
Economic Outlook Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"I've been a card-carrying secular stagnationist... I think the era of secular stagnation is over."
"I say this not to scare anyone out there but to simply give you guys the facts about what I am seeing transpire in the economy right now."
"The pandemic continues to pose risks to the economic outlook. Progress on vaccinations has limited the spread of COVID-19 and will likely continue to reduce the effects of the public health crisis on the economy."
"Jerome Powell mentioned the word recession numerous times...the longer we have to keep raising rates, the less likely it is that we're actually going to have a soft landing at all."
"It would be very premature to declare victory or to think that we've really got this. We need to see our goal of bringing inflation down to two percent achieved."
"We still have a ways to go; nobody is declaring victory. That would be premature."
"If you're not a contrarian, you're going to be a victim."
"I think the third quarter, I think the fourth quarter is going to be very good, and I think next year is going to be fantastic because of the stimulus."
"The unemployment rate's still record low 3.5 percent and more and more people are thinking like this recession isn't going to happen."
"If you're a kid right now, you're never gonna get a house."
"Jerome Powell the other night on 60 minutes echoed those sentiments he believed that in the third quarter because we had a really strong economy just two months ago the fundamentals are still strong that's encouraging right."
"There's no top to bitcoin because fiat has no bottom."
"Potentially the light is at the end of the tunnel even for the Staples and commodities that would be great but obviously we'll be paying attention to China in the meantime."
"The big danger that we face in the market right now is believing that inflation is done."
"I see a very resilient growing company that will have continued increase in margins over time and continued profitability."
"Stock markets are very forward-looking and can have a penchant to discount very different environments far before we experience it." - Chris Hussey, Goldman Sachs analyst
"I think this market is extremely healthy not too hot not too cold just right."
"There's no reason to believe this inflation is going to last."
"The trend is bad, the absolute values are bad, and it just doesn't look like it's going to get better anytime soon."
"Price changes, but what doesn't change for me is that I'm always bullish. I'm always building. This is just my approach."
"The stock market could be in really, really dire trouble here over the course of time."
"I think we're just beginning that now. There's still an awful lot of, I'd say the vast majority of investors still viewing this as a bear market rally."
"So for everyone out there wondering there is a lot of noise here but it doesn't seem like it's a bear market just yet."
"Sure, rates are higher now than they have been for the last 14 years, but I honestly think rates are now lower than what they're going to be potentially for the next 10 years."
"It looks like spending is going to go up, it looks like tax receipts are going to come down, and I think both of those are going to happen at the same time."
"The long run economic prospects of Russia are very bad, they're dire, and this is gonna drag on."
"We're going to remain in a downtrend until proven otherwise."
"We like to buy great companies at a good price."
"The market's probably being too complacent in terms of what the Fed and central banks are likely going to have to do."
"That's ridiculous, there are so many Cobras and they're going to make him good money."
"Just remember the best time to buy last year was when everyone thought the market was doomed forever."
"Cash should be king between now and early next year."
"Longer term, we do think some of these secular growth themes are here to stay."
"You've heard a lot of economists come out and say we're not heading to recession, we're heading to a depression. And I'm one of them."
"We expect short-term pain for long-term gain."
"If you believe in Kathy's economic outlook, you should look to invest in the long term."
"So, there we are. There's your choices. There are lots and lots of choices, and I think this is going to be a very bullish market."
"Market's been way more bullish than the headlines."
"The economy is not as bad as people are saying. We gain four and a half million jobs in 2022, inflation over the last six months is down two percent at an annual rate. Economy is doing better than most Americans think."
"So, for me, the 5 to 10-year view is a lot clearer than any given six-month view."
"We've been of the view since the fall of last year."
"95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future."
"2022 has not been an amazing year for investors, but of course markets do have to go down every once in a while, hopefully 2023 will be a much better year."
"Ask yourself, where are we going to be two years from now? Is this economy going to be in the roaring 20s or in the great depression?"
"I think this sector has a lot of growth actually left in it long term."
"The fact that we've got higher debt levels today and we're potentially going into a global recession in 2023 means that we're now at risk of something disastrous happening."
"There's a generation where it's less and less likely that your kids will be better off than you."
"Solar energy will become cheaper over time. There's no rush on this, absolutely no rush."
"It's always useful to look at what these really seasoned investors think and also their macro Outlook."
"Wouldn't that be wonderful because it's not often that you get a market that is this hot and this nice I love it so much especially because it looks like it's going to be sustained."
"We can have a great life and a great economy and a great security just acknowledging what you just said there without having to say no no no I want to go back to 1995 or something."
"Bitcoin is the asymmetric bet of our lifetimes and we'll see what happens..."
"There's no daylight in the economy, there's nothing unless we invent some new invention."
"I think in the long term we're going to see wages increase."
"I've made a career of telling people this is not the end of the world. I think the world's gonna go on, I think America will remain one of the strongest economies in the world."
"Bitcoin is the way and the more you learn about the macro stuff, the more you realize that we need something better."
"Maybe we aren't going to have as much inflation as people fear."
"So bottom line in the short term, you know, the first two or three years after a pandemic lots of uncertainty."
"Smart investors are already preparing for what's coming."
"All the happy talk about biodynamics is masking the fact that the economy is slowing globally."
"Black Rock thinks inflation will be structurally higher and sees real estate and infrastructure playing a key role in strategic portfolios."
"In general I am positioned towards an inflationary outcome."
"A year that started out with Bleak prospects...shaped up to be a boon for the average American worker."
"A lot of these new stores that for some reason still keeping open a game store you're going to make millions..."
"My outlook for growth and unemployment is much more positive today than it was a few months ago."
"Part of this plan is... buying a single Bitcoin... until... completely unaffordable... fiat currency."
"We are going to be in this world of hurt for a lot of people six months, 12 months down the road as these things unfold."
"The fortunes of the economy could turn really quickly here."
"There's opportunities to be had too but inflation this is a big one Jim's call inflation is coming."
"As long as the cost of batteries continues this downward ascent and the production of batteries continues to increase we should be sitting pretty for the years ahead."
"The price I believe will surpass the all-time high."
"It's not all doom and gloom. I'm also going to share why I remain bullish about our prospects."
"You're starting to get money wealth and powerful money wealth over the next two decades."
"Flat to down in nominal terms and down in real terms is probably how I look at corporate earnings overall."
"The high quality precious metals producers are cheap... particularly given the outlook that I see for gold as a consequence of government action."
"The year of the dragon in 2024 may not bring prosperity and business success."
"Moving forward, these things are going to happen. These negative aspects of what's going on are going to happen throughout the global economy."
"The Global Financial collapse as far as I can tell has been slightly deferred but make no mistake it's inevitable."
"One way or the other, it does seem like times are about to get pretty lean for Blizzard Entertainment."
"Janet Yellen on inflation: 'I think there's a small risk and I think it's manageable.'"
"That's what really matters in determining whether we go into a recession or reinflation or a soft landing."
"The reality is you know um Israel's not going to have an economy to speak of for the foreseeable future."
"Major indices appear to be shrugging off the real risks of an earnings recession coming." - Morgan Stanley's perspective on market behavior.
"The recession will be brief, and it won't be that deep."
"Deeply negative which is a great bull foundation for precious metals."
"We're kind of going into an economic winter... stagflation..."
"Cash is trash and you need to find a place to put your money that isn't in cash."
"It feels like short term everyone freaks out, long term we're still good to go, bull market in check."
"The future of the Russian economy is a thoroughly grim one, unless Putin immediately reverses course and the world decides to forgive Russia overnight for their invasion of Ukraine."
"We're ridiculously optimistic. Hashtag not guaranteed obviously."
"When you look at $300 trillion in debt worldwide, you can't see a good end to that. That is the problem."
"Moving to a standard where the US dollar doesn't have this exorbitant privilege, but it's just one of many currencies, underpinned by bitcoin, is a nice thing to look forward to."
"I think the surprise will be that China will abide the deflation of its credit bubble."
"This number is trying to tell us something - that bad times are ahead. This does not happen, this is not Bitcoin."
"I think the market's going to be incredibly well-balanced this year."
"Our economy, our world is on the verge of major change."
"The market is twice as overvalued as the average, so there's far more downside risk right now than there is upside risk."
"I am very positive on this market. I am looking at quite a few things to see where we're going to go in terms of the overall market."
"Central bankers lost control and this inflation is going to linger for a long, long time."
"The bottom line, Adam, is that there's no likely way that I can foresee that the cost of energy overall is going to do anything but climb higher."
"It's probably gonna be a pretty rough next 12 to 18 months."
"Europe, which is already financially a juggernaut, will get over that, oh we could be in the EU."
"On average, 1.5 million jobs per year being created over the next decade, that is obviously very incredible."
"Americans views of the housing market hit an all-time low this year with more than three quarters or more than 75 percent saying it's a bad time to buy a house."
"Despite current views on whether it is a good time to buy a house, many Americans still believe real estate is the best long-term investment."
"There's a possibility that Europe and the United Kingdom may be in pretty bad shape."
"Bubbles may be a part of our economic history but that doesn't mean they have to dictate our economic future."
"Under my leadership, next year will be one of the greatest years in the history of our country economically."
"The reality is that I'm looking for the potential for this next year or so to be incredibly bullish for the alts."
"Having a way to drink with it is is I think vital."
"I don't believe that it's temporary. I believe it's the beginning of a protracted period of much greater increases in consumer prices."
"The head of the International Air Transport Association says if there's no second wave, the worst is behind us."
"Nobody knows if the bottom is in yet. That's the bottom line from where I'm standing, or rather sitting right now."
"Things are changing, turning into a buyer's market finally."
"These are the good times guys... the bad times have not even started yet."
"September's gonna be a pretty rough month, but there is good news on the horizon."
"Prices are not going to go back down, inflation is not going to reverse."
"Financially, you're looking like it's going to be on the uprise."
"The future is very bright especially when you have all these rich people just sloshing around money into the market."
"Europe is stuck in a big mess...but the outset is better than reported."
"The politics are awful and the economics don't look good either."
"There's nothing in a sweeter spot than gold and silver right now."
"This is more of an extended pause... versus a reversal." - Mike Larson
"even with the concerning level of debt, investors don't seem to believe that a debt crisis is inbound"
"You missed the peak and now we're gonna be in some kind of bad situation for a while, however, retirements are still going to happen."
"Seven percent of the year is horrible, it's terrible, it's a disaster, but there is some reason to be hopeful when you look at this report."
"I'm saying that the smartest people are making pretty big bets that things are likely not going to be better in the near future."
"More people are concerned that we are going to have this recession, and I think more people are starting to realize that it's kind of inevitable at this point."
"I do expect inflation to remain high, although I very much hope that it will be coming down."
"Emerging markets around the world most definitely are the future."
"The stock market to do well, we need the real economy to tank. That is probably the most stupid assessment, the worst way we can assess everything."
"I think we're going to be in a decade of roller coasters."
"Good news for us I think we're going to see some deflationary pressure in some key sectors."
"Even if we have a recession, prices may not actually go down because everything just becomes more expensive."
"We're still in a bull market correction. We're not actually in a bear market. When you retrace the 50 mark on a retracement basis, the next level should be new highs."
"For many countries, a recession will be hard to avoid."
"And so for me 2024 is really a question of freedom and possibility and a wide-eyed view of the fact that yeah eggs are more expensive right interest rates are high buying a house for the first time if you're starting a family is difficult right."
"The music was beginning to end, and Larry Gunlock says he doesn't see a bottom yet."
"This may have one of the most upsides in the entire market."
"The recession is coming but Maverick, it's rebranding higher."
"The worst could potentially already be behind us." - Optimistic view on economic outlook.
"We're in accumulation zones and have been for quite some time."
"It would imply probably 10 to 20 inflation for three, four, five years in the United States."
"The worst of the inflation crisis looks to be firmly behind us."
"Janet Yellen: 'I'm not seeing evidence of a U.S. recession.'"
"It's likely that the generation of Australians being born today will be the first modern generation that are worse off than their parents."
"The US government can't possibly meet these obligations, and inflation is going to be horrific."
"The prediction hasn't changed, I think the supply dynamics are setting up for a really strong next couple months."
"Things are going to get a little worse before they get better."
"The economy will not get any better any time soon, expecting more sell-off."
"Bolivia's lithium future isn't looking so bright."
"Short term maybe this doesn't have a media pump effect but long term it's gonna help, it's gonna help hard assets like bitcoin."
"I hope I'm wrong. I really would not want a recession."
"Unfortunately guys this narrative again is still too optimistic here."
"College graduates will see a dramatic decline in their standard of living."
"The financial metrics don't look great but they're probably better than what the investors were expecting this quarter."
"Even though mining profitability is down and it's been going down and honestly it'll probably even get worse from here but then I think medium long term it's going to be much higher especially in retrospect."
"India has been called the bright spot of the global economy, but for that to continue, its young population needs jobs."
"I think over 50% of Zoomers would believe that an average person working an average job could feed and supply a house and food for a family of four."
"Everything looks really good for the energy sector."
"Are we headed for a Great Depression 2.0? The short answer: no, we aren't."
"Gold and bitcoin... are going to have the wind behind them."
"Long term, I'm saying beef prices are going to go much higher than where they currently are."
"I think the risk in inflation is on the upside, not on the downside."
"This is a situation that's going to get worse before it gets better."
"The real question is, is the possibility of a recession elevated at the current time? And I would say no."
"We're walking on a very narrow edge... but we could tip on the other side where the deficit starts to grow faster than nominal GDP growth."
"The economy in the West is all loaned up. The whole 75-year run-up from 1945 to today, 2020, is at an end. There's no more room for growth."
"Later on Japan will become even stronger, the richest nation of the 21st century."
"I think it'll be okay in the second half of the year even with the current interest rates."
"There's a world of a difference if we get a few rate cuts this year and then Fed stops compared to a world when they cut this year and continue cutting quite aggressively throughout '25 and beyond."
"Even if things get worse and even if four years from now we get another six trillion dollars added on and it's now 22 trillion, after four more years, Jesus Christ will still be king."
"The economy is doing fine. I personally think it is unlikely we'll have a recession, very unlikely we'll have a hard landing."
"I would like to see all Americans do better and I certainly would like to see the outlook economic outlook for African Americans improve."
"Your perception matters a lot to what the economy will do in the future."
"We may get a magical disinflation and we may get a soft landing."
"I am bullish on Europeans, bearish on Europe as a thing."
"We live in a time where parents know with relative certainty their kids will not be as well off as they are."
"Inflation to remain high and go higher for longer than people think."
"This could be a positive for the bond market because at least we don't have so much net supply as we've been suffering with this year."
"I really do wonder if maybe we've gotten a false sense of complacency."
"The outlook for above-trend growth is associated with a projected reduction in the unemployment rate."
"There's a chance this won't be a horrible recession."
"The longer that the Fed keeps interest rates higher for longer, the more people are losing this phantom hope."
"This is actually very, very good, the fact that the consumer is still holding up and the fact that we have inflation getting in a better place."
"The financial area is looking quite good throughout the month."