
Religious Outreach Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Dawah is to go out and call towards Tawheed, to call towards the oneness of Allah."
"The gospel will not advance from a stage; it can only advance through friendships and through families."
"Before you talk to anyone about Jesus, talk to Jesus about them."
"God's heart is for lost souls, the oppressed, the widows, and the orphans."
"God loves to connect with the people who others consider to be outcast."
"I appreciate you guys coming out. You have grown the dawah more than you can imagine."
"Spread the kingdom of God beyond the church."
"This isn't about who they are, it's about who we are."
"The best way to do Dawah as a Christian would be to use the Bible to persuade other people of Christianity."
"Put our light on a hill, there's an opportunity here for revival."
"We have to try to display the beauty of the Quran in every language."
"I love that as you reach out to instill in someone else a belief in Christ, you are helping to extend salvation to that person."
"If an ad can get some secular liberal, even for one second, to consider our Lord, I'm fine with it."
"Let the Lord use you to speak the message of truth to somebody else."
"Salvation is not for beasts but Brethren. Accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, come out of the darkness and into the light."
"Whitfield preached with an evangelistic thrust: 'The whole world is now my parish.'"
"It is dawah or destruction. Either we give dawah not only to our own community but to those outside us, either we are calling people to Islam or they are calling us to cover, that's the reality."
"We've got to be better at opening our doors and our hearts and bringing people in because God wants to save everyone."
"The rise of TikTok during the pandemic created a perfect stage to spread the good word."
"We go around doing good, pointing them to Jesus."
"Read the rest of it and it goes into great detail about how the gospel is being preached."
"It says, 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.'"
"Kanye has the ability to potentially bring millions of people to Christ."
"So often it has been the women in our lives who have carried gospel principles wherever it would take them."
"Any promise that God makes in his word is redeemable at any shop of life because his words are actions in motion."
"My job as the creator of The Chosen in this context publicly is to point people to the authentic Jesus."
"If each of us can evangelize seven people in our whole lives, we would take over the whole planet."
"Apostles preached the message for the people to get on God's side."
"Jesus Christ is the only way to the kingdom of heaven."
"I hope we're appealing really to anybody. I'm not speaking just to Catholics, not even just the Christians, but I think to any spiritual seeker."
"God is committed to us, and I just want to invite you, if you're home watching wherever you are around the world, commit yourself to Christ."
"Sometimes a little smile and a small greeting it breaks a lot of ice and they might come closer to Islam."
"It's a good time to share the gospel with people to show them the hope of Jesus Christ."
"Jesus was a friend of sinners, why can't I be?"
"Dawa is so simplistic: just sit down with a person, connect with them, and share your belief."
"We Christians are not selling a product, we are communicating a lifestyle."
"Anytime we help anyone come closer to God, we're helping to gather Israel."
"The digital world is not an enemy. It is the new possibility that God gave to us to cover the globe with a message of salvation."
"Jesus strategically came to all nations to make us one in him."
"We want a billion people to know and see the authentic Jesus."
"I'm sincerely asking for your help... I need you together with other believers watching this to partner with me."
"Let's be sure we're giving answers so we can proclaim the answer: Jesus Christ."
"He went from threatening him with a spear to being a hindrance to the dawah to now suddenly being a dawah in a moment right like now let me go introduce you to someone."
"Non-Muslims may not read the Quran, but they read you. Your behavior."
"The truth is, we love you, we care about you, we want you to know the love of God."
"Evangelization should begin with the beautiful."
"He is a light to the Gentiles, through him the nations of the world are blessed."
"Let's make the best use out of today's technology by using it to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ while we have the freedom to do so."
"Efforts to reach, evangelize, and accompany each person with Christ are the work of the whole Church and necessarily involve clergy, religious, and laity."
"I wrote this book for everybody... Christ is worth sharing with everybody."
"At TBN, our mission is to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world."
"If you need a Bible, I'd love to send you a Bible for free."
"I've come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know that they are sinners."
"Everyday Jewish people in Israel and the nations of the world pass into eternity without ever hearing a clear presentation of the gospel."
"Get a copy, read it, share it with your friends and family... it can be your way of witnessing to people."
"There's a plan of salvation, there is hope... it's as easy as ABC."
"Help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world."
"You need to give them the gospel, you need to give them verses, you need to show them the truth."
"I want people today to go maybe Jesus is the answer for me too."
"Spread the truth of the Gospel... that's the only way we're all going to have eternal peace and salvation."
"Spread the good news of the Blood Guard into their territories because we care, because we are the good guys."
"Jesus loves you. The whole Jesus revolution has started up just to rescue you."
"The Quran belongs in every sphere of humanity."
"It is our responsibility to share the word of Allah with humanity."
"It shouldn't stop us from giving dawah dawah has to be done to every single human being right even if that human being like firon Allah knew that he was not going to accept Islam yet he was still given the chance."
"Forming a brand new studio... approaching Sony... that's how this game possibly got off the ground."
"If you've been found, it's your responsibility to find others to bring back into this covenant connection with God."
"I'm not asking you to change, I'm asking you to come to the one who can change you."
"My goal is for people... to bring the good news... opening up their eyes to the darkness of the world and where they need to go into the Light of Christ."
"To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win them over... to those under the law I became as one under the law... I became as one outside the law... I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some."
"Jesus came for the world, but he came to Israel... He came for the world God so loved."
"We are so excited to share these truths of the Bible and also have the resources to reach those who are seeking for Bible truth."
"I'm nothing more than an instrument used for a period of time to arouse the awareness of the human family that God may open my mouth to call your attention to the principles of God."
"Keep on, get into the homes and talk of Jesus Christ."
"We're seeing Acts 1:8 take place: in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth."
"Jesus was very successful in reaching every level, class, and race of society."
"So pray for Mr. Davis, pray for Ben Shapiro, pray for everybody in this world that they find truth and peace in eternal salvation, which can only be found in Christ the Son."
"Our passion in life now is to tell other lost sinners where they can find healing from the Great Physician."
"Any opportunity to spread the gospel a little bit more to people, the better."
"The Gospel must be preached in all the nations of the world as a witness as a testimony."
"We're seeing 25-30 souls every day accepting Christ as our Savior."
"We should give him dawah because this is a true sign of a believer that you love for others what you love for yourself."
"Thank you, Joshua Movement. Love this brother. So glad to see you setting the captives free."
"We do not believe in forcing our religion down anyone's throat - we just give them the information and then people make their own decisions."
"Are we valuing the gospel and are we sharing the gospel?"
"This is the word of the Lord from the Potter's house to your house."
"We owe the world an encounter with Jesus Christ."
"Everyone needs Islam, Islam doesn't need us."
"What if we all came together and tried to save unbelievers instead of trying to convert other Christians?"
"Hopefully, I'm sure praying for it, no matter what you look like, where you come from, what side you're on right now, I'm praying that you find the light, you find Jesus Christ."
"I think that's a far better and more effective evangelical strategy."
"Do you go out to the modern world and try to give lectures on teleportation and understanding the miraculous or do you go out there and share Jesus and watch the transformation of people who surrender to it?"
"Time is short. Jesus is coming. Get busy sharing the good news of the Gospel."
"Here's a novel idea what if every single individual Christian just said you know I'm going to share my faith with somebody else mmm 32 percent of the world."
"No message has been preached more around the world than the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"There are so many Christians who would jump at the chance to get in front of public school heathens and preach to them."
"Conveying Islam is not about proving people wrong; it's about internalizing its compassion and power."
"Paul concludes his writing with a beautiful doxology, wanting all nations to come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Type 'I want to be saved' and we will pray with you."
"The church does these things and they do them well."
"The gospel is for those who admit they are weak and need to be rescued."
"We are almost there and we're here now we're almost there thank you Gina um yeah it was that I don't know last week or the week before I said if you have social anxiety but you want to spread the gospel write a little handwritten note you know."
"We want the Mormon people to come into a relationship with the real Jesus Christ, the Jesus of the Bible."
"And thank you just for watching the God in a nutshell documentaries and DVDs. I'm Trey Smith and when I say God bless every last one of you on the other side of the screen I mean that."
"I'm here tonight to interfere with you. I'm going to look right at you, whether you're a pastor, a preacher, drug addict, atheist, I'm here to interfere because the devil has a plan but so does God." - Isaiah Saldivar
"The best way to spread Islam is by showing good character."
"Debates with popular figures like Vosh are opportunities for dawa."
"We've had over 8,000 people come to Christ through those food lines, being personally led to Christ by the 12,000 people who've worked. That's unheard of."
"Let's lift up Jesus and let's work together, go ahead and share the video right now."
"The final testimony to the gentiles will culminate with the lord's servant speaking to the nations."
"Church is a hospital where sick people can come and get well."
"With this new book, I'm including the new CD album 'The Keys to Praying for Prodigal Children.'"
"Are you saved? Somebody out there needs Jesus. He'll carry the burden. There's somebody out there. Jesus is reaching out to some folks that need him right now."
"Expect converts to your faith. There will be division, some will laugh, but the gospel has power to change lives."
"Evangelism is most effective among the young."
"Sharing Jesus Christ so that people come to know Him as Lord and Savior."
"Go out and preach the gospel to everyone before the coming of our King of Kings."
"Being a Christian is like being a beggar telling others where to find bread."
"How can we say we love Muslims if we won't give them the good news?"
"Jesus is in the midst of us, sending us out into all the world."
"Jesus is the answer, come from wherever. From wherever and those of you watching online, scan the QR code now and make that decision."
"More people have been touched for Jesus during this lockdown mess than we've ever seen in our lives."
"Jesus pursued the Sinners, he literally pursued people that others saw as less than."
"Text the name of Jesus to 901 901."
"Sharing the gospel with Jewish people is part of the Great Commission to provoke Jewish people to jealousy."
"The gospel is the gift of mercy. So I preached to Muslims, I preached to Catholics, I preached to Jews."
"I'm hopeful that my friend, who would never have gone to anything Catholic, will come to meet us because I was willing to be respectful and go with him to something."
"Help us oh God to reach the ignorant, for we have all been ignorant and only by knowledge have we accessed now the grace of God."
"The opportunity to make daa to non-muslims, wow."
"Paul is trying to make the case for a New Covenant between the Gentiles and the Jewish God."
"Love them so they come to church and want to come back."
"I want to talk to you about Jesus Christ. Do you have a moment?"
"This continued for two years so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks."
"Missionary work never does; the converted cannot help but want to share what's happened to them with other people."
"The AME Church is about bringing people to God, it's about building community."
"Our dawah, our call to Islam, is one of an intellectual call to you."
"Let's be conscious, let's help those around us, let's feed, let's clothe, but bring these people so that we can show them Jesus in more ways than one."