
Gardening Quotes

There are 13340 quotes

"Gardening is a wonderful pastime for people, especially if you're locked down or otherwise at home."
"This garden is my effort to re-establish our food security, our food independence."
"The investment in seeds is a huge payoff, huge return on that investment."
"Gardening is the single-handed most overpowered way to make money, especially when you're first starting out."
"Yesterday I planted 500 crocus in this flower bed. Oh, I am so glad we got that done."
"It keeps its leaves all through the whole winter, and it just—it's very, very beautiful and provides some amazing structure in this area."
"You can see just how like the seed heads here or the bloom stocks rather see that how they catch that little bit of snow and they can add so much interest into a space."
"Boxwood hedging really looks beautiful with a layer of snow on it, just a little bit."
"We did leave quite a number of perennials, you know, that just catch snow and look beautiful."
"The optimal garden is one that's fruitful but where the possibility of more future fruit also lurks."
"Asparagus is not a quick investment...but it will provide continued harvesting for a good 20 years or more."
"There's something real special about growing your own food."
"Imagine growing all your vegetables in an area no bigger than the average garden, enough to supply a couple of pounds or one kilo of fresh produce each and every day of the year."
"The world is a little bit up and down at the moment, people are feeling a little bit insecure, and this can give you a bit of security having some food in your own backyard."
"There's a lot of freedom from the push of fear in having food growing at your home."
"He designed us for the garden, and so I think that if I'm growing food and I'm stewarding the earth, I'm just doing what I was designed to do anyway."
"The garden takes time; you have to plow the soil, you have to be tedious, it's going to rain, you have to take care of the plants, but if you can create an ecosystem that attracts butterflies, it's going to be a lot more fruitful."
"In 2020, homesteading and gardening was the fastest-growing niche on YouTube...surpassed the beauty category."
"I've had zinnias bloom in as fast as 30 days from seed to flower; they are just so amazing."
"Morning glories cover quickly, transforming spaces with their vibrant colors."
"Calendula: Super fast to mature and can go through some pretty light frosts."
"You need those flowers to draw in those pollinators; you're going to have more of an abundant harvest."
"The three herbs I would grow are basil, parsley, and maybe mint because they're relatively easy to grow and they pack a lot of flavor."
"We de-paved the parking lot there, and now it's a fabulous garden."
"Prune your plants and harvest a healthy crop of high-quality tomatoes. Don't believe us? Then keep watching to see how we grew ten thousand pounds of tomatoes in one season."
"It is the most fulfilling thing to be able to go to your bed, go to your garden, pick something and make a wonderful meal."
"As you can see, we have two different spades here. Little tiny spade shovel, and a big spade shovel."
"The beauty of a garden is once you plant it and once it starts giving fruits, it continues giving fruits."
"The wonderful thing about panicle hydrangeas... they bloom on new wood."
"For me, writing a paper takes years; being a bit frustrated, I went to grow radish, and it took months. I guess no good job can be done in haste."
"Take care of your little garden and make sure that the flowers and the fruit and the vegetables in your little garden grow."
"It's all too easy to get caught in that trap of seeing examples of these perfect gardens and it can become really frustrating when something doesn't go to plan."
"Don't just grow for the harvest, grow for the experience."
"Every new gardener needs to understand two critical points: the first is, gardening is patience, and the second is, gardening is nature."
"Don't work against nature; work with nature because when you work with nature everything suddenly becomes so much easier and also a lot less expensive."
"As a gardener, you must see yourself as a shepherd of your land; you look after it, you nurture it, you protect it."
"The success of your gardening depends on the success of your soil."
"Providing that you know the importance of soil health, the understanding that gardening requires patience and gardening as nature, there's nothing stopping you from starting your journey to create the garden of your dreams."
"Grow what you want to grow. Don't let everybody pressure you into growing the things that you know you're supposed to grow."
"Gardening is not just about planting seeds; it's about planting hope."
"You can literally transform your backyard lawn into a food forest."
"It's no surprise if you've been here very long, you know I love the garden. It has been one of the greatest passions of my life."
"I like to lay on the ground in my garden... and I have all these plants just towering over me and just heavy laden with fruit and food and I'm like wow this whole garden fit in my hands and in seeds uh just a handful of months ago."
"I've been getting into gardening a little bit lately, and when I say a little bit, I mean a lot. Look, I grew these radishes, and I picked them all out of the ground, and I was very proud."
"Succulents want to suffer, and if you treat them well, they will not thank you for it."
"Just being able to putter around in your yard...so rewarding."
"Gardening for us...it's also like this passion that's consuming."
"I'm known on social platforms as a Mad Gardener, MAD is not only a part of my name, Madhavi, my love for plants, but also my mnemonic for Making A Difference."
"If I don't grow it, I don't know it. If I don't grow it, I don't control the availability. If I don't grow it, I don't control the price. And if I don't grow it, I don't control the quality of the produce."
"Most of these plants can grow even with weeds in. In fact, some weeds are beneficial."
"Mushrooms are not a sign of bad soil. In fact, mushrooms are a sign of good soil."
"All fungal life in soil is good for your soil pretty much, and if you see mushrooms in there, you shouldn't want to eradicate them."
"Gardening... keeps the one who is gardening... they feel a sense of calmness, patience, or observance... it grows in them."
"I'm very much a student in gardening, however, it is something that we've really embraced and decided to invest a lot of our resources in."
"What I found was there were a lot of people in the world who had a desire to grow who felt passionate about gardening and they felt a little overwhelmed at the prospect of getting started."
"When you start out in your first garden, no matter what you choose to grow, making sure that you're using really good healthy soil is going to really impact the yield that you get."
"Gardening is not really that kind of thing; it really is a journey. You're gonna keep learning over the course of time."
"Small scale gardening is valuable. It's absolutely no secret that I love a big garden...but I do want to encourage you definitely to do what you can where you are."
"When we garden, the fun part is sowing our seeds and watching our plants come up. That's when the excitement is fulfilled."
"Watering consistently and weeding consistently will improve your gardening success."
"Get yourself on a regular schedule of watering, weeding, fertilizing, inspecting all the things you got to do in your garden."
"Now, if you will just start gardening, you will learn all these things, but you'll have to learn by your failures."
"Embrace the mindset that this is a journey and a classroom that is going to mold you in the process of becoming a good and successful gardener."
"I do want to write a little bit more about how the outdoors and gardening in particular and food gardening can help with your mental stress load and make life a whole lot better."
"99.9% of veggies growing in backyards are totally safe to eat and you should continue to do that."
"I'm not expecting this to suddenly cover the house in wisteria but it'd be nice to see another one growing, potentially from scratch."
"Raised beds allow for very efficient water usage, significantly reducing waste."
"Attaching trellises to raised beds offers a simple system for growing a variety of vegetables."
"Raised beds heat up quicker in the season, allowing for an extended growing season."
"Raised bed gardening is easier to maintain, requires less fertilizer and soil amendments, and grows healthier crops."
"What if I told you there was a method of growing food that combined gardening and composting while eliminating weeding?"
"Gardening is all about experimentation, so we'll see how it does."
"The best medicine for the garden is the gardener."
"Gardening is a craft that has been passed down generation after generation."
"I've got ripe apples on my tree. They ripen really late in the season, so I'm excited to collect the abundance from my apple tree later on today."
"I do plan to grow some of my own vegetables this year."
"Walking in the park... a lot of active outdoorsy stuff I'm growing plants on my roof."
"Sweetcorn does not like growing in cold ground."
"How easy is it to forget to sow something 'cause you're so busy enjoying all those lovely harvests that you've already got."
"The warmth from that is rising up through...supporting all these different trays with seeds or young plants and it's just helping them to get going."
"The critical time is the first two weeks between sewing and germinating and then the first little period of growth."
"Planting small plants can be a big saving in many ways and small plants also take better in the ground."
"You can grow almost every plant, every vegetable from a module like this to plant out."
"The victory seed dot-org is my effort to encourage people to start growing their own food."
"Every single one of you, whether you're in an apartment or you're in a small plot of land on a house, have the ability to contribute in some sort of way to your food supply."
"Be sure to feed your plants, water your plants, and remember, you can always change your mind because you can."
"Put your green onions in a jar full of water... It's been growing really tall."
"The front yard garden is now the new backyard garden."
"I don't weed, I don't fertilize, all because of a handheld scythe."
"It's amazing that the escapism that gardening gives me, gives everybody, is a beautiful thing."
"Nothing makes an impact visually, in my opinion, like planting in bunches. It gives you a big wow factor."
"If you want to attract hummingbirds, this plant is a magnet for them."
"Look at the color combination, the flowers, the foliage, the texture, the different colors. It's amazing."
"If you arrange them correctly, get different colors, different shapes, different texture, all you got to do is add a little bit of color of flower here and there, and it's a Rembrandt."
"I think there will come a time in my life where I will grow into gardening. I think I could see myself taking the garden pill as I get a little older."
"I think it's really good... there's something really cool about a little kid getting into gardening."
"I get why flowers are viewed as feminine, but I also see so many guys in my neighborhood working in their gardens with beautiful flowers. So are flowers really masculine or feminine, or can anybody love flowers?"
"The ability to regrow your own food is going to be important. You can only prep so much food and store so much food."
"If you can find a shrub to hide an air conditioner, you can find a plant to hide all your flaws."
"It means a lot of plants in your future. A lot of growth, a lot of flowers." - Amanda
"They walk a lot, they garden a lot, they work in their yards."
"Pruning plants feels like it should not work but it just does."
"Part of the reason for planting a garden is that you're going to be able to control your own food supplies."
"This is amazing, I mean look, it's non-stop tomatoes, just non-stop."
"All the vegetables, all the vegetables, like this little garden right here, we love it."
"Probably the simplest and most effective way to protect your plants from any kind of pests and bugs is gotta be these hoop house covers."
"Another approach to confuse your pests that's simple but often overlooked is to just plant varieties that the bugs don't like."
"A clever way to try to eliminate the pests in your garden is to use other insects to do it."
"You don't build a garden for yourself right now; you build a garden for future generations."
"Remember to plant a garden; fresh veggies are starting to get a little tight in supply."
"What I plan on doing with the garden this season is just continuing to pile various manure on it."
"Wow wow Wes, let's start gardeni and let's start right now."
"So many tulips in the garden...a really nice way of adding some more flowers."
"What a gorgeous day. Very calm. Perfect morning to spend in the garden."
"Growing your own food is such an epic thing to do... you just feel more satisfied."
"Remember plant a garden that's gonna be one of your most important things you got to do that you plant that garden because we think there's food shortages coming."
"Plant a garden I think I see food issues coming forward and besides it's very recuperative and therapeutic to plant and grow things and tend living things."
"Always plan your trip in advance if you intend to buy houseplants. Even mild temperatures of 45 degrees Fahrenheit to 50 degrees Fahrenheit can wilt away delicate plants within the hour."
"You're in the first of your three seed-saving years, so it's great, absolutely."
"As always, be sure to feed your plants, water your plants, and remember you can always change your mind."
"Your garden is going to reap the most beautiful fruit."
"Give a plant what it wants and it will love you to death."
"2020 has been a pretty awful year... but there's one thing that has made it very special, at least in my heart, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is Lily's garden."
"Thank you so much for hanging out with me these several days while we can and we processed we got three different products out of our 380 pounds of tomatoes."
"Market trend on these is absolutely going up... it's a hardy plant."
"This garden is not looking super great, but it's okay. It's part of the process."
"Air movement is one of the most important requirements that we can provide in our high production cannabis gardens."
"If you like tomatoes, grow tomatoes because they taste way better than store bought."
"Neem oil is so effective on just about every creepy crawly. It also works on fungus and bacteria like powdery mildew and rust."
"Getting more seed packets for the star fruit is going to be a very welcome treat."
"Having water strategically around your garden is important."
"Make it wet the way you like it, make it look the way you want it to look and just be happy with your space."
"You should be enjoying your garden and you should be enjoying plants the way looking the way you want them to look."
"One tip I would give any new gardener is do more of less."
"You can grow a great garden with just a few five-gallon buckets."
"Dividing your plants not only increases the amount that you have in your garden but it also helps rejuvenate your plants."
"Plants are so resilient and most of the time they thank you for dividing them and spreading them around."
"Garden vegetables that you grew taste a hundred times better no joke ask anybody."
"It's fun to see them in different colored pots too."
"All right, that's bad. Alrighty, went picked up some soil so I can start filling her up. This part is easy, fire."
"I challenge you to find a strawberry that tastes anywhere near as good as one you've grown yourself."
"The real joy of growing your own strawberries is that you can pick them at the absolute peak of perfection."
"Producing more strawberries like this is really simple to do and Incredibly satisfying."
"I think that's half the fun of gardening is connecting with nature and connecting the family together outside."
"Plant a food forest... Growing your own food is easier than you might think."
"Less green for sure, but just one plant per cell so they'll be a lot happier."
"Snipping is the best and quickest way to go about it."
"Isn't that amazing? Instead of just 24 plants, we have a total of 73."
"Enjoy the effects of fresh air and sunlight. Gardening will produce plants and harvestables at a higher quality."
"Any moment I can spend around Roy is a moment that I become a better person and a better Gardener because that man is super Zen."
"Gardening becomes a very solitary activity... but bringing people into your garden or gardening with people can be tremendously fulfilling."
"You should really go to a garden center with a list so you don't buy things you don't play for but I don't think that one should always hold true to that advice very very closely because that is the fun."
"Bringing water into a garden will do more for wildlife than a lot of other things."
"Composting is extremely simple and only as complicated as you make it."
"So since all these property project things have been going on, I thought, why not do raised bed gardens this year?"
"Overall, look at these plants, they're strong and healthy. The color is good."
"No dig really helps. It really helps soil health, plant health."
"Before too long, I'll be sitting by the fireplace sorting through seeds and planning for spring."
"Starting seeds from dahlias is one of the easiest seeds that you can ever start."
"This is gonna help it blossom a little bit better."
"When you're transplanting it's best to transplant on a nice cloudy day with a little bit of rain or something."
"I kind of love the idea that he maintains a garden even though he dislikes it just because people around him like it."
"A happy family, a beautiful family, a gardening family."
"Overseeding is a great way to improve what you have if you have a weed-filled lawn right now or it's just thin in general."
"Honestly this is the best we have our passion fruit vine over here and then we got a star Jasmine vine over here."
"The power, ladies and gentlemen, is in your garden. It's in growing your own food and not being a slave to these people."
"Mulch: a material that's applied to the soil surface, that's all it is."
"The reasons for mulching vary: weed control, fertility, aesthetics, soil conservation."
"You can often buy about a hundred seeds for the price of a plant start... direct sowing brings even greater savings."
"Mulching is the easiest way to significantly reduce water use in the garden... and it doesn't cost a thing."
"I 100% encourage everyone who has a piece of ground to use it to grow something."
"Life is too short, your garden is a Healing Place."
"Start growing something and be just a little bit better today than you were yesterday."
"Propagating a houseplant is a great and cheap way of obviously making more plants in case you obviously want to give it to your friends or family."
"Now that you have these guys in your propagation station, what you want to do is actually place them in an area that gets a lot of bright indirect light."
"When I look at this basket I feel like it's saying to me, 'Jessica, you're great at growing peppers.'"
"Your time is more valuable, I think, trying to keep your other plants in a way better state than trying to resuscitate that one."
"This is hands down the easiest blooming Hoya. Highly recommend."
"Each onion that you grow will take seven hours. Did I get that right? Yes, I win!"
"Plants are going to acclimate to your space. They will change, they will get spots, they will drop leaves, and eventually, it'll find its own form. Don't worry so much about it."
"Sit down, get a comfy chair, and grab a water because you're going to want to follow this growing guide."
"I'm very into begonias lately, I think they're beautiful."
"I was successful, seeds want to grow, gardens want to grow."
"It's a really nice anchor piece, super solid plant, it's easy to maintain."
"Even the grandest gardens have weeds, it's all part of the beauty." - Laura
"Reliability is good if you're a traveler. Think about plants that are going to need less water and depending on where you put them, maybe a little bit less light."
"Give it a try. This was not a lot of money and it was fun. It's a fun plant. So I do that occasionally too. I pick up a plant I don't know what it is and nobody knows at the nursery and I give it a go."
"A garden is a little piece of paradise, that's what a garden means."
"It's a victory for common sense, it's a victory for horticulture, but most importantly, it's a victory for plasticine."
"Their roots firmly located in the Tudor Age."
"He really loves gardening and almost everything he grows outside is edible."
"By removing the brown leaves, you're taking away an environment for pests and fungus to develop."
"With a little bit of attention, neglected plants can bounce back beautifully."
"Life may be chaotic, but tending to plants brings a sense of calm and purpose."
"That's a wrap, that is a cut literally because I've cut a bunch of my plants, some pretty harshly and but they needed it."
"Make sure that your garden looks pretty all year."
"Growing food is literally like printing money it's like printing your own paycheck the more food you grow the less money you're spending that is money in your pocket."
"Our gardens are a therapeutic place, a peaceful escape."
"Our gardens offer an escape from the chaos of the world."
"We wanted a drama-free, peaceful place, and that's what our gardens are."