
Releases Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"This has been an incredible year for Fantasy, with some amazing releases across all mediums."
"People treated the substance a bit more specially when releases didn't happen that frequently."
"The holiday season is quickly approaching... we have to talk about new Nintendo Switch games coming out in the month of October."
"A busy month coming up this month actually, we have the announcement and like the release of Zen3, the RTX 3070 and later the announcement of new RDNA 2 GPUs as well."
"It's exciting with release after release coming up."
"This is the kind of stuff that really makes me happy to see the community releasing."
"It's coming out in 2021 and it's releasing on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and the pro versions of those consoles as well as PS5 and Xbox Series X."
"Releases are important, even for fine artists."
"For core game releases, stuff's finally happening."
"Just waiting to release some fire releases, sir."
"People have to wait for our 'Lord of the Rings' coverage that we promised because the 4K trilogy is coming out December 1st."
"It was a good year, I think, for releases, a lot of good memorable stuff."
"March 2022 is shaping up to be one of the best months of releases that we've had in quite a while."
"...good luck on all these upcoming releases and have a great rest of your day."
"If you don't love general releases, you don't love sneakers."
"Vue version three has been released in fall of 2020."
"This might actually be the best month of sneaker releases this entire year."
"There's always releases that pop up out of nowhere, such as collabs or quick strikes."
"Extreme programming advocates frequent releases."
"Is lit 3 going to be a stable release for use? Absolutely, we released it last night actually."
"It's been a good year for gaming, especially for horror fans with early releases like The Forest and Among the Sleep whetting the appetites for gamers for later releases like The Evil Within, Alien Isolation, and the now tragically remembered PT."
"Definitely 100% a blessing... I'm super excited to share new releases and cards with everyone."
"So yes, I'm very, very happy that I have this. Okay, so this next one, I'm pretty sure I know what this is and I squealed when I realized because this is one of my most anticipated releases for 2024."
"that's kind of back to our basic regularly scheduled program as far as berserk releases go"
"Definitely some of the best releases that I've checked out this year."
"CGN is excited to announce that they are now taking pre-orders. They're making it easier for you to ensure that you don't miss out on the hottest releases."
"IM, there's so many coming out all the time I feel like it's something you have to really be passionate about to stay on top of all the releases."
"I just can't believe myself. There's loads of new releases!"
"2022 was one of the most exciting years for physical media, there were so many great releases."
"In the world of Pokemon cards, new sets come out all the time."
"I will make frequent, small releases so that I do not impede the progress of others."
"You're shocked, I know, but in this reading Vlog, I'm going to be reading two of my most anticipated releases of the year."
"I'm going to use this to plan out all of my new releases for 2023."
"I've been falling in love more and more with a lot of their releases as of late."
"Do you ever feel like life is just one long progression of releases?"
"Let's face it, like every year, Disney always has a lot of stuff coming out."
"2024 is going to see three releases: Blender 4.1, 4.2 LTS, 4.3."
"I'm really loving the gun cannon releases lately."
"I so want to love every single new release, especially from the brands that I respect."
"Among all of these headlining collections, there was another release that you could argue is getting overlooked."
"It's that time of the year again where we look ahead to the future and eagerly anticipate the newest releases in the world of anime."
"It's been a bumper year for rotary mixer fans with what seems to me to have been a record number of new releases hitting the market."
"Time flies, and there's been so many good releases this year."
"Hello friends, for today's video I wanted to go through a list of some anticipated January fantasy releases."
"I truly just feel like 2024 is going to have the best releases."
"This year is stacked full of new releases from new editions to new serializations."
"These are easily two of the best reborn releases of all time."
"I'm really really excited that we're getting so many music video releases."
"Anna Louisa released new collections every Friday with pieces starting at just 39, and they offer a 365-day warranty on all pieces."
"They are fun releases, they're good for the watch world."
"2024 has been absolutely packed with incredible sneaker releases."
"I'm really enjoying a lot of their latest releases."
"I'm really glad that they are releasing some of these kind of aircraft."
"The best thing that we could do is support those and buy those releases."
"They always include just absolutely beautiful artwork with their releases."
"Hello, my love, how are we doing? We're gonna be doing my most anticipated releases for the first half of 2023."
"I always get excited about Patrick Ta eyeshadow palette releases."
"These are just beautiful, beautiful releases."
"I'm really liking these new releases coming very soon from Louis Vuitton."
"I am so happy with all of the new releases that Lululemon has been coming out with."
"That is what makes it so fun when albums like these come out."
"These are some of the coolest releases that I think we've had kind of all at once."
"Oh, what a glorious day, we saw many new games."
"You guys are putting out wonderful releases, high quality for the most part."
"Happy Blu-ray Tuesday! Today we got a big release day, so I'm pretty excited about that."
"Call me crazy, but this has to be one of the best years that we've seen in sneaker retro releases."
"I am stoked to see what else they're gonna release on three packs this year."
"These guys are really exceptional releases from Hasbro."
"Every Tuesday, I go out to check out the brand-new DVD and Blu-ray releases."
"You'll never run out of content because Acorn TV has new releases every Monday."
"We believe in regular releases and we believe in what I call KPI and API stability."
"As workday releases come about, you should look at the segregation of duty conflicts reports."
"I'm excited to see what they're going to release."
"Every Nanmu release that comes out, I am more and more impressed with each and every one of them."
"I'm counting down the days till I can pick up another one of my most anticipated releases."
"I started making a list each month of the releases that I wanted."
"Let's talk about a few releases that are to celebrate the Lunar New Year."
"You know, pick up more LEGO this summer because these summer releases are absolutely crazy, they're looking amazing."
"In a world where there haven't been a ton of incredibly exciting releases, this one's pretty good."
"I will be sharing my 2023 most anticipated releases."
"It just seems to be around this time of year that so many good things are released."
"Some of these releases are going to be some of the best of the year."
"Indie brands are more quality over quantity; they're not focused on pumping out tons and tons of new releases."