
Systemic Issues Quotes

There are 979 quotes

"It's not enough to give a million dollars in charity if the system is such that a billion dollars are being sucked out of the pockets and out of the opportunity creation for millions, and millions, and millions of people."
"We cannot fight capitalism alone; we have to fight capitalism and systemic racism and other forms of bigotry together."
"Some people think this story begins and ends with Sam Bankman-Fried, but that's wrong. It is doomed to repeat itself."
"But to cast these actions as the work of an inherently evil human being allows us to ignore that this wasn't just something that came out of nowhere."
"It's not doctors we lack, or nurses, or factories that can make the masks, the ventilators; it is the system that's the sickness."
"We don't need to see looting and crime; we need to keep our eyes on that knee on that neck because it represents everybody else who did not have a camera when they were crushed."
"We live in a system to keep the poor poor and the rich rich."
"This district attorney has not provided fundamental fairness, and without that, the system doesn't work."
"Pharma industry corruption... is the Rosetta Stone to understanding what's gone wrong in healthcare."
"I grew up in a low-income immigrant household, and I think the systems that are in place right now aren't sufficient enough to support people like myself or my family."
"We have to all be on the same page that this is a big issue on a national systems level and it should not bombard your daily life as a person trying to enjoy a happy time in their life with fear."
"Everything we do is participating in a shitty system. Shouldn't we try and create a better world?"
"Charity does good, but charity doesn't solve issues because charity doesn't address the underlying mechanisms that create a problem."
"Inequality is really systemically speaking the leading cause of death on this planet."
"Punishment is the response to everything. By punishment, I mean throwing somebody into a system that does not address any of the issues that the person might have had."
"To suggest that this system can be broken through individual will is not just optimistic, it is delusional."
"The same system that is punishing the farmer is as punishing the earth and is punishing the consumers through disease."
"What if the problem is much bigger than who is or isn't allowed to subtweet Space Karen? What if the problem is the entire structure of the internet itself?"
"Inequality is not about certain bad people; it's about what changed about the system."
"The pandemic era was a uniquely exploitative one that revealed many systemic problems."
"Are there things that exist in the system that maybe put undue pressure on one race over another?"
"The first blow comes from ignorance and foolishness, and the second from some serious cruelty and malice within the system."
"We have a new mafia in town; it does not actually shoot people, does not put bullets in their kneecaps, but this trade is just as deadly. It deprives people of opportunities to have health care, education, security, justice, and essentially a fulfilling life."
"This could trigger systemic financial risks internationally."
"We cannot keep letting the most vulnerable be casualties of a system that cares more about quick and final decisions than actually correct ones."
"We just benefited from the system... very male, very white, and very straight."
"The real problem isn't the stock market. The real problem is the shadow banking system."
"The fight is fixed, the poor stay poor, the rich get rich, that's just how it goes, everyone knows."
"No system is perfect, but the one we live in now is needlessly cruel and unfair."
"Make no mistake, the criminal justice system is not broken. It is operating exactly the way it was designed."
"Sometimes it's not that anyone is blatantly being evil; it's just that the system itself is set up in a way that you can't even begin to explain the issues you're having."
"The real problem is systemic, at the intersection of homophobia and racism."
"It's a lot of injustice in the justice system."
"Global warming isn't just the result of a few billionaires and companies acting recklessly; it's the fault of a system that demands infinite growth and consumption."
"America's system is in and of itself cruel, racist, and vicious."
"Addressing systemic issues is how you fix rioting."
"The system is not broken, my brothers and sisters, it was built this way."
"If we truly want to support our officers and back the blue, we need to be willing to address the broken police system."
"I also don't believe in having a victim mentality, but when a system is so ranked against a group, you have to question it."
"The number one leading cause of burnout is actually someone trying to do a good job in a system that prevents them from doing so."
"We're not just dealing with a broken arm; we are dealing with a broken system."
"This is not a problem that's just going to go away with more policing and criminalization. It will take concerted efforts at every level of government to address the systemic failures that have led to this current housing crisis."
"Absolutely, but it's not just in law enforcement; it's across the board. It's in housing, it's in education, and it's in everything we do."
"If Cheney, Bush, Obama, Clinton, both of them, are all war criminals, then that tells you, uh oh, we're going to have to address the system."
"America systemically did something to black people to put us in this position...they should atone for that financially."
"Record profits at the expense of the majority illustrate a systemic failure to distribute wealth equitably, underlining the need for a reevaluation of our economic model."
"We're trapped in a rigged game where the haves stay the haves, and that's the problem."
"Praying for the holy souls in purgatory is the greatest form of charity, and it is a path to heaven."
"It sucks that the system as it is is built such that it makes these things really hard, makes these movements necessary."
"Acknowledging systemic issues doesn't make you weak; ignoring them does, reinforcing a cycle of servitude beneficial only to those at the top."
"We don't have a politician problem; we don't have a policy problem; we have a political system problem."
"Fix the system, and we got to be honest that the system is not working."
"The ultimate issue is fixing all those underlying problems [behind police violence]."
"If you don't want those harms, to make it a personal responsibility for a systemic oppressive issue is what is inhumane." - Tristan Harris
"The system is crumbling before us but it doesn't mean that we're going to suffer."
"You are being kept poor on purpose; it's not because you're a failure... it's systemic failings that lead to your problems."
"Money, energy, food, health care, education, governance—all are being corrupted by men who think they can predict and control the emergent order."
"This isn't about one officer. It's about the entire system, and they always use our words to create more racism."
"These stories can shed light on crimes that might otherwise go unnoticed and can raise awareness of systematic problems in the criminal justice system."
"The real issue is that our education system is so poor and our media like propaganda outlets are so effective."
"I think the answer is pretty obvious; it's because of the broken immigration system that we have."
"We rely so much on charity to fix things that ultimately our system should take care of."
"The necessity of charity is an indication of systemic failure."
"The system isn't working and I want to know why."
"It speaks to the disparities that exist within every system but particularly within medicine."
"The protests are not necessarily about Floyd's killing in particular, but about the savagery and carnage that his death represents."
"No longer can be chalked up to simple incompetence. We have to understand that we're in the process of dealing with a system that's working against us."
"The system that makes bad policing possible is what we examine, not just the bad behavior of individual cops."
"Policing in America is not about preventing crime or public safety; it's about policing social boundaries that are created by wealth inequity and racial hostility."
"As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality."
"Barbie ends with Margot Robbie reinstating a system of oppression with just superficial improvements before leaving to join the Matrix itself. Given that, which story do you think is the one we need?"
"My argument is that Mr. Beast should not have to do this. My argument is that the system, if worked normally in the way that it's supposed to, would not have a need for this kind of philanthropy."
"It's remarkable how screwed up everything is in our system."
"The powers that are are so entrenched in the system."
"No matter how you slice it bad things are happening and it requires complete remaking of the system"
"The biggest issue I've learned over my 40-year career: it's not really fighting the viruses and learning how to treat the viruses, it's fighting a system that is determined to cover up and persecute anyone who reveals the truth."
"Remember, it's just a few bad apples, well then there should be like a bunch of good cops there, there's none."
"The intertwining of those two systems and our inability to receive open transparent information."
"The system is incentivized to provide the Chinese Communist Party with everything they need."
"If you consistently have bad experiences with healthcare, you might be less inclined to seek help that you need in the future."
"There's a real frustration and anger at our whole political system."
"None of these issues are an island right, they're all interconnected."
"The drive for profits associated with convict leasing led to a system that became even more deadly than slavery."
"At the heart of the ambiguity and the difficulties associated with the etiquette of equality are the systemic injustices that people face."
"This system is the very antithesis of education."
"The system has set everyone up for failure, so she's going to have to re-evaluate her plans."
"The only question is, is the brokenness in our system... able to overcome democracy?"
"It's a very fucked up situation unless they change just the way the prisons operate as a whole."
"We don't have remedies within the system... we need to seek remedies within ourselves."
"It's actually the underlying machine that was the source of the corruption itself."
"The problem here isn't that a few reckless people on Wall Street did crazy things. The problem is deeper than that. It's systemic."
"The failure of institutions from government to the media to universities."
"Conservatives need to stop cooperating in their system."
"We need to turn down the temperature, not turn it up and create more chaos in our system."
"Poverty in America is not an accident. It is by design."
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine does touch on systemic policing issues and... the main intention... is to address these while still upholding the police as an institution."
"Colorism affects darker complected people socially and systemically."
"If you're not hiring based on merit alone, one system failing starts other systems to start failing."
"And the sad fact is there's no incentive for these people to break the loop."
"The majority of farmers simply cannot make a living from their work... they're trapped in a system that's killing them."
"A system that doesn't reward honest behavior should not expect honest conduct."
"Officers kill black and brown men and women and we get little to no consequences."
"The system profits from people being unjustly locked up."
"Centrally planned economies have inherent weaknesses due to mismanagement and corruption."
"I believe there are good people, who happen to be police officers, but I believe policing is built on racism and prejudice, and so officers are bad."
"The problem ultimately isn't just measurement, it's the denial of opportunity to learn."
"I am opposed to trans terrorists slaughtering children. I am opposed to politicians using mass shootings to score political points. I am opposed to trying to solve the problem of human evil with gun control policies."
"It's absurdity piled on absurdity... and very bad for the country."
"In America, everyone is equal under the law. You can get into the arguments of course about systematic racism and oppression, there's no legitimate evidence to support those arguments."
"You better remember what you... because again the rules everything is different and white supremacy has set a tone."
"I mean, the system is broken from start to finish."
"This situation's bigger than Britney. This is about conservatorship reform."
"I'm talking about systemic, a system that is designed to elevate one group while marginalizing the next."
"The cycle is really hard to break... these systemic problems are incredibly resilient."
"This sense of hopelessness is not limited to the common people. For officials, they face incessant political education, loyalty tests to Xi Jinping, and pressure from anti-corruption campaigns."
"It's not just a detection problem, it's a culture problem."
"Probation and parole, they're just traps to send you right back."
"The system, as many people have said, is broken."
"This is systematic racism in our judicial system."
"What then? I mean, other than seeing the weaponizing of the system to the point of undermining the system to the point where the system no longer exists, what then?"
"So in order to create a world beyond fossil capitalism, beyond colonialism, and racism, we must also dismantle the patriarchy."
"Why not expose what's broken so that maybe we can do things to protect kids?"
"The reason that these cities are are doing this is that these criminal justice systems kind of are reaching into all areas of life."
"All that is required for evil to Triumph is that good men do nothing. Amen. Correct. Good persons do not understand good people can do bad things if they're in bad systems."
"But one thing is for sure, they're frustrated with systemic injustice."
"The law isn't the problem so much as the system is the problem. Systemic injustice."
"The system itself is what's racist... you're racist because you're making money off a racist system."
"It revealed how broken, tragically broken, even fields where you imagine people go into doctoring because they want to heal people."
"The systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry."
"The response of the system generally to shut down the lone individual trying to point out a serious problem is just breathtaking."
"We are dealing with a system of information distribution that is designed to keep all the facts to themselves."
"Trump was the symptom, not the disease, and if we don't address the disease, then what's left of our very anemic democracy will be extinguished."
"The breakdown of the system is more than just law enforcement."
"They don't care about you. It shows right in that moment. Anytime you speak up for yourself or speak up for another, they see that as a liability."
"When we speak of immigration, we are dealing with a fundamentally broken system."
"You don't need a conspiracy when you have basic incentives."
"Discrimination is not the issue the issue is systematic racism."
"It's much easier to just shame, attack, and shun, instead of addressing the overall system."
"What would society actually look like without these people intentionally ruining it for us?"
"We focus on apologies instead of systemic issues."
"Things like this should truly scare every citizen of this country that things like this can even happen."
"There needs to be a better support system for creators in such situations."
"The banking system that we have is, to put it bluntly, legalized fraud."
"Criminality can wear a badge, and criminality can be someone without a badge."
"The global financial crisis... the symptom of a much deeper problem."
"You can believe that totally race neutrally, but it's a way of getting sometimes non-racist people in line with the systemic white supremacist tendency."
"Regular people realize how broken the whole system really is."
"We don't just focus on the bad behavior of individual cops; instead, we examine the system that makes bad policing possible."
"What we're witnessing in this video isn't just an example of a cop overreaching; it's how pervasive and destructive police power is."
"There is nothing less fair than that though our tax code does come close. Under our current system, an American who works for a salary pays twice the tax rate as somebody living off inherited wealth."
"Mass incarceration operates as a tightly networked system."
"Women are victims of the system that was built against them."
"It's happening over and over again to private citizens."
"A systematic issue, not just happening to Trump."
"It's erroneous to blame that on the individual when the system makes it possible."
"The cycle of racial caste: 'The emergence of each new system of control may seem sudden...'"
"The entire system that we're seeing right now on Wall Street is in fact rigged against the little guy."
"If you're really passionate about that, but if you're only mad about the last election and you ignore the fact that there's a 140-year system that allowed for this then you're not doing the credit that you think you're doing."
"This is not a retail investor problem...this is a systemic and institutional investor problem."
"It's very much a system that that is corrupt and unfortunately it is not going to really it's not going to solve itself it's going to take more awareness more action."
"Medical debt is a huge byproduct of the failures of the US healthcare system."
"We have the mechanisms there, but only when we recognize that the entire structure is a criminal enterprise."
"Corruption on that grand of a scale takes participation from both the parties stealing the money and the party allowing the money to be stolen."
"In China, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, the issue of labor rights infringement is a systemic institutional problem."
"It took for police brutality and the iPhone to bring more justice to black people across America than the justice system ever has."
"Let's take a step back and say that shows something wrong with our criminal justice system."
"It's not really a few bad apples, it's actually a culture of corruption."
"There are far too many questions about how this case was handled and why it took 74 days for two of the killers to be arrested and charged in our Barry's death."
"The narrative that they're sucking you into is... teaching you that the system is actually screwing over certain people."
"The real problem is concentrated in those areas where decentralization is broken down."
"The criminal legal system has a role but it's really a subservient role to Public Health."
"When cops fabricate crimes to put people in handcuffs, we need to look at the systematic trends that incentivize these behaviors."
"Why we make clear our job is not just holding bad cops accountable but examining the system which bolsters them."
"They are the only people in a position to really change these rules, and they possibly choose not to because they benefit form the way things work."
"Our system is inherently rigged against the will of the people."
"In the midst of a pandemic in the midst of an economic meltdown for working families in the midst of a great struggle regarding systemic racism and police brutality."
"We cannot talk about poverty in America without talking about it as a tool for white supremacy."
"Systemic racism isn't just an idea, it's a real thing."
"The reason why our democracy is so weak is because we have a two-party system."
"Capitalism intentionally manufactures guilt."
"People have to convince you that the system that you're living in is fundamentally broken..."
"We really haven't looked closely enough at the broken systems."
"No matter what the antecedent, no matter what the predicate, the conclusion is always the same: America is systemically racist."
"The same kinds of people are able to clog up the arteries of the system by being obtuse, greedy, bloody-minded men, no matter what the system is."
"And that is the issue—you cannot expect them to moderate themselves or fix it because they are the actual problem."
"The problem that he represents isn't an individual problem it's a systemic one."
"Both left and right agree the current system isn't working for the people's interests."
"This system is sick. If you want to be a public servant, then you should be a public servant."
"He inserted himself into the relationship with God and man and then created a system where we would have to answer to him."
"We are in danger of slipping into a political apartheid system where a minority of the people will have disproportionate amounts of power."
"The game is nasty, it's rigged, it's designed for us to lose."
"It's no secret, like I said, that the system is broken. I mean, I'm not going to try to paint a picture where it's not. The truth is, this system is broken."
"Trump didn't happen in a vacuum, this is the hate that many elements, not all but many elements of the GOP created."
"That's structurally, at least pretty corrupt."
"It's a systemic issue because of poor school oversight." - "It's a systemic issue because of poor school oversight"
"There really needs to be some kind of agreed upon standard by which misinformation is dealt with because the current system is not working."
"I think unless you're like a violent offender there's really a lot of other paths that we could go down other than the very flawed and corrupt criminal justice system in our country."
"From history and international experience, if you do not have accountability, problems will worsen."
"This isn't conspiracy it is a system reality."
"A systemic weakness within the entire structure of the system." - Andrew Axelrod