
Non-aggression Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"The threat or use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of a UN member state is unacceptable."
"The free market fundamentally relies upon the non-aggression principle and a respect for property rights."
"Libertarianism is centered around the principles of non-aggression and property rights."
"You don't need to attack to kill everyone else."
"She believes in capitalism... You can't initiate force against other people."
"It's a non-aggression principle. You don't have the right to hurt me; I don't have the right to hurt you."
"The non-aggression principle is the most essential one."
"Libertarianism is simply the rejection of the use of force."
"Stealth isn't a tool of aggression but a blanket, a shield, a defense."
"Thief was a game that allowed for physical combat but wanted both Garrett and the player to be better than that."
"If people follow the principles of the non-aggression principle and voluntarianism and become personally responsible for themselves, they will be ready for whatever comes."
"It's kind of sad that where we are as a country is the president who doesn't start any new wars gets praise."
"We want a world where other countries don't invade."
"Being true to your word, having non-aggression pacts, making appropriate decisions during missions, not stabbing people in the back – all increase your honor."
"Unlike a propaganda I mean, deterring Russia from what they're doing and basically telling them it's wrong with the means we can without starting a World War 3."
"Libertarianism has one fundamental principle: non-aggression."
"Now, players who claim to see the aliens claim that they were surprisingly not aggressive and wouldn't attack the player, and were the typical depiction of aliens with them being slender and grey with big eyes."
"I've never been one to subscribe to the belief the U.S should maintain a strong economy by pointing weapons at other nations."
"We're just passing through in this life. How about if we live in peace? We coexist with others peacefully. Why this animosity? Why this create intentions that they are not there? Why not live and let live?"
"Overall, just try to avoid any aggression in all situations, and just let them know if you want to let them know at all, you are just there to use the bathroom, and that is all. And that is your right."
"I would adopt the no first use of nuclear weapons policy because we should not be the first country to use nuclear weapons."
"Libertarian ideology in essence is: don't hurt people, don't take their stuff, you can do whatever you want to do in your space."
"A better strategy for our society would be to take relations with extraterrestrials outside of the military intelligence threat scenario."
"Patriot missile batteries are not weapons of war in the conventional sense. It's only defensive. It is a shield."
"Don't hate them. We have to be better than them. We have to be way better than them."
"Trump is not a warmonger, he's been generally pro-peace."
"He was only the President never to start the war... the only politician I know of who fought to build his country as opposed to manage its decline."
"Democracies must not invade other countries."
"Being a good person is more often about caring for someone rather than about kicking the bad guys."
"Non-aggression principle... encompasses so many things... guiding principle... foundation of the platform."
"There's a necessity for shared values... establish common first principles... cosmos evolution non-aggression."
"You can do this it's not you don't have to be aggressive you don't have to hurt anyone or anything like that you say no that you are going to learn English in school."
"The real issue is that you have the inherent right to protect yourself with whatever weapon you choose if you aren't hurting anyone you should be left alone."
"Those who initiate unjust force or violence on you when you have done no wrong are committing a crime even if the aggressor is an agent of government."
"Aggression doesn't pay. Aggression has been seen to be defeated."
"Not one single person ever described Chris as violent or aggressive."
"You can't bomb and intimidate your way out of this thing."
"They mean no harm, they're just trying to survive."
"Your passion, your love for what you believe in should come from what you say about what you believe in not how many people you do you attack."
"I don't wish no harm on anybody, I just mind my business."
"The purpose of a self-defense weapon shouldn't be to defeat the other guy, but to protect yourself."
"Entities who say that they think that they are, they have no hostility toward Humanity at all."
"The non-aggression principle prevents you from interfering with the life or the property of another human being without moral justification."
"You don't need to go out picking fights because if you're a true believer, the fight will come to you."
"A strong person will not be nervous and not express aggression towards his opponent. He will be confident in his abilities and his training." - Fedor Emelianenko
"It didn't look malicious, really, had more of an 'okay, you got the point' look. It casually turned its eyes away and ducked back behind the tree or ridge."
"If you one shot a zombified piglet using something like a Smite 5 sword, other piglens won't get mad at you."
"Fight with sense, not with anonymity and not with aggressiveness."
"You don't have a right to initiate force against others, and that's why you get a lot of these guys going out there who don't have a clue."
"If you believe in the non-aggression principle, you believe in not interfering with peaceful interactions."
"I don't need to crush people. I don't want to crush people."
"I do not attack other YouTubers or content creators, and I do not encourage my audience to do that. That doesn't benefit me, that doesn't benefit anyone."
"President Trump was the first president since Jimmy Carter, technically probably Reagan as well, that didn't start a new war."
"It's better to try to engage without your boosters by walking the enemy down."
"I'm the only president in 72 years that didn't start a war."
"You know, we underestimate that a kind reminder can actually make a very big difference. It doesn't have to be abrasive, it doesn't have to be aggressive, it can just be a little reminder in with kindness."
"Winning the game is not necessarily conquering and crushing everyone else."
"It's always wrong to initiate unjust force and violence and peaceful people haven't done anything wrong."
"It's not going to be through aggression; it's going to be through caring."
"These ideas are completely passive, non-aggressive. I'm not saying be a pacifist, but they are passive, right? You don't have to be pro-gun to be passive."
"...the bear ambles closer never displaying any signs of aggression."
"The individual who is not aggressive saves energy, saves life, and frequently becomes an observer and a spectator to action."
"No man has the right to initiate physical force to compel another man."
"It's good though, because Ariana Grace is a wrestler who doesn't want to fight."
"Peacefulness doesn't mean passiveness, but it means not an aggressive relationship to the world."
"The purpose of a natural stance is the idea is that if someone is in front of you in a confrontation with you you don't want to give them information you do not want to look aggressive."
"As long as nobody aggresses against us, don't you ever attack anyone because of what they say from their mouths. But if we are attacked, then don't spare nothing, nobody."
"Friendly fire is never to shoot back."
"The great refusal is a protest against this paradigm of aggression, domination, and control."
"No aggressive, it is progressive."
"Help the bear recognize your group as non-aggressive."
"I believe in unconditional freedom as long as you're not hurting anyone else or forcing your views on anyone else."
"Jedi use the Force for knowledge and defense, never attack."
"Such a gentle snake, this thing has not once even tried to strike at us."
"The American Bully was created with the purpose of being a family companion dog, and absolutely not a working or fighting dog."
"He never sought out fights for the sake of it, and he didn't grow up as a warrior; he grew up as a protector."
"In Aikido, we don't want a dominating way, we just don't want to be injured and hurt ourselves."
"These wasps are noticeably docile unless trifled with. Leave them alone and let them live."
"We don't make trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble."
"The Romani people... have never tried to take anybody else's land, have never started a war, have never been a political or an economic or a military threat to anybody."
"You can live copacetically near them and you can have them around you and not have aggression and fear."
"The inland taipan is not typically aggressive towards humans and will usually retreat when encountered."
"When they're all together and in a show and they're all having fun, there's nothing at all aggressive in it."
"That was cute, of course, this particular group of dragons was possibly the least likely to eat a scavenger of any dragons in Pyrea."
"I want the economic theory as a means to abolish the use of coercion and aggression amongst mankind."
"Your mind is whole and complete, your spirit is whole and complete, your soul is whole and complete, and they don't attack or defend."
"The initiation of physical force is immoral because force is the antithesis of the rational man's mind."
"You're supposed to lead with love in these types of things, right? You're not supposed to attack."
"Protect yourself but don't attack."
"Peaceful rise has already happened; it's a fact on the ground."
"The live-and-let-live system... You don't kill me, I don't kill you."
"Under Azumi's reign, the Fire Nation has maintained a strict non-aggressive policy when it comes to foreign affairs, rejecting its imperialist past."
"Therefore, he ordered his armies to only defend their country and to not carry out war beyond the Zulu border for fear of being seen as an aggressor."
"The African character on this planet has tended to be, for the most part, non-aggressive and humane."
"You are not my enemies. I don't wish to destroy you."
"Friendly craft detected, do not fire."
"Libertarianism is about you can do anything that doesn't hurt somebody else."
"They don't want to sting you; they want to make honey."
"There must not be an attack on North Korea."
"Focus your energy on you, don't focus on hurting somebody else."
"If you're trying to de-escalate, that position or platform that you're employing needs to be unobtrusive, non-aggressive, non-violent looking."
"Merely having a patent is not harming anyone; it would be aggression to use it offensively against someone."
"If you're willing to put in the work, they are rarely aggressive and you won't regret the new little friend."
"Anyone who is actually practicing living principles of Truth does not attack, does not get defensive, does not blame."
"I'm not heartless, human. If your kind shows no further aggression toward me, I will show none in return."
"It's not an aggressive entity; it's just... it just exists."
"You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. We are not enemies, but friends."
"It's okay to defend but not attack."
"It is never justifiable to invade and militarily occupy another country that has not harmed or threatened another."
"I think we ought to focus on the problems and not attack each other."
"I don't think he has a mean bone in his body."
"We have no right over you as long as you don't harm us."
"I have not been stung once by the five nests that I have on my property."
"Libertarians believe that people should have the right to pursue their goals as long as they don't harm others."
"Rada tells her grandma that she was surprised he protected them and didn’t show any aggression at all."
"I don't want any fighting chickens; I just want chill chickens that are pets."
"Piglens seem to love gold more than anything; they won't attack players wearing it."
"Because of that, they are able to participate in the umbrella protection of the non-aggression principle."
"Capitalism stands alone advocating a free society, a society where men reject the use of force in one form or another."
"Your duty is to prevent aggression, prevent violence from happening."
"You can be dominant without being aggressive, which is why you can be dominant and gentle."
"It never screamed or beat on the side of the house, it never growled, it only seemed to be curious and non-aggressive."
"When you know that you can actually handle yourself, it's like, I don't want to get in the fight in the bar. You have nothing to prove."
"He's met everything that I wanted in a dog; he's never showed any aggression towards any other animal or human."
"Using violence should be shunned."