so this is crazy gas prices soaring 50 percent beef prices up 20 percent."
"There's nothing like a world-class city on the beach but cheap living - are you kidding me?"
"It's kind of amazing that people pay so much to live here now, you know? Because again, the quality of life goes down and the cost goes up. It's kind of the model of modern capitalism right there."
"Real wages in the United States are falling, that the United States like Britain like other countries in the West is now experiencing a cost of living crisis."
"Despite prices going up in both countries, I still think that it remains true that it's a much lower cost of living here overall."
"Especially as we head into election cycles, American, Germans, Brits, and others are going to be paying close attention to how much it costs to buy eggs and to fill their car."
"We're likely to see the cost of goods rising significantly... inflationary."
"Two million will just afford you three rooms in YouTube land."
"London, one of the most expensive cities in the world."
"I feel like everything is so expensive nowadays."
"So people are suffering or things are difficult housing costs are high uh money does not go as far as people want it to go but then there lie therein lies the debate on the policies of the future to try to ameliorate and correct that."
"The moment and the biggest challenge is inflation. It is the economy, it is the cost of living crisis."
"California is incredibly expensive. It's become unaffordable."
"Canadians can't afford to drive the cars or heat their homes but that doesn't matter to this NDP liberal Government."
"We need to lower costs... housing costs, energy costs, child care costs."
"You need to be making damn near half a million dollars to have a couple of kids now. It ain't like it was when we were growing up."
"Georgia is by far one of the most underrated countries, especially due to the extremely low cost of food."
"Let's tie the minimum wage to the cost of living, so that it finally becomes a wage you can live on."
"If we really do see Falls in our income of seven percent... that's what we mean by a cost of living crisis."
"The cost of living is half when it comes to other major cities."
"The biggest reason seems to be housing costs."
"Republicans want this election to be about... cost of living, gas prices, things like that."
"Nepal offers a unique blend of serenity and affordability."
"Georgia stands out for its blend of affordability and safety."
"Indonesia offers an affordable lifestyle that's especially appealing outside its main tourist hubs."
"The truly inflationary move hasn't come yet. It'll come after bread is five dollars, milk is ten dollars."
"Wages have been stagnant and the price of basic middle-class goods like housing and healthcare have gone through the roof."
"Liz Truss set to unveil a hundred billion pounds cost of living rescue package."
"Right now, European governments are trying to alleviate the pressures on households and small businesses of the cost-of-living crisis."
"Name a family expense that increases with each child."
"The cost of living in the United States has skyrocketed over the past few decades, putting a strain on the wallets of many Americans."
"It is the cost of living skyrocketing, it is greedy landlords and landowners selling out to corporate real estate companies."
"Inflation's moderate? It's almost impossible to live."
"Things might be a bit more expensive, but they will be much more resilient."
"My brain is so big I can't even afford the rent in San Francisco."
"75 percent of middle-class Americans say their earnings are falling behind the cost of living."
"As housing, education, childcare, and food prices continue to climb, many Americans are struggling to make ends meet."
"Reducing the cost of living and increasing wages can address inequality."
"It's definitely less expensive than being down in the keys or anywhere else on the coast."
"We're definitely in the age of austerity, the cost of living situation is only going to get worse."
"Since 1971, the amount of money you're making has pretty much stayed flat while the price of everything has gone up."
"Everything is overpriced, it's very expensive to live here."
"What about the prices where you live? Are they going up?"
"$2,000 a month, that's like, people's rent money!"
"The purpose of a job is supposed to pay for you to be able to afford to live and that's just not the case anymore."
"India is 7 to 10 times cheaper than Europe and America."
"For people, it's not the millionaires that suffer, it ends up being the family. You see it on your table, you see it on your kitchen table. The price of things hits American families the hardest."
"Gasoline prices are cheap in Argentina, the liter of gasoline costs only about half a dollar."
"The standard of education is wrong. The cost of living is awful. Even me, I live by myself, but when I was looking at the prices, I was like, nah, this is a lot."
"Indianapolis for being a major city is very affordable."
"Prices are through the roof, the cost has been ridiculous."
"Florida is literally becoming the next California in terms of the cost of living."
"I would highly suggest to anybody that's looking to move to Florida today in 2024 is to look at the prices not only of the homes but just look at... the cost of living."
"Lubbock, Texas is one of the cheapest places to retire in the country."
"It's a great place to live, especially when you see how cheap it is."
"You could survive here and live pretty good on a McDonald's income."
"This list is just focusing on the cost of living in different places."
"We know that high inflation exacts a toll, particularly for those less able to meet the higher costs of Essentials."
"The only thing that changes is basically rent and transportation."
"Wait until the grocery bill is one thousand dollars a month."
"I won't move to LA because it costs too much but I will legally adopt hundreds maybe thousands of people"
"These things add up... more than 400 for a lot of families."
"The most expensive Thanksgiving ever in the history of the United States."
"Did you get paid to do it? Then you're a voice actor."
"People are being squeezed by high prices, the cost of living, squeeze on families has been with us for decades."
"Demonstrating Malaysia's appeal as a destination offering an economical yet enriching living experience."
"Imagine living comfortably in Mexico with an average monthly cost of just under $745."
"Argentina stands as the second largest country in South America despite its size living costs in Argentina are remarkably affordable."
"The inflation that we're seeing is incredible, guys. The price increase in everything is insane."
"It's more expensive to live in poverty dollar for dollar than it is to live in wealth."
"A loaf of bread is gonna run you seven dollars, a gallon of milk is gonna run you ten dollars."
"The cost of living should be rising in Russia."
"The cost of living for people on moderate wages will be significantly reduced."
"The biggest red pill of all will be the price of gas and bread."
"You can't survive with 50k, you need at least 500 right now."
"Things start to get a little crazy... almost $5,000 a month for one bedroom."
"When you make energy more expensive you make everything more expensive."
"People on Social Security are really struggling... I can't live on 709 a month."
"Gas is expensive, college is a scam, rent is outrageous."
"This is supposedly the biggest increase in America since the 7.4 percent hike last January 1983. Does it feel like it?"
"It's a shame. It's not going to get any cheaper to live in the Bay Area; it's just going to get worse and worse."
"Expect high prices and expect prices of everything to go up."
"Rising costs are affecting people in their daily lives."
"Their lives were better, their gas was cheaper, their groceries were cheaper."
"I could never ever have survived in a more expensive City when I was doing these little freelance jobs I made eight hundred euros per month that was for everything and that was tough."
"Groceries continue to go up. Housing takes a long time to start going down."
"Everyone feeling so insecure because, you know, they pay you a little bit and then they make everything cost double and triple. I mean, look at this year's cost of living prices. No one can afford to live but everyone has a right to live."
"I wish teachers got paid more. I really do. I wish most of our working class got paid more. It's how hard people have to work for so little return, especially up against inflation like we're seeing and so on."
"Things are so expensive right now this is a better option for a lot of people."
"Texas is affordable for residents and businesses."
"Millennial money... it's like living on 88K a year in the Bay Area. Millennial money!"
"Living is expensive and we are not bringing good news." - Samantha Taylor
"When inflation is high the cost of living goes up. That is a fact."
"Everybody knows everything now costs way more than it used to and it really stinks. Now more than ever is a great time to look for alternative ways to save money."
"It's getting crazy expensive to feed our family in the way that you know we're used to."
"Economic stuff like how much things cost affects us on a day-to-day basis."
"You're gonna see the effect of what an economy does to people when there's not enough supply and the cost of living is astronomical."
"If you're making $70,000, $60,000 working from home, why not move to a more affordable city?"
"The cost of living is going at a level where a lot of people are getting hit."
"The cost of enjoying your living is going down, not realizing that they're this close to the end."
"Why it's so expensive to be poor? Because when you buy cardboard shoes, yes, they're cheaper now but they only last a season."
"How does paying $7 a gallon gas help working people? That doesn't help working people at all."
"Life is more expensive; goods are now costing arguably what they should cost."
"We're essentially in the silent depression when we consider the fact of wages today versus cost of living."
"The economy sh*t, I'm tired of being robbed at the gas pump."
"If you can move somewhere that's like cheaper but better, then that would allow you to save more money which, you know again, that could be a great thing."
"Ultimately, it's just going to cost a lot more for goods and services because there's just so many more units of currency out there."
"We're really excited about the changes in the uh cost of living adjustment for Social Security, everyone's getting an 8.7 increase in January."
"It's the poor, the people on fixed income. If you're on fixed income and all these things go up, your wages aren't going up."
"Seniors specifically need a bigger monthly payment to cover the increased cost of living."
"It's about lowering the cost of living for families."
"Canadians are already struggling with record high costs."
"Everything is getting more expensive around me."
"You can live very comfortably for less than 3,000 US dollars a month."
"The cost of living here is 20 percent lower than the national average."
"Cost of living here is six percent lower than the national average."
"Your food prices, your energy prices, your shelter prices are skyrocketing through the roof and they are not going to help you."
"The cost of living has gone up dramatically since Biden has been in office."
"Paris is an extremely expensive city to live in, and if you don't earn three or four times the minimum wage, there's no way you can rent even a small apartment."
"Meat should be more expensive because each animal deserves to have a decent life."
"The price of pretty much everything that we use is rising."
"The point isn't to complain about how expensive fast food is. The point is to demonstrate the problem with sin."
"Gas is near four dollars on a lot of places on the east coast and it's much higher on the west coast. Groceries are still very high."
"I hope this video helped you get a better idea of how much it costs to live in New York."
"Cost of living in KL: affordable, with options for every budget. Plus, the Malaysia My Second Home program offers further savings."
"A weak Canadian dollar means that food costs go up."
"Poor is the most expensive thing a person can be."
"The price of desirable assets and things that we need to buy to stay alive like food and shelter are going up exponentially."
"$300 a month in New York the cost of living is higher so the company realizes that and they give us extra paid so that we can return mostly expenses."
"It goes to show you know a lot of places really don't recognize cost of living they don't really factor that in their calculations."
"The cost of living in Houston is relatively affordable."
"Texas is going to offer residents a low cost of living while not sacrificing their lifestyle."
"Wages haven't grown fast enough to keep up with the higher cost of living."
"We need to kick the Tories out, the cost of living crisis, people's rents, mortgages, the gas bills, the electric bills, the food bills, it's people are really struggling at the moment."
"We're paying an eight-year longevity tax just by living here."
"You can save a lot of money living here compared to cities like Paris."
"Welcome to my apartment where I paid $66,000 and I have roommates. We split it, so come on in, let me show you."
"The cost of living in Missouri is about 15 percent lower than the national average."
"I couldn't afford to live comfortably by myself in the UK. The apartment that I have now, I could never afford it in the UK ever."
"Hey welcome to the cost of living crisis."
"The cost of living has grown so much these past few years that I worry about affording it as a single person."
"Earnings are going down, the companies... just cutting the fees as there's a cost of living crisis."
"...this is probably five or six thousand dollars, which doesn't seem like much now but a house was $1,200 so I don't some idea what this thing costs."
"The West is still got its magic if you're not from here it's definitely got its greatness and we see that but it's like you can't really afford to live here."
"...overall just being able to move somewhere cheaper that has a lower cost of living is probably my number one tip when you're debating leaving your job."
"Affordability is the lowest point we've seen since 1985."
"It's not 1962 anymore, it's 2024. A bottle of Pop, batteries, Freon, houses—everything costs triple."
"Yo, cost of living, man. Cost of living. G up, so they raised the thing 9.7%. That sounds great when you're making mad bread, but when it's like you were on eight something, they're taking the piss."
"Budgeting has always been important to me, but with the rising costs of almost everything in the UK over the last couple of years, I've been keeping an even closer eye on my finances."
"Cost of living in Puerto Vallarta offers exceptional value, from charming guest houses to luxurious oceanfront condos."
"Bucerias boasts significantly lower living costs compared to North America, letting you savor the good life without financial worries."
"India is renowned for its exceptionally low cost of living, making it a popular choice for expats and locals alike."
"Indonesia offers an extremely affordable cost of living with the possibility for two people to live on about $500 per month."
"Albania stands out for its remarkably low cost of living, particularly for a Mediterranean country."
"Pakistan offers an incredibly affordable cost of living, making it attractive for both locals and expats alike."
"The affordability of these countries makes them attractive destinations for expats, especially those seeking a lower cost of living without compromising the quality of life."
"...living in a low cost of living city allows me that freedom especially these days with the cost of rents and everything going up like crazy. I think this is super important."
"You feel the prices of inflated gas."
"The cost of living and living standards go hand in hand. Your living standard on whatever monthly budget it is that you have to live on is going to be higher than it would be in a lot of countries around the world."
"A low cost of living is attractive, but it can be offset by issues such as scarce jobs, small paychecks, or a lack of things to do in the area."
"A cost of living that runs 13.6% below what the average American pays only adds to Enid's budget-friendly appeal."
"Housing expenses come in at roughly two-thirds of the national average according to C2."
"California's very expensive. I don't know. Probably I'll probably buy a house here but live in California."
"...we've had clients tell us that one of the first things they've noticed is just how much farther their money goes once they moved here."
"The overall cost of living... the cost of living in let's say Paris is actually cheaper than some parts of the United States."
"Budgeting is budgeting, whether you're in a low-cost-of-living or high-cost-of-living area."
"The rent...$4500 a month not including utilities. That is quite expensive."
"Low cost of living is a huge draw."
"It really does just come down to the cost of living."
"Retirees want a city to have a reasonable cost of living."
"It's really a sad looking town that illustrates everything that's wrong with the quote-unquote California we hear about from homelessness to really expensive prices on basic stuff like Services."
"So what I found is that in Lisbon, the cost of food is about a third of the price of in the US."
"The cost of living in Los Angeles is about 40% more expensive than living in Miami."
"A single person can live comfortably in Thailand on $568 American."
"Vietnam has an extremely low cost of living even in their major cities."
"The average person can live comfortably in Vietnam for $476 a month not counting rent."
"A single person can live comfortably in Bolivia for $481 a month."
"Places in California that still might be considered a cheap place to live."