
Insecurity Quotes

There are 2004 quotes

"Don't weaponize the other person's insecurities."
"The only way to let go of an appearance insecurity is just to accept it."
"If you're so concerned about somebody having free will that to me says you're really really insecure with your ability to create what you want."
"Racism is a sign of insecurity. People that are secure are comfortable with differences."
"I found drive in my own insecurities and that's the most powerful thing in the world. When you can find drive in your own doubt, fear, insecurities, you become very unstoppable."
"I believe that she actually thinks very poorly about herself and that her insecurities are what caused her to act the way she does."
"Don't let your insecurities get the best of you."
"In a strange way, because he was so unsure of himself, it elevates his stature for me."
"Insecurity always comes from a lack of trust."
"The obsession with virginal women is that many insecure, misogynistic men are petrified of having sex with a woman who's had sex with a man who does it better."
"Anytime you can't stand to watch somebody else be blessed, it's only because of your own inner insecurity."
"Powerful women don't tolerate insecurity in themselves."
"Judgment is but a mirror reflecting the insecurities of the person who's doing the judging."
"Telling someone what you're insecure about doesn't guarantee a connection."
"The feeling that someone else is more intelligent than we are is almost always intolerable."
"Instead of being so relaxed that we're forgiving and inclusive... we increasingly judge because the slightest difference... makes us feel even more insecure."
"Feeling insecure or feeling like you don't know what you're doing is a natural part of learning. Being better at something tomorrow means internalizing the fact that you are bad at it today."
"You never stop feeling like you might lose it, you never stop feeling like you're going to be forgotten."
"Violence is a sign of weakness and insecurity."
"I was in unbelievable shape and it's crazy because looking back I never thought I was, and I was still just super insecure."
"Confidence looks like arrogance to the insecure."
"Once one insecurity is fixed, you will just find another one to cling on to."
"After a struggle in making a decision, after feelings of insecurity, there is much more success."
"I feel insecure... I am good enough. I'm sorry. You're so beautiful. Thank you."
"I realized that underneath my anger was a deep insecurity about not feeling loved."
"Dictators are the most intense pollers in the world because they're always insecure."
"Isn't that kind of a weird thing to say at the beginning of a relationship? Like if you want to make your partner insecure, tell them you've already decided who you're going to if things go bad."
"The only thing anyone should be insecure about is not being able to drive."
"It triggered something in me, which I would now recognize as insecurity, which I can now articulate as I had this fear of having proof, empirical data, that I wasn't good enough."
"The challenge with insecurity is, I want you to realize this, and the thing that I hate most about jealousy is that it doesn't have to make sense."
"The only true answer for insecurity is a personal relationship with God."
"Arrogance is insecurity. It's just insecurity playing dress-up."
"The most dangerous being on Earth is an insecure man."
"The solution to your insecurity... has to be dealt with directly."
"Fixing it from the outside isn't going to do anything to the insecurity on the inside."
"Everybody has insecurities; however, addressing that insecurity doesn't necessarily make you a bad person."
"Most people create their own insecurities based on the reaction or perceived reaction of others."
"I don't support gender transitions generally because I don't think they address the underlying issue, which is the insecurity and the body dysmorphia."
"The era of fake Giga Chads, where people disguise insecurity and weird traits into being like a Chad."
"Why would you pay a woman to think you're fat?" "Because I'm scared that if I were overweight that no one would like me. God, that feels good to admit."
"The people that obsess the most about height are usually insecure dudes online."
"In any loving relationship, if you come to your partner and say, 'I am so incredibly sorry that the words that I'm about to come out of my mouth are true, but they are. I get really sad and insecure when this happens.'"
"Criticism only hurts when you feel like it's true...deal with those hidden insecurities."
"This extreme vanity is probably masking some deep insecurities."
"This person definitely just like is afraid sometimes that other people are going to steal you from them because they're just so crazy about you."
"I guess I'm always constantly seeking experiences where I can show off and get a response. It's probably to hide some sort of deep seated insecurity."
"Show me a person who is prideful, arrogant, and constantly boasting about their own strengths and I'll show you a person who is deeply insecure."
"It sounds shallow, but it's like I kind of like beauty."
"Under the shimmering veneer was a woman troubled by an unhappy marriage and personal insecurities."
"You're using as your anchor to control his emotions. This has to do with the guy's level of insecurity and also with how much choice he has."
"Your existence alone makes them feel insecure because every day they look at you, you remind them of who they're not."
"They feel very intimidated by the relationship."
"Everybody's screwed up, everybody's insecure."
"People don't understand the trauma or insecurity that can snap you back to being a kid again."
"Fascist ideology is rooted in insecurity and feelings of victimhood."
"This person has fatal attraction type of energy... they're insecure."
"They think you are incredibly beautiful. Please don't feel insecure. It's nothing you did."
"I think so much of cheating actually stems from insecurities..."
"Overall though, it's clear to me that she used her stream and Yvonne and Lily's statement to cover up her own insecurities and failures about not making enough effort to make or maintain friendships."
"Negative entities come at you with telepathic influence about what you're the most insecure about."
"Most people in the fitness industry, you know they're like if your body's [ __ ] sick most of the time like I would say eight out of ten times you're probably compensating for something whether or not you're insecure."
"If you want to see what it's like when people are weak and insecure, horrible, obsessed with power and ambition, then Eric Kripke should really just be looking at himself."
"Once you make it, you become [expletive] nightmares, 'cause they want to punish people for all those years they were insecure." - Joe Rogan
"There are plenty of people ready and willing to take advantage of your insecurities."
"If someone gets upset at you for how you decide to spend your own money, it speaks more to an insecurity."
"Everyone's insecure about everything about them, you don't even know who you are yet really."
"Don't be so insecure too. Projecting that, and teaching that to your kids, and like normalizing that, is such a problem."
"This is every man's fear. This is the reason why on every first date, the guy goes, 'So how many guys have you been with?'"
"The only reason you're even dating him is because you're afraid that no other guy is ever going to commit to you."
"I think the biggest struggle besides relationships with me is personal image like self-image and just insecurity."
"He's just hoping that's going to make her feel insecure, that's going to make her feel like she's being mocked and being laughed at."
"It's like feeding it to you eat that slop eat eat all those insecurities people that would seem to have an aspect to it that is fairly evil like a computer cheating on his wife."
"Insecurity is fostered by giving the player a sense of stability and then pulling the floor out from under them."
"They attack you right away because they're trying to hide the fact that they are deeply flawed deeply insecure people."
"No man wants to be with an insecure girl because insecure women and insecure men literally they think off of emotion and not logic."
"You leave these type of [ __ ] situations and you want to stay insecure you want to stay jealous you want to stay like that that is not a trait you want."
"Literally loving yourself and feeling confident and completely who you are every single day when you have an insecurity is literally a daily battle."
"Nobody wants to be made fun of, nobody wants to be the 'remember when he used to be' nobody."
"I speak power into your situation... I speak Jesus down to your insecurities."
"Nothing makes a guy lose interest quicker than insecurity or neediness."
"Other people project their insecurities and the way they feel about themselves onto other people."
"Is it me or does the future feel more insecure and uncertain?"
"I recognized the Judgment of others simply stems from their own insecurities."
"I feel really gross, I feel like I'm really ugly."
"Insecure people lash out as a way to compensate for their insecurities and their fragile egos."
"Insecurity is a [ __ ] dude, it's a [ __ ]." - Godfrey
"The solution to quote unquote getting back to confidence or being confident isn't to gain confidence it's to unlearn insecurity."
"Keep your goddamn mouth shut because you don't know what you're talking about and you're also letting us know how insecure you are."
"Jealousy, all it really is is fear, it's a fear-based emotion, it's insecurity."
"Comments online about your body make you insecure."
"Do comments online about your body make you insecure?"
"There's something very insecure and broken maybe from your childhood that makes you feel like you have to overcompensate and come up with these fantastical stories that aren't true." - Speaker 5
"A lot of times, the person you're with is just fulfilling something that's an insecurity of yours."
"It's a terrible feeling to not feel protected in your own home."
"Express your insecurities and work on being comfortable with each other."
"If I'm even asking the question of is it my intuition or my insecurity that is already enough information for me to know that something isn't working here."
"Anybody that has the time to sit there and hate on somebody else, they're insecure."
"Sam Keith, one of the most self-deprecating, defacing, and insecure professional artists."
"Humility is noble and it's important in the right places but there's a difference between humility and wonton insecurity."
"Everybody has self-doubts, everybody has insecurities."
"Nobody is unaffected by hate, insecurity, and the pain it causes."
"I realized that essentially seeing other people's success tapped into an insecurity within myself."
"I just feel like a lot of you are just insecure because you smoke pot from time to time."
"It's so scary, you know. You look at the artists around you and they're so talented and you think okay, where do I fit? Can I hang with these people?"
"He makes you feel like you're a special person in this world. And like honestly, there's a sadness to it because there's so much insecurity and atomization out there."
"The antidote to your insecurity is praising God."
"Michael's existence is one of ceaseless torment, insecurity and constant disappointment."
"They feel like maybe you're even too beautiful for them."
"I was really insecure I was jealous of everybody everybody had something that I didn't have and I wanted it and it was just really really self-destructive and I just was very unhappy in high school."
"It's crazy that something I've learned through this experience is that I didn't have to be insecure about it for it to build my confidence."
"You are a child of God. You're playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you."
"I said I was going to be bad because I felt insecure about my own ability to collab with other streamers."
"Make a conscious decision to starve all doubts, starve insecurity, starve fear."
"Enjoying the process frees you from insecurities and worries."
"But I think Cardi is simply insecure, and I don't think she's truly happy, so she's always gonna find a problem with something."
"Love for the average person can feel very overwhelming, can for some people feel very scary, can pull out all your insecurities, it's not the easiest thing to deal with."
"I think this is one thing that's happened a lot... it comes from a place of insecurity."
"Being too cool for school means you're too self-conscious to fully express yourself."
"The more you embrace insecurity and unpredictability, the more access you'll have to the unknown."
"I never get anything right, I don't say the right thing, I never know what to say."
"You could literally have everything you've ever wanted but feel like absolute nothing because of the insecurity in your heart."
"I realized if I can flip these insecurities upside down, if I can flip this fear, if I can flip all this shit that made me this depressed insecure guy, if I can flip it and make it work for me versus against me."
"Insecurity is extremely dangerous and when combined with this obsession with personal victimization it becomes a sickness."
"If someone responds to you messing up their pronouns in a snappish or harsh way, it's more about their insecurities and not really about you."
"I would describe myself as really anxious and very insecure."
"Being focused on service releases our insecurities."
"I now understand why celebrities are some of the most insecure people on the planet."
"Video games are awesome. Whenever people talk bad about them, it shows me how insecure they are as a person."
"Lastly, the baddies are insecure, the stagnant women want to travel, and the closed-minded women want you to teach them things."
"I wasn't bullied, I was so funny though. I was ready, and I was so like, I was insecure, but my humor got me through it."
"What makes Facebook so unique is that it's able to marry two of the most powerful human emotions: narcissism and insecurity."
"Confidence definitely comes with age like I was the most insecure... we all have body issues... every single human has some sort of insecurity in some way."
"This person was hurt... Hurt people hurt people... Insecure, operating out of a very toxic energy."
"It stinks of insecurity... you're being a [ __ ]."
"People who ridicule you are doing it out of their own insecurity and fear."
"That's the really insidious thing about insecurity is that it hides our essence it stops us from leaning into what already works about us."
"Don't be scared to change the things you're insecure about."
"No one is ever safe, even when they think they are."
"Men asking about body count may be insecure about pleasing you."
"Don't let your wisdom be created because you're trying to find a crutch for your insecurities."
"It's a matter of minding your business and stop projecting your insecurities onto other people."
"Your perception of false confidence comes from your insecurity."
"To have confidence, you must accept your insecurities."
"Yeah, Don clearly masks his own insecurities by acting tough."
"You might feel threatened by something that's better than you, but there's a part of them that might be insanely good."
"Insecurity makes you hostile toward people who just really want to help you."
"Insecurity motivates a ton of human behavior."
"Once I see that you're jealous of me, you're insecure, it's not a good word, it's not a happy word."
"Confidence is attractive, insecurity not so much."
"They fear that they could lose you to someone else."
"I mean this was nuts this is when people I mean there was no safe feeling for anybody."
"Worship your own body and beauty and sexual allure, and you will always feel ugly."
"Personally, I think this gun is very weak in core game modes."
"The twinflame journey holds the transformative power to reverse aging and restore optimal health."
"If you start getting insecure, that's your signal to be like, okay, I need to be alone, I need to reflect."
"This person may try to tear your self-confidence down because you're more vulnerable when you're insecure."
"The only reason why someone would consider trying to block your speech... is if they're so insecure about their own that they can't bear to have it publicly challenged."
"Pride is always an expression of insecurity."
"Do you still love me? I feel like I'm losing you."
"I ghosted you because of my own insecurities."
"Unless you confront the core issue of insecurity about your appearance uh on an inward sense then you're you're never really moving on and growing as a person."
"We all have our things and I think acceptance of oneself doesn't mean that you never face insecurity again."
"Ms. Heard having feelings of insecurity and jealousy... is that consistent with your recollection?"
"Sacred union of the divine masculine and the divine feminine."
"Almost all of elitism is about personal insecurity and almost all of elitism is fraudulent."
"I think the insecurity comes from caring about the quantity of sexual partners."
"Bro, everybody overthinks. Everybody's so fucking insecure about losing that they think, which makes them never do, which keeps them away from losing."
"Dude, making fun of a man for his knowledge is a sign of insecurity."
"Ron DeSantis is a very insecure man who does not need to be running the country."
"It's okay to be shook. It's okay to have some fears. It's okay to have some insecurities."
"Relationship is not a shelter for your insecurities."
"Some of us have big insecurity and anxiety and body image issues."
"Every single person on this planet no matter who you are if someone has some Professor X Jean Grey like telepathy reading has one thing they're insecure about."
"Everything I have, the very little I have, can be taken away at any time for any reason, and I will have nothing I could do about it."
"Some people's insecurity and ego fragility cannot tolerate the slightest defense."
"The plastic surgery industry is preying on people's insecurities by making up new ones daily."
"Shut up. This is the type of text that comes from a man who is so insecure."
"Anybody who's hating on you is clearly insecure."
"This entry is no exception, making you feel you're as unsafe inside your home as you are outside of it."
"It made me feel suddenly very insecure, I had so much self-loathing when I looked in the mirror."
"You're perfect, and I just feel like someone else might snatch you up before I'm in any position to treat you fairly."
"I lived my entire high school life tucking every inch of me away under something big."
"Insecurity is one of the least attractive traits that anyone can have."
"The reason why you may feel... is because of capitalism profiting off of insecurities."
"Haters and trolls they project their insecurities on you."
"I remember when I was growing up... I was a really insecure kid... I always like... I [ __ ] like that feels dad I want to be part of that."
"The cure for insecurity is your intimacy with God."
"Their main fear is messing up and not being able to keep you happy."
"Insecurity is something I've struggled with my whole life especially about my body."
"I think every single person out there has insecurities regardless of what they look like, some of the most beautiful people are the most insecure people."
"Any action taken from a place of lack or insecurity is always counterproductive."
"They think about you nonstop, non-stop worried other people will find you sexy and attractive."
"He's stuck in self-indulgence, insecure, and feels undeserving of love."
"Remember, narcissists are self-hating and insecure people."
"I think most people in their late teens, early 20s feel insecure about their future."
"Inflating one's intellectual capabilities can provide a shield against feelings of inadequacy or vulnerability."
"So much of what men do is they act out of those insecurities."
"Now if they're coming from shame then what they're going to do is they're going to focus on an area within yourself that you feel insecure about."
"He felt unsafe, you know, people are afraid."
"They're feeling left out cold by you, they fear losing the security of this relationship."