
Military Policy Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"The real debate has been you know obviously unleashed by President Macron... suggesting that maybe the West should send combat forces to Ukraine."
"We'd be a much safer nation if our two-thirds of our military wasn't stationed around the world."
"I don't care about your tribe; I don't care about getting canceled. I care about bringing the remainder of our troops out of the Middle Eastern countries."
"The Obama Administration allowed service for openly gay people, ending the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy."
"President Biden believes that gender identity should not be a bar to military service and that America's strength is found in its diversity."
"He massively reduced the Drone War by over 90%, he...pulled out of Afghanistan."
"We'll get critical race Theory and other left-wing lunacy out of our military and we will get it out of our classroom and we'll get it out fast."
"They are going to adjust their policies accordingly. They're not going to be seeking a military confrontation."
"Trump was the first American President in decades not to involve the U.S in a new War."
"I'm sick of talking about a Department of Defense. I want a department of offense."
"American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves."
"Purging our military of its elite service members is detrimental to national security."
"Maintaining a powerful and advanced nuclear arsenal is critical for America's national security."
"Trump admits as president he would not protect NATO allies if Russia invaded them."
"We're setting up air identification zones in the South China Sea. You can't fly through them. I said, 'We're going to fly through them.'"
"If the United States withdraws from Afghanistan, it collapses back into chaos with the Taliban taking over." - Condoleezza Rice
"It's kind of sad that where we are as a country is the president who doesn't start any new wars gets praise."
"There's no scenario the president is sending U.S. troops to fight in Ukraine against Russia."
"America's overreliance on the military to achieve policy objectives and the unilateral actions pursued without an international mandate have backfired."
"We ended a 20-year war the president committed to doing that and he followed through on that commitment."
"Massively reduced drone strikes, pulled out troops from Afghanistan."
"Charles and Buckingham switched sides, they pushed the reluctant James towards war with Spain."
"We need to stop sending our troops to go and fight in wars that undermine our national security and provide no benefit to the American people."
"How many more generations of America's daughters and sons... is it worth?"
"China’s NFU policy may be a hint of its military ambitions."
"This will give the U.S government more powerful lethal tools to destroy the cartel."
"The trend of Western countries abandoning domestic arms production may be influenced by changing attitudes toward war and diplomacy."
"It shocked me that, considering there was no parallel in the civilian population, the Department of Defense didn't feel a need to stop and reassess."
"America has become accustomed to a permanent state of war."
"I do not support a no-fly zone. I want us to stop using that phrase. I want you to start using the phrase declaration of war."
"It's time to cut weapons of war, prioritize the well-being of our troops, anti-poverty programs, public health initiatives, and diplomacy."
"The fact remains that President Biden ended the war after 20 years and did what other presidents including Donald Trump could not and would not."
"Ultimately, if we want to get rid of the military industrial complex, it’s up to Congress to do just that."
"Trump didn't really end any wars and he expanded several of them, but because he used rhetoric that seemed anti-war, it caused the Democratic establishment to go the other way just to be opposed to him."
"Trump can say a lot of stupid stuff... but I do not believe he would say, 'Why should I go because these people were suckers for getting killed.'"
"Economic issues overwhelmingly Americans agree."
"The vast majority of Americans think our military is too overstretched."
"A terrifying development... a sitting United States senator advocating explicitly for a no-fly zone."
"If Donald Trump was very clear: you bring the weapons home, you bring all of our equipment home. If you can't bring it home, then you disable it and destroy it. So they don't get to use it."
"Kim ordered the establishment of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme."
"Trump drew down our military presence in a timeline that Biden also wanted to."
"The military shouldn't be privatized, that's a no-brainer."
"If we as a nation start drafting women and sending them to go die in the middle east or whatever we're going to send them to do, we are not a nation worth defending."
"9/11 gave rise to a more aggressive military presence."
"Armed force should always be the last resort."
"Step that Trump took today by saying declaring victory and bringing the troops home from Syria that's a good start."
"We are not acting as the world's policemen; we're acting as policemen for ourselves."
"Bring home the troops... turn inward and deal with the multitude of problems that we've created for ourselves here at home."
"We said we would not send U.S. troops to fight Russian troops in Ukraine, but we would provide robust military assistance and try to unify the Western world against Russia's aggression."
"India has a certain policy about how its Army conducts itself."
"The military expansion of Russia can definitely not be allowed. I trust that the whole world, the citizens and governments of democratic countries throughout the world stand together with Ukraine."
"Putin is debunking his own propaganda by disarming Russia's NATO borders."
"I will do all that I can, all that I must, to prevent more of my brothers and sisters in uniform from being sent into harm's way."
"Trump is the one guy with an actual shot of descending from Washington's long-standing pointless war agenda."
"Perhaps a woke emasculated military is not the best idea." - Ted Cruz
"We accomplished that mission... America's longest war will be over."
"The United States military is becoming a college campus, a social experiment, and he's exactly right."
"I would adopt the no first use of nuclear weapons policy because we should not be the first country to use nuclear weapons."
"We need to be committed... to act as a deterrent to others who might be thinking about aggression in the future in Europe and indeed the Indo-Pacific."
"There shouldn't be a war machine; there should be military activity only when there is real justification."
"President Kennedy made it very clear that he wanted to pull all U.S Personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965."
"We will keep America out of endless foreign wars."
"Shrink your armies, build more buildings, that's all I have to say about that."
"That's the next step to getting to the point where we are not constantly deploying tens of thousands of people all the time."
"The Pentagon aims to shrink the US military by thousands, mainly from the army and the air force."
"We should not be in the Middle East for 20 years."
"Ukraine is not a NATO treaty member and US or NATO is not going to send military troops into Ukraine or Donbass." - Mark Sloboda
"Where is the humanity here? If we ask President Biden, actually President Biden, please defend this genocide, defend it, defend, don't send these missiles, shields, rockets to Israel."
"President Trump has taken decisive action to end the era of budget cuts for America's military."
"Bob Ross was in the military before Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed so there's no way he's trans."
"Joe Biden is the person who's actually going to get U.S. troops out of Afghanistan."
"Literally the Democratic party now is officially the war party."
"China has pledged to what they call No-first-use (NFU), meaning they say they will never launch nuclear weapons against any nuclear or non-nuclear nation."
"All of us should be playing for 2024 when we have a trance partisan team that comes in and says we're gonna close all of our military bases overseas."
"My vision for Donald Trump in the second term is that he closes all the military bases brings the military and all of the support jobs that now go to foreigners brings all those jobs back to the United States and he rebuilds America."
"The state of Israel shall immediately suspend its military operations in and against Gaza."
"Military action alone cannot sustainably eradicate the complex challenges linked to terrorism."
"If he had any balls and believed what he said at all, he would remove all troops."
"Germany must immediately suspend its Aid to Israel in particular its military assistance export and authorization of export of military equipment and War weapons."
"The purpose of the Defense Department is to win wars, it's not to be a social rehabilitation agency." - Newt Gingrich
"We shouldn't be supplying Saudi Arabia weapons to continue their genocide in Yemen...horrible horrible failure."
"Japan may put more effort into countering threats from China. Japan's ruling party made an unprecedented election pledge to double defense spending."
"Trump is weak because he doesn't want to commit war crimes."
"Sending cluster munitions to Ukraine is pointless and crazy."
"A no-fly zone is escalatory and could prompt a war with Russia, a major nuclear power."
"Only a lunatic would want American troops to be in a shooting war with Russia."
"We are a nation that loves going to war but not much for debating it."
"Absolutely no consideration of sending U.S. troops into Ukraine to enter into a direct war with Russia."
"Mutineers can join the army or go to Belarus." - Vladimir Putin
"House Republicans recently passed a bill that will end the coveted vaccine mandate for the military."
"Killing Soleimani was the right decision, but engaging in another forever war in the Middle East would be the wrong decision."
"Would you rather have a draft where you or your friend or your family gets sent to war by force or would you rather have the government outsource these roles to trained professionals that want to do the job?"
"When Joe Biden pulled America out of Afghanistan, he said it was in part to do with bringing to an end America being involved in Forever Wars." - Neil Oliver
"Hillary Clinton isn't widely described as a hawk because of our sexist double standards which expect that women be dovish. She's seen as a hawk because she is a hawk."
"The surge really was enough to start moving the rest of the country in the right direction."
"The big one's gonna hit any second, so you might be asking, but hey, wait a minute, this super secret super exclusive military base that was turning a child away because of an insulin pump is now just letting anyone in?"
"We are not at war with anyone. I don't know how tanks will help Ukraine. Maybe they will help, or maybe they will burn, as well as in Iraq."
"Costa Rica is the largest country in the world to have absolutely no military forces."
"We don't need to draft women in order for women to have equality in this nation." - Representative Vicki Hartzler
"But America's daughters shouldn't be drafted against their will." - Senator Tom Cotton
"Let me be clear: our forces are not engaged and will not engage in the conflict with Russian forces in Ukraine. Our forces are not going to Europe to fight Ukraine but to defend our NATO allies." - Bill O'Reilly
"I refuse to send another generation of America's sons and daughters to fight a war that should have ended long ago."
"The left is imploding; what drives me has always been bringing home Americans from never-ending counter-insurgency conflicts."
"Women's contribution to the military deserves proper conditions and policy changes."
"The promise of mutually assured destruction."
"Increasing military... makes the world safe for the increase in freedom."
"In four years, Donald Trump didn't start any new wars. He brought troops home."
"Thank you, Donald Trump, for not going to war."
"I generally seriously hope that somewhere somebody in government is going to look at this war and say it's time to expand the British Army back to the levels that we had in the 1970s."
"Costa Rica has no military. It really is a peaceful place."
"Why wouldn't I go with Donald Trump if I want the answer to what are you going to do about China to be I'm gonna get rid of wokism in the military?"
"I oppose endless wars, as does the American public. However, this act purports to restrict the president's ability to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, Germany, and South Korea."
"We have adopted a plan... for the complete withdrawal of all U.S. combat ground forces."
"The responsibility of the chaos that we see in Kabul lands squarely on the presidents and generals who lied to the American people."
"Biden's decision to stand tall against the immense onslaught by the media and the forever war industrial complex and more is courageous."
"Which actually on that note, we're probably going to want to go to service by requirement, I think it's necessary at this point."
"An endless presence in the middle of another country's civil conflict was not acceptable to me." - President Biden
"The United States suspended its combat activities in Vietnam in 1973 amid the policy of Vietnamization of the conflict."
"Underpinning all these policies were Nixon's and Kissinger's conviction that military victory in Vietnam was not feasible."
"By warning against the growth of huge military establishments, what he was saying is essentially my policy was right: small military establishment, nuclear deterrent, and secret but intense campaigns of covert action."
"We're not a military state; this is not who we are."
"The right kind of policy is necessary to help the army thrive."
"I cannot and will not ask our troops to fight on endlessly in another country's civil war."
"The military response cannot be war; it must be peace."
"I think the way it influenced me is that I hate to see young people out in a combat situation unless we really need to be there."
"Military action is not an option."
"The Nixon Doctrine... Asian countries would defend themselves without American troops."