
Economic System Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Every mechanism in our society is designed to make money for already wealthy people."
"Capitalism is a system that arose over the course of centuries to allow people to keep the fruits of their own labors and then freely trade the fruits of their own labors."
"Thinking about regulation, changing the economic system, organizing politically, it's all a part of understanding these things in depth."
"A system that prioritizes constantly growing profits can make any interaction seem like some sort of transaction."
"Capitalism, crony or not, is an economic system where a tiny unelected minority of people get the vast majority of people to work for them so they can get wealthier."
"The idea that capitalism, the economic system that dominates the world, makes us all rich or even content and able to pay the bills is a fairy tale worthy of Disney."
"The capitalist economic system has made every human on the planet materially better off than ever before in history."
"Most social ills involve the complex interactions of a variety of systems, and depending on your perspective, capitalism has either generated more wealth than any economic system in history, which is good, or it's contributed to rampant inequality, climate degradation, and a host of other problems, which is bad."
"The entire money-structured and materialistic-oriented society is a false society."
"You have Wall Street and the banking system, the largest, most influential on growth GDP in many different ways, the most rewarded system on the planet. This system produces nothing."
"Our entire economic system has been predicated on more and more oil that is roughly the same affordability every year. That is about to change."
"There's been a general consensus around the world that capitalism is the way to go."
"Billionaires didn't just work harder; the system is rigged."
"No system is perfect, but name any system throughout the history of mankind that has pulled more people out of poverty than the free enterprise in a capitalist system."
"Under capitalism, it's inherently exploitative; it's inherently oppressive."
"We have to focus on fixing the system that is distorting and dehumanizing various people, turning them into economic actors."
"The traditional system favors the people that already have money. That's not fair."
"The system is designed to make certain people very rich at the expense of a nation's citizens and taxpayers."
"An economic system that has done so much to enrich those with so much wealth and power that their money will make more money for them in a day than many could make just working for our wages in a year."
"We must work to create an economic system that benefits us all, not just the wealthy."
"What makes America so attractive is capitalism."
"We need a new generation of heroes to strengthen our bonds of trust, to create an economic system that supports and sustains those things that matter, including our democratic values for years to come."
"The same economic system that created so much prosperity...is now creating inequality and climate change."
"Free enterprise capitalism is the only instrument we have to end Hunger, poverty, and extreme poverty across our planet."
"Far from being the cause of our problems, free market capitalism as an economic system is the only tool we have to end hunger, poverty, and destitution throughout the planet."
"At the end of this reset, we're going to go to a sound money system not because anybody wants to."
"I'm a capitalist and I'm a guy that advocates a free market."
"The whole economy system wants people to be drones... but those up there are sipping pina coladas and making millions off other people's hard work."
"Capitalism has volatility... but it's still the best system."
"Capitalism is a ceaselessly innovative system."
"You're not advancing capitalism anymore, it becomes more and more a state-controlled system." - Mike
"Money is a system of effectively societal memory."
"Bitcoin is the way out of their controlled system that favors only the wealthy and the elite."
"I think that the economic system that we've got right now isn't working for most people you know you see evidence of that all over the place."
"Everything we have here in the US of A is because of capitalism."
"I don't care if someone else has more than me so long as I have a system where I'm able to do okay."
"Capitalism is the most humanitarian system ever conceived by man."
"The major beneficiaries of the system are those close to the money printer."
"Our entire economic system is built on this fiat currency, this money that's sort of a fiction."
"We made this incredible success because of capitalism."
"We are not a capitalist country anymore. We are a hybrid right now... moving closer to central planning."
"The only system that has ever lifted people in any number from poverty has been capitalism."
"Debt is not my friend, the system is designed to keep you broke."
"I think the capitalist system is very fragile right now."
"Capitalism has completely dominated the country."
"What we have here as an economic system is powerful. It rewards hard work. It rewards ingenuity."
"There's nothing pure about capitalism." - Michael Moore
"The financial system... it's not the stock market, it's the dollar. It's the U.S. dollar and all fiat-based money which is attached to nothing."
"There's no real social safety net at all within the United States."
"The confidence in the fiat system is getting destroyed by the day."
"Capitalism siphons wealth from the bottom to the top."
"This country will, this system works... It is a fabulous country, and the market system works."
"Capitalism isn't a moral system. It's just a tool to increase productivity and share goods and services."
"This is America. I thought America is capitalism." - Anonymous source
"The rise of populism as the rise the fiat money system is designed to do just this: income and wealth inequality."
"You borrow all this money to get into this economic system that was not built for you."
"It's a trillion such a big number and a system as levered as ours, I just think we might already be past that point of no return."
"The whole system operates in a vacuum. It's a perpetual state of insolvency, that's the truth here."
"Capitalism is chiefly not an incentive system but an information system, and wealth is chiefly knowledge."
"We do not have a wealth-based system, it's a debt-based system, it demands and freaking demands that more debt be borrowed into existence."
"Enjoy your capitalism today, your shirt, your pants, your shoes, very cool backpack, your glasses, all brought to you by capitalism."
"We can now credibly say Bitcoin as an economic system is storing more wealth than ever."
"Capitalism has brought more people out from poverty than any other system."
"We're proudly capitalistic. I'm not confused about this. It's called capitalism."
"The system is built debt upon debt upon debt."
"The integrity of the people makes the economic system work as well as it is."
"Our economic system is a parasite of enjoyment, something we willingly give ourselves to."
"This is capitalism. I love this system."
"Soviet Socialist command system was performing better after the '70s."
"The thing that's going to triumph is the kind of economic system that allows people more freedom to make their own decisions."
"Instead of industrial capitalism that was supposed to percolate through the economy and raise everybody, you have the economy of the five percent that rules through finance."
"The economic system that best exemplifies working together and treating each other with respect and dignity is one that is based on cooperation, mutual aid, and solidarity."
"...whatever it is we need your brains coming up with an entirely new economic system."
"Capitalism has a lot of good parts to it and it has some negative parts to it as well."
"Are you willing to see the bankruptcy of the whole economic system you rely on now so that all money is worthless? It cannot support you."
"...the centrally planned system had no hope of producing prosperity and richness for the country."
"The gold standard was the pinnacle of human achievement in terms of economic systems."
"You need an overall approach that integrates all of society as an economic system."
"I think we've reached a point where we're able to transition to a new economic system."
"Jesus will destroy the central banking system of economic slavery."
"The only system in human history to bring people out of poverty is the free market."
"Profits are entitled. It's a system where people who create value get to capture part of that value."
"The profit motive as the DNA of capitalism was being condemned and people are realizing how there is really no way to reform capitalism because of its structural limits."
"Capitalism... has been and remains the most successful and dynamic economic system."
"The real problem is the system. A system that implodes every four to seven years pushing more and more people into deep poverty."
"This type of system is basically a Ponzi scheme that will collapse once the population stops growing."
"As always, patriarchy is a system of economic exploitation."
"We need to make sure that capitalism is working to decrease poverty."
"The financially educated... are seeing their wealth rise while the people that haven't been investing their money are becoming poorer and poorer in this economic system."
"We shouldn't throw out the free market system; it's still the best system we have at creating wealth and creating freedom."
"I don't think capitalism is inherently evil."
"Capitalism has been productive of great wealth; the problem is it has also been productive of great poverty."
"America may agree that the economy is fundamentally rigged and does not work for them."
"Germany is today home to a system called the social market economy or Rhine capitalism, an economic system thought up by the German government during the reconstruction of the nation after World War II."
"For nearly a century Britain had been operating on a system called the gold standard."
"So for now, North Koreans live out an inherent contradiction: they have to obey the law, and voice support for a broken economic system, but they can only survive by working outside of it."
"Our system is designed to benefit the investor and the business owner."
"Capitalism is an absurd economic system where a tiny unelected minority of people get the vast majority of people to work for them so that they can get wealthier."
"The economic system where market decisions are made by private individuals and businesses is known as a free market."
"Capitalism is the only system that has pulled people out of poverty."