
Income Diversity Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Your desire will be fulfilled; there will be income resources from different avenues."
"Wealthy people have multiple sources of income."
"As long as you have a skill you will never be broke."
"Commissions are by no means the only way to earn a living as an artist."
"Everybody loves the idea of multiple streams of income."
"Creating a second source of income by the age of 30 is going to put you so much further ahead and will give you so much more flexibility and diversity in terms of what you could do in the future with your time."
"Having multiple streams of income don't look so bad no more do it."
"You need to have multiple streams of income, always gradually."
"The stability actually comes from many streams of income like a millionaire would have some might be more some might be less but all together they're not all going to go away."
"The secret to becoming a millionaire is having multiple streams of income."
"We need more people like that, getting money, besides that, they need to have more incomes."
"Most wealthy people are wealthy because they have multiple revenue streams."
"Develop several different streams of income. Don't just focus on one thing."
"The secret to wealth is to have multiple sources of income."
"Everything is always doing something... the beauty about having multiple income sources."
"65% of self-made millionaires had at least three income streams, 45% at least four, and 29% had five or more."
"What's cooler than having one source of income? Seven different sources of income."
"I didn't realize how many streams of income that I have until I sat down to actually go through them."
"You are destined to have multiple streams of income."
"Real financial freedom is having multiple streams of income."
"If you only know how to make money on the way up, it's not going to be as consistent as a side hustle."
"Having multiple sources of income is so crucial."
"The average millionaire had seven sources of income."
"In the midst of all this recession, how have you survived? How has your company survived? Majorly because of multiple streams of income."
"I've got income coming in from social media, I've got an incredible amount of streams of income. It's amazing, coolest thing ever."
"When you have diversified income and you have multiple streams of income, if you have one stream of income that stops, then you have all the other streams of income that you can still have."
"These days I earn money in a variety of different ways. I write books, I'm a professor, I speak, I consult."
"The importance of having multiple streams of income so you're not relying on any one thing for money."
"Millionaires have seven streams of income."
"Freelancing diversifies your income across different employers and it comes with increased earning potential as well."
"Millionaires have like seven to ten streams of income."
"Working in an academic practice can really provide you with many ways, many streams of fulfillment, and of course, income."
"You're starting to see multiple streams of income... that's an enormous sign that wealth is headed your way."
"Your average millionaire has seven streams of income."
"Multiple streams of income, that's how you'll be financially free."
"I'm all about putting in the work to make money online in a variety of different ways."
"The average millionaire generates income from many different ways."
"The average millionaire had seven to ten streams of income."
"This is just another tool that you can have under your belt, another skill that you can have to diversify your skills and make money in a lot of different ways."
"Multiple streams of income... make you not just rich but also wealthy."
"That's how I have 13 sources of income."
"The average millionaire has more than seven incomes; I have like probably seven incomes."
"I've built up eight different income streams that bring me in around $155,000 per month by the age of 22."
"The average millionaire has seven sources of income."
"Most Gen Z and millennials nowadays aspire to have a multitude of income streams."
"The best strategy is going to be to look at your own unique skill set and figure out the best combination of income streams for you."
"Have multiple forms of income. This will help you maintain financial stability."
"The diversity of my income is a huge part of what keeps me afloat."
"I have always believed in multiple streams of income, so the Leakes are good."
"Most millionaires have on average seven income streams."
"You cannot have one source of income."
"In order to be financially sustainable, you have to have more than one source of income."
"We all spend money at the end of the day, we all have different incomes, we all have different things that we like to spend our money on."
"You gotta have multiple sources of income."
"Botting income might not be consistent, but there are other ways to make consistent income within the community."
"Everybody, employee or entrepreneur, needs multiple sources of income so you don't have to feel too panicked about any one situation."
"The average millionaire had over seven sources of income, and that's facts."
"Creating multiple streams of income."
"You should have more than one source of income."