
Societal Perspective Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Polygyny is not something here to hurt; it's a social solution."
"There's limitless versions of yourself: the you in your mind, and the you in others' minds."
"Celebrity worship, though, is far from a new concept and truthfully, in small doses, it doesn't have to be a bad thing. To a certain extent, everyone looks up to and draws inspiration from somebody."
"Our media has a tendency to focus on all that is bad, leaving you with the impression that everything is bad, without the metric of how many things are better."
"The idea that changing demographics is a threat to our society ignores the history and strength of our diversity."
"People think they themselves are responsible but they take away responsibility from other people."
"For all the contradictions, all the heartache of this condition, what I've seen in America has made it very clear to me that we need to understand autistic people better, not try to change who they are."
"We hope Little America will help viewers understand that there is no such thing as the other. There is only us." - Kumail Nanjiani
"Sometimes you need those little injections... for the British public to remind them why the royals are rather lovely to have around."
"People are very tolerant until they're not. It's not all black and doom and gloom, so take heart."
"Freedom is always messy but it's always worth it."
"Keep in mind these are small fringe groups... not necessarily going to change the course of human history."
"The lifestyle of a believer should stagger the imagination of the world."
"White privilege doesn't mean it's a privilege to be white."
"It's very strange that people seem to be just approaching this from a 'well I might be putting myself in danger but I'm going to do it anyway' perspective."
"Just because there are a few bad apples doesn't mean that you should completely abandon the orchard altogether."
"Things are typically not as bad as the media makes it seem and things are typically also not as good as the media makes it seem."
"The lockdown may save a handful of lives but you have to look at the impact on the entire population."
"There are a lot more lovers than haters in this country."
"We must remember that the overwhelming majority of police officers in this country are noble, courageous, and honorable."
"The poorest people in our country actually are equivalent to the middle class in most countries."
"America is the least racist nation on the planet."
"The more you separate yourself from the collective, the more the world is going to make sense to you."
"Everyone's busy with their own lives worrying about other things, so just be yourself and feel relaxed and comfortable."
"There's no online gender war. Most people in the real world, if you go outside, they don't give a [] about any of this [] nobody [__] cares."
"And in the end, the CIA's ego is, it's too big to lose. So they probably walked away from MKUltra thinking they won. I mean, they got laid and did a bunch of acid. And that's a win if you ask me."
"Comedy doesn't come from a place of hate and I think the more people just realize that, the more you have to go, 'He's probably just messing around.'"
"Many of us cry, 'The world's gone mad,' but do we even know what madness is anymore?"
"Remove the gangs and drugs, and the US is one of the SAFEST countries in the world."
"Our society is a lot better than people think."
"They don't call it the theater of war for nothing."
"Empathy is not a zero-sum resource. It takes nothing away from the families of the victims to also recognize that the concern that the perpetrators' family may be suffering as well."
"Diversity makes us smarter, gives us a broader take on society."
"Status on our living conditions are relative not absolute."
"The idea of doing anything to benefit people worse off than yourself is such an alien concept to some."
"Things are tough, but I don't buy into the picture you paint that somehow the world's gone to Hell in a hand car."
"In basic terms, what is a trans person? Somebody that's so disappointed by their genitals that they're suicidal, isn't that just [ __ ] everybody in the world?"
"Ain't nothing to understand. At the end of the damn day, these are kids, kids are innocent."
"There are people on all walks of life who are actually ready to hear this information... more than we give credit for."
"Imagine what a shitty world we'd live in if we viewed everyone around us as a criminal of the highest degree."
"The police aren't the enemy, the criminals are the enemy."
"We Americans are so constantly surrounded by so much freedom that we often just take it for granted."
"We can either accept the idea that society... are constantly against us or we can instead accept that... there will be light once again."
"The economy is a joke, honestly. I can't take it very serious."
"Being a teen parent is not bad. It's actually a benefit."
"Being black in America is not a race, it's an experience."
"I think people start off first of all from a point of real distrust as far as judges go."
"We are facing a lot of challenges and I think on the one hand when especially people on the right when they talk about things like this in the last few years they come across as oh you're just freaking out for no reason."
"Some people would rather remain plugged into the matrix than see the world as it really is."
"Immigration is a blessing to be channeled to our economic advantage."
"You know, people assume the economy means the same thing to everybody and no, of course, it doesn't. It means different things at different points of time and to different people."
"Guns are tools of self-defense against a dangerous world – a defensive response."
"They have contempt for the common man, they have contempt for political leaders, they have contempt for science."
"There's no hope in politics there's only hope in God."
"We've made divorce seem so easy, like it's just a thing to do, no big deal."
"We have far more in common than what divides us."
"You should have a posture of radical doubt but not just about one thing or one set of people."
"Nobody cares about your problems. Nobody cares about how you feel. It doesn't matter and it never did and it never will."
"Freedom doesn't work that way; Liberty doesn't work that way."
"You're black before you're a business person."
"There's so much more good out there than the bad."
"It's not the apocalypse at the end of the world, everyone can calm down."
"Sex work is about normalizing that it is a job."
"Can you also see from one perspective it might be nice to get some relief from that constant testosterone-fueled sexuality to just chill out be able to interact with young women not purely through the sexual lens."
"It's about time all of you realized that we are living in a comedy not a tragedy. It's like the joker says right? It's meant to be funny."
"There are many video games available, and the world is not doomed because of their existence or lack thereof. Video games are a form of entertainment and do not have a significant impact on the overall state of the world."
"What might be good for a society may not be good for an individual."
"Usually people have a problem with the rules when they don't fit the benefiting side of the rules."
"There's bad, but there is also a lot of good, so when I see it, I want to point that out."
"Satanism is looking out for the other because we are the other."
"People in North Korea are human beings, they're not broken, they're deserving of our empathy."
"There's nothing wrong with you, there's something wrong with everybody else."
"Students are taught their country is awful and their system of laws are unjust."
"We have lost our reverence for death, moving everything into the context of a very short lifespan."
"Murder under certain aspects is slowly but surely being made acceptable to a large section of the community," said Miss Emin.
"Crackheads are American heroes that don't get their respect, man. A crackhead will clean your whole house in 10 minutes 'cause he might find change. That is a hero."
"When I watch a slave movie, I feel bad for today's white people who gotta live in a world with black people who just watched slave movies."
"I get dressed up for slave movies like white people get dressed up for Star Wars."
"It doesn't really matter how much wealth you can accumulate as an individual if the average person no longer buys into the system."
"I think it's easy for the world to focus on the polarization in America especially at the moment, and you look at things like that and a hundred thousand people chanting together, arms around each other, and stuff, and it's like, that's what it's about."
"We don't shame people with addictions. Addiction is a mental health issue and it's a society issue, it's not a personal moral failing."
"The majority of people here do think the way we did prior to January of 2019."
"We are not broken people in a normal world; we are normal people in a broken world."
"You have to have the mentality where it's a dog eat dog world, but it's not like that man, we have to unify."
"This is the kind of stuff that makes me remember not everyone sucks."
"There might be bad people in the world, but you know what? There's a lot more good people in it."
"We need to start looking at these people as people, not as defunct or broken products."
"People in South Philadelphia, they don't look at what they're doing as criminal."
"Real justice should be somewhere in the middle where the people as a whole feel like justice has been served."
"That's something that I can see why people would get a little jaded about."
"Homosexuality has existed throughout history."
"Being a father is such an honor and such a big responsibility that so many people take for granted."
"Freedom is very different than what we normally think of it; it's not a Promised Land, it's just freedom."