
Excuse Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"These people use their religion as an excuse to oppress people."
"Do not let your illness... do not take advantage of your illness as an excuse."
"Your incapability to control your anger is not an excuse."
"Mental health and trauma were kind of being used as a shield or a scapegoat for bad behavior."
"Age isn't an excuse but it plays a factor, it has to you because, you know, it's the reality of the situation but it's not an excuse."
"Why didn't you meet us? Oh, I am sorry Frodo, I couldn't stop playing Lord of the Rings conquest in my room."
"I'm sorry, it's for safety reasons, you know? Some situations I need to have a little push."
"Sorry babe, something came up at work, it's urgent."
"...I pretended that this is the reason the call isn't going through"
"The devil real busy I don't think I'm gonna be able to go to church today."
"Hey, looking nice today. Do you want to sit next to me for lunch? Or, you know, my car broke down today."
"That's not an apology, that's an excuse."
"I had the best excuse to get out of jury duty he had ever seen."
"If my excuse was that I didn't train hard enough, what's your excuse for losing?"
"She now has a good excuse to go into the magic department."
"Perfect is Handy excuse me one of those hocus pocus hocus pocus."
"Hey, bro, I couldn't move my elbows, okay?"
"When you are going through a breakup... I cannot come into work today."
"When we make excuses for people, we are standing in the way of their own growth."
"That is an excuse. It really is an excuse."
"It's about separating what's an excuse and what's actually an apology."
"However, this does not excuse Degan Zabi for attempting to start a dynasty of Zeon dictators."
"Their upbringing in the orphanage might have affected their moral development, but at some point, we have to stop accepting that as an excuse."
"If you ever get caught sleeping at work, just slowly raise your head and say 'In Jesus' name, I pray.'"
"His excuses, he's in Florida, right?"
"I'll tell you what I'm gonna miss, everybody, when this whole COVID thing is over. You know what I'm going to miss? Being able to use it as an excuse."
"You have to be willing to behave well even when you have an excuse to behave badly."
"I told them that my car went into a ditch and that I spent that night at a kind stranger's house."
"A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheat."
"Everybody thinks that their excuse is better than anybody else's."
"If you catch 'em on something, they go, 'Well, I don't know any better.' And then they immediately follow with the, 'You have to respect me 'cause I'm old.'"
"I wouldn't say I had much alternative. It was all the fault of your shoes, Mr. Keith. That's what it was."
"Sorry I'm late, I would have skipped class but..."
"If this is you trying to seem cool at school or rebel against me or something, no, no, no. You know I'm holding it for a friend."
"Sorry, sir, we can't give your energy. We're too busy jacking off to OverWatch hentai right now."
"People really have, I mean really people have like no excuse, like when people say I'm too busy to diet and eat right you have no excuse."
"There's no excuse good enough to justify taking a life."
"I cannot afford flight tickets for you and your friend because I also have something to do in Abuja."
"Oh, come on, Officer, you can't take my license. The way I need it."
"Oh sorry, Your Honor, he actually just got Botox in his face, that's why he can't stop smiling. But trust me, he is very remorseful for the actions he didn't do."
"She decided to play the 'But I'm disabled' card."
"What an objection usually is, is just an excuse."
"Money can't buy style, we all know this, we love saying this, it's one of our favorite talking points to make an excuse as to why we're broke."
"Don't use the rare and unlikely extremes as an excuse not to lock your bike."
"The whale might have one potential excuse here... maybe he can claim it was an accident."
"I slept through my alarm" - A common excuse that many can relate to, adding a touch of humor to a potentially frustrating situation.
"I was making sure you didn't have any drugs was the excuse that he went with."
"I'm afraid, much like a snowman's carrot nose, I was held up by the snow."
"...the defense is something that excuses a person from criminal liability for an offense which has been proved against them..."
"I'm late, that's all you got to say? What else should I say? I was making Hanky Panky with one of the models who give you even a look."
"So he tried a second excuse: he said, I'm ignorant; what shall I say?"
"She said she didn't have enough time."
"An excuse is the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie."
"And honestly, it's just also a great excuse for us to spend time together."
"Stop making the excuses of well I don't want to let them win and yada yada."
"My attorney told the judge that I had found it in the attic and I just hadn’t seen it before. So sorry!!"
"The pumpkin cream cold brew was the reason why I was late in high school, really."
"That's a really easy excuse and answer to give."
"Come on man, it must have been the altitude."
"Last night I left my love's flame burning and you didn't come to blow it home. What's your lame excuse this time? The Civil War, man."
"Last year a boy walked into my class 20 minutes late. 'I'm really high,' my teacher asked him why he was so late and he said, 'I don't know, I think there were more stairs than usual.'"
"Perfectionism is simply a culturally appropriate excuse to hide from responsibility."
"Seriously, pull anything off the top of your head, like, 'Oh wow, why were you late? Um, my mom died.' Just go straight to the bone."
"The trio promptly tried to turn the tables on the whole situation by offering police a rather interesting excuse."
"Reason is just a shield for those that cower behind it."
"A bomb scare seems a reasonable excuse for missing a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day."
"There's almost no kind of excuse for you not winning the unanimous MVP."
"I was the kid at camp that made up ear infections to stay out of the pool."
"Morning. I lay on my back in the garden and pretended I'd fallen off a ladder so that I could get out of a family trip to IKEA."
"It's not my fault he threw the ball at me first."
"The lack of exposure is an excuse. I think it's just self-serving."
"I think everyone likes to have an excuse to sit down and have a cup of tea."
"I think a lot of the time when people say 'I don't have any money,' that's just an excuse for 'I don't have enough effort to create energy in my horse to actually create the desire to go work with my horse.'"
"our challenge right now is to be excus less"
"I'm sorry, I'm late. It's just that it's my first day in this new school today, and there's some guy in the hallway named Kevin that kept giving me the wrong directions."
"An excuse is just the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie."
"This is factory warranty and if you ever get pulled over sorry officer, it's factory."
"I just used her going potty back there as an excuse."
"I have no excuse except for I forgot, and believe it or not, I forgot is an actual excuse."
"It is a legitimate excuse to be late for work that there is a moose in your driveway."
"'I really just wanted an excuse to try these boots on.'"
"Ignorance of the law is...? Not an excuse. But it should be an excuse."
"I can't make it to see you because I'm in a band."
"Late 30s, but these guys, well, then you're looking for an excuse to act like a fool, right?"
"I have no excuse for a lack of time anymore, do I?"
"If he plays well game one and they win do we say anything about the injury no but that doesn't happen so let's not using that as an excuse cuz you lost that's the same type of [ __ ] that always happens in basketball."
"Good morning. My mom is sick. I'm not sick, I just, the food got to me."
"Every excuse is okay, but instead of just accepting them, let's find solutions."
"I think skeptics just want an excuse to sin."
"Ironically, she said she was just getting some fresh air."
"Fame is not an excuse for people to become awful people."
"Do not dwell on whatever it is you think people don't like you for, it's just an excuse."
"One of the reasons I do mathematics is because it affords me an excuse to draw."
"I like rain, like, normally I have to have an excuse to never go outside, but when there's rain, it's a built-in excuse."
"Sorry I'm late, I was attacked by a shark."
"It's a pretty fun excuse to go for breakfast."
"Sometimes our 'because' isn't the cause; our 'because' is just an excuse, masquerading as a cause."
"At 80, you have a perfect excuse no matter what you do."
"He is 104 years old, what's your excuse? He had more time to train."
"It's never an excuse to be a bad person."
"Dear Principal, Alex is late because her dad is a meanie for not letting her use magic to zap a jacket on."
"It's a belter excuse to get out the house."
"You didn't know, ignorance is no excuse."
"I've never read a palm in my life; I just wanted an excuse to hold your hand."
"I always tell people it's a good excuse to come up here for two weeks."
"You're ridiculous, maybe, but I'm pregnant; I'm allowed."
"Any excuse to go swimming, that's what it's all about."
"Well good afternoon, and let me make it quite clear at the start that both Bob and I are most relieved that we have a legitimate excuse not to have run in the London Marathon."
"I have to go return some videotapes."
"It's a great excuse to come to San Diego."
"It’s just a great excuse to spend some time outside."
"Ned misses you," he said in an attempt to cover himself.
"The reason I shouldn't be gunged is because I really was kidnapped by aliens, I really am a supermodel, and anyway, if you gunge me, I'm just gonna lie and tell everybody that I wasn't."
"A lifestyle is no excuse for hurting people."
"Well, that sounds like a good excuse for some cake, doesn't it?"
"Any excuse to play some great Steely Dan is a good one."
"I have messed up, I have a good excuse, I have a cat on the loose."
"We're late 50 minutes and we have a good excuse for being late, okay? I promise you."
"It's so delicious to have an excuse for eating out of doors."
"Of all of man's great inventions, the excuse is the worst."
"What's your excuse? I'm Spider-Man."
"Feeling bad is not an excuse to not doing the right thing, as long as you're kind."
"There is no excuse for breaking the law."
"There will be no apologies needed for not showing up to some commitment or other; everyone understands and shares in this singular justification."
"Sorry, I forgot," I whined when mum asked for the seven pounds.
"Bad workman always blames their tools."
"I am so tired of people using God as an excuse to be a terrible human being."
"In Steve's defense, he was left unsupervised."
"Sometimes I loan out my jet," is such a fantastic excuse.
"It's just an excuse to spend time together."