
Ethical Consumption Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"We live in a capitalistic society; it is very, very difficult to be ethical. There is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism."
"What's the point of this spectacular show if the clothes are made by sweatshop workers? What matters is what am I buying, what is it made of, and how was it made?"
"Buying from ethical, sustainable brands, if you can afford to, is awesome. But probably the most important thing you would need to do to shop sustainably is just to buy only what you need."
"Should we only ever financially support businesses or corporations that completely align with our values?"
"I think it's really important to have some nuance in all these conversations and just dive a little deeper and then make personal decisions about what we are okay with supporting financially, directly or indirectly."
"The responsibility of change is on us, as consumers, to vote with our wallets for a different world."
"You should be able to buy delicious chocolate from a company that shares your values."
"Your food choices have an impact on the environment around you, on people around you, on the animals."
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
"Stop supporting companies that don't align with your values."
"They give back with every purchase you make."
"I like knowing exactly where my meat comes from and with moink I know it's coming from small Family Farms all across the country."
"Congratulations, you've stopped supporting the most horrific cruelty of animals on earth."
"We should have ethical ways to consume music that isn't at the expense of culture and artists."
"People's consumption is going to want to match their value system." - Speaker
"I don't want to contribute to the torture of an animal."
"It's more important to support the brands that actually stand for the right thing than it is to cancel the brands that don't. It's that simple."
"Empowering individuals to make ethical purchasing decisions while supporting retail partners."
"It is 100% of the prerogative of consumers who feel that that is morally corrupt to no longer support that brand. It is a thousand percent our prerogative."
"It's better for you, better for animals, and much better for the planet."
"If you're funding a company whose founder is donating to political campaigns that you fundamentally disagree with you have every right to not support that company anymore."
"There's no ethical consumption under capitalism is to give people grace period where it's needed but it's also important to know when we can actively not support companies that we don't agree with morally or that we go against ethically."
"With $15, you're not getting as much as you could be with things like ethical standards."
"There is ethical consumption under capitalism."
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, 95% of people would stop eating meat."
"Don't promote a brand name that comes from so much suffering."
"Relative sustainability is the key to ethical eating."
"Be careful what you partake in, be careful of the monster you feed."
"You're pumping your money into owners that don't care about the things that you support, you're making it worse because you're enabling that behavior."
"We can reduce and ultimately eliminate our consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy."
"Let it be known that I love the fact that more brands are going down the cruelty-free route."
"You should not be buying Aeon Mustai because you are supporting a game that straight up was stolen from its original creators."
"If you do watch a streamer and they are playing a very narrative heavy single-player game, maybe try to find a way to support those developers."
"Another way that I'm saving money this year is by stopping buying fast fashion."
"Factory farms exist solely to make as much money as possible from the exploitation of animals."
"Animal suffering doesn't just permeate our food and our clothing... it's in our furniture, our sports, our medicine, and our cosmetics."
"Hopefully, we can influence consumers to make better choices for themselves, for everyone, including the animals and the planet as well."
"There's so much violence that is direct it's direct you know it's not we buy from this factory and then there's pollution that goes into waterways it's I'm paying for you to kill for me."
"You don't have to buy a game from a company that openly employs racist and sexist you don't have to buy a game that has all this negative controversy surrounding it."
"This foundation is actually a dollar 88 and I learned that 88 cents of that is actually donated to charities to build schools and it's cruelty free."
"Don't go stream his music just to hear the lyrics, prayers to the victims."
"Do you think it's morally okay to play atomic heart even though buying it means giving some money to Russia's government? Uh, yeah I think it's fine."
"Every purchase we make in a supermarket is voting for a different world."
"People should have access to skincare brands and cosmetics that match their morals and values but also benefit their skin and work in their routines."
"Fairphone's basic goal is to prove that there can be better behavior."
"Understanding fashion doesn't mean supporting problematic figures."
"All of this stuff for three dollars... it's all at the expense of some poor laborer... boycott Shein."
"We hold the power, and if we see ourselves as citizen consumers and if we vote with our dollars, we can change the industry."
"Not only will your body thank you but also the animals and the planet will benefit as well."
"The future I would like is where we stop supporting these industries."
"If lab-grown meat causes no suffering, then I don't see the problem."
"I would rather pay more for a product and know that the people that are working... are making a living wage."
"I'm not a vegan like that, I want to show love in terms of like pasture-raised, ethically farmed."
"If you don't recognize this feeling of ambivalence is superimposed upon you and reclaim sovereignty of your own sense of right and wrong, then industry farms you as cynically as it does the pig, the cow, the sheep."
"Every dollar paid to the Russian war machine is killing Ukrainians and undermining European security."
"I personally love to support companies like this, that actually give back."
"I don't think universally necessarily true whereas it is universally necessarily true that you shouldn't kill animals for me."
"Consumer backlash will do a lot to dissuade bad behavior."
"I think supporting vegan companies like that is important because the more accessible those things are, the more I give money to those things."
"I really do care. The brands I buy from care a lot about the environment and where their materials come from."
"The brands I buy from care a lot about the environment and where their materials come from."
"Animals are ethically raised and sustainably sourced. They do things the right way and it shows in every box."
"It's not about giving up traditions; it's about enjoying them without harming animals."
"Be conscious. If you find out something is using generative AI, maybe don't buy that thing. Don't feed into the corporate pipeline of allowing them to make money off of using this tech."
"There's no doubt that we would not have the same kind of just wholesale global Holocaust of trillions of beings if there were no demand for those products."
"I don't believe there's ethical consumption under capitalism."
"Reducing the expectation of pain and the actuality of pain as much as possible in the slaughtering of the animals that you intend to then use for food and sustenance is The Sweet Spot."
"Art versus the artist comes down to a personal choice."
"There's always going to be around so you either want evil people making evil products from our animals or evil people making cloud products for vegans and plant-based eaters."
"Maybe Shein clothing brand is kind of bad for Humanity."
"Just try and be a little bit more ethical when it comes to consumption because it is truly getting scary how big Shein is and how little people seem to care about it."
"Don't just fuck off, sell me a goddamn product."
"We admire beautiful birds and their wings and feathers and yet I was at a dinner party the other night when they were all passing around bits of chicken." - Linda McCartney
"You start seeing stuff about the environment, you start seeing stuff about the ethics of how it's produced."
"People should have access to brands that match their morals and values and give them skin results that they can rely on and trust."
"It's okay to appreciate someone's art while not supporting what they have done as a person."
"It's incredibly important for people to be able to tackle the moral dilemmas around their own consumption."
"The ethical issue is one for us. We can walk into a store and either buy meat or buy some equally or more nutritious plant-based foods."
"When we are consuming something let us at least be aware of the process it comes from."
"If it's gonna go to waste anyway and the chicken is not gonna eat it, then obviously I don't see an ethical issue with eating it."
"Vote with your fork. Vote with your dollars."
"You can feel good about the products that you're wearing while also looking very cute."
"There is virtually no way to avoid unethical consumption, but that does not mean that you should go out of your way to create further harm."
"None of us preach that we want to see animal suffering, you know, but that's what we partake in."
"I found myself being really repulsed at the idea of eating meat."
"Making sure that it's Humane... there's definitely a way to be a conscious meat eater."
"Every single piece of animal food we eat comes from an animal who desperately wanted to not be killed."
"Transparency matters: know where your coffee comes from and how it's sourced."
"Imagine if you could eat a steak and a cow didn't have to die for it to happen."
"I couldn't ingest fear, anxiety, pain, and torture in my body."
"Stop slaughtering animals to eat them and wear them, and stop slaughtering cows to drink their secretions."
"Don't patronize no racist company. No racist business. Any company that even uses racist propaganda."
"If you support artists who are problematic, you're part of the problem."
"Meat should be more expensive because each animal deserves to have a decent life."
"You're violating their rights when you go and support the industry and buy the chickens."
"Consumers of black culture should donate to black creators and cite their work rather than appropriating it for profit."
"Be thankful because this meat did not come from an animal."
"What we really should be looking at is educating everyone, the consumer, that enjoys spreading melted butter or delicious cheese's across their toast."
"I'm very mindful of products and ingredients, making sure that they're cruelty-free."
"You don't need to eat animals or their secretions."
"Get away from the giant corporations and the giant overproduced meat services."
"If you're going to eat meat, make sure it's regenerative, grass-fed, organic when possible."
"But for me personally, I do just feel really nice about buying secondhand or deadstock as often as possible."
"If you have the choice to buy a plant food and you are against cruelty to animals, it's an obligation to do so."
"You can buy stuff that small children are making across the globe that is more reasonable."
"Thinking about provenance of what we use in our daily lives thinking about the environmental impact of goods being shipped around the world possibly multiple times at different stages of production and thinking actually I don't want to be part of that anymore."
"Megan stopped patronizing British Brands and British designers as much as she had done before but what she has started to do is think really carefully about who is making her clothes."
"I want to know that like the brands that I'm buying from that they are paying their workers a living wage because the last thing I want is to wear a piece of clothing that has caused somebody a lot of misery."
"You are supporting something a bit more slower and sustainable when you're purchasing from brands like such."
"Even if you're not part of them and you still purchase from them, you're still supporting this kind of business structure that actually can ruin people's lives."
"With this video, I ordered one clothing item that was from a sustainable ethical retailer, one clothing item that was from a small black-owned business, and one clothing item from a bigger retailer."
"If you want peace of mind and to not be contributing to the problems that we already have, I think being able to buy it second hand or upcycled...clears my conscience."
"It's also vegan and cruelty-free."
"Make your stomachs not graveyards for animals by eating meat ethically."
"Sustainability isn't just about saving the world and plastics or palm oil."
"Support restaurants with ethical practices when you do eat out."
"...when you choose to support a sustainable brand when you eventually work through all the makeup you have which will take so long to use up..."
"Supporting sustainable brands when you need to buy something is worthwhile."
"Taylor Stitch also has a big emphasis on sustainability... they make durable clothes last a long time."
"I do not need to be contributing to any more of the needless suffering in the world."
"I only want to buy fair trade coffee. I only want to buy coffee that I know or I hope that the people who have worked towards making that coffee are getting a fair wage."
"Yeah um so if you are going to eat eggs look for that certified Humane label."
"Let's move away from fast fashion items that are only worn once or twice and start wearing extremely comfortable durable and environmentally friendly clothing and ethical jewelry."
"I cannot emphasize enough how important I think it is to support brands that are ethical, that are run by good people, that provide really great products and are just they're just good people."
"Is it possible to produce animal products more sustainably and redress this vast imbalance?"
"Even if you don't buy the wool, even if you just buy the garments, I want you guys to enjoy building a relationship with the people who make your stuff."
"I'm passionate about buying local, pasture-raised meats whenever possible."
"Harvesting something that has lived a fulfilled, free life, being able to do what it was meant to do, puts me more at ease than going to the store and getting some beef."
"I think you can support Hogwarts Legacy without supporting JK Rowling."
"Make sure it's grass-fed, buy organic, buy free-range, and perhaps be prepared to pay a little bit more, but get a product that you can be reassured has been looked after and is better for the environment."
"I need something else to feel good about, here's three: Every Man Jack uses responsibly made packaging, they're a National Forest Foundation partner, and their products are all cruelty-free."
"Clean meat just means meat made in a lab from animal cell lines, so it's actual meat minus the slaughter."
"It's also about our choices as individuals. What questions do we ask of the companies that we purchase from?"
"Fairtrade, the world gets richer with every sip."
"Reward people who are doing it right."
"To know that I'm buying something that is going to feed someone's family, that's making a living wage, that has a value to me that means a lot."
"If widely adopted, lab-grown meat, also called clean meat, could eliminate much of the cruel and unethical treatment of animals raised for food."
"I think people should be more willing to buy more expensive coffees to show that there is a market of people who are conscious-minded enough to do that."
"It's a cruelty-free brand which I know more and more people are starting to really care about."
"Doesn't everyone want to eat fish that has been caught with ethical methods?"
"Do you care where your food originates from? Do you try your best to go and buy British? Would you pay more for it?"
"You can feel good about each cup since Trade partners with more than 55 small U.S.-based roasters who are committed to ethical and sustainable sourcing."
"So let's move away from fast fashion items that are only worn once or twice and start wearing extremely comfortable, durable, and environmentally friendly clothing and ethical jewellery."
"If we are serious about eradicating animal agriculture, I really don't see why we shouldn't be on board with cultivated meat."
"It is often said that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism."
"Just as we all play a role in consuming the goods, that these children and slaves and trafficked people make, it's time we start playing a role in how these goods are made."
"I don't want any blood on my diamond."
"They're Fairtrade ingredients and it's a family-owned company and they're all cruelty-free."
"Cheap food comes at a cost to the animal, it will come at a cost to the farmer, it will come at a cost to the soil."
"It's good for your soul, there's something so peaceful about knowing that you're buying something and no living creature was harmed in the process of that."
"I love to review makeup, I love to buy makeup, but I won't buy it if there's any cruelty involved."
"CBD gets into the hands of people who need it without scamming and pillaging and plundering with an MLM."
"It's the coffee you can feel good about."
"What you're holding here represents so much pain for yourself, for the animals, for the planet; it's not a joke."
"When you're buying it you can feel good because you can know that no little kids who don't want to be working made the clothes."
"If you were to pay extra money and buy a t-shirt that was made ethically, you would be taking away demand for something that's unethical and putting it for something that's more ethical."
"Whatever suffering I'm going through... doesn't really amount to the suffering and death I'd be supporting in buying these animal products."
"I love that these coffees are fair trade certified, so I can feel good knowing that these products empower farmers."
"I love their ethics; they're a very ethical brand in a lot of ways, in my opinion."
"We are not purchasing any meat that came from meat lots anymore."
"There's so many benefits when it comes to vegan consumption; it's sustainable, ethically safe, plant-based, so it can cause relatively fewer irritations than animal derivatives."
"Sustainable products mean a product that is created with ingredients and materials that don't harm the planet or the people."