
Intellectual Discourse Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"I like to see debates between both sides where it's no feelings involved, anybody trying to get offended, it's all about just putting ideas on the table and seeing which side makes more sense."
"I've been frankly alarmed by several encounters I've had with very smart people, which have revealed a mismatch between what I think is true and what many smart people believe."
"People have a real hunger for deep intellectual dialogue, and that can be met with these new technologies."
"Informed respectful debate is central to academia."
"You don't get to call yourself the Intellectual Dark Web and then refuse to allow me to respond."
"We are on a path toward a spaceless, timeless, non-material, incredibly powerful, exceedingly wise mind as the best explanation for the beginning of the universe."
"Bigotry stated in an intellectual voice is still bigotry."
"Every single week we get the privilege and opportunity to sit down with a brilliant mind and open heart and see what we can glean from the insights that they've learned in their life."
"We're giving you facts backed up with evidence after evidence."
"Drear has referred to not just the two of us, but also Barry Weiss and James Lindsay as the secular liberals with whom he finds himself in allyship." - Brett Weinstein
"No idea is above scrutiny and no person should be beneath dignity."
"I also read and respectfully consider all dissenting arguments of fact and principle, just please keep it real." - Tim Sweeney
"Debates between Malcolm X, Bayard Rustin, and James Baldwin is some of the most insightful intellectual conversation you're ever going to hear."
"And isn't this something that we really need to talk more about? About the people that have the ability to think critically..."
"Intellectual revolution: torching reputations with breathtaking casualness."
"Invite people on your show that you disagree with, that discourse is very important."
"Simple minds talk about people, talk about events. Great minds talk about ideas."
"I invite Brothers. I'm not trying to say they fit that kind of no I think Muhammad how many jobs I think I think Muhammad you know Muhammad hijabi look he is the student knowledge the guy's got some serious knowledge here."
"This logic and reason can actually break through and be picked up. I love hearing that."
"Answer to bad speech is more speech and better ideas."
"Responsible heterodoxy challenges the mainstream narrative."
"Small minds discuss other people, gossip. Good minds discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas."
"Good ideas lead to good societies which leads to good people."
"Hitler's racism represented the gutter level application of an idea discussed in more lofty tones at higher intellectual levels."
"If you resort to violence, it means you have no intelligent answer left."
"I'm a big fan of intellectual diversity I don't believe that there is any other true kind of diversity in human affairs."
"I think the discussion we just had for about 15 minutes was probably one of the best discussions that had been on the air anywhere."
"You have to have your discussion and your ideas. You don't got it you don't got to like the guy you got to beat him in a debate of course."
"You need the smartest people at the table when you talk about reparations."
"It's about a basic liberty, the basic liberty to discuss ideas, to discuss very important ideas like blasphemy."
"The idea that Orwell's warning is still relevant may seem bizarre, but not to Noam Chomsky. We fix the image of a truth-seeking media as a sham."
"Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people." - Socrates
"The act of talking about all possible hypotheses is the scientific approach."
"We're going to disagree and that's the fun part is we can talk about why."
"There should never be a war on experts, there should never be a war on science."
"Making intellectual discussions part of popular culture."
"Intellectual mockery with an intellectual tone, committed to my well-being."
"The incredible luck that we all have to be able to ask these kind of questions celebrate them together people like Richard talk to each other about it is really what makes life worth living."
"There are worse things but what about the substance? That's right, the marketplace of ideas."
"There were two big, somewhat overlapping debates going on in philosophy."
"Almost everybody in the core of the IDW is capable of holding a position where everyone is against you."
"Smart and very intellectual debates are gonna be needed to be had at Nintendo right now."
"He always cared more than anyone cared, he was an amazing Captain."
"Even if I fundamentally disagree with every single thing that you said, it's perfectly legitimate for your work to be published, to be peer-reviewed, to be criticized by your peers who are qualified to talk about history."
"Much of the past 30 years of macroeconomics was spectacularly useless at best and positively harmful at worst." - Paul Krugman
"I can intellectually disagree with them in a proper fashion, in an appropriate setting."
"Why can't we all debate these things and have a difference of opinion and then we get at the truth?"
"We're going to compare the words of those from ancient times to the words of Jesus."
"Diversity of thought begins and ends with diversity of thought."
"Solving the problem is going to require intellectual conversations, not scare tactics and shame."
"Democrats are the only major political party engaged in that adult intelligent exercise."
"In academia, if someone's really brilliant, they'll engage with others in the field."
"It's absolutely essential in order to preserve democracy in order to preserve an open debate and the discussion which is important because only with an open discussion a controversial discussion you see two sides of a problem."
"In actuality, I agree that you use logic and that logic, that the laws of logic are absolute, universal, and invariant."
"If your arguments are so good and liberals are so dumb you should be able to have a good faith discussion."
"The best antidote for bad ideas is good ideas."
"In conclusion, I would just like to thank you, Paul, especially for maintaining this rare intellectual space where people can talk about complex and difficult heartfelt issues in an atmosphere of mutual respect."
"It really is a debate over philosophy – that is how does one ultimately interpret the evidence that they're looking at?"
"I believe in freedom of speech so the fact that you agree and disagree with certain things that I say tells me that you're an intelligent man."
"The recovery of real argument is a desideratum."
"Whenever there are any black commentators or writers or intellectuals who bring up this issue they are completely sidelined."
"Reasonable disagreement is the spice of life. Reasonable minds can differ."
"There's a real generosity of spirit in that of like trying to ascertain truth and share it publicly."
"To talk about economics is... a way in to talking in the end about pretty much everything." - Richard Wolff
"Not because we agree, but we agree on the search for truth."
"There are simple, easy answers to what people say are complex problems, and the simple, easy answer is this: smart, well-intentioned people who come from different backgrounds, from different perspectives, sometimes disagree."
"You should always be very suspicious when someone says what's your evidence for that and they say well isn't it obvious."
"We create morals based on what we intellectually understand."
"We need more conversations and collaborations between intellectuals, journalists, and academics."
"Words nor silence are never violence. We say why we disagree and calmly challenge ideas with logic, reason, and better ideas."
"I think the confusion comes from Jordan Peterson-esque bullshit that pulls, you know, 'Oh, well, you know, if you look at the substrate of the character, what you're gonna find is that there's a deeper truth that's held up.'"
"It's the French Revolution of pseudo-intellectual politics."
"The golden rule is really that, and its metallic derivatives, as Pinker calls them. And I like that idea because I think that is basic."
"Battles are fought on a quest for the truth, both old and new."
"You can make value judgments about what doesn't work for you without demonizing opposing viewpoints."
"Rationalism and idealism are superior to empiricism and materialism."
"It's a book for generating debate in areas that perhaps have seemed very final and closed off and beyond the scope of reasonable debate."
"Anything you simplify that's complex, you're going to make stupid."
"We want meaningful discussion of ideas, we don't want sound byte culture."
"It's crazy to believe that the entire world shut down because everyone's terrified of not having enough intellect."
"A university is a community of students and faculty and scholars on a campus where we're supposed to debate, deliberate, protest, do many things but it's supposed to be a place of thinking."
"Diversity Equity Inclusion is imposing an intellectual monoculture."
"If we cannot challenge bad ideas, bad ideas thrive. And when bad ideas thrive, that disconnect between reality and ideas gets wider and wider."
"This intellectual twist proves the devil does come in many forms."
"I think much in intellectual life is a clash of narratives, it's a conflict of narratives."
"Hayek decided to engage the most famous economist of the time who was John Maynard Keynes."
"Math just like physics is part of the general intellectual conversation we should be having."
"When you write a book that's a couple of hundred Pages you know that you are going to you your ideal is that you're going to set up good arguments where people are going to push back well against you."
"I take Mr. Hitchens as being a part of a great tradition on American television."
"We are no strangers here to metaphysical or philosophical concepts like that."
"...the dangerous relationship that exists between the world of ideas, the world of books and philosophical reflection, journalism, pictures and so on..."
"It is indeed a great pleasure and an honor for us to host this book talk with Professor Valhalla focusing on his new book Reforming Modernity: Ethics and the New Human in the Philosophy of Abdul Rahman Taha."
"Zombie concepts are ideas that just never seem to die."
"The Stoa is a digital campfire where we cohere in dialogue about what matters most at the knife's edge of what's happening now."
"We have to be able to sustain a high-level conversation that actually is faithful to profound traditions."
"I was big into the women's empowerment, like Simone de Beauvoir stuff, and talked about it all the time."
"The pursuit of interesting discussions... through more deliberate conversations, we can perhaps push the needle slightly in terms of the overall discussion."
"We need to create an intellectual space in this community where these issues can be discussed, researched, studied, confirmed or revised."
"Intellectuals have to be willing to engage the full complexity and be willing to be candid and say straight out when there are trade-offs."
"These are profoundly intellectual people that speak about human nature in very common language."
"Islam naturally shines when it's brought to the conversation, the realm of ideas."
"My name is Ben Burgess, and this is Give Them An Argument."
"It's a privilege and an honor getting to have all of you into this intellectual space where we are questioning things where we are seeking for African solution."
"It's such a pleasure to be here at the Philosophical Research Society."
"Invite all to the way of your Lord with wisdom, beautiful preaching, and reason with them in ways that are best."
"My intention is not that they believe what we say, but whether it's simply to analyze our ideas and to go deeper in them to make objective analyses of events."
"Intelligence Squared is the home of debate."
"We have intelligent conversations about all kinds of things there in addition to articles about weightlifting and bodybuilding and powerlifting history."
"Without science, we don't have anything. We don't have society, we don't have ways of being, we don't have ways of interacting, we have nothing."
"It's essential to think critically about the world, about things, you have to engage with people."
"We academics... have the luxury of... thinking about the great principles."
"Part of the rationale for Intelligence Squared debates is to transcend the emotional and to try to get into a more factual arena in addressing difficult issues."
"COVID-19 forced us to have intellectual conversations that are so deep."
"Have you heard of Paul Graham's hierarchy of disagreement?"
"...the real invigorating, exciting, and intellectually coherent versions of feminism are being articulated in the developing world."
"Berkeley has a long tradition of being a world-leading center of scholarly activity and of bringing to campus the very finest minds to address us in a public forum on great intellectual challenges."
"He's very smart, he says very intellectual things that make a lot of sense a lot of times."
"The marketplace of ideas is going to equilibrate; it's going to self-correct in the long run."