
Visual Studio Code Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"This is actually one of the most popular editors on the planet, and it's completely free. There is no paid version of Visual Studio code."
"So my encouragement to you is try it out even if you have visual studio try out vs code."
"Visual Studio code as your editor of choice - there's really no reason to use anything else."
"The auto completion and the auto import that you get from using it... works incredibly well with vs code."
"I love being able to just auto complete with vs code and not have to type all this stuff out myself."
"Let's go ahead and build out our pipeline more. So I'm going to go back into Visual Studio Code."
"Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular text editors for web developers."
"That's how you set up Visual Studio Code to be able to use the integrated debugging tools on a Django application that is running in Docker."
"Visual Studio Code is no doubt one of the best pieces of software Microsoft has created since Windows 95."
"Simply drag your folder on the top of your VS Code, and we are good to go."
"Visual Studio Code strikes a really nice balance between productivity and being beginner-friendly."
"Almost every other programmer is using Visual Studio Code."
"Vs Code has a nice interface for running your tests."
"Visual Studio Code with the .NET SDK gives you the fundamental knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes in Visual Studio."
"Visual Studio Code is great, but if you're a web developer and you don't have these 10 extensions installed, you're doing it wrong."
"Visual Studio Code has a bunch of plugins; I do recommend this one."
"In this course, I'm going to be utilizing Visual Studio Code."
"My favorite is Visual Studio Code which is free and easy to install and has important features such as support for Intellisense, code completion, debugging, and code refactoring."
"Let's go back to Visual Studio Code and we're gonna start off with the form."
"The last thing I want to show you before we get started is a reference for the text editor that I'm using, Visual Studio Code."
"Visual Studio Code, which is the tool that I always use, it's pretty cool if you have not tried it, I really recommend it."
"The best code editor for JavaScript is free. It is Visual Studio Code."
"Visual Studio Code is one such application. This is built using what's called Electron, which is really nothing more than a UI framework for node applications."
"This video will cover topics that might be of interest to people who are both just beginning with VS Code and want to make basic customizations, as well as more advanced users who really want to get in and tweak the appearance of the editor to exactly fit their needs."
"VS Code ships with some built-in color themes that you can switch between, but there's also a lot of color themes available in the marketplace that you can install."
"Using color themes and fonts, we can completely change the appearance of VS Code."
"So Microsoft really started Visual Studio Code, for my opinion, with the expressive desire to create the best environment for Node.js style development."
"Thanks to the beauty of open source code, there are some extensions we can get that will let us both see and use SQLite right in Visual Studio Code."
"There is an alternative, which is Visual Studio Code."
"One of the good things about Visual Studio Code, which is now one of the favorite open-source IDEs by most developers, is that there's a lot of features that enhance Visual Studio Code by use of plugins."
"You can tweak Visual Studio Code to accommodate to your needs."
"You can do mostly anything you would like to do even from even pull request from here, so you would not need to go outside Visual Studio Code."
"It's so powerful that you can almost do everything in Visual Studio Code."
"The last thing that I want to show you before we get started is a reference for the text editor that I'm using, Visual Studio Code."
"So now let's go over to Visual Studio Code and get started by first selecting 'Go Live' in the lower right-hand corner."
"Hold Alt and click anywhere inside your file to create a multiple cursor selection."
"You can use Ctrl+K and then Ctrl+S to get all of the keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio Code."
"I promise you will love Monokai Pro."
"A professional dark theme for clean and clear visual coding."
"Come on, man, I really love this theme, come on, this is looking gorgeous."
"If we open this folder up in your favorite text editor, mine is Visual Studio Code."
"Visual Studio Code... believe me, I tried them all, so you don't have to."
"You're going to learn, you're going to love Visual Studio Code."
"Visual Studio Code is the best way to edit infrastructure as code files, DevOps files, sysadmin files, scripts, anything you might do on the non-dev side of tech."
"App Studio embraces the experience of Microsoft Visual Studio Code, making the developer productive as soon as the App Studio is used."
"Visual Studio Code is widely regarded as the best free text editor that you can use to build and code websites."
"Visual Studio Code is an integrated development environment, or IDE for short, and this is where you'll spend most of your time writing, testing, debugging, and running your code."
"You are good to go to work with Salesforce DX in Visual Studio Code."
"Visual Studio Code is a free cross-platform and open-source editor from Microsoft."
"Then I open my Visual Studio Code, and we'll start from this point."
"Let's back to Visual Studio Code, and we're going to use those."
"Visual Studio Code is turning out to be a fantastic IDE for any sort of development."