
Dehumanization Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"The goal is to humanize each side of the Divide because it's the dehumanization that leads to violence."
"It's almost like I'm being talked about like a bouncy ball, like an inanimate object with no feelings, no emotions, no values, no morals, no ethics."
"The dehumanization process allows us to shift our story set so that we bring another set of values and beliefs into the space."
"Pseudo speciation--they are so different they hardly even count as humans. It doesn't count as much when you kill them."
"Dehumanization is a very slippery, dangerous process."
"Dehumanization is not a social justice tool. It is emotional offloading. It is gratuitous. It is self-indulgent."
"It's really difficult to justify dehumanizing a class of people without there being some kind of deeply rooted emotional contempt."
"Occupation definitely corrupts because you have to treat the people that you're occupying as subhumans."
"In order for any human rights atrocity to take root, those who seek to do harm always have to first do one thing, and that's dehumanize the group they are intent on destroying."
"Many people feel reduced to being a cog which is objectifying and dehumanizing."
"Feeling good, feeling necessary, and mostly, I think, feeling connected is undermined when you're just a piece of a piece of a piece."
"This was the most humiliating and horrible thing I've ever been through. I have never felt more removed from my own humanity. I felt less than human."
"Being the target of racial discrimination and racism is one of the most dehumanizing things that can ever happen to a person."
"Both sides had dehumanized one another and failed to understand the roots of animosities and grievances."
"The idea of rating women on a scale of one to ten is so dehumanizing."
"Disruption culture has been co-opted by business leaders to treat workers like cattle."
"We need to find the humanity in each other and given that the particular kind of dehumanization that is happening now is largely political, it's across political lines."
"When you turn them into a statistic, you are removing their personality, their feelings, their lived experience, their life. You are saying you are bad because this graph says so. Well, a person's not a graph."
"We live in a system that dehumanizes, makes people symbols, and ultimately lets us forget the humanity."
"Dehumanization has reached a critical boiling point, critical mass."
"Nazis referred to Jews as rats. In Rwanda, genocide was often justified by calling them cockroaches. Slave owners considered slaves sub-human animals."
"This dehumanization of Julian... it allows the public to switch off. This isn't happening to a human being."
"Because that's what the book is about, dehumanization, and how we dehumanize each other."
"Without dehumanization, it doesn't work because dehumanization is the tool to guarantee that you will not have too many moral doubts."
"Dehumanization as a practice is a tactic of war."
"Dehumanizing is such a nefarious way to kind of other people so it eases guilt."
"For some reason, social media has made it to where we've almost dehumanized people by the way that we'll just say stuff."
"They didn't even treat Cassidy like a human after her death."
"Once the humanity gets stripped out, what does that make humans? Everything will feel fake, derivative, and inauthentic."
"This dehumanization of the opposition is terrible."
"Porn trained him to no longer care about the mystery of a woman or her body."
"Once you demonize people, all bets are off... anything is possible."
"That is who he is and awesome this is childish and ad hominem."
"Authority is quite degrading... it degrades those who exercise it and degrades those over whom it is exercised."
"Now we have a generation becoming increasingly unhuman."
"It's as if they're reacting to these women as if they are not fully human."
"The divergence of our narratives... people on one side stop recognizing people on the other as even humans whose opinion is worth considering."
"What is certainly possible is you can dehumanize people so that you treat them not as people anymore but as animals."
"That's built in the loyalty and affection towards in-group and the willingness to dehumanize the out-group."
"That is a stupid asinine idea that is dehumanizing that is absolutely stupid."
"Models can be very emotional and they are treated like meat, a lot like a commodity, and that takes your soul away."
"The national socialists turn their enemies into a group that were no longer considered human and that makes us capable of unbelievable brutality."
"When you demonize somebody you take away something far more precious than you can ever get back and that is their humanity."
"Entire communities can be stripped of their personhood and they can be subjected to the sharpest edges of violence of state violence."
"There's absolutely positively nothing human about this Batman."
"It's not mere disagreement; he is calling for violence and he's dehumanizing people."
"Train to be machines, spill out their Humanity."
"We're denying ourselves a connection to see humanity. We're dehumanizing ourselves."
"Military men are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in the game of international chess."
"When people are dehumanized, bad things can and have happened."
"In 'Yud Suiss,' we watch as Oppenheimer is stripped of his humanity and subsumed, an art horror monstrosity."
"A mental tool: Europeans developed a complex set of legal philosophies to dehumanize the natives."
"When your favorite artists become so big, they stop being human to people."
"People will use labels as a justification for treating people in very inhumane ways."
"It's classic textbook Orwellian speak when you want to dehumanize a group of people."
"They turned him into a weapon until they just turned him into nothing but that."
"I hope that you can feel how dehumanizing it is to have the autonomy over your own body taken from you."
"These cops are now they're agents of The Matrix their soulless avatars operating purely on Matrix programming code."
"To get people to lose their aversion to violence, savvy authoritarians also dehumanize their enemies."
"They have been dehumanized by the president, by his enablers, by other politicians."
"I have worked with Professionals in this space along with their family members and the amount of dehumanization that can actually take place when it comes to celebrities and famous people is wild really."
"Once you dehumanize people, horrible things can happen."
"Dehumanized people will kill the Jews, dehumanized people will kill the Ukrainians."
"When we dehumanize people behind bars, this is what leads to this particular issue."
"Psychology of cruelty: dehumanization precedes mistreatment."
"Sex has been reduced to a mere mechanical pneumatic exercise, a kind of emotionless act of masturbation with near-anonymous and objectified partners."
"It removes your humanity, I think it's awful, a hundred percent it's awful."
"Dehumanizing each other has become the norm. We've allowed leaders to reach power selling the false premise that strength comes from degrading others." - Facing a poisoned country filled with outrage.
"The Legion reduces people to animals before they kill them."
"When you reduce people to a few stereotypes, when you whittle down someone's personhood to arbitrary assumptions about how you think they are, you strip them of their humanity."
"We have an opportunity, a chance to move away from all of the dehumanization that people talk about and rehumanize our interactions and the technologies we built and used to do this."
"She’s not a person to them, and she will be at their mercy."
"Anistar T's creation loses a large part of his humanity as we would understand it."
"The merging of human with machine dehumanizes and calcifies the etheric body, hindering spiritual evolution."
"The victims of his crimes were nothing more than guinea pigs to him, just test subjects, just games to play until they eventually succumbed to his poisons and died."
"There was no thought there was no um care given to the individuals involved they were just seen as pieces of meat."
"Slavery is the ultimate example of self-bias, plantation owners seeing slaves as subhuman."
"I didn't have any of those awful dressing room moments where I go to the place of nothing fits me, what's wrong with my body."
"Calling Palestinians Nazis dehumanizes them."
"Dehumanizing people based on race and purpose is never justified."
"Once you start creating circumstances in which human beings lose their claim to their own bodies you have begun to dehumanize them and that is unacceptable."
"The ultimately mass formation always destroys the core of the human being, it destroys the humanity in the human being."
"They're usually brutish thugs that are extremely aggressive, like vile animals."
"They are not people, they are just holes that he can insert himself into."
"Extremely dehumanizing to think of Palestinian lives only in the context of polls."
"Racial sin dehumanizes people by taking away their fundamental god-given human dignity."
"In the process of someone stealing from us, they are dehumanizing us."
"Do you think being called 'it' and dehumanizing might be, you know, if someone called me an 'it' or tried to deny me my humanity, that could be something that might make me want to put a gun barrel in my mouth?"
"He is no longer an individual, but a thing, an instrument to some purpose foreign to his ego." - p.102
"You're not human, you don't even get included in our coverage because that is how subhuman she perceives you." - Panelist
"This is how you paint one side as people unworthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." - Jason Whitlock
"As soon as you refer to any human being as an animal or a criminal, you lose your Humanity."
"It's so much easier to dismiss someone when you just label them and dehumanize them into just a label that you gave them."
"We have people coming into the country... but we're taking people out of the country... these aren't people these are animals."
"There's no denying we can't soften the language, this is dehumanization plain and simple."
"They were just savages after all. Anyways, that's really the cannon fodder army, they're gone."
"You can't kill people if you see them as people... they trained me to other them and they trained me well."
"The Harvest dehumanizes the heroes and makes it clear that Fury only ever saw them as assets."
"Disagreement escalates into dehumanization too often."
"They may treat us like cattle in other senses."
"We are a natural resource to them. They don't care who you are inside."
"You couldn't behave so badly to men, you couldn't behave so badly to sons of Adam or so you have to dehumanize the people you're behaving badly to."
"Beyond the biological effects of each individual strain the complete usurpation of the victim's humanity is staggering."
"To deny someone their own thoughts is disrespectful and dehumanizing; everyone is entitled to their own opinion."
"We are in this system where we're not even humans."
"If someone is less than human, you don't have to treat them like human beings."
"When you strip people of their humanity, it becomes permissible to do anything to them."
"When you make a person a thing, when there is thingification of people, then it is easier to mistreat them."
"That grip, that cursed strangle of rule, will squeeze any semblance of humanity out of the ruler."
"The often arbitrary distinctions we make between ourselves and others allow us to abstract their humanity to such an extreme degree that violence becomes not only inevitable but easy."
"She was and is an icon. In the most dehumanizing sense."
"the greatest crime perpetuated against black men specifically is the level to which their humanity and their hearts have been devalued diminished and dehumanized"
"When you don't know something, you dehumanize it."
"By dehumanizing a population of people, you are in essence robbing them of the very rights and privileges you assign yourself."
"Everyone without exception in the narcissist's world is instrumentalized and objectified."
"There's something weird going on here, they barely even seem like people at all"
"You function the way I want you to function. You're not a human."
"The Germans decided that this other group of people were lesser than and kind of like subhuman."
"This is a terrifying idea because the less human we appear, the more willing everyone is to hurt or kill us."
"George Jackson's legacy is the legacy of everybody that took a stand against oppression and dehumanization."
"I just feel like I'm being dehumanized in a way."
"Throughout history, the person that people fear, or the group of people that people fear, they become caricatures, and they become less human, and then it's okay to fear them."
"To say we can learn something from suffering is to give suffering too much value and meaning. Suffering does not transform; suffering dehumanizes. Suffering is evil."
"Our country's loss is becoming dehumanized, partly technology, partly intellectual forces, but the full humanity of another person is what's being lost here."
"Pornography turns faces into bodies, it teaches us to look upon other people as mere objects."
"Pornography teaches us to think of sex and other people as bodies, not faces, it dehumanizes on that level."
"Turning humans into efficient machines with no downtime."
"In Nagato's eyes, Hanzo was not a hero... he was an animal to be hunted for sport and then wasted as if his life never mattered."
"I've never seen somebody just disregard me as a human being and just throw my [ __ ] away."
"I feel like war just strips their humanity, you know? Completely."
"If you can dehumanize, you can do almost anything you would like to someone else."
"By the day 7 mark, Junko had been completely stripped of all of her humanity."
"He said everyone's just another piece of [__]."
"It was really hurtful to me that these people didn't see me as an actual person."
"All those nice wealthy people have become dehumanized collateral damage, the same way the system has long treated everyone else."
"These experiences leave you with a sick feeling of being stripped of your personhood and being seen as merely a body and vessel."
"I almost expected to hear a sigh from the man standing in front of me but he wasn't a man he was an object a machine with an artificial voice."
"We live in a culture where women are routinely dehumanized."
"When people don't treat you like a human."
"Instead of being viewed as a full human with opinions and experiences and beliefs that should be respected and understood, they're treated just as another soul to win over to the kingdom."
"I felt like I was completely invisible like when I tell you I was just getting people's hair whacked in my face as if I just wasn't even standing there like I didn't even feel like a human being"
"There's no one iraq is in jail, you're a number."
"Rush Limbaugh is not a human being; he's a pig."
"The more we continue to dehumanize each other in a moment in time where we need each other so badly the worse it's going to get."
"There’s a lot to be said here about how both bi women and s*x workers are dehumanised and denied the right to consent and privacy."
"If you're made to feel less than human, you're in an abusive environment."
"The whole point is to remove human beings, to disconnect workers from the value they create."
"How does the capitol come to justify this, and the dehumanization of people in the districts."
"I feel like the lowest form of that is catcalling. I feel like those guys aren't human, they're part cockroach. Makes you just want to slap him with a fly swatter and say damn."
"Everything became a ruthless transaction where we dehumanize the other side."
"This was so dehumanizing and the thought that I was being reduced to an outlet for some creep's fetish was disgusting."
"It's upsetting to see people treated like meat."
"...he's trying to prove you're some kind of animal that should be caged."
"How much do you have to dehumanize yourself in order to dehumanize other people? That is the question before America."
"How much damage has been done? He doesn't even sound like a human being anymore."
"Celebrities are people. Even the [ __ ] that they say on the blogs about you or your family or like, they don't give a [ __ ]—like, these are human beings."
"Why are we dehumanizing these programs and cutting ourselves off from valuable tools? These are not problems anyone can solve alone. We must work with others."
"He actively encouraged everyone to laugh at her and loot her body."
"In the world of Blade Runner, it is imperative that replicants are defined as less than human."
"She's a monster. How is she not? She's a monster, remember? I'm not going to lie, I'm that mad, though. She just stabbed her arm. Doesn't exist anymore. The pain I felt for eight years, matter. That's nothing. She's not a human being, bro."
"It's almost more dehumanizing to deal with somebody who thinks that their brand of sexism is actually doing me a favor."
"Porn is not the cause of women being dehumanized by men; it is a symptom of that problem. The cause is patriarchy."
"We didn't see Iraqis as people, you know, we didn't see them as people."
"It's a kind of mental psychological death that they impose on people."
"When we dehumanize the other, we become numb, and numbness is just as dangerous as hatred itself."
"He's whittling you down to just a robot that exists and doesn't have any friends or family or passions."
"Be careful not to dehumanize those you disagree with."
"You treated me as a product, not as a person."
"You didn't treat me as a human being, you treated me as a product."
"The persecutors may liken the objects of their enmity to cockroaches or germs, but they acknowledge their victim's humanity in the very act of humiliating, stigmatizing, reviling, and torturing them."
"If someone is in a state of mind where they are killing, they dehumanize people."
"It's important that we don't go too far in dehumanizing him because there's an important lesson for us today that regular people who give themselves over to evil are capable of some really terrible things."
"He treats her like an animal, like a piece of meat."
"In terms of sort of the broader point about dehumanizing people by othering them, then yes, this is something George R.R. Martin is very clearly trying to do."
"Slavery is ultimately about turning people into property, into animals, into objects."
"Fame is dehumanizing. When you become famous, you are no longer a person, you are a famous person."
"The problem with this structure and attitude toward work is that it is inherently dehumanizing."
"Men will, in other words, not be free to inquire and create, to develop his own potentialities to their fullest. The worker will remain a fragment of a human being, degraded, a tool, and the deductive process directed from above."
"Violence against people is easier when they're dehumanized."
"You start to feel like a thing, you start to feel like a project. You lose your humanity a little bit."
"The old and the sick slave is only a broken and inefficient tool."
"A large portion of this community dehumanizes me."
"...this film comes at an incredible time there is an awful lot of dehumanization going on in our world at the moment..."
"You are just the product to them."
"Dehumanization is the name for a process whereby human beings are deemed as subhuman and treated accordingly."
"People who even think of seeing someone as an object can't help but be labeled as something worse than trash."
"By dehumanizing a person or a group of people, it's much harder to kill them off."
"It's not real; black folks are not human to these people."
"What is happening when we don't even see black folks as human?"
"The first step here is when I dehumanize you, now I can come with a certain vitriol because I'm not doing this to a person, I'm doing this to a cockroach."
"When you reduce a human being to the level of object, there is no end to the evil that will ensue."
"If somebody who's dehumanized doesn't like you, that is infinitely less hurtful."
"It's not about racism, it's about dehumanization of people."
"Once you get to a certain level of wealth, people dying becomes like a line item on a spreadsheet."
"Pornography destroys the dignity of the human person, reducing them to the level of an animal."
"The Golem becomes the very definition of subhuman, regarded as soulless machines."
"It's dehumanized, objectified circus on ice."
"It was like he wasn't even human."
"The only way in which a population could be mobilized to murder millions of people is by seeing them as Vermin, by seeing them as non-human. And that in turn requires a conspiracy theory."
"Human zoos: public displays of people, usually in so-called natural or primitive states. Demeaning, derogatory, and dehumanizing."