
Withdrawal Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"We urge Russia to terminate its military action against Ukraine immediately and withdraw its troops."
"Don't do anything that makes you miserable. Pull out of situations that drain you."
"Benzodiazepine withdrawal was worse than death."
"Consuming just 100 milligrams of caffeine daily, which is about equivalent to just one cup of coffee, is enough to cause withdrawal when you stop."
"This doesn't feel good. Yeah, I don't think I want to be part of this anymore."
"The lynchpin for marriages in the black community was not men's lack of relationship skills, communication skills, it was because men withdrew first."
"Hedge funds have been bailing from equities at a pace not seen since the financial crisis."
"I feel like someone has to either emotionally, mentally, or physically withdraw themselves from a situation."
"I'm out, I'm out, gotta go. We out, nah, I don't play with that."
"Seemingly thanks to President Biden, the United States is exiting Afghanistan, and who would you guess is right there to take advantage of the situation? Who? China. That's not surprising."
"Putin is expected to withdraw from the Russian power War as he now has no chance against Ukraine."
"If it would end the war, I will give Shin Wobbuffet and pull my forces back."
"People don't understand antidepressant withdrawal... It's just like being put in a horror movie."
"President Biden has announced that he will withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan by September 11th of this year."
"Withdraw from this evil organization as soon as possible."
"Opiates have a physiological dependence where you'll start vomiting and get sick if you don't have it."
"The greater threat are brothers who withdraw from the entire process."
"Emotionally unavailable: pushing others away."
"Delayed response: a form of emotional withdrawal."
"The tables had been turned. Sparta was forced to withdraw."
"We left Afghanistan in a puddle of embarrassment, we were absolutely humiliated in Afghanistan."
"I felt like I just wasn't wanted in there, I know sounds weird but I barely looked around and just closed the door behind me."
"They once they realize they weren't gonna get nothing out the situation that was a wrap."
"Somebody just backed out of something... that's still present in their energy."
"Stonewalling occurs when the listener withdraws from the interaction."
"I'm gonna walk away because I'm not even talking right now and I knew this is gonna make me mad."
"I'm out. Sorry, I've had enough crazy for one year. I'm out. Gotta go."
"I'm removing myself from this as they sort out their investigation because I cannot be comfortably working with a company that's somehow allowed this to happen."
"I'm stepping back... y'all can keep your [__]."
"Sometimes you gotta remove yourself from the situation... Sometimes we gotta remove ourselves from the situation."
"If they're just pulling back or walking away in an important conversation, those things aren't cool."
"Every single Democrat said that they would completely withdraw all troops from Afghanistan."
"Left the arena, yeah, I just stopped explaining."
"Collapse won't look like the way people imagine in terms of cities burning or something, but it's just a slow checking out of people from the mass narrative."
"Withdrawal from situations that drain your energy. Protect yourself."
"These shakes have nothing to do with my disease, it's because I'm having withdrawal symptoms from wrestling."
"Coming off an antidepressant safely involves doing it gradually, going at a rate that they can tolerate."
"When life becomes overwhelming, excessively busy, or too fast, advocate having the good judgment to withdraw from the mob and walk alone for a spell."
"Withdrawal doesn't always mean defeat; sometimes, it's a strategic choice."
"What typically happens over time is we just tend to withdraw and give up because like no matter what you do she still gets to find something to be butt hurt about."
"The recovery process is the very minimum six months, and for a lot of people, post-acute withdrawal symptoms can last 12 to 18 months and sometimes even up to two years."
"You do what I call hurtling up, right? You dive into your shell."
"In the world that we're living in today with social media and technology, then most of us find ourselves withdrawing, we're immersed in our smartphones etc."
"Maybe it's best if I just make my retreat."
"Never stop the drugs abruptly. It's better and wise to gradually stop the drug."
"You cannot go back ever. Withdrawal is a one-way street."
"...withdrawal symptoms got worse and worse, and they got worse the lower that I went on the dose."
"Some people may take years to come off their drugs safely, and this is simply because this is the time it takes for these people's brains to readjust themselves to lower levels of the drug."
"The slower that you go, the less likely you are to have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms."
"He resolved to find a place where he could avoid contact with the physical world as much as possible."
"You can draw it out at any time before 59 A5."
"Mathematicians have withdrawn from the dirty dangerous world they believe and then by thought alone."
"Everybody's pulling out right now."
"It's very easy, it's kind of easy to be withdrawn."
"The best thing to do was to actually back away."
"It's like someone telling you not to breathe when you're in withdrawal."
"Kratom can be very beneficial to people who are going through opioid, alcohol, or benzo withdrawal."
"It's hard to find people who will support them through withdrawal."
"The world, even the church, is so filled up with noise that every once in a while, especially those of you who are pastors, you have got to slip away and you've got to go to a Wilderness where no one can find you."
"Allied Forces considering a timetable for withdrawal of troops from Iraq."
"The longer you have been on something, the more problematic it will be. So if you've been on a drug for more than a few months, you really need to reduce it very slowly and carefully."
"Men pull away in order to recover from the stress of the day."
"Midnight would soon be striking, and Beatrice withdrew to her chamber."
"Sorry, I don't want to play anymore."
"I just think I'm in like a really recluse stage of my life."
"I smoked pot all day every day and when I didn't have it for a day I craved the [ __ ] out of it and I missed it and I had a lot of anger and a lot of rage and I couldn't sleep when I didn't have pot."
"I will go away, I will shut down, and I will not be a burden. That's my fawn response."
"Guys tend to find out this when dudes are out there dating and they put effort into modern women, modern women withdraw from men."
"How do you convince a doctor that you are suffering protracted withdrawal if they do not believe it exists? You change doctor."
"Of all the people that we studied, people who came off, people who came off but stayed on other meds, and then people who stayed on their antipsychotics, overwhelmingly people are glad that they tried to come off whether they were successful or not."
"Even of the people who had very difficult experiences trying to come off, overwhelmingly of the people who did come off, overwhelmingly they reported that they were glad that they came off."
"And of the people who said that they are, um, a very significant number of them, uh, were able to come off of medications."
"Every time a doctor in general uses the word withdrawal they're thinking it lasts a few days."
"Withdrawal from psychiatric medication was so much more than what people experience stopping cigarettes."
"You'll feel not good when you quit drinking if you go through withdrawal without any help... but after acute withdrawal... your sense of well-being is amazing... your health is better."
"If you suddenly discontinue it, you will have withdrawal symptoms."
"You can get withdrawal unfortunately not just for the narcotic component of this but also from the antidepressant or the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor activity of the medication."
"Sometimes it's better to just kinda bail."
"Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from them, and he healed them."
"Baclofen, you gotta back off slowly, do not abruptly stop."
"Sugar is one of the most powerful drugs, so you're going through withdrawal. You're irritable, yeah, you're irritable. You're crazy. It's on day five, no sugar."
"If his record is damaged and Ikeda is allowed to get away without any consequences, then I will be withdrawing from UA."
"The way we left Afghanistan was unforgivable. It [__] me up for weeks."
"I told him that I wanted no part of the research project anymore."
"They feel really bad about that. There was something about you removing yourself from this situation really put them in a bind."
"It's almost like withdrawal syndrome. It's like, 'I need my next fix.'"
"I was definitely more anxious... withdrawal symptoms do not last forever you get through them and they go away."
"I knew going back to jail was inevitable if I didn't quit, but the withdrawal was so extreme every time that I could never go more than a couple of hours without giving up."
"He's beginning to pull away from everybody."
"The biggest I guess withdrawal side effect symptom."
"Empathy does not lead to objectivity; it leads inside. The more empathic you are, the more you withdraw from other people."
"Heroin withdrawal is one of the most painful things anyone could ever go through."
"Detoxification or withdrawal of drugs from an addict is excruciatingly painful."
"You're just really not a good dude. I hate to tell you this, and I have said it before, but I genuinely think that at this point in time, Keemstar, this is the best thing for you to do is step away."
"Thomas had made up his mind to pull back from horseshoe Ridge and withdraw to Rossville."
"Alcohol withdrawal is not a big deal because now I'm not a drug addict, I'm not shooting up over on the corner. You know the alcoholics, they die too."
"Cash is king in this country so you're probably going to end up always having cash withdrawn."
"Dumpster diving withdrawal is real, let's go see if we can find any goodies."
"Generally speaking, you can take money out of your TFSA at any time."
"...she knows things could have been different she goes into withdrawal multiple times a day so heroin only lasts a few hours and then she has to go and find more and she hates the thing she has to do to get more."
"Withdrawal do cause depression... a measure of despair... the animals are not happy campers at all."
"Maybe by the time a woman is breaking up with you, she started withdrawing some time back. Rarely do men withdraw at that point."
"People can go years and years and not really realize that the withdrawals are lurking right around the corner because they just keep popping them, right?"
"you can withdraw everything completely tax-free"
"Sometimes we see that when people get hit and they get in the ground they're like nope I'm out of here this is not what I want to be involved with"
"The withdrawal off of this stuff can not only be dangerous, or coming off of it, but it's very inhumane the way people come off of this stuff."
"Lauren's own words suggest that her withdrawal from the spotlight was not simply a case of falling off, but a conscious decision to protect her well-being and that of her family from the darker aspects of celebrity life."
"Withdrawal is temporary, but discipline is permanent."
"Withdrawal is the addiction leaving your body."
"Withdrawal is something that you already experience every single day when you're addicted to a drug."
"Withdrawal is suffering with purpose."
"There is an end to withdrawal symptoms."
"I'll just take myself out the competition."
"She fears abandonment, avoids getting close to her boyfriends, feels very lonely, and withdraws from people."
"Withdrawal is painful, remember the universal symptoms."
"...the more that you go away the more that you get this crazy high."
"That's not what he said. Play it that I only gave General permission. Now I see the LIE of the land. I withdraw my consent."
"My money is in this bank, and I'm going to take it out."
"If we went down one of those sorts of roads, I would just pull out altogether."
"I'm already experiencing withdrawal."
"Like she's like secluded herself and gotten away."
"Withdrawal from methamphetamine includes disturbed sleep, depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment."
"Delirium tremens comes after withdrawal hallucinations, which can usually occur 12 to 48 hours after abstinence."
"Spike Milligan said, 'One by one he shut the door on all the people he knew, then he shut the door on himself.'"
"You can withdraw your consent at any time."
"The Doha agreement was agreed to in February. Fourteen months later, if conditions were met, there would be withdrawal. So, that would bring it to May 2021."
"Or you can cash out anytime to your bank account, PayPal, or an eGift card for Amazon and other brands."
"I just felt that there weren't any solutions at this point and so I just kind of retreated from the world."
"What it does is it makes one withdraw from life."
"You don't get that and perhaps you've pulled your energy back."
"Any medication you take daily, your brain kind of adjusts to it and if you pull it out suddenly, your brain has to shift back and you should be taught that."
"If you never make a demand on the account, you will never withdraw anything from the account."
"Realize, that we are going to go through a chemical addictive withdraw for probably three or four days depending on the food and the frequency and the quantity at which you ate it."
"You should be able to take penalty free withdrawals from an IRA or other retirement plan if you're 59 and a half or older."
"Calculate whatever withdrawal rate you would normally take, but don't let it exceed six percent."
"So let's now look at how we can withdraw our cryptocurrency that is sitting around in our binance account out of the exchange into some wallet or some kind of other cryptocurrency exchange."
"Especially if you're thinking about taking a drug and you don't want to be on it long-term, well this is one that you can get off of relatively quickly."
"I was just so tired and then I started going through withdrawals."
"So long-term consumption of sugar causes withdrawal symptoms that have been observed especially in animal models to be as addictive as morphine and nicotine dependence."
"Withdrawal is a legitimate medical crisis."
"Remember, the essence of the Coquette lies not in the tease and temptation, but in the subsequent step back, the emotional withdrawal."
"Withdrawal symptoms can occur if the medication is abruptly discontinued."
"Let's hope I don't have to withdraw more but should be fine."
"Be prepared for that mental shift of man I need to start taking out money versus putting a lot of money in."
"You need to go then have that conversation with them to say look I put a plan together it makes the most sense I like it but I need 60 000 a year we need to start strategizing around where and how this money is going to be drawn out of my account."
"You just want to get the [ __ ] away from everybody. I don't want to do anything. I just want to be by myself."
"You can only imagine what the withdrawal symptoms are for breaking one of the biggest addictions we have in our life, and that's to the place our mind dwells."
"Withdraw from the tension means to withdraw from the grace."
"Money wasn't being returned and as the customer withdrawal request froze they were overcome with anxiety with each additional click of the withdrawal button their dread turned to despair."
"As much as I want to say like we should have been out of Afghanistan ten years ago... I have to think the fear on everyone's mind is, you know, in Iraq that we pulled out... and then we were right back there like, what, a year and a half two years later?"
"I withdrew my complaint. I want you to leave once and forever and never again plague me or my family with your presence."
"He was more pensive and withdrawn than anyone I had ever known, as if he had retreated entirely from this planet and left a functioning body behind."
"Once you are funded, we have no restrictions on withdrawal. So if you make $500 on day one, you can take that $500."
"Withdrawal means your body is healing."
"I do not feel that I've earned the right. I really do not want votes to be split because of me, so I must respectfully bow out."
"In honor of your Chief Warrior's courage, I will cease the pursuit of your forces and withdraw."
"I had four years of very unpleasant withdrawal, but I had a motivation. I had the push that maybe my body wouldn't keep moving involuntarily. That's what got me through, that's one of the things that got me through."
"I'm a huge promoter of get in, get your money, and get out and walk away."
"Withdrawals from benzodiazepines and alcohol can be dangerous; they can be life-threatening."
"She stayed with me for 24 straight hours while I was withdrawing, washed the sheets when I threw up and even if she just changed them a few minutes ago."
"...he's in love thought Agatha and wanted to get up and walk away."
"It is committed heinous war crimes and the right and only response to that is for Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine."
"In the referendum of 2016, the biggest democratic exercise in our history, the British public withdrew that consent."
"Immediate, unconditional, unilateral withdrawal of all of our troops."
"France withdrawing from NATO by forcing it to transfer its headquarters from Paris to Bruxelles, to Brussels."
"It's great that Zayn left for his mental health and a lot of people now understand why he had to take a step back."
"The occupying forces of the Allies shall be withdrawn from Japan as soon as our objectives are accomplished."
"Withdrawal isn't easy, but there are things we can do to help."
"When the US government withdrew from Afghanistan after 20 years, we left behind airstrips, shipping containers, and guns. When the British pulled out of India, they left behind an entire civilization."
"He did the right because it was right, and then like silent footsteps in the night, he retreated from the world stage."
"Sorry for the abrupt pickup, sir," said a female voice, "but we've just received an order for an immediate withdrawal from this star system."
"When Jesus heard it, he withdrew from there privately in a boat to a solitary place."
"The only responsible ethical way to withdraw from representation is quietly."
"You do get another type of happiness when you withdraw from that sensuality."
"It's the power to pull back when you withdraw yourself from situations."
"The best traders do not deposit; I want you to withdraw. I haven't made a deposit into a trading account since 1992; I've only withdrawn from the market."
"The Goths sack Rome itself, and the legions get pulled out of Britain and get called back to Rome."
"Leighton checks Nikki's mouth finding it pitch black, a clear sign of chronol withdrawal."
"Anyone can withdraw tips... there's a reason why we stored the owner variable."
"When I stop doing it... I get antsy, it's like withdrawal."
"Goku's dominance becomes clear until eventually, Goku himself stops and tells Frieza that he quits the fight."
"Acute alcohol withdrawal is the abrupt discontinuation of alcohol in an individual with alcohol dependence."
"The object was not to sort the Arabs out but to leave as peacefully as possible."
"It's very important for people to understand that in terms of the changes that the brain is going through, they are the same changes whether you're withdrawing from a drug or you're withdrawing from a behavior."
"When people quit eating sugar, they describe symptoms of withdrawal and strong food cravings."
"Withdrawal is agonizing and it's traumatizing, and when someone has a traumatic experience with something, they will do anything and everything to avoid having that traumatic experience again."
"Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist and it kicks whatever opioids they overdosed on off the receptors and puts them into immediate horrifying withdrawals."
"Withdrawal is nothing more than the death of addiction."
"The big news in the last couple of hours is that race leader M. Thees has dropped out of the Cocodona 250."
"In contrast, the Americans knew that their grip on Guadalcanal was now assured, and so they began to lay out plans to finally withdraw the battered and exhausted 1st Marine Division, which would be replaced with Army troops."
"By nightfall, Cattern’s maneuver had effectively forced the main Japanese force to withdraw, with the 2/3rd taking position on his rear to relieve them by midnight."
"We had no choice but to artfully withdraw from the world."
"Opioid withdrawal is a horribly uncomfortable and negatively reinforcing state to begin, and we want to relieve that as promptly as we possibly can."
"To withdraw to your chosen bank account, you simply enter in your bank account by filling in all the required details."
"If I drink coffee for five days straight and then I stop, I will get a headache, but then it will go away."
"Not skipping water will mess you up. Withdrawals from a lot of things give you headaches."
"After the two-minute withdrawal deadline has passed, the staking user is able to withdraw the entire principal balance and the interest."
"When you pull out of a system, that system collapses to a certain degree. That's strategic thinking."
"$1,600, we're going ahead and withdraw that, thank you man, you really help us out right there."
"You can also withdraw to your PayPal or you can add a bank account."