
Cultural Transformation Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"I believe that each one of us actually does have the power to do better and that's how we're going to transform culture. We do it person by person."
"The edgy youth culture eventually becomes a mainstream cash grab."
"We're in the middle of a cultural Evolution right now. These fights that we're having, this the culture war that we're having, it is a cultural revolution."
"Baal is the spirit that begins the paganization transforming a nation."
"The cult of Confucius transformed him into a mythical being."
"Witness this transformation, taste how delicious food sovereignty is."
"Christmas, especially in the US, has transformed into something more than a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus. It’s become the epitome of capitalism itself."
"House Indoril: embracing the new temple faith after the collapse of the Tribunal."
"The Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires reshaped the Americas."
"There's going to be a massive cultural shift."
"The only real hope we have to change the culture."
"Islamization process became very advanced in North Africa."
"As magnificent as this sudden onset of wealth was, the Osage at the beginning of their reign as some of the wealthiest people on planet Earth were caught in one of History's many intermediary points."
"We need a spiritual and cultural revolution."
"It's time to change the music... this is the beginning, of course."
"Cities can be changed, nations can be redeemed, entire cultures can be brought to salvation."
"Tell a lie long enough it becomes legend, legend becomes lore, lore becomes myth, and mythos becomes religion."
"Everything that we are doing here in this culture is essentially towards that - that there is a possibility of transcending all limitations and getting there."
"Living in such a way... it's a program for cultural transformation."
"This is amazing. People don't realize how transformed the Aztec culture became in a wonderful transcendent way."
"The U.S. remade Afghan society into something that it wasn't."
"A sensitive, cultured boy who somehow grew up to be one of history’s worst monsters."
"We are broadcasting a new song, a new consciousness for a new world."
"The Roman Empire never went away; it just reincarnated as the Catholic Church."
"From concerts to theme parks: Saudi Arabia's entertainment revolution."
"Our old narratives are breaking down and new ones are gonna be written."
"We're becoming a pagan nation that has forgotten that it ever knew God."
"The goddess is the intoxicator. The sexual Revolution explodes at the same time as an explosion of drugs and drug culture."
"Often during times of renaissance renewal, it's generally preceded by times of tremendous breakdown."
"Creating meaningful and lasting cultural change for the Canadian Armed Forces is imperative."
"The Hagia Sophia was turned from a Christian place of worship into a mosque."
"All that they told us about not destroying history is bs... designed to topple every single thing that we have known to be America."
"The new Irish: the people who are going to create a new world in which we all Thrive."
"Hollywood would be a better place if it was flavortown every day."
"So what he did in the private sector at Microsoft changed the face of culture and how we live today."
"In transforming culture so that it supports life, women occupy a place in thought and action which is unique and decisive." - Pope Saint John Paul II
"Christmas was given a complete makeover by the Victorians."
"There's a transformation in the way the body was represented."
"Iger will bring culture change that will cultivate attention to detail."
"But then in 2010, this area was demolished and became a part of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, particularly Hogsmead."
"Parthia stands out as a nexus point which transformed Iran and its surrounding regions, and its achievements are still with us to this day."
"Christians need to be on the Leading Edge, they need to be on the Forefront of transforming culture for Christ."
"Kimo de medii emerges as a pivotal figure transforming Florence into a cradle of Renaissance art and culture."
"Lorenzo deichi emerges as a pivotal figure transforming Florence into a cradle of Renaissance art and culture."
"I think the cultural transformation that I see of India is truly astonishing."
"...use psychedelics as a way to basically birth... a completely new transformative culture."
"Ultimately transforming culture, as your organization becomes more innovative, more agile, more able to make great decisions."
"It's the story of how the 20th century transformed Hawaii and why some things should never change."
"This is an exhibition that will take you through Florence at an extraordinary moment in the transformation of its history."
"The creation of Alexandria and the great influx of immigrants gave it a freshness of a city and really kind of transformed the ancient culture."
"I came to Italy and I became Italian; I ceased to be Russian."
"Emperor Charlemagne was the father of the great European transformation known as the Carolingian Renaissance."
"The biggest change came with the Colombian exchange."
"We have to have a transformation of culture that makes mindsight maps of 'we' as prevalent as mindsight maps of 'me' have been in their dominant phase in the last period of culture."
"The vision Helen and I are holding is a transformation of the value system of the culture itself."