
Universalism Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Humanism is meant to be an inclusive, universal movement for every human being."
"There's one note playing in the entire universe that is in manifestation as all things."
"If I take the perspective of the universe, then my interests don't really count for any more than the interest of anyone else who is capable of similar amounts of pleasure or pain or good or evil, whatever it might be."
"You don't get universalism by erasing difference; you get universalism by speaking for each of us in our specificity."
"The idea that my pleasure is good is a universal subjective, necessarily shared by everyone in all places at all times."
"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men."
"Islam is not about nationality; it's not about an ethnicity. Islam is about the truth."
"I define God as an energy, a spiritual energy. It has no denomination, it has no judgments."
"The power of the cross, I mean, it's everybody on the planet, no matter where you came from, your creed, your color, your mistake."
"Humanity is bigger than the boundaries of a nation."
"God our Savior desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
"The real thing that's identifying a lot of them is this concept of mysticism, where God is in everybody and God is everywhere."
"Jesus died for everyone, everybody, the whole world."
"In fundamental ways, we are all connected and our fates are bound up with one another."
"The Quran talks about the commonality of the universe."
"Hate has no creed, violence has no religion."
"We're all connected, whether we like it or not."
"There is one universal life force within all of us."
"Let us not limit ourselves to this tiny planet Earth. We are the children of God throughout the whole universe."
"Maximize pleasure, minimize suffering universally for fucking everybody. Get on board with it."
"What you want for yourself, you must want for everybody."
"Everything in this world is the same to the Holy Spirit."
"The universe is spiritual, and the source of supply is spiritual and limitless."
"Identity politics means to me it really means an abandonment of the ideals of universalism and the idea that what we share in common is more important than what what differentiates us."
"The real practice of love is to take all things in existence as a part of the self."
"Universal truth can manifest in diversity and take heterogeneous forms."
"God dwells in all of us; we are all part of God."
"Religion becomes a more Progressive idea... the idea of a universal Brotherhood Sisterhood of humankind."
"Everything is mental. Everything isn't it? So, everything is for it. The universe is mental. You have to realize this."
"The climate crisis is only going to be resolved on an international basis if people stop thinking in tribalist terms and begin thinking in Universalist terms."
"Islam is the solution to all of these different Wicked movements that are out there."
"369 sequence as spoken of earlier refers to the universalism and ultimate luck in achieving great works of art."
"Instead of recognizing the universal in the particular, we universalize the particular."
"The only thing or the only prophet that can bring peace to all men is that prophet which is in the heart of all men."
"We need some universal good to be achieved, and it will not simply be achieved by particularistic interests followed."
"If universalism worked, the Declaration of Independence can't be beat, the Constitution is great, the Bill of Rights are good, but they are not enough."
"He loved to know about things... striving to be a Universalist."
"The state is essentially a universalistic entity that promotes universal access to conditions of universality."
"Augustinian universalism is entirely capable of satisfying the requirements of traditional Augustinianism."
"If free will is not an impediment for universalism, then why won't God save all?"
"Universalism is indispensable to theodicy. Without universalism, many of theodicies simply don't work."
"Christ's rule will engulf the entire world."
"Jesus Christ is Lord. That someday, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess, the whole earth will resound with this theological confession that 'Jesus Christ is Lord.'"
"If Jesus died for all the sins of all men, then it's universalism. Everyone's gonna be saved."
"The hope that Jesus Christ's kingship extends to every square inch of this planet and to every single person on the planet."
"Universalism is the best story. It's the only one where true lasting bliss pervades. It's the only one with a perfect ending."
"Muslims find themselves at home everywhere, for the universalism of Islam enables a local rooting."
"We have every reason to hope and believe in universalism because God can do it."
"Then that every knee will bow of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the earth, in the grave, and then every tongue will confess that Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah, is Lord to the glory of God the Father."
"They're just as tough they're just as hungry and it doesn't really matter what country you come from as long as you have it in your heart that you want to win and you have that drive."
"To God, there's no division of race, color, nations, ethnicity."
"I consider myself a universalist. I consider the fact that we all get there eventually."
"Everyone who's born on the earth is going to get resurrected."
"We really are a unit, a unified... universalism as... one verse version... all of us are versions of each other... we are verse in the sentence... we are a version of each other... we're verse in my life."
"When you meet a fully mature being in any of these Traditions, you meet a Universalist. You meet somebody that will teach their method and honor their method, but they themselves will honor all methods."
"Universalism, a biblically unsound doctrine, but careful students of the Bible recognize that whereas we need not rule out the idea that God will save everyone, the scriptures are not conclusive, therefore we should not be dogmatic about this issue."
"...no one was more openly or more systematically or more relentlessly insistent on universal salvation than Gregory."
"God's love has to include this Universal reconciliation."
"The French idea of universalism... everybody's individuals, all individuals are equal."
"Perennialism and universalism, how are they intersected or different or the same."
"This identification with all humanity, love of knowledge for the simple fact of loving knowledge, not caring where it's coming from or who is giving it, just embracing it because it's part of God's creation, it's part of God's love and God's vision for us."
"I accept that the universe is a very giving place and that God loves all of us."
"Universalist policies target the whole population, while selective or targeted policies focus on at-risk groups."
"His idea of universal, oh, it's inclusive to everyone."
"We've coined the term proportionate universalism... we want a Universalist system that's for everybody, with effort proportionate to need."
"Shiva nature is for all, for all of us."
"The whole universe is the family and we are the members of that family."
"Oroville belongs to nobody in particular; it belongs to humanity as a whole."
"Reverence for life... we cannot limit the affirmation of life to human beings alone but should extend it to the entire universe."
"If you identify yourself with the whole universe, you're one with everything, then nothing can harm you."
"Atma Dharma says that the same Atma or same God is present in everyone and everything."
"The principle of autonomy is thus not to choose otherwise than so that the maxims of one's choice are at the same time comprehended with it in the same volition as universal law."
"All actions are the universe's actions."
"You, the self, you the jiva, you the human being, are actually one and the same as the universal mind behind everything."
"Ultimately, you should care for them by the virtue that they are, you know, your fellow citizens, their human beings, and that's why I believe in universal programs."
"The only way to have a sort of paradoxical universalism that absolutely values the individual is to privilege one individual."
"We have to desire the salvation of everyone."
"The universe is my country and the human family is my tribe."
"Love compassion is the universal religion."
"The PNCC acknowledges that God's infinite Mercy extends to all people in all ages and therefore hopes and prays for the Salvation of all through Jesus Christ Our Lord."
"I've always felt the unknown visibility from a certain energy exists, some call it God or whatever, but I call it universal mind or cosmic intelligence."
"You'd want everyone to care about everyone equally."
"The Brahman is the idea of the universal spirit that is everything."
"Universal programs help marginalized people disproportionately, and that's good."
"It is good news if God so loved everyone."
"It is good news if salvation is offered to everyone."
"Christianity was universalist and exclusivist."
"This is like that Divine knowing, that your internal connection to Spirit, Source, the universe, all that stuff."
"...the teaching of Origenism is condemned, and specifically his version of universalism."
"The Son of God did not come just for one people but for all people."
"Out of the extreme of the plantation and the degradation of slavery, you got very intense claims for universalism."
"I do believe it is universalism that makes us equal."