
Political Process Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"The Ukrainians were reassured that the U.S. system worked."
"The time spent arguing about election modalities and the use of armed violence is time and resources lost to protecting the lives and livelihoods of Somalis."
"I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote or how, but what is extraordinarily important is who will count the votes and how."
"The president is elected from the mass of the people and on the expiration of the time for which he is elected, returns to the mass of the people again."
"Democracy only works when the losers accept the result."
"For the Department to insert itself into the political process this way, I think would have had grave consequences for the country."
"I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government."
"In France, people vote twice, first with their hearts and then with their heads."
"Democracy is not a moment frozen in time; it is a process."
"It only takes a simple majority to confirm a Supreme Court justice."
"Getting rid of the filibuster means this: it means that you turn one razor thin majority imposing its will on the American people and on legislation into a pendulum swinging another razor thin majority 24 months later."
"What has to happen is Congress has to have the investigation. They have to call these people in, sit them before Congress, sit them in front of the cameras, and force them to answer to the entire country for their actions."
"Democracy is supposed to be hard, and because the alternative is a closed-door process where 2,000 page bills come out of the speaker's office at midnight."
"The indictment repeatedly charges that the Democratic party's electors were valid, while Republicans' were false."
"What actions can get a federal officer impeached? Technically, the answer is found right there in article two section four, a person can be impeached for treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
"How did Joe Biden become the president-elect?"
"The question the vital question of whether or not we have a fair trial ultimately rests with the majority of the senators in this chamber."
"It's hard to pass an amendment, but it's meant to be hard."
"If the president chooses someone and the Senate disagrees and then doesn't confirm them, that makes sense."
"I'm determined that we should use this process as a means of healing the Labour Party."
"Why is the rush to certify the election so quickly?"
"The Senate should reject this divisive and unconstitutional effort and allow the nation to move forward."
"Now the I believe widely held expectation is that the House will open an impeachment inquiry into the President."
"We saw with Bill Clinton that impeachment is completely political."
"Our democracy will go down a death spiral if every two or four years we are only involved in a scramble for power."
"We want a legitimate authentic hand recount."
"I think they've convinced themselves through a process over the last three years that the people didn't know what they were voting for."
"It's not insurrection to follow a constitutional process."
"It's not over election-wise until January 20th when Joe Biden swears an oath and he's sworn into the Oval Office."
"They are inviting impeachment. They are begging for impeachment. They are making impeachment much more likely."
"The Constitution says the House has the sole power to impeach. And that is basically like a prosecutor indicting someone."
"Real statesmen would have recognized that cheapening the impeachment process was not the answer."
"But if you have a problem with it, amend the constitution. No, seriously, amend the constitution."
"This is a fucking primary, it's the exact time to criticize candidates."
"You only get one impeachment, you gotta make it count."
"Know that we may not know who the winner is on election night."
"The only thing that has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt is that there is no impeachable conduct."
"That's a big wow factor right there. Jimi Hendrix, man, he's one of the greatest rock and roll legends of all time."
"I urge a vote and yield back... I had cleared my remarks as a parliamentarian before I read them."
"Juneteenth being a national holiday, the bill passes the U.S. House 4 14-14 now goes to the desk of President Joe Biden to sign into law."
"The peaceful transfer of power is the sacrament of American democracy."
"States have no authority to remove Trump from the ballot."
"Five justices decided it's only up to Congress to enforce this provision."
"We want to have get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very trans we'll have a very peaceful there won't be a transfer frankly there'll be a continuation." - President Trump
"If this year's race is close, it's plausible we will not know who the new president will be on the night of or the next day or even longer."
"The certification of his defeat interrupted."
"Mr. Cohen's testimony is the beginning of the process, not the end."
"An honest election elects him; it may not yet be eternal truth."
"The remedy is to send it to the U.S. House of Representatives to decide by state delegation."
"And unless this president is removed in this impeachment process, that repair job is going to be job one for the next president of the United States."
"If you can do impeachments like this and you can have mail-in ballots, we don't have democracy."
"The conclusion of the Robert Mueller investigation is the end of the beginning."
"The one process the Constitution gives Congress to remove a president from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, that process has been used twice to impeach a president."
"Impeachment only incites more division; it does not provide unity."
"Pence's role as the president of the senate was to preside over the counting process and gavel down any objections that do not stand."
"Impeachment is a separate process from electoral processes. It's a way to weigh a president's fitness for office and whether or not he's committed high crimes and misdemeanors."
"This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy."
"The Senate just voted to confirm President Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court."
"It's not over... the vote count isn't over yet."
"It's time for our nation to come together, trust the process, and keep informing."
"Arguing about differences of opinion is healthy. That's how a democracy should be. We should go head-to-head, at loggerheads, have robust debate with each other."
"This is a vote to proceed on the 3.5 trillion dollar stimulus package but if you've been watching the channel and following along you'll know this was actually a very important vote."
"The only question is, has Trump done something impeachable? If yes, you impeach. That's it. That's the entire flowchart."
"Brexit should never be seen as an end in itself."
"So as you see right now 102 Democrats have voted for you have 97 Republicans who have voted nay right now is 103 to 97 and of course it's 10 minutes 10 more minutes for them to vote they will."
"It's democracy. It's not Donald Trump. Give his supporters and everybody time to figure this out."
"Stopping online gun sales both of those will require acts of Congress though not executive order."
"There are a lot of people who have doubts about the 2020 election, whether those doubts are well founded or not, so it's important for those doubts to be tested."
"The Constitution allows for the people to be wrong, and that gets settled through the democratic process."
"Now's the time to prove it. If you think you have a better solution than the NRA, Gyeo A process political process and I'm talking peaceful resistance here now it's a time to show."
"Democracy is messy. It's about contestation of ideas."
"Donald Trump has officially been impeached and you saw the Republicans saying all the Democrats have been trying to do this since day one."
"Democracy is a process for people who are not certain that they're right."
"Republicans don't engage in that process in good faith."
"President Trump believes setting oral argument in January 2023 or later is appropriate."
"The four greatest words ever spoken in the democracy are: The people have spoken."
"Don't lose hope, don't lose faith in the process."
"Abortion policymaking should rest with the elected legislators and governors."
"The great thing about our republic is that we settle our differences in this country at the ballot box, not with guns or bayonets or violence."
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says today the House will move forward with plans to impeach President Trump."
"The fact that in most cases, the democratic process ends in the right result gives me great hope."
"Impeachment was never designed to be a partisan response towards one party losing a presidential election."
"Tonight's so-called hearing is not in good faith, it is not an honest probe into the security breakdown on that fateful day."
"I'm pleased that every senator will have the opportunity to vote on whether or not additional witnesses and documents are necessary."
"The potential nominee, if it is a black female with this discriminatory process that he seemingly is going to put in place."
"I think the only thing they have going for them, which was this inevitability argument, and of course he’s going to be confirmed, is crumbling under the rage of millions of women."
"There are 57 senators who voted to convict on the facts and the law."
"It's not stuff that you take into consideration in an impeachable hearing."
"The parliamentarian also ruled that a measure...was not totally in line with the rules for budget reconciliation," - Kyle Kulinski.
"The impeachment trial will proceed against him. It's pretty clear that there are not the votes there to convict him."
"Reunification of Ireland wouldn't be the day it happens. It wouldn't be like, 'Okay, that's it, there's no more Northern Ireland.'"
"Brexit's been a relatively peaceful process."
"If you're gonna set tariffs, that should be happening at the Congressional level, not unilaterally at the presidential level."
"Voting is actually happening. We're finally making real progress here."
"The fact is the house will deliver the article of impeachment to the senate, the senate will conduct a trial of the impeachment of Donald Trump, it will be a full trial, it will be a fair trial but make no mistake there will be a trial."
"So if he impeach him isn't that extending further than removal right? He's not in office and so what they're saying is no no but you can't stop here at this end you have to say disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor."
"The DNC and the media now are collectively doing the winnowing that used to be done by voters."
"I thank the President should appoint a separate special counsel."
"The big tech hearings won't lead to regulation. Congressional hearings are just that, a chance to hear from citizens and government officials."
"Has there ever been a time when someone was prevented from being on a ballot in American history?"
"We know that voting is not the end-all be-all. It is the beginning."
"I consider it despicable... violence interfering with the processes of government."
"There is no legitimate reason to keep ineligible voters on the rolls."
"Civilized democracy only works if you have the principle of losers consent."
"So long as Trump is fighting, you can argue that Trump is wasting time and throwing a temper tantrum, whatever you want to say. I don't care. Until the electoral college votes, there is no president-elect."
"Ensuring a smoother transition of power in presidential elections."
"The most fundamental aspect of democracy is that we're going to decide."
"It's more important the process for putting people in power than the actual power that they have."
"It found that a clear majority of Americans 62 percent think the trial should happen before the 2024 election."
"We have made our minds up in the greatest democratic exercise in the history of this country. I trust the voice of the people more than the politicians." [Applause]
"Will the corporate Democrats even allow a challenge to Biden?"
"An end to the CCP regime is possible... process is beginning."
"What is going on in America today in the midst of a deadly pandemic in an ongoing election having a rushed supreme court nomination hearing is not normal, and we cannot normalize it."
"Democracy only works if the people that are on the side of the argument that didn't actually succeed... accept that result." - Rachel MacLean
"Once your vote goes in and your vote record is attached, that should be sacrosanct. It should not change like the bucket of apples you put. You put those 12 apples in, that's what's there."
"We're asking for in that regard that he be allowed to participate in the campaign and participate in the political process without being Shackled and hampered by the criminal process but that's not immunity."
"Each state gets one vote... so each congressional delegation gets one vote."
"I love that she stood her ground and check their referendum holding the rules."
"The President pro-tem has historically presided over impeachment trials of non-presidents."
"We do, the American people are the final say that we get to vote them in and vote them out every every two years for the House members every six for the senators."
"If they can do that, they will be voting with the motion to proceed which again it's just the motion to proceed but it's actually a very very big vote." - Explanation of the voting process
"Unless something egregious was done I don't believe that it's the party's place to intervene with that democratic process."
"I hope not representative of the entire sort of agenda you're seeing bills from other members that I think are a little bit more promising."
"This isn't just theater, there are people with real opinions and we're seeing an open vote on the floor."
"Once the Senate passes this bill, everybody can pretty much breathe a sigh of relief."
"Democracy is not always easy negotiation is not always easy um there are differences everybody knows that there are differences we gotta bridge them and we gotta come together." - Pramila Jayapal
"Georgia will recount presidential election ballots by hand as Biden's lead over Trump grows."
"If it took the UK three administrations to fully execute Brexit, do you think you can unravel it?"
"Congress working on two-day funding extension hours before government shutdown."
"It should be up to a judge, not the President and not his political appointee to decide whether or not it is appropriate for the committee to review the complete record."
"I'm absolutely in favor of having another vote, another referendum on this issue."
"And the constitution sets forth separation of powers, and separation of power says that folks like me go out and get folks like you to vote for them to make the law."
"I believe in the system that we have set up here. If your leaders are not working for you, the only way that you can get them out is to vote them out. There are other ways, but I don't condone that."
"Drag these guys before these committees left and right and just work them over."
"It's gonna be great because they say in here the Chileans head to the polls on Sunday to either approve or reject what has been described as the world's most progressive constitution."
"The only recourse... is for them to object, hold their own hearings, and make a decision."
"Deal done, the fourth stimulus procedural recon has passed the US Senate."
"This bill should have been passed and brought into the house a long time ago."
"Anyone can be voted in as speaker of the house. They can vote for me if they wanted to."
"If Vice President Pence requires both chambers to overturn, then it's going to be more difficult because clearly the Democrats have a majority in the House."
"Republicans have been running the nominees through like factory-made chocolates on a conveyor belt."
"A faithless elector is a term that's used for an elector who has decided to vote differently than expected."
"It talks about such things as the advice and consent process which is embedded in our Constitution."
"We believe the individuals we have subpoenaed today have information about how these so-called alternate electors met and who was behind that scheme."
"That's what it looks and sounds like when the foot soldiers in the plot to steal the election face their day in court, at least the beginning of it."
"Even if it turns out that Vice President Pence has to cast that final decision based on the electoral votes for the opponent for Biden and for Harris, this republic will survive."
"Tonight, the battle over raising the debt limit finally moving to Congress but it's far from over."
"Impeachment was never designed as a venting mechanism."
"An impeachment, after all, is not anything resembling a fair judicial process."
"Voting is the end of one process in the beginning of another because even if your chosen candidate doesn't win we still have to be engaging that school board that water district that d.a those judges uh the legislature the county congress."
"What would happen if something really weird did occur... I would appeal the verdict of the Senate to the ballot box."
"What is going on is a process within certain constraints and protocols to end the Embargo."
"I'm personally want the best result but whatever result we get is going back to the people."
"It kind of feels like I'm watching a congressional C-SPAN hearing, except this will actually count for something."
"Impeachment once it gets momentum has a life of its own. It devours all the attention in Washington and the media."
"The emergency act is clear on what we will be voting on. This is not an exercise in communications; it is an exercise in parliamentary oversight."
"It's been almost two months since the House of Representatives officially voted to recommend contempt charges for Mark Meadows..."
"Policy is not decided within a two-minute period of time."
"Will this get even into the House of Representatives? We shall see."
"Any support needs to be passed by Congress, both Republicans and Democrats."
"He believes that Democrats and Republicans should seriously and carefully consider any qualified nominee he puts forward."
"The president's focus is not on gaming out the process." - White House on Supreme Court nominee selection
"This is big news whether you follow it here on MSNBC where Mr. Navarro has been a guest or anyone really in the Trump World or around the nation because this is a Trump White House advisor indicted for issues related to the Insurrection."
"This is democracy at work and Anything could happen here yeah it's the any there's any possibility now we all know what the probable outcome is but this is a crap shoot."
"Impeachment is actually something we're supposed to do. That trial. So my personal view is that there ought to be a real cost for Chuck Schumer."
"Democrats now see this as severe enough to move forward to the next stage of the impeachment process is incredibly important."
"Ultimately voters make the decision about who they elect to Congress."
"The President has said many times that he's chosen to remain uninvolved in this process, and that's where we are right now."
"I believe that overwhelming evidence has been presented to us... and we should launch an impeachment inquiry."
"It's not about how many votes you get, it's about who counts the vote." - Joe Biden
"The purpose of impeachment is inconsistency."
"They've passed three stimulus packages here over the course of the last 18 months or so but they've been trying to pass a physical infrastructure package for years."
"Keep watching, have faith in the system. That's the best thing I can say."
"Presidents have secretaries of state who go through a process to get not only nominated and confirmed through the Senate, but also take an oath of office to the people of the United States." - Robert Reich
"Democrats are prepping a new phase of this impeachment probe planning public hearings on the case for impeaching President Trump within weeks and as early as mid-November."
"Impeachment is much needed as limit setting, and the House Speaker has done well to set limits on the Senate by delaying the articles."
"After a year and a half of negotiating, they have finally passed in the Senate the reconciliation bill."
"The American impeachment process is a bit more inclusive."
"Constitution gives this body the power of advice and consent but it only works if people have the backbone to use it."
"Nothing can happen in Switzerland without a referendum."
"The trial should not reward the president's obstruction."
"232 votes in the House of Representatives to impeach Donald John Trump and send him to trial in the United States Senate."
"Voting is just one part of a political process; voting is the end game."
"The more you can have these issues talked about, discussed, debated within a political context, I think it gives them greater legitimacy because, you know, there is a sense that we went through this process and we found a place where we could get to."
"We have descended into a political process where it has become utterly impossible to defy the centers of power."
"There's a giant difference between being upset and seeking change through the normal political process and engaging in political violence. Giant difference, yeah."
"... the revolutionary process does is it and what's important about 1848 is that it brings for the first time lots more people into the political process ..."
"...when he goes up, it's split, and if you have a tie in the senate, the vote goes to the VP."
"The beauty of a referendum is that every voter has an equal voice."
"Every vote carries equal weight, and members of Parliament have no moral or political superiority over anybody else."
"For weeks we've watched the politicians slugging it out; tonight at last we hear the voters' verdict."
"Over the next 18 hours, we shall have a succession of victors, vanquished, and walking wounded."
"Many of the most important issues to be decided by government agencies... involve social preferences which in a democracy can only be expressed through the political process."
"In the direct democracy of Athens, Assembly voters voted on each item debated, rather than platforms bundling several issues."
"Anything to do with our civic process, we make sure we do so in a non-partisan way."
"Committees are considered the 'workhorses' of Congress."
"Democracy is a struggle, you know, always has been."
"This political mechanism, the political process, was so isolated that it seemed to be designed entirely to perpetuate itself."