
Ukraine Support Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"We condemn this in the strongest possible terms and we call upon all members of the Security Council and the United Nations to now stand up for Ukraine."
"At a time when NATO needs to ramp up defense production to help Ukraine and to replenish its own stock, having Swedish defense industry in the mix is very, very helpful."
"The United States Senate has passed a new Lend-Lease Act, making it a semi-unlimited credit line for Ukraine to request U.S. weapons."
"Let's act together, stand together, and most of all, let us stand with the people of Ukraine."
"We must act together, stand together, and most of all, let us stand with the people of Ukraine."
"This new story... we've got to keep going, we've got to stick by Ukraine."
"Support from U.S. representatives still stands exceptionally high for continued aid to Ukraine."
"Aid Ukraine should be viewed as an investment not charity."
"Allied countries providing support towards Ukraine."
"We may be close to a pivot by the United States away from Ukraine, which would mean the end of the Ukraine as we have known."
"If the Chinese see that the United States... cannot stick together with Ukraine and stop Russia."
"Barbaric Venture of Vladimir Putin must end in favor. Ukraine can win, Ukraine must win, and Ukraine will win."
"Peace for Ukraine. You know the enemy is confused."
"The G7 nations... stand together behind Ukraine."
"We stand with Ukraine in standing for the rule of law."
"We will continue working with our international partners to safeguard Ukraine's territorial integrity and prevent further Russian aggression."
"We all owe Ukraine an unpayable debt of gratitude."
"Ukrainian Pilots will travel to the U.S for F-16 jet training."
"Germany has been a pioneer in assisting Ukraine with financial, humanitarian, and military aid."
"Stop supporting Ukraine means to just agree to let Russia destroy it."
"The International Community must stand in solidarity with Ukraine and provide unwavering support."
"Mitch McConnell, let's go ahead and keep sending money towards Ukraine because that's where the real issue lies."
"We will not leave Ukraine defenseless at any point in this conflict, period."
"The United States had invested more than 5 billion since 1991 to help Ukraine achieve the future it deserves."
"More than 61,000 Knights were booked in just 48 Hours, raising almost two million dollars for hosts in Ukraine."
"We will all be less secure if Putin gets his way. Ukraine is one of the great causes of our time."
"Europe is supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia and I think that makes sense for many reasons primarily from National interest reasons."
"Ukraine stands up for all, and we should be massively celebrating and assisting."
"The increasing role in which the Pacific is stepping up in its support not only of Ukraine but recognizing the geopolitical challenges that are taking place as a consequence of that."
"I think we're a moment of unity which is only good for the EU but also good for Ukraine."
"The EU will not turn away, Ukraine will get membership of the EU."
"Over 1 million dollars was raised in less than 30 seconds for Ukraine by an NFT collection."
"How can the Western world help Ukraine and how can we promote liberal and democratic values in Russia?"
"Let's not talk about the end of the war, let's not talk about the ceasefire. The best thing we can do is to make sure that Ukraine wins the war, because if they don't, we all lose."
"The American people stand with the people of Ukraine."
"The coalition that seems to be forming up globally in support of Ukraine and punishing Russia very severely is absolutely phenomenal."
"It should help out for the humanitarian effort in Ukraine, I think that's a great creative thing."
"My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Ukraine; I sincerely hope this conflict resolves itself fast."
"Our hearts and our prayers go out to the people in Ukraine in the circumstances they're in right now."
"People in this country have an intuitive, heartfelt feeling for the people of Ukraine and they understand people are willing to endure hardships in solidarity with the heroic efforts that the people of Ukraine are making."
"I wish all the best to the families of those affected, the fastest recovery to those injured, and just in general, just please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you, the people of Ukraine."
"We discussed concrete outcomes for the upcoming Washington Summit in July, including increasing our support for Ukraine, strengthening NATO’s deterrence and defense posture."
"Sending my love to Ukraine, sending my love to everybody out there."
"The United Kingdom will supply Ukraine with the most substantial military assistance it has ever offered."
"We unanimously agree in this house that all parties support Ukraine and the brave Ukrainian people."
"I'm making Ukraine colored turtles, and those are on my Etsy, so all the proceeds go to Ukraine relief efforts."
"The Republic of Korea will continue to stand with the people of Ukraine and provide vital assistance in the areas of security, humanitarian aid, and reconstruction until they achieve just and lasting peace as well as sustainable prosperity in their land."