
Living In The Moment Quotes

There are 720 quotes

"When are we ever just present? When are we ever just living in the moment?"
"Things are going to happen the way they happen, and you just have to take the moments as they come."
"The goal for me is the fact that something that used to hurt me... now if I think about it, it's two seconds. I felt it, I accept that, and I release it, and I move into the next moment."
"Live this day, live this moment, fight for it, breathe, have peace, and go through it."
"Living in the future, not having anxiousness of what's gonna happen, but remembering that this is a journey truly and it's a journey to find who you are."
"Life is a series of moments, and moments pass, so let's make this one last as if it's all we have."
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
"When's the last time you truly, truly lived in the moment? I think I personally live in the moment a lot."
"We just gotta live our own lives and just be present in the moment."
"Every single day...I am living this like every single moment."
"No regrets is basically just people who choose to live in the moment."
"Don't stop believing. Believe in life and appreciate the moment."
"Can I stop referring this moment to something else and be in this moment? Can I have presence?"
"I don't stress on anything... it's his show, and I'm just sitting back and being the vessel and living in it."
"You will experience maximum happiness once you learn how to master mindfulness or the art of living in the moment."
"Forget the past, just lose control because life's too short."
"We can't live in the past. We can be grateful for it, but life isn't permanent and if we don't embrace what's now, we miss out on a lot of the important stuff."
"Life is a moment, and moments pass, so let's make this one last as if it's all we have."
"I don't think we should be waiting to die so that we can live. I really truly believe that we should begin to live right now, today."
"It is only by forgetting that we ever really drop the thread of time and approach the experience of living in the present moment."
"I'm living my life a quarter of a mile at a time."
"Sometimes when you're living in the moment, you don't realize what you have until it's gone."
"It's all about being here and now, living your best life and connecting with the people around you."
"You are an infinite spiritual being and that the more you focus on enjoying the moment, the more things happen easier anyway."
"You have to live life one heartbeat at a time."
"Finding joy and living in the moment was a big focus on my caregiving journey."
"Celebrating the people we love while they are still with us, what a novel concept."
"Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while. Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies."
"What really matters then? Going after the things that are gonna make you happy, living in the moment now because that's how you're gonna be able to get there."
"Truly living in the moment and feeling nothing but gratitude for being alive and free."
"People will not live their lives waiting for an eternity of splendor or fearing an eternity of hell; people will live in the moment."
"It helps to live in the moment in the essence that we use it productively."
"It's constant, the moments. It's just... it's like it's always right now, you know?"
"These are the best years of your life. Living them in the now."
"It's not about Legacy. Live the life you want to live now."
"Trust the present moment; live in the now to receive."
"Because what else is there to do but just keep living in the moment in today that's the point and that's also why the outrage mob is today once again canceled."
"Get the (beep) outta your head, girl. And just be thankful you're alive."
"Laugh, play, enjoy the moment, childlike energy."
"Purpose isn't in the future. Your purpose is right now being present."
"Interesting girl talk time with friends, moving on happily single, living in the moment, having fun."
"A career as a footballer is only so long, so you want to live every single moment when you can."
"You've got to enjoy it as well. You can't just be looking ahead and not really living in the moment."
"Stoicism: living every moment in the moment."
"If you want to practice living in the moment more, I think the best way you can do that is just pay more attention to the small details of life."
"Okay so cayb my thing is like why can't you just enjoy the moment why can't you just enjoy it."
"I've really started to live in the now for the first time in my life."
"Sometimes tomorrow isn't guaranteed; you have to choose to live your life in the moment."
"Living in the moment is something that helps one stay in a clear and happy state of mind."
"Life is life I don't know how long I'm gonna be here I just live I do the best I can today and you live on live with the results right."
"You're in your dreams right now. Don't miss right now, don't miss today, don't miss this opportunity, don't miss this moment."
"We do it because we want to hang out, we want to be crazy, and we want to live for that moment."
"Real happiness lies in gratitude. So be grateful and be alive and live in every moment."
"Let people live, let people make mistakes, let people live in the times that they are."
"I think Drake is fully living in the moment."
"Experience this moment for now knowing that it's not forever."
"You're not as happy as you are when you live in the moment."
"It's okay to want different things and value different things; sometimes you just want to enjoy yourself in the moment, and that's okay too."
"Let it go, it was what it was, but be in the moment, that's the most thing."
"Live in the moment and cherish every moment that you have — friends, your family, the place you live. All that can change in an instant."
"I try to enjoy every moment that I'm alive, you know, so try to enjoy it every single moment no matter what is going on."
"Carpe diem, seize the moment, because this is all you have."
"Life is a series of moments, and moments, man. So let's make this one last as if it's all that we have."
"We should live in what we saw on Saturday night because that's what people do, right?"
"Enjoying the moment is probably the most important thing."
"Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, and today's a gift. That's why it's called the present." - Kung Fu Panda
"I just enjoy life way more when I'm just like actually present."
"You're just there for the world, enjoying the moment, taken by the flow of life."
"It's all about living in this moment for the journey."
"That night changed my life... because of that terror and I never felt more in the now."
"Move forward... just experience life right now at this moment."
"Embrace your present for exactly what it is."
"Live for the moment...do everything now...if you want to do something, do it now."
"Allow things to simply blow and be if you're happy in the moment, live in the moment."
"Let's chase that, let's go back to having fun."
"Life is changing and transient by nature, acknowledge and optimize your present."
"Life is not hurrying on to a receding future nor hankering after an imagined past."
"I was just living in that moment, and all my worries were gone."
"Allow yourself to get lost in the moment through your own passion."
"Chances are we're going to feel a sense of determination to live in the present, to make the most of this time, to be more courageous, to take more risks."
"Realize you're already doing it. You are already living it."
"Spread your wings and live life in this moment."
"All that matters is making the most of the here and now."
"Hello to the now. Don't worry about nothing else. Just let go and flow."
"What if this is just about like this moment like can that be enough yes and actually that makes it even more special."
"Remember that you're living now, you're writing this moment in time and you're creating your future."
"It's only by forgetting that we ever really drop the thread of time and approach the experience of living in the present moment."
"It really forces you to be more outgoing and live in the now and really grab opportunities that are offered to you right here, right now."
"Trust yourself, have fun right now, okay? Don't take life too seriously."
"Let's just have fun this autumn right guys it's really not that serious like let's not stress about living the ultimate autumn aesthetic and that's just actually like be in the moment you know."
"That's all I want, just to be in the moment."
"I will live in my ideal now. I will manifest my ideal now. I will be my ideal now."
"It's all music, you're supposed to be dancing."
"Just right now, be easy on yourself and appreciate these moments."
"It's easier to live in the past, it's more fun to live in the future, but it's better to stay in the moment."
"Live in the present moment, create new memories."
"Practice living in the moment, do something spontaneous, and be okay with not having anything or everything planned."
"This right here, right now, this is life, man. This is where I just really feel alive."
"Tomorrow doesn't matter because it's out of your control. Yesterday doesn't matter because it's too late. All that matters is that you're on the road right now."
"You can't hit the replay button. Live each day with joy but also with a sense of seriousness."
"It's like maybe the perfect definition of yolo... live in the moment."
"I figure it out as I go... I just live every day one day at a time."
"Atheism is really consistent with that ethos... of living in the moment."
"Every moment is a gift so you can either sit there and hold on to this previous moment in which case you just missed this one and you're probably gonna miss the next one you're missing opportunities as you hold on to the three of swords."
"There's no waiting around for this moment to continue because it's only going to last for so long and it's right now."
"Isn't that what life's really about? Not waiting till someday, living it today."
"Enjoy the moment and leave it all on the field."
"Are you the kind of person who lives in the moment and gets as much as they can out of that moment and uses that to go forward in life?"
"It's worth a try worrying a little bit less and focusing more on what's right in front of us."
"Invest in yourself and enjoying your life. Invest in enjoying the moment you're in."
"The end goal is to just be happy in the moment, you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow."
"Enjoy this moment because this moment comes and goes. You're going to climb up there, and then who knows when it's going to be the next time where you climb even higher."
"Be in the moment, enjoy every smile, every little moment, because it flies by."
"Seize the time. Live now. Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again."
"Releasing the unknown and living in the moment."
"It's not a dress rehearsal it's not getting ready for the next thing this is it and for me that recognition didn't lead to any kind of nihilistic despair it led to a sense that I need to really enjoy life and relationship."
"To not be able to stop and just acknowledge the moment."
"Sometimes you just got to live in the moment."
"Tomorrow isn't promised. I'm going to do what I want to do today and I'm going to enjoy it."
"I mean what's the goal if the goal in life is a peace or happiness you know what's the shortest the the the quickest way there is to kind of be completely uh surrendering to the moment."
"The only moment that exists is the now. Embrace it, enjoy it."
"It's only by forgetting that we ever really drop the threat of time and approach the experiences of living in the present moment."
"Seize the moment, don't lose grip of the moment."
"It is the moment and what we experience together that is important, and not flooded with the thoughts of tomorrow or remembrance of yesterday."
"It's gonna be great. Yes, and it might not be great. Well, what else? What are you worrying about? You gotta live your life. You worry about today, tomorrow has troubles of its own. That's exactly right."
"Living in the now, absolutely. So you guys are saying, do not worry so much about, you know, what do I have to do six hours from now or tomorrow at work?"
"Enjoy yourself, bro. Enjoy yourself, sis. Enjoy yourself. Have a nice time. Hey, we're not here for a long time."
"I want to live in the moment and enjoy some moments."
"She lived for today and it didn't matter for tomorrow."
"His swag never declines. It's always on 1,000."
"Let's just enjoy the ride. Let's have fun with this."
"You get in these moments, sometimes you forget to live in them."
"Enjoy the now even the mundane details because you never know just how suddenly things can change."
"Being present is very important man, like just being here in the moment."
"I think now more than ever there's such a pressure in the world to not live in the moment."
"There's gonna come a time in your life where you're gonna reflect back on something and think wow I really missed that time and I wish I lived in the moment more."
"Don't be too attached to the outcome, enjoy the moment."
"Just enjoying life as it comes now 'cause I haven't got that long left."
"Living life not expecting a bonus afterlife makes every moment in this life more precious."
"I didn't care if I was gonna die, I had cancer, I didn't have cancer, I was just in love with the moment."
"Moments quickly become memories, and if you don't enjoy the moment, you won't enjoy the memory."
"Don't ever save anything for best because this is the best that it's gonna get."
"Fear is a liar. Stop worrying, enjoy the moment."
"Life is a series of moments. The moments pass so make them laugh."
"I'm appreciating life, enjoying the moments."
"Live every day for what you got and be thankful for what you get."
"Most people live in the present. That's the nature of being a human being."
"Be present and don't hold yourself back due to past experiences."
"Let's just enjoy this year for what it is because we don't know what next year brings."
"Enjoy the moment, you know, like and also understand when other people need to enjoy their moment."
"What do we have other than the moment that we're living in right now?"
"Enjoy the moment don't let it go we'll go at some point grab onto it keep hold of it and don't forget it because tonight is history."
"I feel like I've always lived like this but I'm all the way just in the moment just enjoying what's happening right now."
"Gotta enjoy it before you become a ghost. That's the most beautiful thing, here, right now."
"We're in the most exciting time to be alive."
"Life is existential, you're alive right now."
"Just be in the moment... because life's short."
"Enjoy your life the one you have right now, not the one you hope to have sometime in the future."
"Life is in the moment, who cares what they say about you afterwards?"
"Maybe that's all you gotta do, just relax in the moment."
"Waiting to live life is not worth it, wasting time on hold, missing out."
"He says all the time mommy is already here and they can live this way now."
"People have heard me say this before: You're supposed to live right now."
"Surrender fully to the unfolding present moment... make love to life... surrender to the sweetness Venus energy pleasure Joy."
"The beauty of this is that you can get to sit and feel, not question, not try to find logic behind it all. You get to enjoy the ride as it came."
"It's not so much about the memories, it's about the moments."
"There's always a tomorrow, just do your best, live in the moment, and work hard."
"Live your life, don't worry about it. You okay right now, right? YOLO. No, that's what they want you to do."
"Children are so amazing to observe because they're so curious about everything and life is so large to them they have a passion of being in the moment."
"Can we all just get off the political clickbait treadmill for just a few days and just live in the moment?"
"Enjoy the moment, every step of the journey."
"Live the moment. I've noticed that actually. I will. You guys probably know, I don't post as much on Instagram these days."
"Attraction: You attract romantic love by enjoying the moment fully."
"I am present... I'm focused on the present moment and what I could do about this very... I'm not worried about death at all."
"Living in the now is the ultimate form of spirituality."
"Baby, you and I should start living now with the whole world."
"I only live my life a quarter mile at a time."
"Plans for the future? Yeah, I'm really excited for what we have coming up but I'm also just trying to live in the moment and be happy about like right now, you know?"
"I'm alive now. I'm going to smell the Roses today. I'm going to live my life in the present moment."
"Stop living with expectations and instead live with the experience, be present."
"Life gets a little busy sometimes and with that I kind of like to be in the moment and enjoy things as they come."
"Sometimes you gotta live in a moment, you gotta just do it."
"You don't worry about the past because it already happened, you don't worry about the future because you don't know what will happen, and you worry about the present. You live in the moment."
"Cancer is something we all are faced with in some way... don't let it define you, you're a cancer survivor, that's cool but we move on, we live in the moment."
"Focus on the Here and Now, and the moves that you're making."
"The beauty and how I see it is always trying to be in the moment."
"But for others of you it's just the obstacles really recognizing that you have this Victory and that it's time for you just to be happy and live in the moment."
"Life is not meant to be known or predicted, but to be understood through experience, to simply be, to be felt."
"I live for this right now, I actually live for this."
"Now we are really being pushed to allow ourselves to be receptive, to allow ourselves again to enjoy the present moments of our human life experience."
"When you focus on the present, that's humility."
"You know, when the music's on, you gotta dance."
"Dogs remind us that you just need to live in the moment."
"It's all about time, yeah, but when you're in that moment, it just doesn't feel like there's ever gonna be a time."
"I live for the rainbows. I live, hi, I'm living."
"Just experience something and be in the moment of it."
"I try to live in the moment and when I'm ready to share, I share whatever I'm most excited about."
"Make the most of this moment and don't focus so much on Coulda Shoulda Woulda from the past. Focus more on I I am I will, you know, that kind of energy."
"I don't wear a watch. If I did, it would say now because the time is now."
"We live off moments, and today is a classic example."