
Lifelong Journey Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Self-actualization is a lifelong process, not something that you do for a month or for a year to fix one problem in your life."
"Your self-love journey is something that will happen from birth till death; it's something that is ongoing constantly."
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."
"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
"The journey of working on yourself isn't just, 'I'll do it for a few months and I'll be all right.' It's a journey that never truly ends."
"There is no cure for addiction; you'll always be an addict, but you can absolutely be a recovering or even a recovered addict."
"In six months, you can develop a basic foundation, and then after, it becomes a lifelong learning journey."
"Eating to beat disease is not just picking a particular disease and trying to figure out what the recipe is... it's really a journey that we have our whole lives."
"Experience joy... that's a lifelong struggle, but you have to work at it."
"Healing is a journey, not a destination. You're never going to stop healing like never, you know?"
"You've got your whole damn life ahead of you to sort yourself out and to make yourself strong where you're weak."
"To become fearless is not the work of a moment or a year, yet it is the work of any within a lifetime at least."
"Stroke recovery can last a lifetime, you can recover from stroke."
"Purity isn't a destination... it's a lifelong pursuit."
"Because you yourself are your biggest supporter, if you can learn to love yourself, that love will continue to support you for the rest of your life."
"The journey never ends. I'm never scared of it."
"If you don't know where to find self-love, you're gonna spend the rest of your life trying to find it somewhere else..."
"Fitness is a journey that everybody should start but nobody should finish."
"Addiction is a lifelong thing, but you can have the most fantastic life."
"This is going to be a journey for the rest of my life and I'm never going to graduate, I'm never going to be cured."
"You are you for the rest of your life. You're not going to change so you may as well be yourself and love yourself for who you are before you lose yourself."
"It is a journey of a lifetime and beyond."
"Healing isn't just like a course that you can just knock out in a month healing is really a lifelong journey."
"...it's a lifelong journey, that's what it is, a lifelong journey. You're not gonna know everything, you'll never know everything."
"It's a battle that you have to fight for the rest of our lives."
"Learning and thinking about this will be a lifelong journey, which is actually very exciting."
"Mental health and self-growth are lifetime practices."
"You don't retire from being a disciple."
"Transformation is a lifetime journey."
"Give yourself a little bit of time because this is a lifelong thing."
"Wellness is a journey, and it doesn't matter how old you are, it's never too late to start."
"One thing I have desired of the Lord, that I will seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life."
"Renewing the mind is not a one-time event; it's a lifetime process."
"Sanctification is not the work of a moment, it is a lifetime work."
"Surely your goodness and your mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."
"This is gonna be a lifetime process, wouldn't you agree? Exactly, yes."
"Purification of the mind throughout the lifetime of the individual."
"I pray that I remember to hold on to God for the rest of my life."
"Your identity is a lifelong endeavor; it is not an aesthetic, it is not a temporary thing."
"This time, God, we want to experience your presence, breathe on us, have us have a Holy Spirit encounter not just on January 1st but for the rest of our lives."
"It's not about only changing for the minute; it's about changing for a lifetime."
"You're always on a lifelong mission to enjoy the process of discovering your own strength."
"Here is to a lifelong love of learning."
"The healing process is a lifelong process."
"Doors are gonna open for you your whole life."
"Just because you're successful today doesn't mean you're going to be successful forever. Everything is maintenance."
"It's just an amazing experience and also the guitar that you take is going to be with you for the rest of your life."
"This is a lifetime program, and we don't get cured from it; I just try to strive for progress."
"Training is fun. This is not about setting records today; he has his entire life to set records and make gains in the gym."
"It takes a lifetime to refine yourself, master your physical appearance, master your strength development."
"Being virtuous is a lifelong activity."
"Identity development is lifelong work."
"I don't think you ever stop finding yourself."
"The teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ is enough to give you a lifetime effort."
"We literally have one body for the rest of our life. You have to love it."
"Nutrition comes with us for our life, so we get to all embrace it."
"You're never not an addict; you're only ever in recovery."
"Success is finding the will of God as early as you can in your life and staying in it for the rest of your life."
"We are destroying our traditions, and to become one with the tradition, it takes lifelong, and once you're in it, you remain in it."
"Don't quit even if it takes you 35 years... it's never really over until you're in that grave."
"The pursuit of excellence is the journey of a lifetime."
"Getting to know yourself can be such a lifelong process."
"I want to keep living dream after dream with you the rest of our lives."
"Recovering from trauma is very difficult and takes a lifetime."
"Recovery is a process, one that probably continues for the rest of your life."
"Renewing your mind is something that will carry with you for the rest of your life."
"Fitness is timeless; it does not have an end goal and is ongoing throughout your life."
"We underestimate how hard it is to change your behavior not once, not for a week or a month till you're cured, but to change it every day for the rest of your life."