
Voting Impact Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"If enough people turned up to vote... there's a very real chance of swinging the state in a different way."
"Voting... may not be the fastest but it certainly has an impact."
"When we vote, things change, when we vote, things get better."
"The only language politicians understand is your vote."
"You eliminate mail-in voting from the equation Trump would have won handily that was the mistake I made I missed that sort of and I got to be fair not even that that much."
"Women voting led to society reflecting female priorities."
"You have the ability through your work and through eventually your vote to determine the future of our country."
"Persistence is the greatest engine of change... a little at a time makes a mountain of Voters by the election."
"A hundred thousand votes overall... could swing the presidential election."
"A lot of Democrats are surprised... even small changes in voting behavior can make big differences."
"Your vote will lead to more or less the exact system you've got now."
"We need us telling us how we have made our lives better through voting."
"When you vote, you've got the power to make it easier to afford college and harder to shoot up a school."
"This vote is going to be the most important vote you've ever cast."
"Our votes become more powerful when turnout is up."
"The only way to make it a reality is by voting."
"Just how much of an impact every single vote has... and I'm sure that there are still people... who are democratic voters who still haven't voted."
"We live in a democracy where every vote does count."
"If that sounds like a great bargain to you, keep voting for him." - Ben Shapiro
"Voting for your local government affects you way more than voting for the president."
"If on top of that people understand and vote accordingly..."
"This is not like a look forward to what it'll be like in 10 years, no they are already a very significant force if they choose to vote."
"Just in case you needed motivation to know that your vote really counts."
"Lesson one: Don't listen to those people. Your vote matters."
"Enough people vote for Jill Stein, they risk losing."
"The answer for young people when I talk to them is not that voting makes everything perfect. It's that it makes things better."
"How do you walk that line between pointing out similarities between the parties without giving the impression that not voting has no substantive difference?"
"Turns out who you vote for does make a difference."
"We're now looking at an amount of votes that could have changed the outcome of the election."
"You're going to say that was the single greatest vote that I have ever cast, and you're going to look back and you're going to be proud of yourselves and you're going to be proud of your country again."
"Climate change is happening and one of the most important things probably that you can do is to vote."
"When you don't vote, you are still voting. Your decision to not make a decision is a decision and it's going to affect the outcome of the country."
"Your vote is so important because every vote is going to move that percentage."
"If we all vote, there is nothing Facebook, Fox News, and Vladimir Putin can do to stop us."
"My administration will use all of its appropriate lawful powers, but Congress must act and with your vote you can act, you can have the final word."
"We've never come close to seeing what it would be like if everybody voted."
"A vote for Jackie is a vote for Nancy Pelosi, it's a vote for Schumer and it's a vote for all of the problems that they bring."
"Only if we vote for Joe Biden with power and with passion will our voices even have a chance at being heard."
"Voting among other things it's the only way to get Sean Spicer off Dancing with the Stars. Samba he's danced the red wedding the."
"We can do this, people, we can do this! Take the environment into account when you vote."
"Let's talk about the significance of this vote."
"If we vote, we win... Georgia is a perfect example."
"People who voted in the 2016 referendum thought their vote would actually count for something."
"Wow, like a lot of people voted, so I was just humbled and appreciative."
"If you don't talk to people of color about how hard it is for them to access resources in their neighborhood, then you're not going to vote accordingly."
"One of the reasons Brexit was pushed over the line...is because about two and a half million people who don't usually participate in politics came to vote for Brexit."
"Vote like your life really depended on it. It really does."
"It really is the only realistic way to change anything... every vote really does count."
"Every vote counts. Keisha Lance Bottom won mayor of Atlanta by 832 votes."
"If you go and you stop this from happening and you elect the right person, you are actually effecting change. You are saving the day."
"Rank Choice voting... tends to elect moderates... Sarah Palin in Alaska got the most first place votes but lost her race."
"People who would never dream of trying to control minut details of their neighbor's lives think it's just fine to vote for politicians to do it instead."
"The very survival of our planet is on the ballot."
"I did vote for Biden because I really thought like if there was another Trump presidency, 100% there was going to be a war on Iran."
"The reality is that I feel there is a happy ending to this and people have to get out and vote."
"A vote for anyone other than the Democrats is a vote for the authoritarians."
"This country thrives on our failure. So you go vote with that in mind."
"You're not voting for your particular MP, you are voting to make sure 50.1% India-wide is crossed."
"Let your voice be heard! Who we vote into office not only affects our day-to-day but it also impacts future generations."
"Every vote counts and it will make a massive difference."
"Hip-hop culture is the reason why a young generation voted for the first African-American president."
"Black people have been voting Democrat for 40, 50, 60 years and look where we're at."
"Elections do come down to very close margins; your vote definitely matters."
"When we all vote, we determine our future."