
Church Quotes

There are 3823 quotes

"The problem with the church, the moment the leader is seen, not Christ, there is no power in that leader, there is no power in that church."
"We're here to build a church that represents God to the lost-and-found for one reason: transformation in Christ."
"The culture of serving other people is big for our church."
"The church really does represent this corporate memory that the Holy Spirit empowers."
"I'm overwhelmed at the opportunity that we have as a church to represent Him."
"The gates of Hades will not overcome the church of Christ."
"I look forward to the day when the church stands up and says, 'Don't believe us unless we're doing the works that Jesus did.'"
"We are most to be pitied if we think we've reached the fullness of what God intended for His church here on earth."
"The church, which is presently despised or at best ignored, will again be reverenced and admired."
"About seven, eight months ago, I felt convicted to go back to church...I just remembered that there is a spiritual side to this world."
"The most important thing in a church is not unity... It's truth that brings you together."
"The world has so moved on and shifted, and the church has to engage the world all the time."
"The church has crept into the world, and the world has crept into the church."
"The End Time church must be a prophetic church."
"Jesus Christ's attention is on the church right now."
"The medieval church actively sought after research, learning because they thought learning about the world would enlighten them and lead them to know more about God."
"The salvation of souls is the reason the church exists."
"The church is a beacon of light in the middle of the war."
"It seemed like worth examining what were the presuppositions of this movement that was so compelling to so many people, particularly in the church."
"Don't ever let somebody else misrepresent God and run you away from church. You ought to know God for yourself."
"May the church in her militant little remnant fight and resist unyielding to any compromise with the world."
"If the two witnesses symbolize the church, these verses predict the vindication of God's witnessing Church in the resurrection."
"The Holy Ghost will have his way; the church will be restored."
"The decay of America or the decay of society is the failure of the church... the hypocrisy of the church."
"The only way to Christian unity is the return of the dissidents to the one true Church."
"The essence of the Church's mission to save people from Hell and to bring them into eternal beatitude through the life of the sacraments through the translation from the fallen state into a state of sanctifying grace is completely forgotten."
"If we're really going to be the church, then we need to be a church that has compassion."
"May the church be a voice to the voiceless, and may you feel something."
"The church needs to have some conversations around apology and repentance for the way black and brown people have been treated in this country."
"This church is very, very involved with social justice."
"The greatest revival will not happen inside the walls of the church, it will happen in the marketplace."
"There is no white church, black church, or brown church. There is only the blood-bought church of Jesus Christ."
"This church is not built on one person's gift; it's built on the sacrifice of so many."
"We're into life transformation here, and that's what the church is all about."
"There are countless people who are in a church who are not right with God and there are people who are potentially outside of the church who in fact are right with God."
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile."
"If the church lives and proclaims the Word of God, it does not fail. It cannot fail because God accomplishes his purpose through his word."
"The church should actually be a marriage factory."
"The church has worked diligently to humanize the impossible load that you've placed on people."
"Are we faithful like they were faithful? Are we willing to take risks like the early church was willing to take risks?"
"The church in the book of Acts... turned the world upside down with the truth."
"The church is named after what's in it. The church is God's people."
"Why is it necessary to be quiet in church? Because people are sleeping."
"In a divided society, only the church can model unity."
"There are atheists who become atheist when they're disappointed with their church, and there are atheists who become atheist because of the logical reasons."
"The church doesn't have a mission; it is a mission, and its purpose is to cause the merciful face of Jesus to gaze upon everyone in the world."
"The greatest tragedy in the world tonight is not the political or economic crises; it's the Church's failure to pray."
"God said, 'Get your church ready. Deliverance and miracles are coming to your church.'"
"The church of Jesus Christ right now is a bad testimony to the healing that needs to occur in our country and in our culture."
"The mega church methodology and culture is more attentive to market strategies, business techniques, and demographics rather than following the biblical mandates and standards that make up a church."
"The church at work is the church being the church on the street, caring for people, being the family for the families."
"To abandon Christ's Vicar, to abandon His Church because we think we know better, that's precisely what Satan wants."
"What a wonderful thing is our Church. This whole network is built on trust."
"The destiny of the nations rests on the Church of Jesus Christ."
"The church is about to discover who God called her to be."
"The true church is going to be permeated by the perceptible presence of God."
"The church is going to be beautifully adorned with jewels, which are the gifts of the Holy Spirit."
"Church ought to be integrated; society should follow."
"Christians need to understand it by leaders. You need to upgrade your teaching and equipping in the local church so that people are stabilized in the faith and they are equipped to remain in the faith and be able to give an answer for those things."
"The state is moving against the church methodically."
"A new Reformation begins in the church and manifests in every sphere of human life."
"The church has now agreed that in situations like this she's not essential."
"There's a mass exodus of guys leaving the church."
"If you're becoming a new member today, we welcome you, we thank God for you, and we're excited about your relationship with our church."
"Christ and his Church are always handed over to his enemies from within." - Archbishop Fulton Sheen
"I walked in, and these people in this church opened their arms, welcomed me in, sat and tapped me beside them, and loved me right into the body of Christ."
"We are not free to leave the church based on the faults of an individual."
"There's just something about being in church that seems to soothe the soul."
"Emmerich's comprehensive vision portrays the destiny of the Church, encompassing renewal, resistance, and divine protection."
"Deception will be a thread that will run through everything that has its impact upon the church."
"Get clicks and get paid... it's that simple."
"The church has helped black people more than the government."
"Historically, the church supported black progress."
"Church is many members and it's the best thing that God is offering to you in this life to prepare for a life better than this."
"The church is more influenced by the culture than the culture is the church."
"We want people on the outskirts to feel there's more to the church than headlines."
"Don't give up. The human element of the church has been infiltrating the Divine element of the church is fine."
"Not every sin, however grave it may be, is such as of its own nature to sever a man from the body of the church."
"Intercessory prayer is the secret weapon of the church."
"Church was fun, church was enjoyable. Like, wow, you can actually go to church and actually have a good time."
"We desperately need the dry bones of the church to become alive again, vibrant again, potent again."
"The church is not a building; we are doing Church right now, gathered online."
"I just don't want to deal with the hypocrisy of church."
"Only thus can the church be effectively renewed."
"The Third Secret of Fatima speaks about the attacks against the Pope and the church."
"The suffering of the church comes from right within, inside the church, from the sin that resides in the church."
"The purpose of the church is to preach against sin."
"The church has to wake up, the church has to speak loudly."
"That's what the church needs to walk in right now."
"You want to go to the church not of your convenience but of your conviction."
"When you find a church like that no matter how far away it is you need to be a part of it."
"The church and progress in the same sentence."
"The Pope has been doing a bunch of wicked stuff. Have you ever seen any of the documentaries about the Catholic Church and all the abuse that goes on with young children? Yeah, it's real bad. When you allow perversion in, that's what happens."
"Christmas is the easiest time to invite friends to church that might not otherwise go."
"The healing of America comes from the forgiveness of the sin of the church."
"Internal fighting in a church creates confusion."
"Five months later, New Park Street Chapel re-opened, now much brighter and roomier."
"I believe church, black church a lot of times for a lot of these people that start churches it's a money gram it's a grab at money power and sex."
"Some of you are going to realize tonight there's been gifts that you've had for 30 years in church and no one's ever spoken to them."
"It is often something that comes out of my mouth, Dennis, that I wish more pastors were outspoken and clear as you are about engaging the culture."
"Whenever the church loses confidence in the truth, the power, and the relevance of the gospel, it loses any compelling sense of mission."
"Is it necessary to discuss political parties at church? Oh, absolutely, absolutely."
"The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith exists to address questions authoritatively."
"The gates of hell are not coming against the church. We are taking them down."
"Clearly, there has been a change in this country and in the world in the last several years with regard to the role of women in the church."
"We have to stop letting color and race and politics invade the church and we have to let the church begin to invade politics through the power of prayer, through diversity, and love."
"If priests were leading good, celibate lives, we wouldn't be having a scandal right now."
"Removing celibacy will not solve the problem, it will simply add more problems to the mix."
"It is abhorrent that this is still something that goes on within churches, that this is still within anyone's culture to hide the abuse, specifically sexual abuse of children."
"When you're talking about what was the number 700 hidden allegations, it's absurd, it's disgusting, and it is not of God, period."
"The church is being defined all around the world at this moment."
"I wanted to say thank you for being the first one to love the church and to put your life for the church. We love you so much for kite wardo."
"The church is the place for sinners for people to come to and be loved."
"I'd rather have a church of two real Christians than a church of 10,000 fake ones."
"The church's failure to speak out against slavery remains sustained on its historical record."
"The church's redemption from its support of slavery is a testament to the power of moral awakening."
"We're hungry for clear teaching, orthodoxy, morality, and we want to hear that from the pulpit."
"I think there is an attack on the black church, but we need to root out the cancer within our society."
"The elliptical circus that slopes towards the Egyptian obelisk at its centre, is surrounded by massive colonnades symbolising the Church's outstretched arms greeting its communicants."
"The church punishes the victims more than the victimizers."
"Believers in salvation through Yahshua must be the church rather than going to church."
"It's time for the church to step up, to be loving, bold, and caring."
"It feels like the church has lightened up and been able to laugh at her we've been the butt of so many jokes we're able to laugh at ourselves."
"I think if it is because I've always struggled with the church."
"The gates of Hell will not be able to overcome my ecclesia."
"Simon you are rock, and upon this rock I will build my church."
"The church did that, the church that I believed in wasn't going out of its way to protect itself as an institution."
"One of the ways that we show people that the church is good is that the church produces good."
"The heart of the church should be, 'How can we get you resource? How can we get you help?'"
"The church is an assistance and accompanyment alongside the poor."
"There's room for everyone in the Catholic church."
"This is what the church does i've seen it in afghanistan syria iraq you name it nigeria whenever the whatever country is going through a tumultuous time it is a church that becomes the the beacon of hope"
"How can the church not feel as if they are culpable in the harm and the continued victimization when they sit back and they do absolutely nothing?"
"How am I supposed to forgive the church if they're unwilling to change their behavior?"
"The church needs purification. The church needs shaking up. The church does need a breath of fresh air."
"The church invented the idea of hospitals, orphanages, and soup kitchens."
"You can go into a church and say these are the issues we're having, can you please help, and they will."
"That's what it means to be alive and... the church... will destroy those things."
"Be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your pilgrim church throughout the world."
"Who do not negate headship but at the same time Elevate and value giftedness."
"We're near incredible times for the church in the world."
"The book of Romans is God's word to the church."
"The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church."
"The Church is guided by the Holy Spirit in discerning such things."
"The Church made the assumption a holy day of obligation and a dogma, showing its importance."
"I believe the hope of the world is the local church."
"Precision... it's the most precious thing that you have... that is the great need in the church today."
"A lot of black people go to church because they cannot afford therapy."
"Deconstruction often stems from crises of faith, suffering, or Church hurt."
"Some pastors probably don't think their people can handle it."
"We need each other. We need the local church."
"Stop comparing churches, it's like comparing families."
"The church won't be the same, a third of the people will return. Listen, Jesus himself said, 'Will I find faith?'"
"The church has become just another club, another social network, another NGO."
"The church has traded the pursuit of pleasing God for wanting to please people."
"We're seeing the rise of house churches as the pressure on traditional churches increases."
"The decline in certain areas of church life in the West is a very complex phenomenon... caused by all sorts of factors."
"Don't allow political differences to divide the church's brothers and sisters."
"A shift to the negative world has had dramatic repercussions inside the church."
"The greatest thing the Holy Spirit can do in the church right now is search us and purify us."
"His views on the local church really haven't changed as much as they have developed."
"Church has now become a business for many people."
"If we bring the world into our churches, that is witchcraft."
"Sims reportedly attempted to explain his presence in the church that morning."
"I think women in the church are the best women you can find in the world."
"The church is not meant to be the master nor the servant of the state but its conscience, its guide, and its critic."
"I think the church is a very positive thing that day."
"No man has the authority to shut the doors of the church that Jesus bought with his blood."
"We are a transcendent organism created by God that's called The Church."
"God spoke to her actually through a message that was being preached at her local church."
"In spite of its flaws, the church is the object on earth upon which he bestows his supreme regard."
"Welcome to the church, what's happening now."
"There should be nothing that would overshadow [the sermon], and sometimes you see that in music today."
"The church should be a refuge, a safe haven for children."
"The local church is not some little project that Jesus works on in his garage on Saturday afternoons. He refers to the church as his beloved, as his bride."
"There's a tremendous amount of hypocrisy that does take place in the church."
"In church, I find a kind of uplifting momentary perspective on the ego."
"Salvation is not possible through church membership."
"A church is really good for keeping people happy."
"There's another storm coming... the church needs to be prepared."
"There was a robbery at Watford Church in Northamptonshire."
"If you are not going to a church that seriously handles the word of God, then you need to find another church."
"Make sure you go to church and be a part of a fellowship."
"Missy died after being in the church for less than four minutes."
"Reverend Ray Wood said people called his church 'a place a bunch of drunks and drug addicts hang out' and that was the best compliment he said because those are the people that Jesus was trying to help."
"Bonhoeffer in the church was the conscience of the state... must loudly object if the state was doing wrong."
"The church can't speak into that... we're supposed to speak into that... we must act... faith without works is dead."
"Do not let them get it twisted. This is Terrorism against the Christian church."
"I'm really thankful that the church I attend, everyone was so supportive."
"The tithe belongs to God and it is to be brought to the house of God."
"The purpose of the church: God's thoughts supposed to run the church."
"Church, just begin to receive, that's the power of the Holy Ghost flowing."
"May we be a church that doesn't question who is my neighbor."
"You can't come as you are to church and stay as you are."
"Hey, Church, be a real [__] and just acknowledge it."
"Before you're dismissed, be reminded that church exists in life outside these walls. Only when you leave can you create the kingdom of heaven."
"The church should be a place where everyone feels welcome and encouraged to seek Holiness, no matter the misguided choices they may have made in the past."
"Our church was thriving and ours has grown during this pandemic we haven't went backwards we've went forward but God and to God be all the glory."
"The church better wake up and begin to occupy the culture."