
Industry Trends Quotes

There are 641 quotes

"The year is 2023, and a once beloved game developer's reputation is in absolute free fall."
"Accessibility has indeed become a hot topic over the past few years, as more and more companies look to lower the barrier to entry for players with disabilities."
"Game development technology has only gotten better and better, and games have only become more and more ambitious. So, from an objective standpoint, gaming should be better now than ever before."
"The rise of Chinese-owned vape brands such as Elf Bar, Elux, and Crystal Bar then is a trend we’ve seen repeated across industries."
"Marvel is quietly retooling amid superhero fatigue."
"Single-player developers that are amazing and industry-leading being forced to make live service games is... a plague on the industry."
"It truly boggles the mind how is it possible that the CEOs, the executives, the upper management of every single automotive manufacturer on planet earth all clowned the captain of the Titanic."
"Can video games just calm down for a bit, please? No, no they cannot. They have no chill."
"This decade would be one of, if not the best eras for video games ever."
"They used to care about the story in Hollywood."
"They're just focusing on making good music, regardless of what the leaders of the industries at the moment in terms of sound are doing."
"Every major industry that is going to be here to stay, the banks are going to get their hands into it."
"To understand the rise and fall of the loot box, we have to understand the evolution of video game monetization."
"On the positive side of things, we looked at important hardware, landmark games, non-game developments that changed the industry, and games with an average critical reception of 90% or higher."
"What's happening now is many developers who grew up playing Skate, Tony Hawk, or just love skateboarding are now gaining access to engines like Unity and Unreal."
"We are entering the Golden Age of Indie Games."
"AI is Big. Robotics is Big. That's what is next."
"Without even exaggerating it feels like every week there's a new tool or a new way of doing things."
"Every company from the airlines to Starbucks, etc., they're all going to have a token." - Tokenization's impact across industries.
"The idea I think that battery recycling has boomed too soon or peaked too soon feels very shortsighted to me."
"Apple reportedly wants nothing to do with Mark Zuckerberg's metaverse."
"Modern Yu-Gi-Oh: a separation from the self-contained products."
"The one good news in the industry at the moment is TikTok ads are here."
"Diving into sublimation: why it's becoming a large trend in the industry."
"Players are no longer players, they are now users. I think that's huge."
"We're headed to a point where a few massive companies dominate this industry."
"Least favorite modern gaming practice: remasters."
"But it's interesting to note that the songs that have come after, like [song name], have kind of distanced themselves a little bit more from this teen crush concept that Twice had essentially established for themselves."
"Cyber security is a booming industry with jobs expected to grow by 35% by 2031."
"More and more AAA games are dropping loot boxes... transitioning to battle passes and in-game currency."
"There's no reason to be worrying about 8K, what technology is there to drive that?"
"Zero knowledge is going to be an industry in its own right."
"Gaming is evolving more quickly than even we imagined."
"I almost think the quality of writing's gone down due to the focus on the cinematic Hollywood experience."
"By 2019 it was pretty obvious that it was adopted by the industry."
"Video games are in a weird state at the moment."
"Few of any industries have been hotter in recent months than cannabis."
"Lightweight is the new aero, which was the new lightweight." - Simon
"I think coach built car companies are gonna come back from the dead... I think we'll see stuff like that happening."
"Maybe not a great year for blockbusters, but a good year for movies in general."
"Despite a massive industry decline, we actually went up."
"Through this entire period of time, while the recorded music industry has been down, the live music industry has been flourishing."
"Influencer marketing has just started and it's nowhere close to dying or being passé."
"Usually when they do a Horizon like expansion like at the end of its life, it's a hint at what Forza the next mainline series game will be."
"Grand Theft Auto VI, the elephant in the room, is not on this list."
"They probably haven't even peaked yet and that's an incredibly exciting thing to be able to say..."
"Every big tech company is doing subscriptions, which is part of the problem."
"Games for a time it looked as though the genre had sunk into a kind of deathly malaise but fast forward to know when things have never looked healthier."
"People just really don't understand where this is going and then there's also amazing financial potential with it as well."
"Times have changed; consumers are savvy. The influencer world has become confusing."
"This is like the type of game that would have gotten a six or seven in 2010 but it's 2022 and everything here feels so so dated."
"Triple-A these days for the most part means franchise potential and that is the anti innovation."
"For companies that are growing in this industry you're going to see regular product launches."
"It's going to be a very rough year for Silicon Valley and only time would tell whether they're ever going to be the Giants they once were."
"I envision the future of gaming to be quite bright and quite online."
"Whether people like it or not, MTG or Hearthstone aren't fading anytime soon."
"We're no longer in the efficiency game; we're in the customer satisfaction game."
"Interesting remaster I would have never thought that something like this would happen."
"Skyrim is much like Darksiders 2... these games will still look good even when the industry has made photorealism standard."
"With the state of the industry now, chances are you're not playing something old, you need something new... you know what I'm talking about: mods."
"Vote with your wallet, it seems kind of like maybe 30th Anniversary voting with our wallet did legitimately work."
"One of the things... tale of two industries."
"This could be the nail in the coffin for hydrogen for the time being."
"Gamers don't have to be your audience. They've gone on over again about this idea."
"This is the seismic change that's happening right now."
"Games as a service... is really where the industry is going in a meaningful way."
"The increase in direct-to-consumer marketing is going to change the games industry."
"Intel missing a node... indicative of where the technology industry is going."
"If Nvidia starts doing this, who's going to say that Intel isn't going to look over and say, 'Oh wow, well this is a really good idea'?"
"At the end of the day, it's the technology that's going to drive the growth."
"The port is staying this year lightning is going to be the case across the board."
"Horse armor was a product of Bethesda... unlike in-game items before it, horse armor was a purchasable micro DLC."
"I think somewhere along the way they forgot that the first Terminator movie was not a massive apocalyptic world ending sci-fi Mega Blockbuster filled with CGI all over your face."
"I love to see it, you know what I mean? I think it's so awesome that we're finally seeing cross-play, cross-save, the ability of people thinking of their games as platforms rather than what platform they're on."
"Where the hell is the gaming industry going? What's the future of the gaming industry?"
"I truly am I mean I've been in the industry for too long this new wave this new thought process and the way that they're watching not the fundamentals but instead this technical swing and their appetite for risk is really inspiring."
"Ripping off zero punctuation is a growth industry."
"Sega is seriously pushing mobile and PC gaming as their next forefront."
"If Activision Blizzard starts to unionize... that should realistically spark a wave across the industry."
"They really do not make games like this anymore."
"That's exciting, that's an exciting thing to see moving forward in the industry."
"Always online games as a service which means money over content got elden ringed."
"No one is shipping a game like Horizon Forbidden West in like a year and a half like old tripa games used to be, they're all taking at least four years five years pretty much to develop outside of like Call of Duty."
"We are entering a very important era of animation."
"It's a great time to be a live streamer right now."
"My personal take is that it's going to get restricted in some way at first, but over time, it will get banned completely."
"The failure of Hollywood is coming soon. The death of the movie theater is coming soon."
"Yes, EV growth will occur but will it occur at the pace that's been predicted? I don't think so."
"We're really starting to see a lot of companies backpedal and realize that it's just not a worthwhile financial investment."
"Microsoft holds a strong position in cloud gaming and subscription."
"Taking storytelling seriously is a more recent development than taking mechanics seriously."
"Delta Force Hawk Ops: Could it be the next big thing in FPS gaming?"
"Quality exclusives is really the difference-maker this generation."
"This is what growing exposed is all about, bringing you the biggest buzz of the industry."
"It's just a reality that it's just not something that fits in any space nowadays games being online with functional online that actually work are the way it goes."
"The 200 most popular new tracks now regularly account for less than five percent of total streams."
"It's just that everyone saw the success of SAO and every other creator wanted to follow the trend."
"How we smell to others has become a huge industry and I'm here to say that things have gotten officially out of control."
"What you're going to see is really the game innovation be the thing that leads and hardware supporting that innovation."
"When you think about the graveyard of platformer mascots that were around in the late 90s or the mid-2000s, unless you were made by Nintendo or your name is Clank, odds are you didn’t make it out."
"The continued popularity of visual albums and longform music videos has resurrected the Best Longform Video category in the VMAs."
"I think it's a little bit different but I think that the future, I let me put it this way, I think in the future online gambling is going to be drastically bigger than it is today."
"The future for classical slashers is bright, especially after the success of Michael Myers' big return to screens in 2018."
"Interest in video marketing is trending way up."
"What happens next to this whole Gary V era, where a lot of people have won off of the thesis, is enough money comes in where the ads don't work anymore."
"Open worlds are getting more and more stagnant, they can be executed so well that it feels good even though there are inherent downsides."
"It's a shame the B&M seems to be phasing out the stand-up models."
"Hollywood often works on trends something proves to be popular and numerous studios jump on the bandwagon trying to make their own version that's."
"Single player games aren't going away anytime soon."
"Proving that real-time strategy can be popular, it can make money, you just gotta do it the right way."
"AAA gaming isn't without its fault... for every Persona 5 Royal that you have, you've got every AAA soulless game."
"Over the last year or two, we've seen a growing discrepancy between games journalism and gamers themselves."
"Accessibility is not at all a fringe subject but becoming increasingly front and center for some of the biggest games on the market today."
"The industry was in decline... the money is not there, it's never gonna be there."
"Layoffs in the games industry just seem to be happening like every other week now."
"Replacement scores in anime are no longer a thing or nowhere near as prevalent as they used to be."
"Every other game is like that... if this is the prevailing method that's making the most money and retaining the most people then that's all that's going to matter."
"Weekly releases prolong the discussion of the show."
"Used game sales or a thing of the past, wonderful! That means we can make more money on our games." - TotalBiscuit
"It's pretty exhausting to just regularly mention that riot and marathon are just trending down."
"Everybody is struggling right now, ad Revenue has gone down for everyone."
"It's going to get worse before it gets better, but the industry's distress might be to your benefit."
"Lit boxes will hopefully die in Europe and the US... hopefully this pushes forward and saves gaming from itself."
"I think we are looking to one another now, there is the reality in the industry."
"Time is money and a lot of games want to monetize that idea."
"Aside from the performance and the quiet and the compactness let's talk about the trend towards Portability and smaller size in the industry in general."
"The annualized cycle of Call of Duty is just hurting the franchise in the long term."
"It's never been a better time to be a gamer."
"On the one hand, industry consolidation and centralization sucks. On the other hand, Bobby Kotick sucks."
"You've got to adapt to those new trends and new changes."
"Reusable is definitely the hottest buzz word in the new space industry."
"Because we haven't seen that happen ever since push was first introduced in 2019."
"There's been this logical feeling that a lot of us have had and it's like where is the next step for this open world genre or what is going to be next for video games?"
"Superhero fatigue is real because Hollywood lost interest and stopped trying."
"They started popping them out quicker and the quality started dipping."
"It's not comic book fatigue, it's mediocrity fatigue."
"These songs were all being played and the local like top 40 stations basically the whole point of that was no one was surprised by our Kelly's in your face sexual lyrics he was just one of many at this time."
"When combination takes precedence over user experience, the whole industry suffers."
"I lament the fact that we don't have standalone superhero movies anymore."
"Counter-Strike's lack of flashy gimmicks sets it apart in an industry of constant change."
"You know, cars nowadays tend to look similar."
"I love how the many many years ago the art used to dictate the industry and now I think it's turning around."
"Quality has since dropped, game launches especially really big ones have become increasingly unpolished."
"Empowerment: own who you are. See, like what I said, they're literally teaching these kids."
"The better we have right now is like the Golden Age of Overwatch."
"The game is gonna keep dying without something major."
"In an age of important movies, what's a movie you think people need to see as in a movie you urge people to watch because it carries some sort of political or social message or portrays an important lesson in philosophy identity psychology etc?"
"Battlefield not chasing that battle royale fad, they're actually evolving their core gameplay experiences."
"One of the really cool things that the very first osmo action introduced was custom presets and gopro copied it with their next gopro gopro has custom presets now."
"They made so much money off Street Fighter 5, they're ready to go for the next one."
"Our industry is facing a new normal with subdued demand."
"I think it's gonna happen. I think it's been talked about more and I think with the success of guardians of the galaxy they made it more realistic that they could do something like this." - Kristian Harloff
"We are starting to see fairly clear signs of the Legacy automakers not really doing well with some of their gas powered vehicles."
"The layoffs also mean a reshuffling of the talent market in the industry."
"July, a slow month for new games, but a time for indies to shine."
"There's still plenty of BRs to play out there though if you're interested in that, and if not, well arena shooters are kind of getting a whole new facelift with Halo Infinite's massive recent success."
"It's exciting to me that seven years later after we built our business on this idea of data minimization effectively that the rest of the industry is starting to embrace that."
"Movies are turning into video games, and video games are turning into movies. What the [__] is happening?"
"So it'll be interesting to see whether or not other folks choose to adapt axle disconnects in their all-wheel drive or four-wheel drive EVs."
"Male grooming: over 200% growth in the past five years, from a $47 billion industry to over $140 billion in sales. Wild!"
"I think Samsung's definitely onto something with this shape."
"K-pop is always changing so you have to do new things to stand out—AI generated K-pop Idols is a pretty new concept that started not too long ago."
"CRKT, this list is just as much about who is cool as who's making good products."
"Dining is waning in relevance... Pizza Hut needs to focus Less on dining and more on what people want which is to take their pizza with you."
"There's the increasing level of automation that's taking place across various industries."
"Embracer believes there will be an increasingly strong demand for high-quality content."
"You see all these orgs leaving Counter-Strike to begin with, and then we sit here and complain that all these orgs are leaving Counter-Strike."
"This is another show in the Disney Plus slate that is just gonna be yet another extension of how great the trend is already moving forward."
"Crypto's taking over the world right now and meme coins are one of the most exciting industries to be involved in."
"The MMO genre isn't dying, no matter who may say otherwise."
"Nintendo doing great and the games that shouldn't be doing great are continuing to do great, mainly on name recognition alone."
"It seems that Sony and Microsoft are firmly committed to the idea of an evolving platform."
"Mobile is the biggest platform in gaming today."
"Is this really what the game industry is turning into now?"
"We've seen most of the publishers move away from loot boxes and it's kind of a selling point now when a developer comes out and says look there aren't going to be loot boxes."
"They're reaping the benefits of an industry that's fighting to make lighter weight, cheaper, more dense energy."
"Keep your tap dancing shoes on... there's no saying where this industry will go."
"Their response to contouring and bronzing becoming trendy was the Cocoa Contour."
"Capcom definitely has been having a good time lately."
"I think it's going to do better because a lot of the people who shouldn't have been in the industry right now are going to walk out..."
"RV companies have seen revenues soar over the last decade."
"It really felt like to me it felt like Call of Duty was trying to copy Fortnite sans the [ __ ] building [ __ ]."
"It's gonna be a fascinating thing to see where the genre of this looter shooter genre goes over the next few years."
"I'd rather bet on the trends, that EVs are here to stay, not who's gonna win."
"I could not care less about... a single player campaign."
"Companies giving you less so that you will spend more with them and buy extra products is a thing that is happening in a few different industries and it never feels good."
"This is the next wave in that. This is the next wave in that, and you're going to start seeing bigger media companies probably start to play with some of this [__] for sure."
"The ad revenue model is dying, it's useless."
"Female singers are doing a lot of the heavy lifting lately."
"Phil Spencer understood that gaming is an expensive hobby and offering Game Pass and Play Anywhere meant that gaming on Xbox could be more affordable and value-oriented than ever." - Narrator
"World of Warcraft subscriptions have doubled since q2 2019."
"All the Twitch leak showed me is that we need to keep pushing for diversity."
"It's kind of an example of this pattern you've seen in so many other cases where these game-changing releases in any given shanwa are oftentimes one specific person's vision."
"Chefs can feel pretty good about their job choice now. Let's look at the largest job decline, the predicted largest industries that will have the most decline in jobs."
"The industry has changed... PC gaming has deviated from the console style."
"And yeah just the world is just continuing to grow the poppy world and and it's just it's so cool it's it's very humbling to see where it's at right now you know and hopefully hopefully we need to make a lot more of these shows because it's fun."
"At the very least, I can say that from the stuff that we already know before Jump Festa or anything, 2020 is still looking bright for anime and manga."
"And while some suspension companies or parts may disappear, others can and are thriving."
"Palantir is a big player in the big data industry which is fast growing and will likely see big changes in 2021 and beyond."
"I feel like Bella's potentially upping the game here."