
Condemnation Quotes

There are 900 quotes

"We condemn this in the strongest possible terms and we call upon all members of the Security Council and the United Nations to now stand up for Ukraine."
"We all need to be consistent and condemn the violence all the time."
"I condemn any and all anti-Semitic actions. It is insane."
"Blackface itself is a hard stop. There is not one redeeming quality in that act."
"It's actions that need to be condemned, not beliefs."
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus."
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
"He did not come into the world to condemn the world... He came into the world that the world might be saved through him."
"No matter his motives, killing cannot be condoned."
"We condemn the disproportionate use of force against unarmed civilians."
"When condemnation comes, grace says to you there is no more condemnation."
"Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson famously stated, 'The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored.'"
"Calling for attacks against law enforcement families is truly despicable."
"If you are in Christ Jesus, there is no more condemnation reserved for you."
"The Bible tells us clearly: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
"We condemn all violence every time it happens."
"That’s why 141 nations in the General Assembly came together to unequivocally condemn Russia’s war against Ukraine."
"The president condemns violence in all forms."
"Any violence here in this country against the Jewish people should be condemned."
"There is nothing that can justify or contextualize the barbaric acts of sexual violence that Hamas perpetrated on October 7th."
"Once you get born again, there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus."
"How do you not come out and immediately condemn this? Not three days later, but immediately condemn this language."
"Rioting is bad, looting is bad, setting fires is not protesting."
"I disavow all violence and I condemn all violence."
"Denounce violence, denounce the movement causing violence."
"I condemn Putin and his henchmen without reservation for their actions and I hope they meet their end in the most painful way possible."
"Putin is not acting in their name. He is a dictator, he is an imperialist, he is a tyrant."
"Shame on her for doing this. I know I don't usually swear but Jesus Christ this deserves it."
"If you gonna go back to the false religion and a false Church you came out of, do you know you still go to hell even with the right baptism?"
"White supremacists and neo-nazis... condemned totally."
"Rape is not a joke. It's not. It should not be a form of social punishment, especially not one condoned by anyone. It's a very serious matter and I wish it on anyone is depraved."
"They need a one-way ticket straight to hell both of them..."
"The president has been incredibly clear and consistently and repeatedly condemned hatred bigotry racism in all of its forms whether it's in America or anywhere else."
"We should all be front and forward in condemning the tribal politics of race."
"God has no place for the spineless condonement of sin in his army."
"Generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?"
"We have to condemn every single act of terrorism, may that be done in the name of Christianity, communism, democracy, capitalism, or Islam. Equally."
"We strongly condemn child abuse. It was never our intent to include it in our narrative."
"There is no condemning voice against you! The case is closed!"
"The violence we saw yesterday at our nation's capital was appalling, reprehensible, and antithetical to the American way."
"This guy's a scumbag, I mean he's going after vulnerable people."
"Murdering people simply for the way they express themselves is barbaric."
"We should push our rational understanding of the world to the utter limit but be humble enough to admit the border of our rational understanding."
"This is an unforgettable, unforgivable act of despicable barbarity." - Fumio Kishida
"No weapon formed against us shall prosper, but every tongue that rises up against us shall be condemned."
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus."
"We've condemned domestic violence in every way possible."
"I completely condemn the violence in the Capitol."
"Violence against women is wrong. It's really, really wrong."
"There's no place for looting, arson, or vandalism."
"God is not in the business of condemning the world."
"Woe to those who call good evil and evil good."
"The Academy condemns the actions of Mr. Smith at last night's show."
"How could anyone say anything like this? This was disgraceful, he should be scalped and rightly so."
"What Kamashita has done is disgusting and unforgivable."
"He's sick, he's perverted, and I'm glad his ass won't get out of jail until he's 85 plus years old."
"When you're talking about what was the number 700 hidden allegations, it's absurd, it's disgusting, and it is not of God, period."
"He died as he had lived: As a rotten coward, through and through."
"Sarver got to avoid being publicly condemned by a massive corporation."
"What they did to so many people is just absolutely unforgivable and should never be forgotten."
"We condemn Adolf Hitler's actions and his dark place in human history."
"White nationalism, white supremacy, racism are a scourge on the earth."
"That damned witch, she'll drown with the rest of these fools."
"You cannot point to a specific disbeliever and say that guy over there that Paul over there is going to Hell Fire that Vanessa there is going to Hell Fire."
"I do not condone harassment or doxing of any sort."
"The diversity is what makes the Lego Universe so endlessly intriguing."
"James knew it's a terrible thing to condemn the innocent as to let the guilty go unpunished."
"It's in hospitality and it's the fact that they... it's a condemnation of sexual violence."
"It is abominable and absolutely imbecilic that anybody would be racist against anybody else."
"That's messed up and that should never happen."
"I simply cannot any longer share in this bloody witless and absolutely needless ignominy." - Boris Bondarev
"The fact that they should go to hell is immoral."
"True objective Justice doesn't only condemn the guilty and wicked but it also protects the innocent."
"Rarely has an American Police Department... been so thoroughly and broadly condemned."
"Steven McDaniel is a psychopath who cowardly allowed darkness and evil to consume him. He should never be permitted to prowl the streets of this world again." - Karen Giddings
"I call on all Americans to reject the lie and I condemn those who spread the lie for power, political gain, and for profit."
"Only a weak and disgusting person could carry out this type of crime."
"We call on every nation to join us in condemning Russia and demanding that Putin turn his tanks around."
"You do not have a moral bone in your body. You are a troll that needs to be de-platformed."
"It removes your humanity, I think it's awful, a hundred percent it's awful."
"This has resonated internationally, with statements from China, Iran, and Turkey condemning the external interference."
"I consider it despicable... violence interfering with the processes of government."
"Anti-semitism is vile, evil, and wrong under any circumstances."
"I think what happened on that day was abhorrent, sure. Absolutely abhorrent, like should never have happened."
"I genuinely would love nothing more than for Johnny to repudiate that and publicly condemn those people. I really would."
"There's no condemnation left right here in this verse...there's none left."
"What he did is unacceptable, nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it."
"Sit down, be silent, and get into darkness, daughter of the Chaldeans. You shall no more be called the lady of kingdoms."
"Crimean annexation condemned by the United Nations."
"Make no mistake about it, what happened that day was a disgrace, and it mocks decency to portray it any other way."
"Violence and abuse must be unequivocally condemned and totally rejected."
"He's an idiot literally an idiot with blood on his hands."
"Racism is a sin, racism is a poison, racism is a cancer."
"You scared of bishop? That's right. You and your bishop will go to hell."
"Racism is disgusting, and I believe it exists."
"But when they get violent, I say no. We get a report about people throwing human waste at a house, I say that's bad, condemn it all." - The Speaker
"Most of Europe and many other countries all over the world have condemned these actions."
"It's just despicable and it's an act of a dog."
"The Quran is severe in its condemnation of magic."
"He is a liar and the father of it." - John 8:44
"We strongly condemn any acts of violence or discrimination."
"The United States House of Representatives condemns China."
"It's not often we see that happen in this country too much anymore, absolutely unanimous condemning China."
"It is evil, pure evil of what they're doing."
"There's a special place in hell for people like that."
"Why would we ever do that to any human being?"
"The whole world has severely condemned this."
"Our hearts are broken as we learn of any abuse; it cannot be tolerated, it cannot be excused."
"You intentionally and systematically tortured this child, let's call it what it is, it's torture."
"We forcefully condemn the evil of anti-semitism and hate."
"I condemn any voter fraud of any kind." - President Trump
"That's How Strong the the attack of Satan will be that they can all be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
"Lord forgive us for playing this demonic sorcery [ __ ]."
"This ill-educated monster who is only in it for himself that can no longer stand he will not be allowed to normalize white supremacy in this world."
"You are psychopaths you are nasty people and you deserve everything you get."
"May God bless all the mothers and damn all these efforts to cancel and degrade her."
"The stabbing should be condemned to the nth degree."
"What's happening in Gaza is atrocious. It's not hard to stand against that."
"There's no condemnation for those that are in Christ."
"I think it's definitely well-deserved, it's just absolutely unacceptable to abuse children."
"The cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone." - Revelation 21:8
"He who believes in Him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already." - John 3:18
"The darkest pit of Hell was open and waiting for him."
"Socialism is the most evil malady to ever afflict the human brain."
"Let's come together, let's clearly, let's unequivocally condemn the evil that is anti-semitism."
"Physically hurting children in the name of religion is absolutely extreme and disgusting."
"I hope you get them and everybody that supports them a first class ticket via a Spirit Airlines to hell."
"If there was a Sea Org staffer or a number of staffers who had advised women to have abortions, that's something you would utterly condemn, yeah, absolutely."
"Human trafficking is a stain as well on all of humanity. We detest it because it flagrantly violates the unalienable rights that belong to every human being." - Mike Pompeo
"Right-wing bigotry and racism is wrong, that's the premise of this. It's bad."
"It's evil to scam anybody in any situation. Scamming is a horrible, despicable thing to do."
"In this world full of countless cultures and values, it is an action that is frowned upon and loathed by everyone. This action is fundamentally something that obstructs the future they envision." - All for One
"No matter your opinions on her, this kind of violence and abuse are fundamentally bad."
"Woe to you betrayer, you who have not been betrayed."
"We condemn unequivocally the attempted firebombing, the shooting at two Jewish schools... there is no room and there is no place for anti-Semitism in Canada."
"With that same moral clarity in mind, I can say with no uncertainty whatsoever that what Russia has done and is doing in Ukraine is morally reprehensible."
"When you see babies like this, the ones who kill babies like this are not terrorists? It's horrific."
"Men are too apt to condemn in others the very things they practice themselves."
"The depravity, the callousness, the selfishness of these crimes are stunning."
"A man like this should never be allowed to be among free law-abiding citizens again."
"What sort of human being do you have to be to essentially steal a ten thousand dollar ticket from an employee of yours? That is disgusting."
"Those who feel like they can intimidate our fellow citizens to take out their anger don't represent the best of America, they represent the worst of humankind."
"I saw that film and what I saw was barbaric evil committed against innocent people."
"Y'all should have been got this menace to society off the streets."
"What sort of guy does that? His wife's a good wife; she's given him a son, she's given her the best years of her life."
"The goal of punishment is not to give people what they deserve, but to publicly express your condemnation of an act."
"When I repent, God condemns the demon, and angels come to remove them."
"There's nothing worse than somebody's just [ __ ] with a dog."
"This level of dysfunction over a prolonged period of time was and will turn out to be Criminal."
"Nobody deserves to ever get anything happened to him like that whatsoever."
"This is actual evil they're trying to support."
"If we take Jesus outside of a relational context that's when we start to bring rules in and condemnation comes"
"I am completely sorry for anyone who has been affected by ISIS. I in no way agree with what they did. It's not justifiable to kill innocent people in the name of religion."
"Your sins are forgiven Rudolf Hess, you animal. Your sins are forgiven, go in peace."
"These guys are evangelists for darkness yeah you know he's saying that, these are his words, powerful."
"He didn't come to condemn. He didn't need to. You already are condemned."
"The way that the dogs are treated and slaughtered is enough to make anyone condemn the festival."
"The reason why this is so illegal, like swatting, is precisely because cops operate like [ __ ] animals."
"They are truly the worst dogs of society."
"I took this position from the moment the assassination... was talked about that it was so crazy an act so wretched and Sinister an act."
"A cold, heartless, soulless, and cowardly act."
"Criminal, dog. Straight up criminal."
"He did what he could for his people. His death, another colossal stain on the conscience of the Russian state."
"Homosexuality is not a lifestyle, it's a death style."
"That means that whoever let him do this [ __ ] just because he's a celebrity is a complete [ __ ] idiot."
"If you encourage someone to commit suicide, you are an absolute piece of [__]."
"You just tonight proved how truly evil the person you are."
"Whoever takes advantage of the poor, the innocent will be condemned with a trial and will be investigated so as not to blame the innocent."
"John of God is a monster and a rapist."
"What a shame killing your own child as a father myself hearing that just breaks my heart man how could you have the heart to kill your own child."
"The power differential and the age differential there is so baffling to me that anybody is okay with a then 14-year-old being victim blamed."
"That is sick and twisted is what it is."
"We condemn as heretics those who reject any of the Catholic dogmas and teach to us the condemned doctrines of ecumenism and evolution of dogma."
"This was very painful for me to watch, this scammer just turned into a hyena and is making this disabled 88-year-old lady lie to people and rushing her to get out of the store. Just disgusting."
"He would not allow his men to burn and loot and he condemned those who did."
"It disgusts me that they have the freedom after killing someone they're horrible people and they should be ashamed of what they did they don't even deserve to be alive."
"Creepy, gross, violating. What you did was disgusting. This is wrong."
"You must always be condemning these things and even some stuff we don't understand we call it witchcraft."
"The war is an act of absolute lunacy, not just partial lunacy but absolute lunacy."
"How could people do that, you know? You had to be an animal to do things like that."
"He's a terrible human being, a terrible game developer, and he absolutely does not deserve the audience or the platform that he has."
"The president repeatedly condemned hate and repeatedly encouraged for us all to come together."
"Woe to them who work unrighteousness and help oppression."
"Seth MacFarlane's response to this was and I quote for an organization that prides itself on Christian values they spend their entire day hating people."
"There are holocaust deniers out there. If you are out there and you think the holocaust didn't happen, you're stupid. I'm sorry, that's the way it is."
"But I can't condone his actions to be honest, this spoke, he's got to be canceled immediately, right?"
"This man here, horrible [__] human being."
"Abusive relationships are not cool."
"It is surely not a sin to kill such a devil in human form."
"He had to be speaking literally true because in 1 Corinthians 11:27, Paul tells us to receive the bread unworthily brings condemnation onto you."
"Chekhov comes out of the rich tradition of Russian Orthodoxy that says absolute compassion for everyone, absolute condemnation of no one, that's Anton Chekhov."
"I think it's disgusting the way some people treat kids. I think it's just disgusting the way some people treat other people."
"No one's got the right to take anyone's life. And how dare they?"
"You're a spineless, no-good idiot."
"Beating the [__] out of a woman is not normal."
"Violence is violence. Frankly speaking, I was quite shocked. Violence is violence."
"The President is always going to call out all forms of hate. We have seen the anti-Semitism, and we have called that out over and over and over again."
"The scene was a disgraceful and inhuman exhibition."