
Female Empowerment Quotes

There are 729 quotes

"In this climate, to have a show be on for 10 years and to have a double-digit increase in ratings is a testament to you ladies."
"That's female empowerment: two women working together to achieve a goal."
"She is clearly someone who is able to speak to the feelings of particularly young women in this country."
"This is a superhero movie about a woman who changed the world without needing superpowers or a cape. She just used her brain."
"Oftentimes, you see a woman get connected to a man of influence and success, then you believe that her success is because of him, but what I love is when I meet boss women who have... they're successful, intelligent, bright."
"Female empowerment also means empowering women to make the choice that fits them."
"More female leadership will lead to fairer treatment for all women."
"Nasa's face of space has changed for good. The world's first all-female spacewalk. This girl power moment we were looking forward to."
"Giggle is to envision a world where female spaces are respected as necessary, where misogyny is eliminated through mutual understanding, and the equality of opportunity for all humans is desired and achieved through cooperation."
"If we had had a history where powerful, beautiful, intelligent women were allowed to express themselves fully... we may have a completely different outcome."
"There's nothing more beautiful and anything more glorious than a woman flourishing in who she's called to be."
"As women, we realize that the wellness routines and all the things that we were taught in school really didn't teach us about our own bodies."
"This life is one characterized primarily by female empowerment."
"Notice how female empowerment is branded as serving men."
"As William Congreve wrote in his 1697 play, the Mourning Bride--Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman Scorned."
"What strong female characters tend to focus on instead is self-actualization: the idea that she already has everything she needs to succeed and all that's required is to let go of the limitations imposed on or by others."
"Hey, women, try supporting one another, cool things happen."
"All of this female empowerment, it does only count if you really do it if you're really living it and walking the walk, don't just talk the talk."
"Female power is power. It's the strongest power in the world."
"I just wish there was more communities like the ones that we have over here where there are so many girls who are just supportive and just being there for each other."
"Freezing my eggs allows me to fulfill my dreams on my own timeline without depending on a man or my biological clock."
"People weren't aware of how much she was a boss."
"Thank you for inspiring us and being an example to all the young girls out there who will follow your lead and build on it."
"I don't even think that you need to walk in wanting to watch a film about female empowerment to enjoy it."
"Yes, true female empowerment is to be found in profiting from your thought."
"In celebrating the sensuality and sexuality of women, it isn't shy or coy. It's about the loud articulation of female desire for sex as they want it."
"How they're both kickass women doing their own thing, often upsetting people in the process who wish they'd just known their place and do as they're told. It's iconic as fuck."
"The most expensive investigation in the FBI's history was over after some ordinary women managed to achieve in a few months what 125 full-time investigators from three different federal agencies couldn't in 17 years."
"Elite women gamers team up to destroy online bullies and abusers."
"A lot of really amazing females in my life who make me feel strong and validated and powerful."
"We need to have parties like that in the black community celebrating our girls as well."
"The female gaze seeks to empower women. It recognizes that authentic representation is a powerful tool."
"Female empowerment is a woman not turning herself into a sex object for the viewing of men."
"Don't mess with the women of America unless you want to get the [Applause] benefit."
"I do wonder sometimes if the reason why we get such insanely strong female characters is because people are scared to show that women can fail like men can fail."
"They support a good cause, they're teaching girls how to be entrepreneurial and it's supporting a good cause."
"I've really had an admiration for Megan Thee Stallion and many female rappers like her that use their body and their sexual prowess and their wiles to not just make their money and stuff like that but to just express themselves."
"It's really exciting to see the power of women and their purchases having an effect on what economists and economic commentators are talking about."
"China rose from a valet position with degeneration X to become one of the most accomplished and beloved performers of her era."
"Women supporting women because women are all queens."
"Our story takes us to London, England, where we meet seasoned professional Jackie Davis and her team of all female bodyguards."
"I support local business, I support female local business."
"Female founders should know that they can do anything."
"Princess movies growing up, this was a godsend. Finally, a princess movie whose plot line did not hinge on magic."
"Of course women can do what they want with them."
"Don't let society's narrow scope determine what you do with your vagina."
"I would love my own thing. I want to be known as a successful female streamer on the platform."
"Clea essentially elevated women from just being damsels in distress."
"Women are also extremely powerful in their own way."
"The Damsel in Distress trope disempowers female characters and robs them of the chance to be heroes in their own rite."
"It's a film about women lifting one another up so that they may thrive."
"The power of Sisterhood, the power of connection. It's my connection with women that has kept me."
"Being an alpha female, you're more than welcome to do that."
"This will determine how much people really give a [ __ ] about female rappers."
"Effie Litsu, last woman standing, speaking of fearless."
"We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller."
"Bridget believes that there are a lot of assumptions about weight training, such as it being a male-dominated sport that females can't be a part of."
"Behind these female powerhouse movies are female powerhouse producers Margot Robbie, Taylor Swift, and Tina Fey."
"It's really important to also build on strengths for females."
"Support and embrace the uniqueness of females."
"Empowering females with Asperger's syndrome."
"Girl supporting girls up in here and we don't pin no woman against each other."
"Resident Evil has always done well in empowering its female heroes. Even the villains are strong."
"There's so much more to an appeal towards a character aside from that. She is strong, she is ambitious, she's just flooded with agency and has a massive impact on the world around her." - Nona Grey
"Women did this, we did this and it's a beautiful thing."
"Women of color kicked out the most sexist racist misogynistic president."
"The power of Sisterhood and female support can never be underestimated."
"Teaching her daughters to have the same courage to love every part of themselves."
"We're not going to teach our daughters to be silent like we were."
"Women hit their prime in their 30s and 40s and if you did already know that then i'm gonna assume that just means that it intimidates you and you can't keep up."
"Grace Fryer even reportedly said, 'It is not for myself I care, I am thinking more of the hundreds of girls to whom this may serve as an example.'"
"This little She Shack is going to serve me so well in all my upcoming DIY projects."
"Hermione is an important role model for lots of girls around the world."
"Leia's arc from princess to general demonstrates a mature evolution as an action hero."
"Female rap is thriving right now all these new rappers are paying tribute and showing homage."
"Wasn't the only damon got them looking for emancipation here's our take on the evolution of Harley Quinn and how her emancipation heralds a time where female heroes are free to be less than perfect."
"In an industry that keeps turning out female superheroes who are beacons of strength power and love, Harley Quinn is the reigning anti-heroine."
"The film's first 15 minutes are wonderful, returning to Themyscira society of diverse warrior women just living their best warrior women life on a beautiful island."
"I'm all for any movie where they let the girl shine because I didn't see that when I was a kid."
"This is the worst, most insufferable amped up modern female empowerment girl boss cringe I have ever seen."
"Women are happy sometimes being cougars. It gets to a point that some women are very successful and they get to the point that they're like, 'F*** being in a relationship with somebody. Just f*** me.'"
"Nikki's success paved the way for other female artists."
"But understand, Nicki more than any female rapper at the time made hip-hop about the ladies for real."
"I am completely supportive of every other creator, especially if they're a woman and if they've been inspired by me."
"Women supporting women - we lift each other up."
"The most important thing we should be teaching the young girls today is leadership."
"Nothing is stopping the rise of the feminine, not even oppression or brutality."
"God's using her to lead one of the most prolific real Revival movements the Earth has ever seen."
"You know when a woman steps in, we're 'bout to fix shit up."
"With fame comes opportunity but it also includes responsibility to advocate and share, to focus less on glass slippers and more on pushing through glass ceilings."
"Submission is actually one of the most powerful things a woman can do."
"Girls should be involved in creating digital tools and online content, as well as revising educational systems and school curriculums in the domain of digital and computerized teaching."
"It's not a kick, it's a ministry, and it's most necessary to save a generation of women."
"Young girls need to see role models. You can't be what you can't see." - Sally Ride
"There have always been clever women who knew how to help themselves in a male Society."
"Why are you not recognizing the potential of that girl? We need female representation."
"The Powerpuff Girls, badass enough to save the day."
"Vera began telling stories to her sisters about the magical world outside of school three and how their ancestors became strong female leaders."
"They're about seeing women at the center of the story and knowing that they're not there to lose and die but to triumph and win."
"Mai is a badass girl who deserves more respect."
"Girls need to support girls. Instead of tearing each other down, we need to lift each other up."
"I like the idea of having strong female characters in the game, so I decided you know what, I'm gonna go with a female option."
"Thank you for creating a game that allows girls like me to explore space and make it a reality."
"She packs a serious punch, she takes absolutely no prisoners."
"Women, you are better than that and Vashti was, and Vashti knew it."
"Tina Belcher inspires female fans all over the world to access their inner power."
"You gotta learn how to stand your ground and be a woman of your word."
"Why do they have to tear women down and why do we have to tear other women down to build another woman up?"
"I hope people affirm and champion the female orgasm."
"If women ruled the world, the world would be a better place."
"I write Wonder Woman as a new kind of propaganda to show the world what a woman could be."
"By emphasizing the vulnerability of woman, he makes use of women as prostitutes and by underestimating them he ultimately is unable to overpower the female, and it's not due to any deceptive power."
"I want an army of women, mothers, and grandmothers to pray for our families."
"Female consent: the first sexual Revolution."
"It's the image of a revolutionary young woman."
"I want to talk for just a few minutes today about how a queen-conscious woman reads between the lies, not the lines, but the lies."
"When a person is queen-conscious, the world is usually intimidated by her because a queen-conscious woman can see through the disguise."
"Her on-screen persona as a dominant and capable woman also adds to the appeal."
"In the film, both written and directed by women, treats the female characters differently, in part because we're somewhat free from the prison of Bateman's perspective."
"Give it up for the females, you feel me? I feel like I'm the goat. Let me pop my [ __ ]. I don't feel like it, I am."
"This film remedies that and actually makes you root for them as a couple. Instead of being a stereotypical damsel in distress, this film makes Snow White the hero."
"You got to let her stand on her own I think it's powerful for her to do it on her own."
"If it weren't for Christina Aguilera, if it weren't for Madonna and all those women who put themselves out there, we wouldn't have people like Miley Cyrus."
"I love being a role model for little girls. It makes me so happy when they come up to me dressing like me."
"My dream always was to instill in the girls a love of learning and curiosity."
"My mother, she raised some strong, strong women."
"Wonder Woman, it changed the game completely female superhero-wise."
"Women have to be perceived as having agency, having the ability to act, and then leave the damsel role for the agent role."
"Cardi B is doing what nobody else is doing for these girls."
"She paved a way for women because she absolutely did, and there's no question the impact that she had."
"Connie's had a lot of wins, in my opinion, this is a woman who is quite fatalistic when we started out with this to see her make this huge Turning Point it gives me chills."
"Seeing this strong woman stand up on the house floor and make a strong statement, that's true." - Commentator
"Men are not in charge of your relationship destiny, you are in charge of your destiny."
"She was a strong woman, I loved her character."
"Women should love themselves, love themselves not love yourself through a partner, boyfriend, girl from whatever, just love who you are."
"It's as simple as one woman connecting with another woman and changing her life."
"Her impact on the portrayal of strong, intelligent female characters has made her a respected and influential figure in film and television."
"Humanity needs more courageous women like Kim."
"She encourages girls and women to reject unrealistic media portrayals of women and to accept and love their bodies."
"Women being powerful and taking a stand is one of the best things both to see and to draw."
"Intimidating women, strong women, women that know what to do, have their lives in a straight line, oh my god that is it, that's all what I want."
"Joan of Arc's achievements are testament to her bravery and bold leadership in a time dominated by male power."
"Eleanor of Aquitaine was a woman of great wisdom and tenacity who didn't allow the limitations placed on her sex to get in the way of doing what she wanted or what she thought was right."
"She broke the music scene wide open. No woman's ever been able to make it."
"No knights or anyone else ever came to her rescue. She actually did it herself."
"Kim Wexler is everything that a female character needs to be."
"When it comes to women, it's like, 'Oh sis, no, we're gonna celebrate you, we're gonna love you.'"
"Sarah Connor is such an icon and she was one of the first female superheroes that we had."
"I feel like women do have the potential to take care of themselves and take care of the world."
"We saw in The Mandalorian, the four girls kicking ass and taking names, and it was done well."
"The real question isn't what strong women look like, it's whether the world can handle the sheer force of their combined might."
"Why in the hell has this been only reserved for men? Is there no such thing as female agency?"
"It's pretty clear that some female will rise to power politically or whatever in the next couple of years."
"The black woman is the queen of this planet."
"Scarlett Johansson was able to make it empowering."
"There's something really empowering about being a woman just on your own in a team."
"Every woman under the sound of my voice is strong enough to do what she wants to do."
"She is going to be a seminal powerhouse in this industry for a long long time and I think it's incredible what she just accomplished."
"The series is an homage to sisterhood, with female characters fiercely supporting each other through thick and thin."
"I was really surprised by how much emphasis they put on female leads."
"The most powerful woman in the United States of America deserves to be respected."
"She embodies the spirit of excellence and achievement." - Elise Perry
"This is all hands on deck. If you're a girl and you like science and engineering, know that Mark Rober has your back."
"Female empowerment is like 'I don't need you to get me, I'll get my own.'"
"The rise in female writers has created some of the best series I've ever watched."
"Watching a woman do something that is so outside of the norms."
"Tamara would break the world record for the heaviest raw deadlift by a woman, pulling an incredible 639 pounds!"
"A believing female is always pure in heart, mind, and interactions."
"Welcome to Girl Talk, a series where we talk about taboo topics that should be normal."
"Make a movie for free for girls to be into something they can look back in 20 years and go that movie was about me and my life at that time."
"She's been the driving force behind this entire movement."
"The buzz cut has become synonymous with female strength and they are fast becoming one of the most talked about cuts."
"I feel like it's really significant that we're doing a female-led superhero film."
"I love that about her character. She's a strong character, she's determined, and she is not just some damsel in distress."
"Women to be empowering and just you know be successful in doing what we love."
"You need to have a girl gang...people who understand you and where you're coming from."
"Every woman in this movie is so strong and powerful not just in the movie but I think our own personalities are so strong."
"We teach young girls to love themselves, but we also have to teach them to love other girls."
"Women are an important part of the workforce. If they're not functioning to their capacity, we are losing important workspace."
"The cold, kind of mean woman in charge reminds us that there's more than one way to be a powerful female leader, and we can relate to her because in the end, there's a little bit of ice in all of us."
"Shout out to all the women DJs out there, y'all are great."
"We're all friends, and you know us coming together we can demonstrate and you know show women that hey we don't have to have confrontation we can collaborate."
"We raise our girls to be strong, competent, and powerful."
"Yeah, obviously like girl power and she's strong and you know she don't need no help from no man, uh, and that's all great but we also the whole series is about what women kind of go through all the time."
"Women can't be action stars? Watch Aliens, then you see Ripley."
"Women can be royalty and smart and invent science."
"You just need a gang of women around you that you trust."
"Girl up is a campaign to encourage girls to compliment other girls and make it cool because it is cool to build other women up and not be so competitive and so hostile towards each other."
"She's bust the rhymes of the females. She is Snoop Dogg."
"There's nothing better than a determined woman."
"My mission is to leave a woman feeling better about herself."
"Whitney Houston fought to be recognized, blazing a trail for generations of black female singers."
"Girls helping girls. I really love filming these girl talks just because I feel so connected to so many of you guys."
"A woman that has an idea of what she wants is really attractive."
"A girl that has an idea of what she wants is really attractive."
"Women came out record numbers in the primaries they said you'll be lucky to get one candidate we now have 12."
"Don't wait for a man to do for you what you can do for yourself."
"Kudos to the hard-working mother and her daughters who graduated."
"I love seeing a great female protagonist, that's how you do it baby."
"The most powerful being on the planet is a woman."