
Strange Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"It was very, very strange but it was also really, really funny."
"Something very specific, very unusual, very strange, and very bizarre is going to be on the other side of the door."
"It's weird, it's creepy, but it's also completely ridiculous."
"What a strange conversation that must have been for that girl."
"It's strange, unlike anything I've heard before"
"YouTube's been doing some really crazy stuff behind the scenes, the analytics are looking very strange."
"It's so strange but so undeniable when you're a part of it."
"So strange but so undeniable when you're a part of it."
"The universe has its strange ways of working."
"I ended up liking it for how strange it was."
"Television made strange ring fellows."
"It's strange and by the way it's also no great loss."
"This is not the first time an object has been purchased, brought home, and then very strange things started happening."
"death by potatoes kind of strange exit but okay"
"Strange enough to change the course of my life."
"A strange woman came in and said that she wanted to hide in your closet, so I let her."
"For now the site remains one very strange park a place where you can launch a canoe or wander the grounds of a rotting Asylum nearly all of what remains at the site is abandoned."
"I'm very ordinary, but some very strange things have happened to me."
"These are five of the scariest and strangest unexplained mysteries."
"It seems really strange to get quite emotional about what is essentially a piece of furniture."
"Man, that [ __ ] is mind-blowing, but that's weird, I think that's weird."
"Strange things really did happen here."
"Life is funny and sometimes strange. It's alarming how it turns out the way you think."
"I don't think he likes that. He actually fought to get the tape off his eyes so he could watch us. That's more than strange. That's unnerving bordering on terrifying."
"This world is a strange one, El Chupacabra, the goatsucker, the only thing I know that would want to suck on a goat."
"The humor in it was really weird and yeah over the edge there's a lot of strange jokes."
"It's time to explore the stranger side of Christmas."
"Neither can work without the other. It's really, really strange. It's kind of like a mind, you know what?"
"A strange but wise man once said, 'Yeah, that was Milton Smith.'"
"Winnie the Pooh felt like a fever dream."
"Another strange chapter in our lives. We hope you enjoy it."
"Strange things can happen on a full moon."
"There's something weird in this basement, 100 percent."
"The description he gave is very strange."
"The strangest and creepiest thing that's ever happened to me in my life happened when I was back in my hometown to visit my parents last summer."
"Do you like vintage? Do you like antiques? Do you like the strange and unusual? Then you're in the right place."
"That's the strangest monster, Purple Passion."
"I have seen some stranger things that have no logical explanation."
"I don't even know how that happens. Is someone just standing there in Barnes & Noble just like picking at the manga like a scab? That is Jank."
"...an experience that will always stick with me as being strange and spooky."
"A whole new level of Bizarro world."
"What a strange and enlightening experience."
"It's a bit weird, that one, isn't it?"
"A Pennsylvania family discovered what appeared to be a raccoon with very refined tastes dining in their attic."
"Strange things at first like a radio my parents kept there started playing music while we were working it would turn off and on randomly."
"We're on the edge of a strange new mechanical world."
"It's really strange, it's kind of somewhere in between which gives this kind of almost rubbery-looking texture to it."
"Something strange is going on in Alaska."
"Strange happenings and encounters with the supernatural were not uncommon at all."
"I heard what sounded exactly like about half a dozen woman saying 'Shhh' all at once."
"Dead woman bangs on coffin to say she's alive during her own funeral."
"Welcome to the strange and scary mysteries of the month from May 2023."
"The SCP Foundation and the thousands of entries appeal to many people for many different reasons, but primarily the SCP universe is strange, unusual, and unique."
"It had no clothes on, was incredibly skinny, and apparently was so pale that it appeared to glow in the light."
"It's eerie, it's surreal, it's goofy."
"This place became an internet phenomenon... a very strange house."
"It means that there's a lot of mind-blowing and strange things going on somewhere and someone's capturing it all on camera."
"The world we live in is a pretty strange place; it's loaded with traces of the bizarre, the macabre, the unusual, and the downright fascinating."
"These people often vanish under extremely strange circumstances and with utterly bizarre evidence being found."
"By far the creepiest and strangest thing I've ever seen in the woods."
"It's a thrilling musical ride, likely the strangest musical you have and will ever see."
"It's a strange amusement park, it is massive, it is a huge park."
"So the world may never know what exactly happened to Bobby, Cherylin, and Madison, but we can all agree that their disappearance and death were definitely one of the strangest cases ever recorded."
"Have you ever encountered something so strange and chilling that you didn't even know where to begin to explain?"
"I believed her, and then it wasn't too long after I had my incidence and seen things in this city that tell me that this world is very strange."
"I have seen things, many wonderful and strange."
"Some of them have a dreamlike feel, some of them have a nightmare like feel, some of them are satirical, some of them are silly, but most of them are strange."
"...I saw something really strange."
"Everything about the day was bizarre."
"Whenever something unexplainable or strange and just weird and creepy happens to me, you guys are the first people that I want to tell."
"It's quite strange but also, I think, super good."
"The sounds captured are both strange and highly disturbing."
"I have always been utterly fascinated with strange things such as the paranormal."
"This has been another strange but true story sent to us by a longtime subscriber to SBT."
"This year's interviews were considered by many Capitol viewers to be some of the strangest in the history of the Hunger Games."
"Time is very strange now, you know."
"I'm sure this is heavily atmospheric, very strange and beautiful."