
Cultural Context Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"If she had white skin, and blonde hair, and overcame those things in a Western context, we'd have statues of her."
"HBO Max has added yet another informative introduction to one of its titles. When Blazing Saddles hit the network's new platform, the Mel Brooks film kicks off not with its opening sequence, but rather an introduction by University of Chicago professor and TCM host Jacqueline Stewart."
"Criticism of a shitty woman character is that it's a woman; what are you actually trying to say?"
"You're capturing an actual moment of that person and the times and all that kind of stuff."
"Now the ground is more fertile today for the gospel than at any point in my lifetime simply because people have no way out underneath the burden of cancel culture."
"Nobody should say the n-word, but if anybody's gonna say it, black people need to be saying it. It was made for us."
"Symbols can have different meanings based on culture and context."
"The doctrine of the virgin birth works better with the Greek."
"We cannot understand the culture of woke without understanding the context in which it was born."
"Any study of linguistics or history is going to be incomplete unless you take into account the cultural context that it's set within."
"The only problem was in any religion is violence. Violence is never a good thing. But that's just... that's why I'm saying, in defense of Islam, when people accuse the Islamic world of being so violent, look at the cultural context here."
"First conceptual category... who are Africans to other people."
"Love is nice, especially in the city of Lagos. For a girl like me, I know the stories I read online just confirm that it's really hard."
"Mental health can't even be fully defined without a cultural backdrop because what it means to be well changes based on culture."
"It's important to try and understand how people understood things in their own time from their own point of view."
"When you think of Star Wars, you must remember what else was happening at the time."
"Understand, my source is Mexicans legally were white for a very long time in this country."
"Psychopath and narcissist are culture-bound definitions that only make sense in modern Western culture."
"Who's going to be the one deciding whether there are sufficient education, documentation, scientific or artistic context?"
"Following Jesus Christ in the United States of America may be more difficult than any other place on the planet if you really do it."
"Such as the brutal, gritty life of a yakuza."
"Nobody would expect to watch a historical Nigerian story and demand to see Latinos; it's absurd."
"Jaws 2 really does feel like a contemporary late 70s horror slasher movie."
"We didn't have the kind of anti-Muslim bias because we didn't have the large Muslim communities that they actually had in these countries."
"Prophecy in the ancient near East or Israelite culture is often conditional."
"Apparently my father, 61-year-old Ali Ahmed Idris, who was appointed by Ogah Bwari, said 'Tifin' somebody. I said, 'Hey, Jesus Lord, is it that bad?'"
"This was all happening against the backdrop of the rise of gangster rap and then the LA riots."
"Depends what country you're in, here right now, what depends who you are."
"It's also a story of like a queer boy so I'm really excited to read this one especially in the context of South Asian communities."
"You have to get a sense of not only where we are, you have to get a sense of where this country is and where we are within the country."
"It's not just the same but black, it's like being black. It gives it such a different context."
"Any concept must be understood in historical context but should not be divorced from the unique cultural experience of any community."
"Marijuana is a Spanish word. And so they might, he won. Yeah, yeah, it was used to discriminate, to demonize Mexicans. Mexicans eat marijuana for breakfast."
"I can see where she might take his gunshots just... and fireworks now that's something that in my state we've got big businesses off the side the highway."
"It's only when they leave that space and then come to the United States or in the case of what she was talking about go to the UK that they then become black."
"I think like an ancient near easterner, I don't think like a 21st century lily-livered person."
"Authentic language is relative. What is authentic for native speakers may not be authentic for learners."
"One thing about the late 80s and early 90s is that many rock bands had a chip on their shoulder."
"It's important to be able to like and appreciate media while seeing its flaws and understanding its cultural context."
"Maybe beer is cheaper than bottled water in some places. It's Russia."
"Black women just didn't pull this out of thin air."
"...because of the way the word was used, it meant like so many different things. 'You're a piece of [ __ ], you're a [ __ ] scumbag,' or even like, being a party pooper. 'Oh, you want to go watch movies with us? You're that [ __ ].'"
"Godzilla has always been a representation of the Japanese fear of nuclear power and what it did to them in the 1940s but ironically we now live in a world where if you look at the news it feels like at least to some that we're going on a very bad trajectory as a civilization."
"A place where the teachings we were putting so much effort into living could really be the shared inter-subjective cultural context."
"The second thing is I want to point out that whereas Paul was writing for Gentiles, James was writing for Jewish Believers."
"These verses help the readers kind of get a historical and cultural fix on who and where this Jesus comes from."
"...if at all what we can use this for is to give us a feeling of the cultural realia of the people who wrote the biblical text when they wrote when this story was first written down in the biblical story."
"Suzanne Vega's 'Luca,' an absolute rocket of a song covering the oh so 80s oh so sunshiny topic of child abuse."
"It sounds like it's mostly wildlings, but then you have the mountain clans that are technically still part of the Seven Kingdoms."
"You can't tell a New York story without being able to visualize it to people that don't know."
"What a wonderful time to be a horror fan."
"The way biblical writers drew upon the cultural and religious legacy of the Ancient Near East, even as they transformed it in order to conform to a new vision of a non-mythological god."
"Jazz was only a part of the whole story."
"The whole business of red and white comes from the French Revolution with the red Phrygian caps of the French revolutionaries and the white cockade of the Bourbon on the other side."
"He's essentially saying that the 900-plus theistic interpretations of the world have been laid out aren't actually appealing to some being that exists more to whatever their particular culture saw as an ideal to strive for as a human being during their time."
"Romans tended to picture Jesus as a contemporary Roman, garbed as either a senator or a philosopher."
"Even the master knife sharpener Milk I first and the resurrection artist Yusaku were members of the Zero Biotope."
"His reaction. Wow. This movie could not be made today. Oh my gosh."
"In case of Muhammad peace be upon him, here's why Allah said that his wives weren't just any regular woman they were considered the mother of the believers."
"If that white guy went to China and told that same joke to Chinese people from China with fully positive intent and it's an actual funny joke, I'd love it."
"A preacher who understands the text only and not the culture he's preaching to is a preacher who understands nothing that really matters."
"...by looking at the practice of sacrifice in his cultural context we can move beyond seeing this solely as an overtly violent act..."
"We're approaching all of this from a cultural background... We look everything even the presumption that important evidence should be written down is a cultural background for us."
"Living in North America, how much is in the ether when it comes to reactions to Christianity and Christian structures and concepts."
"Joseph Smith was taking things that were familiar to him... from his time and place and projecting them back into ancient America."
"Moral relativism emphasizes the diversity of moral values and the importance of cultural context in shaping ethical beliefs."
"Now I'm an American and I usually call the sport soccer, but considering that the US team was eliminated from the cup, I think it's only fair to call the game football."
"...you pronounce it because those are traditional Thanksgiving pies"
"Most of the people who would be swarming the fires didn't taste meat more than a few times in a year, and it was almost never for anything like beef or mutton."
"...coming to Nashville to eat ramen is like going to Italy for cornbread."
"So it's sort of moving to what people later call Christianity, but I want to kind of keep it in the Jewish context."
"Super Fly is considered a masterpiece of blaxploitation, it's a bit of black hero getting the American Dream at a time when the American Dream wasn't meant for black people."
"But my only problem with it is, it is 2022, it is the end of 2022 the Americans are about to go on the moon for the second time. Now Elon Musk has just bought Twitter, Avatar has the second film released already. Don't people ever feel embarrassed by doing things like that?"
"The N word changed, it became an in-house word that we use and then it became used as a camaraderie."
"Words change with cultural context."
"Finland is just you and there is a section here around which speaks is the first language is German and as you can see Germany is here so again it makes perfect sense."
"...Paul is basically adopting a pretty run-of-the-mill idea from Greco-Roman period Judaism that same-sex intercourse whether it is male or female is wrong because it is violating what the purpose of sex was which was procreation."
"...it's really difficult to live like a 7th century Arab in the 21st century."
"The Lord will often work through our cultural understandings to bring about Revelation and his will."
"The Lord Works through our cultural understanding... to speak to us in whatever setting we're in."
"To be in Jesus day to be a follower of God was to know how in the actual Hebrew word here is part a so the day of atonement fits within a larger and I wish we had time tonight to walk through the whole feast thing."
"Absolutely the key for you is the same as anybody but the current cultural moment makes it almost impossible right."
"unlike her toy black arachnia was modeled after an asian exotic dancer by the show's animators"
"Recognize the history of design and painting residing in a particular place."
"I began to understand why Islam had to grow up among Arabs in Arabia."
"Justice should be put in the historical and cultural context."
"We want to understand people within their own context and their own culture."
"If God is a God of all people, why does He have to reveal Revelation and ethics of war in terms of a Near Eastern culture?"
"...by exploring these mythological origins and influences, we gain insights into the broader cultural and religious context in which the Adam and Eve story emerged."
"It's embedded in an ancient culture."
"Social competence is how we integrate what we're thinking, what we're feeling, what we're behaving, to achieve goals and then to achieve outcomes that happen within a given context and a given culture."
"Through this experience in a culturally appropriate context, I learned to accept myself and appreciate my own beauty in a way that I never had before."
"One of the most interesting things about the superhero genre is that it doesn’t exist in a vacuum."
"The Bible corresponds very nicely with a pre-Sumerian culture in the Genesis period to an Egyptian sort of happenings in the Exodus period."
"The Old Testament is an ancient text; it was produced in another language by another culture."
"By looking into the clues of the poem, such as addressing the ruler of the land as Khan instead of Emperor, ancient historians have traditionally dated the setting of Mulan in a poem to the Northern Wei Dynasty."
"The testimony of women discovering the empty tomb is significant, considering the low view of women's testimony in first-century Jewish Palestinian culture."
"The biggest difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation is context and intent."
"This was not only the scriptures of many diaspora Jews; it's also translated presumably by scribes and scholars that know something about that world and are trying to speak into it."
"To perceive work as art, you have to allow that art into your presence and not put it away in cultural historical context."
"African spirituality and decolonization: the historical and cultural context in which Africa inherited religion, western education, and sciences are scandalous, therefore decolonization is necessary in all domains."
"If we want to know what this text is saying, we need to try to understand it in its original culture and language."
"We liked to say these things but we could not say it in Iran."
"It's almost criminal to put a taboo on the reality of cultural context."
"Mr. Darcy's actions can be explained through just what the culture at the time was."