
Pessimism Quotes

There are 1271 quotes

"Realism is just a socially acceptable form of pessimism."
"Optimism is the idea that things get better and pessimism is the idea that things get worse, but both of them presume that nothing we do matters."
"Life is like getting into a rowboat heading out to sea, knowing for sure that it's going to sink."
"As bad as they say, it always gets darkest just before it goes pitch black."
"The nice thing about being a pessimist is you're always right eventually."
"Pessimists see the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
"I think it's gonna destroy the entire world or just at least like, like people. I think are just gonna be messed up."
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty."
"We're even more doomed than you think, but not all hope is lost."
"Perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel, or maybe it's another train coming at us."
"What do you think? I think we're dead meat. Real dead meat."
"The biggest problem in China now is the dissatisfaction of the middle class, who are the most pessimistic middle class in the world."
"Especially with everything else that's happening out in the world today, there is somehow this tendency to think of the worst-case scenario."
"I'm like a long-term optimist, I'm an optimist globally, but in regards to specifically America, I'm very, very pessimistic."
"It's useless. There's honestly no forward motion with that. There's zero."
"Meritocratic inequality... induces not only deep discontent but also widespread pessimism verging on despair."
"I am extremely pessimistic about the future. Social media is a much more serious threat than any number of nuclear wars."
"The optimist builds the plane, but the pessimist builds the parachute."
"I hope I'm wrong. I fear I'm going to be right."
"Humans are brutal. Humans are bad people... there's nothing worse than a human."
"Cynicism is an inclination towards pessimism, a lack of faith or hope in people, characterized by a general distrust of other people's motives."
"Well, I've been a pessimist for a long time and it is gonna make us very rich to be pessimist."
"There's a fine line between pessimism and realism."
"There is no light at the end of this tunnel; both parties have the same destination."
"People starving to death... there's no silver lining."
"We are just doomed across the board. It's the end of empathy."
"Life is plentiful and amazing, yet most people never open their eyes to the beauty around us because they're too busy building their own cages of misery."
"Welcome to the wise Wolf's den. The pessimists see the difficulty in every opportunity."
"Weird fiction is uniquely qualified to convey a pessimist philosophy, one that invites people to 'come for the scares, stay for the lingering sense of life’s wrongness.'"
"Pessimism and catastrophizing... protect[s] them from being disappointed but also... from really experiencing happiness."
"We can't avoid the fact that there is a burgeoning sense of decline, decay, implosion, and despair."
"Imagine all the people living hand-in-hand... it's never gonna happen."
"I'm pessimistic in the short term, but I'm optimistic in the long term."
"Humanity, if it were a stock, I would short it. I do not think our cognitive abilities are equal to the challenges we face."
"To be a pessimist about human nature is simply to be realistic."
"The U.S. is hiding the worst economy ever in history."
"Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war."
"There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal. There is no strength in flesh, only weakness. There is no constancy in flesh, only decay. There is no certainty in flesh but death. Flesh is weakness."
"It's been worse now than ever, and it's getting worse."
"If the United States caves to corruption, no election will be secure from here on out."
"I've always thought that any deal... is gonna be a bad one for us."
"Hope is going to be a terrible strategy. Hope is going to guarantee that you lose."
"I just don't think motorcycling will exist in 20 years."
"Paul is not that optimistic... the implications... are enormous... the stakes are enormous." - Dr. Duncan
"The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards evil."
"Maybe the blues just aren't worth saving, maybe we're not that likable."
"Everyone sucks on Twitter, that's how this case feels right now."
"The economy is going to be just continually decimated, just non-stop."
"Every day it gets worse... What's happening to the environment... My seven grandchildren, they have no future."
"The system cannot be fixed, it can't be fixed guys."
"Man, this world is [ __ ] and the people in it are screwed unless you're at the very top of that pyramid."
"An inventor who is a pessimist is doomed to failure."
"These are dark days, dark times for our nation."
"Most people in the world don't see solutions, they just see problems."
"Give up, just quit because in this life you can't win. Yeah, you can try but in the end you're just going to lose big time because the world is run by the man."
"I think we're just always so quick to look on the bad side."
"I think we're going to see a lot more suffering and a lot more cases and deaths."
"An amazing across-the-board failure and no one who is paying attention could possibly look at a failure of all of those things and come away with the impression that anything small could possibly put us back on track."
"I just think that this is just another sign of the decay of the core and the soul of this country."
"Our future is grim. The Glazers won't leave until the club is on its knees."
"It's almost certain that Jujutsu Kaisen's ending won't be a happy one like other shonens."
"Man's capacity for abusing his fellow man knows almost no bounds."
"This is the new dark age, guys, so just get ready."
"If suffering is so synonymous with human life, non-existence is a better alternative."
"This is going to be the biggest crash, the biggest downturn of your lifetime."
"The fundamentals are pretty negative across the board."
"Let it all go to the dogs, my dear. What is there left to be proud of?"
"Sooner than most people think, millions of Americans will potentially be pushed down out of the middle class, out of private retirement, and out of a decent life based on independence and privacy into a collectivist nightmare."
"It's like, you know, sometimes you gotta be your own guy. Give yourself advice."
"Much of the 2024 GOP field focuses on dark, apocalyptic themes."
"Propaganda is taking over and I gotta say it's making me pretty pessimistic."
"War sucks period whatever side you're on it doesn't matter it sucks."
"I think we can all agree that none of these actually seem like a good option."
"So this is your future, huh? Wow, looks way worse than I thought."
"I think if you're a millennial gen Z right now you have given up hope of having a better quality living than your parents had."
"Our civilization falling to pieces in real time."
"I think it's going to get real dark real soon."
"If we can't fix this, I think the country's over, guys. I think it's time to wrap up the American experiment."
"I think maybe it's not a point of optimism for Assassin's Creed specifically."
"America is the land of rotting cities, serial killers, gun-crazed hunters, shallow materialists, religious nuts, and bloodthirsty cowboy presidents."
"You think the bar couldn't get lower I don't know it did the bar is somehow lower you're not going to believe this we checked the bar is even lower."
"The United States of America is doomed... life in America has only gotten more and more chaotic."
"This movie is the harbinger of doom for the future of entertainment."
"Hearts will go black because of this world, the darkness of this world, the sin of this world, the evil nature of this world."
"The West is exhausted because it has ceased to believe."
"Chances are most of the time it'll have a negative outcome."
"The outlook not only is not good, it is terrible indeed."
"Folks, Canadian forever here. Welcome back to the daily dose of Doom and Gloom."
"The trend is bad, the absolute values are bad, and it just doesn't look like it's going to get better anytime soon."
"Every decision he makes is a mistake, and everything that can go wrong, does go wrong."
"This thing is about to pop... the best days are behind us."
"I think short of cans of kerosene and torches and pitchforks, no, I don't think it's fixable."
"America is racist. It's practically built on racism and I don't think anything can change it."
"Fools might be singing 'go New York go' tonight but come tomorrow the only thing we're going to hear is the sound of a tank rolling through."
"No hopium in the short term, but very bullish long term."
"There is nothing holding our culture together and so it will break apart."
"If you look to the future, it's bleak for Democrats."
"The reality is that what we're about to watch is gonna get a lot worse."
"No matter how fast we're going, we're always headed nowhere good."
"There's no hope in the black race. He died with no hope for the black people."
"Maybe the world's going to end in 10 years because of us."
"You start to lose hope, you start to have a negative perception of things, which now creates negative results for you."
"All but guaranteed to fail. This one was all but guaranteed to fail."
"Until we do, this is just getting worse. This is going to get worse and it will not get better, I promise you."
"Even though we have just started, everything is downhill from here."
"We all anticipate worst-case scenarios and very few people anticipate best-case scenarios."
"There is no time to improve your English skills, and any attempt to do so will be a waste of time."
"The biggest issue here is that when you look at the poll statistics people believe that the other side is basically going to destroy the country."
"I believe that assuming the worst in others we show our worst character."
"It's pretty close to the government line they think all hope is gone from the deal presses in this hour of absolute crisis."
"This is the kind of market where whatever you invest in just goes up in flames."
"Everything that can go wrong is going to go wrong."
"A pessimistic Outlook that reflected what a lot of people were feeling at the time which makes Peter's eventual return as Spider-Man all the more cathartic."
"This country is fracturing and falling apart."
"I have no confidence that things will improve because fallout 76 is run at the very core and it's gonna take Bethesda a while to get to a stable state with this game or they're just never gonna get there."
"At this rate, Square Enix is really, really starting to give me a bad vibe for what the future holds for this company and its future projects."
"Orwell believed that the foundations of totalitarianism lay in the misuse of language to manipulate the truth and was pessimistic about humanity’s tendency to be subject to such manipulation."
"We believe that the world can get better and the world can get worse but only God can redeem."
"That is the lack of Hope for something better, the inevitability of the cruelty and harrowing Natures of ordinary humans and their lives in m41."
"This world is a callous and merciless place."
"The real end of the world...all the problems we have right now."
"He probably can't wait till they leave... the decay of a human being."
"The world is ending if we have a bunch of young people who all kind of agree that we are not ashamed to have this list right now."
"There's too many divisions, you can't put this country back together."
"It's the beginning of the end of the Republic."
"I think we're going to see ethereum get crushed in the short term, that's kind of what I think."
"America has not been telling itself a positive story for a very long time."
"It's definitely not good, but I think it's a lot worse than what people think it'll be."
"If there's an opposite of the Renaissance or the Golden Age, we're living it now. I mean seriously, it's the dark ages of film."
"Quality content all of you. Unfortunately, the world might not exist for that much longer. Wamp womp."
"If you still sit after all of this, then the world's going to be a very dark place."
"My view is that the contrarian bet is that this recession is going to be as worse, if not worse than the 2008 financial crisis."
"The backward march of civilization isn't inevitable."
"Thanks so much, friends, and remember, it gets worse."
"Nothing is gonna change, bro. No police reform, defund the police, bro, no. That [__] ain't help a goddamn thing."
"It feels like the beginning of the end on this rather than the end of the beginning."
"But the doomsayer mentality hasn't just been a theoretical worry."
"When things are bad, people don't look beyond the bad times."
"The worst day of my life is yet to come. No, I'm pretty sure the worst day of Jesus's life already happened."
"If you assume just everything's getting worse then you low yourself into this notion that we can't face any of the challenges that in front of us."
"It's going to be an awful couple of months, I tell you what."
"As she says, 'I’m bad luck. Good was never an option for me.'"
"You've heard a lot of economists come out and say we're not heading to recession, we're heading to a depression. And I'm one of them."
"Living in a Godless world...has no Destiny, no future, no hope."
"There's no future, there's no future, there's no future."
"Only by first destroying civilization through the spread of all forms of cultural pessimism and perversity could liberation occur."
"I mean if we navigate this correctly it can work out pretty good for us... unfortunately for most people, as I said, it won't."
"You didn't know... you just think of like the worst possible thing."
"Sometimes all available options are less than ideal."
"Anyone looking for hope about the future of the Republican Party basically shouldn't find any."
"The Emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation."
"Happiness is not a natural condition exuding misery."
"You're not building towards anything. You're going to crash into a wall by the time you hit 30."
"Look upon my works and frown because only oblivion waits those who are so foolish."
"I don't see any great contenders right now in the Republican Party."
"So we're in following dominoes, it's not over, it'll get a lot worse."
"There's no path for victory as far as I'm concerned."
"Nothing's coming, this comes on but it's nearly dead irrespective."
"In the last days, there will be very perilous times. We're living in the end times when darkness seems to prevail over our nation and the world."
"I am never gonna be happy, it's just not gonna happen for me."
"Many of our schools are teaching children that our past is terrible and that they have no future."
"We're living in a time where it's pretty hard to avoid or deny that things are about to get really, really bad."
"Their goal is to prove that despair is better than hope."
"The Choice...establish a pessimistic mood...emotional embodiment of the struggle to survive."
"The industry was in decline... the money is not there, it's never gonna be there."
"It's going to get very bad, very very very bad."
"So, it's been a really dismal year, really dismal year, and maybe that's got some dark thoughts percolating in that brain of yours."
"It is no exaggeration to say that this current session could completely reshape this country and redirect our future for generations to come, and not in a good way."
"The minute you were born it got risky. If you think trying is risky wait till they hand you the bill for not trying."
"Basically, it's going to be the end of our freedoms."
"This is the first time in our country that we are literally saying to the American people, set your expectations lower."
"Once you hit that mid-20s it's all downhill."
"It's hard to be optimistic about its future."
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
"There's a generation where it's less and less likely that your kids will be better off than you."
"As humans, we can always find misery in any situation, no matter how good. You know, if you're a cashier or a sales guy or a banker or whatever, you can always find something that makes you depressed about your job."
"We are headed to the abyss, and we don't seem to have anybody figuring out how to pull us out."
"If nothing comes of this, then there's no country anymore."
"The worst is yet to come, but so is the best."
"It doesn't get any better and it only gets worse."
"It's all too easy to fall into a trap of either being too positive or too negative."
"We're spinning out plausible scenarios, almost all with an unhappy ending."
"I don't think Christians should ever be optimistic. Hopefulness is Christian."
"What do I think is gonna happen with all this? Do these gun control measures coming down, another one's coming after it. What do I think is gonna happen? You don't want the answer because I don't want to discourage you."
"It's so much easier to be a pessimist. You can't be let down if you don't get your hopes up. You can't fail if you don't try."
"No one is ignoring any simple or easy solutions because the solutions do not exist."
"When life gives you lemons, you just... cry, that's what you do."
"Gloom despair and agony, oh me! Deep dark depression, excessive misery. If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. Gloom despair and agony, oh me. Yes."
"People who issue death threats... want to watch the world burn."
"It's a heartless world sometimes." - Unnamed speaker
"What worries me the most is we're moving towards darkness and ignorance."
"What makes me gloomy is the state of U.S politics."
"There's no daylight in the economy, there's nothing unless we invent some new invention."
"It's easier to be a pessimist because it's easier to say why things won't get better than it is to imagine uh scenarios where it would get better that don't exist yet right so you have to honestly be creative."
"I think there's been a lot of doom and gloom about this topic."
"Every time we hear bad stories like this and every time there's like this bad development it's intentionally bad."
"I see the end of our potential, the end of our achievements, the end of our dreams."
"It's like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."
"I don't think this is the generation... that's capable of winning."
"Things are not getting rosier, things are not getting better."