
Workers Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"The broader portion of society supports the middle class, supports the workers, the backbone of society."
"We are migrants, we are not criminals, we are workers."
"I want what's good for the country, great for our workers, great for the citizens of the United States."
"It involves farmers and industrial workers versus the owners... This is the original class conflict."
"Curtis Connor is someone who has talked about respecting workers."
"We're fighting for the livelihoods of American workers."
"The single biggest benefactors of what we've done are middle-class workers and low-income families."
"Their fight ultimately won workers the right to sue for damages from corporations."
"When a bubble forms and eventually pops, you want to know who suffers the most? Workers, employees."
"A union is two or more workers who get together to improve their conditions."
"Wages for working people are finally, after 22 years, rising again in our country."
"More than 6 million workers have already received a bonus, pay raise, or new job thanks to these tax cuts."
"Got to help our fellow businesses in trouble. Airline industry, cruise industry, those workers."
"This isn't just about future workers in these facilities, this is really about a broader movement."
"Some workers and some companies are going to be able to protect their margins to protect their purchasing powers. Others will not."
"One candidate Joe Biden is on the side of workers and one candidate Donald Trump is going to screw them over just like he screwed over the workers who worked for him for decades."
"You're upsetting all the workers. Upsetting the workers, why are they upset?"
"At the end of the day, it's not about the restaurants, but the people who work there."
"To millions of workers around the country, the titans of industry have become a symbol of everything wrong with America."
"The whole thing is getting the workers to understand that there's power in solidarity and that they have power if they do this together."
"Class consciousness... is continually being upset again by the competition between the workers themselves."
"This is why unions are so important you have an organization of workers to give you exactly that feedback."
"The workers here are very friendly."
"We're all locked in now. Power to the workers."
"Unions became a big thing for us."
"The history is strongly on the side of the big bold pre-workers."
"I'm proud of the people who make the clothing in the factories and they're healthy and they like working for us."
"The strikes spread throughout the country. Soon half a million workers were bringing industrial activity in over 30 counties to a standstill."
"The Federal Trade Commission estimates about 30 million people or one in five American workers are bound by non-competes."
"The pandemic had lessons for us about valuing each other and valuing a certain kind of worker."
"The exploitation of Rom and the other employees by Quark, their employer, is shown to be unambiguously bad and inexcusable."
"We should be on the side of the workers."
"Throughout the 1950s up until about the 1970s, real wages for a lot of workers increased year on year, driven by heightened unionization rates and regulations on exploitative forms of capitalism."
"Workers should control the economy democratically."
"The most colorful employees of the brown company were the Lumberjacks and river drivers, rugged men who came from around the world to work in the forest and help drive the lumber across the lakes down the rivers to Berlin."
"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, since there are few workers, notice, this is really a revelation, this is radical, we would say, 'Let's train people.'"
"This conservative government is the party of business, the party of workers, and the party of the working people."
"Second phase, relatively low paid workers are essentially the caretakers of the world."
"A robust antitrust framework strengthens American workers against monopolistic efforts to lower wages and eliminate their benefits."
"The bottom line is that corporate monopolies are a recipe for social destruction. Any lawmakers who claim to stand for workers and consumers must advocate against dominance by large private companies."
"There is nothing unethical about standing up for workers, consumers, and small businesses. There is nothing unethical about enforcing the law against powerful and destructive companies like Amazon, Meta, and Twitter."
"Clarkson's Farm showcases some of the most important workers in our society."
"Technology changes in a direction as it increases worker marginal productivity, and workers have a chance of benefiting from that higher marginal productivity."
"We are an independent workers movement."
"What's happening here is that McDonald's workers understand different political possibilities and they're assembling and dismantling hierarchies for games and grand theater and expedience on a weekly and even daily basis."
"All the workers got to know our names... it was just really fun overall."
"I think nationalism is one of the things that keeps working people feeling like they can't work together, that keeping them apart."
"The emancipation of the workers contains universal human emancipation."
"In Singapore we treat our migrant workers well and we will continue to do better."
"This legislation will transform the lives of millions of working people."
"We absolutely need to level the playing field for workers and consumers."
"It is also an opportunity to give the workers a break each week."
"Millions of working people will now start to pay hundreds of pounds less in tax from this month's pay slips."
"Companies that treat their workers better do better."
"To every front-line worker, I offer the salute of a nation that is forever in your debt."
"Art is an essential... we are essential workers."
"It's Safety First for us; it's safety for the public and it's safety for the workers we're putting out there."
"It's really up to the company to protect them."
"Those of us who have the luxury of working from home during the COVID crisis have come to recognize how deeply we depend on workers we often overlook."
"I'd like to take this moment to give a shout out to the essential workers."
"Shout out to all the people who are working right now, who are working at like Walmart and Costco, Sam's and all that stuff, nurses, doctors."
"Making payments monthly instead of annual has the power to change the lives of working people all over the country."
"We know that a worker in Scranton has to be paid fairly for what he or she does at work."
"Every day that ticks by that we don't have those checks continue to go out the door is a catastrophe and a disaster for workers."
"This was installed in honor of the Latin American workers who helped to rebuild New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina."
"Ordinary people, wage earners, are getting shafted, so they've got to unite."
"Working class solidarity, as they say."
"Over the course of the last five months, we've seen real wage growth for non-supervisory earners."
"Every day at 7 o'clock my neighborhood goes ham... it is actually just appreciation for essential workers."
"The workers are actually the ones who have the power and should be exercising that to get the things that we so desperately want need from our local, state, and federal government."
"The working people of this country frankly deserve better. They deserve to be the top priority just like they have made this country the top priority in their lives and their families."
"We're on the side of working people."
"He cut a new contract with the UAW, including providing health care for the recent retirees and layoffs."
"A union is a group of workers who come together to try and make a change."
"We're giving power and ownership directly to workers."
"They are wonderful workers; they all speak English now. They love dancing and music; they are always making up songs."
"More and more I find something touching and even heart-rending in these poor and obscure workers."
"Workers of the world, fall in love."
"All of our workers' stuff, no joke, has been really super solid."
"Labor Day is a public holiday or day of festivities held in honor of working people in the United States and Canada."
"Why don't we just give the nurses, give the key workers the money they want?"
"This is a Chancellor and a Government who are not on the side of the workers."
"When you're sitting at home on your couch watching your telly... there's been some worker out there that's put a roof over your head."
"I've been committed to increasing sales and profit for the sake of our workers."
"This Act ensures that older workers are not pressured into waiving their rights."
"...workers consume all that they get, they don't save..."
"I recommend you the Bull if you haven't used workers already."
"For each of these workers, the desire for job satisfaction outweighed the desire for status quo."
"Labor Day is not about soldiers; it's about workers."
"I just have a newfound respect for the people who work there."
"A worker-owned cooperative is a business entity that's owned and controlled by its workers."
"We stand up for the working people."
"We take workers' safety very seriously."
"I don't want working people in this country to suffer. I want a government that actually represents working people and not multinational corporations."
"Shout outs all the working people, working and lurking."
"The stuff the workers get up to in this city is honestly really inspiring."
"Working men of all countries, unite!"
"I feel a little bit ashamed... but now looking at all these workers and miners and factory workers, I feel so inspired."
"Be nicer to essential workers and the people you mistake for essential workers."
"Workers don't always behave rationally; emotions, feelings, and values also play a very important role."
"The workers declared victory in the bloody battle."
"We are so grateful for all these workers who have kept us going during the pandemic."
"Happy Mother's Day Rose. Happy Mother's Day to all the workers in the chat."
"Our plan is a growth agenda; it is unashamedly pro-business but it's also unashamedly pro-workers."
"Thank you so much to all the essential workers, you have made incredible sacrifices and faced risks this year."
"The fundamental law of capitalism is when workers have more money, businesses have more customers and need more workers."
"The issues facing workers are systemic and must be solved systemically."
"The right to wear mustaches at all cost is the cry of several thousand waiters who went on strike today."
"The workers really are the heroes of this story."
"Father, in the name of Jesus, as the hands of these workers are lifted unto thee, oh God, I commit their heart, their mind, their will, their intelligence, their thought life to you."
"Let's give some snaps for those essential workers."
"The President's focus is on making sure that we're protecting American industry and American workers."
"The balance of power has at length got into the hands of the working people, where it properly belongs."
"I am happy if this ends up being a referendum on what's going to be good for blue-collar workers."
"Let the bus drivers stop driving today... let the sanitation workers not pick up the trash, yeah, we'll see what happens."
"I appreciate all the sanitation workers."
"Here's to all the workers out there."
"We are once again fighting for our great American workers."
"It's a day to recognize the achievements of American workers."
"Wages are growing, and they are growing at the fastest rate for -- this is something so wonderful -- for blue-collar workers."
"We're very very concerned to protect working people in general and particularly during this crisis."
"Respect the sanitation workers, man."
"I try to be extraordinarily kind to workers."
"The workers are filled with the milk of humankindness."
"I want to say a big thank you to all the people that are out there in the world that are working to make our life safe."
"I want to thank the collective out there for all of those people that have been working, that have been risking their lives out there to keep us safe."
"The president believes all workers, including the writers, including the actors, they deserve a fair pay and fair benefits."
"The president knows that collective bargaining works for employees and employers."
"Labor Day is the day we honor working Americans."
"Visual effects workers in Marvel Studios have unanimously voted to unionize."
"The struggle of working people transcends racial boundaries."