
Abuse Prevention Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic."
"We are all human beings, and we all deserve the right to live free from any form of abuse and harm in society."
"There's no excuse for abusing your spouse, whether it's physical or mental."
"Self-knowledge is always a worthwhile endeavor, especially if by understanding yourself, you might be able to see those blind spots and save you the world of hurt that is narcissistic abuse."
"You do not have to endure this abuse. You do not deserve it."
"No is how you protect yourself from being abused, manipulated, and exploited."
"Nobody really has ever the right to abuse another person regardless of their backstory."
"These conversations need to be had more often, get these monsters out of the shadow so victims feel supported."
"My organization is dedicated to serving kids that have been the victims of abuse."
"Education is key; knowledge empowers us to recognize and end the cycle of abuse."
"You teach people how to treat you by what you tolerate... Adjust your tolerance to intolerance for abuse."
"I like it when I don't get abused in my workplace."
"We take seriously any activity that may represent an abuse of our platform."
"I don't want to be famous. I want this to be exposed. I want no more women to be abused. I want no more children to be abused. I don't want this to exist."
"It's okay to cut people out of your life who abuse you."
"Grooming is when someone tries to build a trusting relationship with a child with the goal of sexually abusing that child."
"You don't gain access to children by being this horrible nasty person right you gain access by putting yourself in position of power for vulnerable children."
"Why should my children be harassed by a sadist?"
"It's not hard to be a good person and not be abusive and horrible."
"If you don't want someone else to have a cause to abuse you, you have to govern yourself. You have to be your own Lord."
"Sex education is not teaching them to be sexual, it's actually teaching them to protect themselves from abuse."
"Would you rather be a good godly person or would you rather not endure abuse?"
"The more destigmatized, accepted, regulated something is, the less abuse there will be."
"Comprehensive sex education actually protects children from sexual abuse because they know what is well good and what is not good for them to be touched in a certain way."
"Schools have come a long way in preventing abuse, but they're backtracking on those policies."
"Be careful about who you let in... don't allow emotional abuse to come in."
"You will never be used and abused no more ever again. You will never be used and abused no more."
"Nobody should be abused in whatever way that might be."
"Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and don't put up with abuse."
"Abuse is never okay, any type of abuse is never okay."
"No abuse is right, and it's always right to speak out."
"No one is worth paying that price for. Absolutely no one in the world is worth the damage they cause when that damage is abusing you."
"You can be happy and have that amazing magical connection and chemistry and fun and laughter with someone who doesn't abuse you."
"I will not allow people to abuse my children."
"You don't deserve abuse, and if it happens, the right thing to do is to get out right in that minute."
"You need to change your whole outlook on this because you're on a one-way track towards the worst abusive relationship in your life."
"Nobody has the right to violate our rights, to consider our body as a trophy, nobody must humiliate us, denigrate us, consider us an object. Nobody."
"Sex is talked about openly and explored, leading to lower rates of abuse and teen pregnancy."
"Being tolerant does not mean tolerating abuse. Being tolerant means protecting marginalized groups from those abusers."
"If you don't know what the companies are doing, you cannot know what kind of abuses are happening."
"The best way to prevent abuse of power is to reduce power with checks and balances."
"Sexual exploitation and abuse of power have no place within the United Nations."
"Institutional structures in place to help girls and women who are being abused."
"As human beings, we have a duty to prevent that level of abuse."
"Your ability to be in your own body and not touched, not persecuted, not abused."
"You don't have to let somebody hurt you or abuse you."
"You were not the 'bad guy' for helping your sister get out of an abusive relationship."
"When you truly love yourself, you will never allow anyone to abuse you, control you, or treat you like a disposable item."
"I have a way we could stop abuses in prison, it wouldn't cost them any money."
"Avoid emotional violence like name calling, gaslighting, and threatening."
"You ain't doing this right, you're tearing up the core of who she is, and it's hard to love a man who makes you feel like you're less than who you are, and you must quit verbally attacking and abusing her."
"You just know that it's the companion system that's fundamentally setting people up for abuse."
"Children are our most precious resource, and if we want to succeed as a society, we have to ensure that we take care of them and foster them while they're growing up, not abuse them and treat them like garbage deserving of being beaten and thrown away."
"95% of abuse could be prevented if we were more open if we actively were teaching prevention education."
"Church leaders responding to an alleged abuse will be required to watch a 60-minute Safe Church training and orientation video."
"To stop abuse, you have to implement safeguards and instill a culture that refuses to make excuses for bad behavior and always is aboveboard and transparent in keeping people safe."
"It's not just saying, 'Oh, just get married, there won't be any abuse.' No, to stop abuse, you have to implement safeguards and instill a culture that refuses to make excuses for bad behavior."
"Vyvanse was designed almost entirely to make it resistant to drug abuse."
"The conversation is about how to stop the abuse, care for the victim, and ensure compliance with reporting obligations."
"Anyone who abuses a child must be stopped, regardless of their race, age, or gender."
"You can stop abuse happening to you; you can stop abusing people."
"Abusers have no specific look; abusers could come in any race, gender, color, intelligence."
"Openness is the greatest weapon against this sort of abuse."
"You were not put on this earth to be anybody's punching bag."
"Church discipline really is a powerful tool for righteousness when it's used properly in an abuse situation."
"If somebody starts abusing you or your loved ones, you are going to have the gumption, grist, and determination to value your soul, pull away, and start again no matter what."
"Stop telling women they deserve abuse if you can't buy singleness or sex from them."
"Kibud av va'em does not mean to allow yourself to get abused."
"I never want to abuse anyone the way that I was abused. I will never repeat that cycle."
"Don't let no man, nobody take advantage of you or your family or anybody want to abuse you."
"Men have a responsibility, a duty to step in and stop any type of abuse which is happening."
"When problems come about, don't resort to mental or physical abuse."
"Don't let these people treat you that way. Anybody that is hurting you, please don't let them hurt you."
"It is against the law to abuse, neglect, harm inmates when you're running this facility."
"All abuse must be reported to prevent further abuse."
"Just because someone's blood doesn't give them a right to abuse you."