
Personality Importance Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"We don't need to go out and buy a Cantona because of his personality. You will get that if you bring in the right players."
"I think the biggest thing to grow on YouTube is that you just have to be likable. Personality is more important than a camera, more important than editing, more important than content."
"Being less superficial in a social sense can be helpful, not only because it'll make people less judgmental but also because it'll encourage everyone to develop their personality and social skills."
"It's mainly about the personality, right? That's what you can't replace."
"You gotta have the personality behind the channel."
"A good heart matters, more than just the physical aspect."
"People stick around for your personality more so than the specific genre of the content."
"I can't date somebody who has no personality."
"In a team sport, you need people, you need personalities, and that [__] matters."
"No one wants to be around the girl who's only good looking on the outside."
"If I'm choosing somebody, it ain't just her looks, it's her personality, her vibe, like all of that [ __ ]."
"Could you fall in love with someone based on personality alone?"
"Personality and being funny is so much better than if you're hot. Like, it's when you're younger, being hot is so important because when you're funny and you have a personality, that is like the hottest thing you can find in someone."
"Women are so much more forgiving about your looks and where you are in your life... as long as you have that attitude."
"A big part of what people are forgetting: personality."
"Your career path and how much you make is just one piece of the pie. A relationship is not gonna work if your personality is trash."
"Personality is good. Personality is key. I wouldn't really care what a guy or girl wears to be honest."
"For everyone in our society today, it's looks first and then personality."
"Now they are showing a lot more of their personality and I think that's important in a group environment."
"I believe anything with a personality has a soul." - Able
"Size doesn't matter, it's all about personality."
"Personality goes a long way is what I'm trying to say."
"You need guys with personalities and charisma."
"The guy with the best sense of humor and interesting personality gets the date even if he's average looking."
"You can be rich, good looking, famous, etc., but if you don't have the personality up... you won't get anyone."
"Looks fade, but personality traits like integrity and kindness have staying power."
"Having a personality is more important than the looks."
"You're gonna like me for who I am. So in my opinion, like, I feel like personality is always key."
"I fall in love with someone's mind more than I fall in love with someone's appearance."
"Be somebody worth working with, never underestimate being likable."
"Looks fade, so if you love the personality too then that is amazing."
"I find all body types attractive... what I find attractive in a person the most is their personality."
"People come for the personality, and if you cut out the personality, what is the point?"
"Beauty means being a good person and being there for others. In my opinion, beauty is not only about looks but everything that makes up a person."
"Success in pro wrestling is much more dependent on uniqueness and personality."
"Personality matters most nowadays."
"Looks don't matter, it's all about personality and how you treat them."
"I just think personality carries so much."
"Honestly, it's mainly about the personality; that's what you can't replace."
"If you have a great personality, you're fun, energetic, having some sort of direction... I think it's more than physicality."
"It's about 20% looks and 80% personality."
"Personality is a real thing. There's no reason to question that."
"The most important of those qualities is your personality. Can you make me laugh? Can I make you laugh? That is very important."