
Military Action Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"We urge Russia to terminate its military action against Ukraine immediately and withdraw its troops."
"Initially thought to be a quick annexation, the situation in Ukraine started drawing parallels to the aggressive military campaigns of World War II."
"Why did the U.S. and the U.K. strike terrorist-controlled Yemen with such ferocity?"
"A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine military. Could not have had a better result. Mission accomplished."
"Trump killed Qasem Soleimani. That was a ballsy call."
"The only thing this council needs to hear is that Russia's troops are leaving Ukraine."
"Russia's President Vladimir Putin effectively declared war on Ukraine and authorized the Russian military to invade the country."
"Trump sent warships into the South China Sea."
"What is confirmed is that there are bombers in the air," these bombers we're hearing there are 14 of them.
"Russian armed forces have indiscriminately shelled and bombed populated areas, killing civilians, wrecking hospitals."
"Novo-Donetsk region, a Russian column moves towards Ukrainian positions. One of the tanks explodes. What do you think destroyed it? You'd be surprised."
"Terrorist is dead, the architect and chief engineer for the world's most active state sponsor of terrorism."
"The russians appear to be in the process of capturing the important uh Lizzie Chansky oil refinery."
"If you cross this line then I'm gonna put a missile through Soleimani's head, which is exactly what he did, which is great because Soleimani is better in a thousand pieces."
"Imminent threat means we had a very specific knowledge of the specific plan that the specific terrorist was engaged in and thus we had to kill him because tomorrow he was gonna do something."
"The assault itself, the actual capture or if you prefer liberation of solidar, that was the work of the courageous and selfless volunteers of the Wagner group, so you could say the justice has been done."
"The Taking of bombed by the Ukrainian Army would be a decisive act that would bring about a significant shift in the situation."
"Trump killed Soleimani in the immediate aftermath of an Iranian-backed militia burning the United States embassy."
"I am the law. So it looks unless they stop at this little gazebo over here with all the agents, it looks like they're heading this way. It looks like this is going to be some sort of a military compound."
"Nobunaga crushed a small village in Iga province in 1581, sparking the basis for the Iga ninja myth."
"There's been heavy artillery exchanges between Russian and Ukrainian forces."
"He's invading the whole country in a multi-pronged attack."
"It's like that, there's nothing really to it but I wanted to show you guys what happens when you do liberate an area."
"The action was retaliation for the malicious strikes in Iraq last week. Retaliation that can't be the motivation."
"The primary warship in the Black Sea sank yesterday after Ukraine claims it hit the ship with a missile strike."
"No telling what damage you'll inflict on your own airplane with something like that."
"Fire everything! 300 missiles! It will be 300 missiles!"
"Those men went beyond the call of duty, performing extraordinary acts of courage and heroism to avert tragedy on a much larger scale. This is their personal account never-before-told of what happened during the 13 hours of that now infamous attack."
"Azerbaijan launched devastating attacks that killed 49 Armenian soldiers."
"We annexed Ethiopia; we also seized a bunch of equipment."
"Russia will be held accountable if it invades... it's one thing if it's a minor incursion, but if they actually do what they're capable of doing... it is going to be a disaster for Russia."
"The army tore down the entire community called Happy Valley, it's gone."
"A special forces daylight raid on Ukraine's biggest and most corrupt Bank is one hell of a public announcement."
"Ukrainians were able to push the Russians back."
"With Erdogan himself desperate for a major foreign policy Victory to increase his odds of winning re-election in June all signs are pointing to an eventual massive Turkish Invasion."
"Being able to just mag dump eight barrels of 40 millimeter ammunition into the face of a Kamikaze is a very, very good way of just erasing it from the sky."
"Mission accomplished, himar strikes are hard to confuse with anything else."
"They try to invade a country and take it over in three days and we see that it is rotten to the core."
"Ukrainian fury blows after blow, the ammunition starts raining down on the Russians' heads."
"Surprise surrender: Russian soldiers lay down arms on Ukrainian soil."
"Russia will continue to pursue military solution to the war until Ukrainian government gives in to Russia's demands."
"Eventually Putin or perhaps one of his successors will invade the land of Israel."
"Tonight Joe Biden dropped bombs on Yemen without Congressional approval."
"The Russians are just hammering the Ukrainians."
"Russia appears to be preparing for an assault on the Ukrainian capital after satellite images showed a 40-mile convoy."
"March 20th, 2003, President George W. Bush officially announced the beginning of the Iraq War."
"Russia under the guise of a special military operation has launched a full-scale invasion."
"If you ignore us, we will have no choice but to embrace the military technical response which is this operation."
"Fuck it. Do it. Give 'em everything we got, contact Joint Base Williams and have them put birds up in the air just in case."
"Our failed president, a really bad failure- one of the worst- sent our brave men and women into combat, to rescue hostages, and got a bunch of them killed."
"Maybe the aggression that we take out around the world is not necessary."
"The US began bombing Afghanistan only days after the attacks, with one of their primary goals being to hunt down Bin Laden."
"Most victims of the blast were killed not by the blast but by bullets fired at them by the Americans."
"That renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas and the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action in reply."
"If we have to act alone against Iran's nuclear facilities, we will do it."
"Actions undertaken at Marqua on the 28th of September 1918... Tandy's platoon had been attempting to take a crossing over the Canal de San Cuenta when it came under heavy machine gun fire and was unable to progress." - Narrator
"Rogers and his unit had been sent to secure what the military termed Hill 41, approximately 13 miles southeast of Da Nang..."
"The Spartans dodged snap necks and limbs and cut through the enemy until the field ran with rivers of gore and blue blood."
"Squadron leader Hassan and the few Pakistani Air Force drop guns office team may be remembered in history as those peace warriors who saved South Asia from a nuclear disaster."
"This defensive strike has taken out most of the air of India's arrogance and aggression."
"America just flattened the place, napalm Hiroshima Nagasaki."
"Liberated the city from Russian occupation and a day after."
"The catastrophic consequences of the US invasion."
"General Primo de Rivera carried out a bloodless coup."
"Unfortunately, you know guys with a bomb bay doors open taking the hits from the SAMs it's gonna cause quite an explosion."
"We now have a chance to take the fight to those bastards on their home turf."
"Life's not supposed to happen that way, right? If you put the right energy towards the things you're passionate about, then things ensue in their own way."
"He sacrificed his life so others could evacuate."
"Italy invades Ethiopia and insists on doing it in a dramatically fascist fashion."
"It is possible for Ukraine to reclaim control of Crimea if it implements an effective strategy and uses all of the weaponry that have been pledged to it."
"The world should be prepared for Russia staging a pretext and then launching a potential military action."
"Ukraine takes key hub from Putin's forces, it's time to once again talk about pootie poo."
"There is only one way out of this morass, and that is to stop the tanks."
"Ukraine successfully carried out a drone attack on the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea."
"British NATO forces have entered Kiev." - War News 24/7.
"Taliban closing in on Kabul, taking more cities, seizing more military equipment."
"A U.S. defense official warns that Russia is intensifying attacks in the eastern Donbass region, striking a hospital and blocking civilians from escaping."
"This kind of attack is what Russia says has been going on for eight years and which its military action against Ukraine is intended to stop."
"Russia strikes Keith with so-called Kamikaze drones."
"If Moscow chooses the path of aggression... the response will be swift."
"Ukrainian artillery has stopped the Russian advance."
"He was unaware that the bomber was unmanned and, having run out of ammunition, decided to ram it with his aircraft to bring it down."
"The morning of the 18th of December, the final blow was struck. Two companies of the 39th battalion surged out of the kunai grass just 100 meters from the village into the teeth of heavy Japanese fire."
"I thought, what a character? That was real bravery."
"Baku responds over the radio making it clear they're taking down all of his men."
"Charles requested financial assistance from Oxford and Cambridge universities, leading to Cromwell's first military action."
"The Polish Air Force shot down the Russian submarine that failed to assassinate Putin."
"I therefore knew what this report signified: the cartridges were in flames and the turret was put out of action."
"The Ukrainian Armed Forces just neutralized 224 Intruders and 51 enemy equipment."
"By removing Soleimani, we have sent a powerful message to terrorists. If you value your own life, you will not threaten the lives of our people."
"It crosses the line from a non-state actor targeted by the U.S. to a state actor."
"It's ridiculous, yeah. I mean, you know, I'd like to shoot down some drones too, just like they did in Taiwan yesterday."
"11 Palestinian children slaughtered after an Israeli drone fired a missile into a group of children in a playground."
"Soldiers of the 24th Battalion Adar storming Russian positions."
"This is truly a military provocation, a war crime against peaceful civilians."
"America did strike a series of terrorist encampments and it was very successful."
"800,000 lives worldwide through bombing, through drone strikes – 800,000 people."
"The Russian army observed that the plaza was deserted, it opened fire in the air to Rouse all of the Ukrainian people in retaliation."
"The brave actions of the men on the ground saved a lot of people."
"He saved the lives of the heroes as well as many other soldiers. He captured a powerful enemy and managed to decimate the morale of the opposing forces."
"Tonight the U.S takes an extraordinary step to change the course of the war in Ukraine."
"Smoke and debris mushroomed into the sky, marking the ferocity of the strike."
"Let's do this, let's intercept some fighter jets baby."
"This was a huge explosion, and the rumors are that what the Russians destroyed was a major ammunition dump."
"Roosevelt mounted high on Horseback and charging the rifle pits at a gallop and quite alone made you feel that you would like to cheer."
"If you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out."
"Despite Putin's occupation of Ukraine, Russian soldiers have laid down their weapons."
"Ukrainians have launched a series of counter-attacks in recent weeks."
"Ukrainian rocket strikes have destroyed more than 30 Russian military logistics centers."
"In an instant, the Lance Corporal realized what was happening and shouted 'Grenade!' to his colleagues before using his day sack to pin the grenade to the ground and put himself on top."
"Limiting their influence and kicking them out, just recently Burkina Faso's President Ibrahim Tror announced an open battle against the Western Powers."
"In February of 2022 the Russian military rolled across the border of eastern Ukraine."
"37 days into Russia's invasion, it appears Ukraine has turned the tables, attacking inside Russian territory."
"So this is the traitor and tell the army tell the policeman that this is the traitor that we have to run up to this fight and kill them."
"The Ukrainian Army ensured that the Russian forces were repulsed."
"I defended my homeland by invading someone else's! Hahaha!"
"The attack on the oil Depot occurred after the Russian military reportedly attacked a Ukrainian military facility."
"Presidents ordering bombings without gaining congressional approval for war is technically unconstitutional."
"The British government announced that they would send ten thousand troops to the Cape and Natal."
"The Ukrainian Army gained control of the territory and gave the Russian army its most severe blow to date."
"The Israeli military is engaged in a critical and strategic conflict in the Middle East against the houthi insurgents pro-iranian terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah."
"China's air force is patrolling Taiwan again, this time with its largest fleet per day ever, amid growing tensions."
"The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to attack the Russians with fury, particularly on the Eastern front lines."
"Russia destroyed the Trilia thermal power plant near Kiev a few days ago because Ukraine had run out of missiles to defend the plant."
"The whole balloon thing along with these other objects is to legitimize the aimsog UAP task force peace inside the government."
"Strikers are already moving through Ukraine, combatting Putin's invasion."
"The explosion of the Russian Supply ship shows that Ukraine will not surrender and will continue to defend its land and people against Russian aggression."
"Ukrainian forces shot down a Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter."
"Good guy army again...a lot of people being brought to justice in the background."
"The SAS decimated the entire Iraqi platoon with superior firepower."
"The Grand Army of the Republic inflicted staggering losses on the armies of the Confederacy."
"If Putin does pull the trigger here and he does send troops across the border, it means a qualitatively different moment in terms of European security."
"We're seizing those weapons and using them to retake our home world. Once we've done that, we'll seat any Mandalore on the throne."
"Successfully took down a object off the northern coast of Alaska at 1:45 p.m. Eastern Standard time today."
"So, you know, but like, if you told Doug, this is how it was gonna end, I mean, when he died on a raid leading troops going after a senior al-Qaeda guy, I mean, you know, he went down swinging."
"With a cold Fury born of unshakable convictions, the 17th Legion cut a swathe through the Barbarian beliefs of old night."
"After well more than 24 hours of extremely intense fighting, the Ukrainians appear to have captured a settlement called Piadi Carti."
"The end finally came when the still young US was provoked into action by repeated pirate attacks."
"What you're about to see is footage from November 6th um Kurdish Guerrilla Fighters near zako and they hit a Turkish Outpost with an anti-tank guided missile."
"The recent air strike on Crimea is a powerful expression of Ukraine's determination to reclaim its rightful place on the global stage."
"The dead are here! The Marines are dropping quick!"
"Enforcer, forget Mike. He's easy to forget anyway. The attack on Bertiensk between four and five missiles hit the ships..."
"It was a day of action, it was a day of losses, it was a day that would culminate with one of those million acts of bravery."
"Operators are active means people in the military are probably arresting people."
"On the day of the infamous Japanese attack, the Indianapolis was bombing the crap out of an empty Island 800 miles away."
"Iran launched a ballistic missile just to kind of keep Iran on edge or to possibly see if the arrows could take it down and sure enough it did."
"I'm ready just to jump into the deep end and start hunting down G3 officers."
"We sent an F-22, the most expensive aircraft ever built, out to shoot down a balloon."
"We continued firing at solitary figures with armor-piercing rounds."
"He sent a fleet to find these Pirates and brought them back to Rome and crucified them."
"You're gonna see collapses around the world that are going to be beyond belief you're gonna see the military cracking down the people fighting back you're gonna see government's overthrown."
"The colonel watched in amazement as his men fired rounds into the haze."
"Ukraine strikes oil refineries deep inside Russia."
"If it doesn't change course soon, the fighter jets may be forced to take drastic measures."
"The general gives the order to launch the special missile and destroy the satellite as well. They hope the missile will destroy ra and celebrate when it does."
"But the military blew the hell out of the island. Well, that's going to make it a little dicey for us, is it not?"
"Murphy ignored the wounds to his legs and led his men in an assault to repel the German counter-attack, pushing the enemy back and securing the U.S. position."
"We need to authorize a military blockade, yesterday."
"Missouri fired her first of 28 Tomahawk cruise missiles."
"Missouri fired a total of 783 16in rounds and 28 cruise missiles."
"Upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind."
"They don't even get about within 200 yards of their objective before having to fall back and eventually Retreat, but it seems to answer the question, will they fight? I mean, I think they definitely, the answer is yes. They were very brave."
"On the 1st of February 1692, 200 red-coated soldiers made up mostly of Campbells from the Earl of Argyll's regiment, armed with muskets and swords, marched towards Glencoe."
"Putin insisting Russia was not targeting civilians and ominously saying he would pursue his military operation until the end."
"This evening I have authorized British armed forces to conduct coordinated and targeted strikes to degrade the Syrian regime's chemical weapons capability. There is no alternative to the use of force."
"The cabinet agreed that our essential interest in this area must, if necessary, be safeguarded by military action."
"Shout out to when they do finally start using nukes. That one, when they rocket-launch the nuke into the cave and it comes out, it's like these cascading explosions. That's like a tight explosion, man."
"So she saw a lot of action, she saw a lot of strikes against Japanese shipping, took part in a lot of airstrikes and, you know, combat strikes not just against ground targets, but as I said, shipping in men of war."
"President Cleveland stated on the 16th day of January 1893... this military demonstration upon the soil of Honolulu was of itself an act of war."
"Now, it was finally time for the counterattack, although we’ll have to wait a couple of weeks for that."
"His actions struck fear into the Seminole tribes as word spread of his ruthlessness."
"Nobody cares when War Daddy walks away from an entire tank after waterboarding it."
"We must fall upon vulnerable, weaker positions."
"Without Private Johnson's quick actions and continued fighting, even in the face of almost certain death, the enemy might have succeeded in capturing prisoners and the outpost, without abandoning valuable intelligence."
"An American Corporal bravely charges at the tanks on foot and destroys a T-55 with a shoulder-launched AT4."
"Maduro orders joint defensive action in response to British warship sent to Guyana."
"You always want to try to make the diplomacy work before you countenance a military action."
"If it was not for Tack, there's a chance the entire platoon would have been wiped out. He saved our lives."
"The Armistice was thought to be a military measure, not a political one."
"We live in a vastly interconnected world, and if we start letting strong men destabilize entire regions through military conquest, that sets a horrible precedent."
"We're gonna be doing one thing and one thing only: killing Nazis."
"Custer's force attacked Confederate infantry and routed them from the field."
"Private first class Morinaga manned the mortar himself and opened fire on the enemy gun at a range of approximately 400 yards."
"We took a leader of Al Qaeda without having any troops on the ground."