
Dietary Choice Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"I am by no means encouraging the diet that I follow. You can eat so many things, including Jeremy Dodgers which are vegan, everyone."
"I usually eat like fillet or like burger, exactly. I never try something like this and I'm amazed."
"If it's better, I will never eat meat again."
"There's no biological requirement for milk. There's no need to drink milk at all, zero."
"If somebody wants to eat that way... that's their choice."
"Quinoa is great because it's rich in fiber and protein."
"I see these grain-free ciete brand love this brand chili lime grain-free Puffs interesting looks like they're selling like hot cakes."
"These are the best keto chocolate chip cookies around."
"Getting protein from plants is better than filtering it through animals."
"Bison: leaner, higher in protein, lower in cholesterol and fat."
"This will keep you full longer, the calories are way less, and it has no sugar in it."
"Just leave veganism and the dash towards me. Stop telling me what to eat and I won't tell you what to eat."
"Bananas are rich in potassium and fiber, low in sodium."
"Meat being the most neutral food, there's less inflammation."
"Smoothies are convenient for me and they've been working really, really well so that's what I'm doing."
"Low carb diets wonderful for trying to lose weight."
"Oh I can actually eat animal base and not kill my patients."
"If a paleo diet doesn't help or doesn't help enough with your mood or concentration issues, a ketogenic diet is also usually the next logical step."
"This is my vitamin right here, this is my vitamin, this is my vitamin."
"Going plant-based is a very simple, highly proven, well-supported way to lower your cholesterol."
"Beans are protein powerhouses, packed with it minus all the saturated fat and cholesterol that you get in animal products."
"These are ridiculous so coffee coffee and hazelnut on my favor favorite but their one net carb it's a healthy version of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup."
"The reason why I’m doing this is because it adds healthy fats into the juice."
"We are all obligate carnivores; you're eating meat every single day."
"To burn 200 calories, it is easy to simply not eat that bag of chips in the first place than to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes."
"Erythritol is one of the most net neutral zero calorie things that you can consume."
"Seed oil free is the key to being disease free."
"We actually got so much White Ramen sent by them and we are huge fans ourselves. It's actually super tasty and you feel healthy and full for hours afterward."
"I don't miss beans, by the way, yeah, I don't miss beans."
"If you eat grains, this muesli is what you want – organic whole grains, no fillers."
"Add in liver, cut out everything else except for meat and liver."
"Just eat meat, be happy, don't worry about it."
"I found myself being really repulsed at the idea of eating meat."
"If You're Gonna Go vegan or whatever that's the one I want to do it."
"Drink diet pop if you're craving it, in moderation."
"You don't have to have carbohydrates... apparently is zero provided that adequate amounts of protein and fats are consumed."
"Just ditch the dairy. It's not that difficult."
"Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat fish for the rest of his life."
"Date syrup: lower glycemic sweetener, paleo, amazing complex sweetness."
"Organic grilled chicken breast: red meat, best in class ingredients."
"A great keto snack that is it, Flav City family."
"Strawberry milk tastes so good, shout out vegans."
"Iced chai latte, try to eat high volume low-cal stuffs."
"I would rather just stack and be able to plant and stuff. I can do without meat. I can eat vegetables and beans and things all day long."
"Ghee is okay because although ghee technically considered as saturated it also has other components."
"Bison—lean, grass-fed, better omega-3 profile, good for muscle preservation, brain, and heart health."
"I don't like chocolate milk. I don't like milk. Cheers!"
"It's sugar-free, it's just whipped cream and extra ice and coffee."
"Environmental destruction alone should be enough to sway towards the vegan diet."
"Eating quite a lot of fermented foods can make a difference."
"I don't eat meat anymore; I'm just sucking on them."
"You're not eating someone, you're eating plants."
"That's why I think at a in a restaurant setting the piece of grilled meat is going to be the best option for you."
"I'm going vegan like it's not a challenge anymore this is my life."
"I really don't care if canola oil turns out to be great or terrible. Happy to remove or add more to my diet if the evidence justifies."
"I'm a vegetarian now so basically I can't have anything but vegetables anyway it's just real boring right?"
"It's a more healthier alternative and for me, it kills my sugar cravings."
"I am actually trying out veganism at the moment."
"Dear meat is some of the best meat you might be missing out on."
"This one is also great if you're not a fan of sausage or bacon."
"One day, I will go full raw. I want to live on an island when I do that."
"If you're going to Burger King and you're getting the Whopper every day and you need to break your meat addiction, you can get the Impossible Whopper."
"This vegan kale cashew and basil pesto is a great low carb option."
"Eating vegan food, it's a piece of cake."
"I think it's much easier when the whole family adopts the whole food plant-based diet."
"Tallow is great. It is an excellent option for my high fat carnivores and it is gentle."
"You're missing out if you're not eating plant-based, I mean it's a fact. If you're still eating that chicken and rice BS, man, stop all that."
"I haven't had milk in like five years"
"Don't worry about all that, like in the weed stuff. So what I ate in the beginning were meats, eggs including the yolk."
"I'm currently pescetarian, and even though I do eat dairy, I do try and cut down on it most of the time."
"This is going to be clean keto, I'm not getting garbage."
"You don't need the meat in the breakfast sandwich."
"...the way I eat, if different to you, shouldn't in any way detract from my overall message of improve yourself so you're above average."
"One person's opinion of excess meat is different than another person's."
"I'm so glad I'm not vegan anymore."
"I'm not going vegan. Vegan, you have to go vegan."
"I'm a vegan, but you know, I'm splurging, yeah, I don't eat chicken or beef, okay, I ain't got there yet, yeah, yeah."
"Wow, okay, let's do that. Since you don't eat beef, you want to do lentils?"
"I'm a vegetarian now so I will eat pastry from now on."
"I know that I raved about the carnivore diet a few months ago, I changed my mind and I admit I was wrong."
"I have a bag of baked barbecue chips, 75% less fat."
"No one gets heart disease on a carnivore diet."
"I had a lettuce wrap, I was really impressed by your discipline."
"Vegans, you do not need to eat it, okay? I'm not planning on eating cell-grown meat, okay?"
"It doesn't hurt for everybody to be vegan."
"Oh no, I can't have glue, let me have all these other dog [ __ ] right here that will still give me a heart attack in 20 years."
"I was vegan for a while and I enjoyed it."
"Once again the plant-based diet for the win. Amen."
"Every single time we eat, we can fuel our health or we can fuel our disease."
"I eat this way because it is what has been working for me for six years."
"Moderate reduction in red meat extends life."
"Adopting a plant-based approach to your plate... is perhaps the single most powerful, most positively impactful, compassionate, conscious thing that you can do."
"Option number 2: swapping the bun with whole grain bread or using lettuce as the bun."
"If you aren't vegan and you're just doing your own thing with your food, then as long as you're enjoying it."
"This is how you do it lovingly... there's no reason to force keto or carnivore on this sweet little human."
"The good thing about this is, this is not very very filling yet, it's very hearty."
"It's okay to eat eggs and bacon for breakfast."
"I am not vegan, but I made this and went back for more."
"We don't eat animals, we love animals."
"I'm glad that this is vegan, I love me some noodles."
"We all have a choice. I challenge you to become modern-day hunter-gatherers and eat for your mitochondria."
"Love, love, love these and a great source of protein."
"Cauliflower's low potassium and phosphorus content make it a star player in the realm of kidney-friendly foods."
"I tend to really enjoy like plant-based sausage options and like just plant-based options in general."
"Kosher hot dogs are 100% beef, right? Yeah, that's what I thought."
"The high iron content in dates makes them an excellent dietary choice for those who are at risk of anemia."
"I don't eat pigs because I love them."
"I don't eat anything with a face."
"I'm not eating the animal that eats the protein; I'm eating the protein straight from the source."
"Rabbit is everything you ought to be eating; it's lean, fat-free, it's wild."
"It's perfectly suited for a low carb or soy-free lifestyle."
"Rabbit is the best meat to eat, talking about nutritional value compared to beef, goats, and chicken."
"I entirely gave up on dairy products and on beef."
"Choose beef, bison, goat, lamb, sheep that are certified by the American Grassfed Association."
"Our son is old enough to decide what he wants to eat and what dietary preferences are."
"We are gonna take a break from all the meats today and go vegan."
"I always say I don't like protein bars, and this is like my one exception."
"I highly recommend getting the gluten-free bread."
"I love their gluten-free quinoa tortillas, I buy them every week."
"Choose whole grain options whenever you can, as these contain more fiber."
"What a great way to get your fat with real organic butter."
"I'm one of those people I could just not eat meat all day."
"I use this the same way I use the canned chicken breast, it's low in calories with a ton of protein."
"You can eat all the butter, eggs, meat, saturated fats you want and indeed you should do that to calm down the inflammation around the nerves in your skin."
"You can eat liver two or three times a week, a four-ounce serving, if you love it, I think it's totally fine."
"It's vegan, and I feel a lot like Christmas."
"Mono meals are obviously queen; they are optimal for your digestion."
"Where possible I would consider using an olive oil because of the high level of these antioxidant like compounds."
"Say no to the process, only eat the God bless."
"I love salmon. I eat a lot of salmon."
"I have zero problem with eating animals that are sustainably raised and harvested."