
Proactive Measures Quotes

There are 634 quotes

"It actually doesn't take that many people to look at what's trending... if any hashtag shows up like that, there's got to be somebody at headquarters who could just go in there and start nuking it from orbit."
"There are a lot of broken minds in the United States, and until we actually start to tackle the question of why so many minds are broken, it's going to be very hard to stop additional acts of evil."
"You can't keep picking people up; you have to stop them from falling."
"There are things that we can do right now to sort of maintain and improve people's brain health."
"What it means to really be safe is to be focused on those little warning signs and catching them early."
"The only natural disaster that we could prevent is an asteroid impact. So why not use your capabilities to the extent that you can?"
"We're going to continue to work with top medical health officials to make sure we are doing everything we can."
"What the experts are telling us is that we must do everything we can today and tomorrow to set us on the right path for next week and next month."
"You've got to find ways for it not to leach. That's key."
"The World Health Organization made a prediction: there will be a mental health pandemic. But this is not something that has to happen if you want to fix this."
"I highly recommend couple therapy for every couple. I don't care if you're in love or on the verge of breaking up."
"The whole world needs to be on alert; the whole world needs to take action."
"We never want this to happen again. If it should come back in some form, we want to snuff it out very quickly before anything can happen."
"Let's address the underlying issues before they get to the place of criminal contact."
"We need to act like this is a crisis before it feels like a crisis."
"Prevention is far better than a cure." - Prime Minister
"We would like the country to realize... we have to start taking seriously what you can do now."
"With my age right now, we want to kind of take advantage of the eggs I have."
"So if you're planning your future for example you can see pitfalls and then you can avoid them which is a big deal."
"If you're not thinking about it, it only takes one school bus crash for the regulations to become incredibly tight."
"This is the time now to be working on getting off of these substances, these addictions. Do it now."
"We must increase our presence now to ensure that Russians do not benefit from this unlawful act."
"The best time to patch your roof is when the sun is shining."
"We stand ready to do whatever it takes... to rebound back to confidence and economic activity."
"I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm investigating a potential crime, okay?"
"We will make sure every American is safe and will do whatever it takes to make that happen."
"Fortunately for us, we can sidestep this disaster."
"If you continually engage in appropriate micro corrections, then you don't have to have the catastrophe of a major error."
"But these investigations again... we actually want to stop the problem."
"Start putting yourself in a position where your job wouldn't be at risk."
"The Council must make every possible effort to avoid any kind of nuclear disaster whether from direct attack on a nuclear facility or as an unintended consequence of conflict. Such a disaster would have grave ramifications for generations to come."
"The risk is not doing enough and this is the time to act now."
"Our ability to foresee the future is a blessing, but we must take action now to minimize future suffering."
"In order for things to change, we have to do difficult things."
"We are going to get out of the business of reacting to supply chain crises as they arise and get into the business of preventing future supply chain problems."
"You only get one chance to go hard and go fast and go early, and that always means a shorter lockdown over the life of that lockdown than if you wait."
"We're going to have to start producing justice."
"Go to court before your license is hanging by a thread."
"Let's make sure we're not the next Lost Civilization."
"The scientific community is trying to provide solutions to avert the fate of the planet."
"Mark Milley moved urgently to avert armed conflict."
"We need to start addressing the root cause of the problem."
"We actively do couples therapy. We're big believers in being proactive with our relationship."
"Unless we all go out and exercise our franchise, it's gonna get worse."
"Make it very hard for the conflict to happen, and make sure when it does happen, it's on your terms."
"The president's early and decisive actions have succeeded in buying us incredibly valuable time."
"Pass the George Floyd Policing Act. Don't let this tragedy hit your front door before you make a decision."
"Sometimes you have to find out you're sick before you look for a doctor."
"Nothing will change until we get some legislation through that is preventing these things from happening in the first place."
"Let's make some real moves back here, what insurance you need, let's talk about what's needed."
"The key point is early detection to give that little nudge."
"It's better to catch them on that slope rather than at rock bottom."
"The first thing I want you to do... talk to somebody about preparedness."
"This event is important not only because it helps spread the word about the problem but it also shows what people can do if they're willing to pitch in."
"We could decrease these shootings by 30 percent. Why the hell don't we?"
"We were prepared, I called for a ban from people coming in from China long before anybody thought it was..."
"Getting these things out of the way first is a good way to avoid some of those situations."
"You have to cut the temptation at the roots."
"We're deploying personnel, we're deploying resources, and testing is literally expanding around the country by the hour."
"We have done far more, far faster than I think any other state in the country."
"What would have happened if we did nothing?" highlighting the importance of action.
"If violence maybe is threatened and I know somebody who can do something to prevent people being killed and so on, I think I'm entitled to go to that person and say please, we don't want violence."
"We're getting rid of this virus, that's what we're doing."
"Consumer safety is our highest priority, and we have taken immediate steps to stop production and distribution of the product and conduct a root cause investigation, which is ongoing."
"Activision needs to start taking proactive steps."
"Prepare now before you find yourself in a desperate situation."
"We're taking responsible steps to protect them."
"You can start now and you can still reverse the degeneration of bone and potentially prevent a fracture in the future."
"If you start to see your piercing rejecting... take it out immediately."
"We need to find out before it becomes critical what people need."
"The best way to combat things like this is with information."
"The best way to deter war is to prevent it, not create it."
"Do your own research, do whatever you can in degrees to mitigate the dangers of this world."
"We need to take action now to ensure that we mitigate against the worst effects of climate change."
"When it comes to privatizing yourself on the internet, you should do a better job of it."
"We've saved thousands of lives because of the quick closing."
"We should not allow these things to happen in the future, we have to protect our next generation."
"Preparedness today costs nothing. Lack of preparedness today costs everything tomorrow."
"They got rid of people and she doubled down on on wanting to improve the workplace yeah and she's gonna take a more proactive stance on making sure she stays on top of things yep"
"I can only say ain't nobody betting on nothing happening, people are betting on something happening."
"We need to not let this type of crap happen."
"It is a priority for this administration to combat human trafficking."
"There might be a way to stop that car from crashing."
"Take immediate action. I mean immediate. Soon as you realize you are in financial trouble, it's immediate Swift SWAT team time."
"If there is a possible harm, we should then see how to get ahead of it."
"Stopping a disease in its tracks as early as possible can prevent a global snowball effect."
"This is important because it's like a constitutional Iceberg. We see a little bit of the problem above the surface but there's so much more that's yet to come and that could still never see the light of day if we don't act properly, please."
"Even bigger step, let's make sure that this never happens again."
"One of the things about an active foreign policy is sometimes you forestall war by preventing the conditions that lead to an outbreak in the first place." - Ben Shapiro
"Better to have unforeseen problems now and fix it than lose lives later."
"They're trying to get ahead of something that they cannot control."
"The best thing you can do is work on having the healthiest relationship."
"People realize by taking protections... a lot of these things that have plagued us for our whole lives... can be avoided."
"We need laws to prevent this sort of [__] in the first place."
"The importance of being prepared for such an event is getting increasingly clear."
"We need to make those investments today to be able to continue to succeed tomorrow."
"Debt pay off does not happen passively. Making minimum payments for years is going to cost you so much more in interest."
"In order to prevent nuclear war, yes, we have to act preventively."
"If we don't do something intentional about it, we will have growing inequality in our education system."
"Can you set yourself up to avoid a viral infection? The answer is yes."
"At what point do we get to say, you know what, this was visible before and we are sick of having conversations after the fact?"
"Part game, part puzzle. If you do it right, it's a functional work of engineering art."
"Cities have taken up the call to explore their own building inspections."
"Sanctioning President Putin? Yes, why not sanction him today, sir?"
"Trust your intuition, your psychic abilities. If you feel like something is off, act on it."
"There's no reason to take risks that you can avoid if you can reach out for help."
"So don't wait until they're trying to put a toll road there... right now it's a freeway you could you could get out there's no toll."
"There are definitely things that can be done to make them safer."
"If somebody threatens to annihilate us, take them seriously and act to prevent it early on. Don't let them have the means to do so, because that may be too late."
"Fight the little battles before they turn into big battles."
"New York's response stands as a notable example of a proactive approach to firearm regulation."
"If we know the largest, oldest trees are in threat, we can go in there ahead of time, clone those trees, make exact genetic copies to multiply those out by the millions."
"It's not too late to prepare for the next wave of the pandemic."
"If somebody threatens to eliminate you as Iran is doing today and as Hitler did then and people discounted it, well if somebody threatens to annihilate us, take them seriously and act to prevent it early on."
"I don't want to wait until there's a food crisis... that's when I took action."
"In other words: take the initiative; attack first; attack fast; attack where the enemy is weak and prevent him from concentrating his forces."
"It's just a matter of what will be done to stop it if anything."
"We must ensure that every Nigerian is safe in Nigeria by not giving terrorists any operating space in our nation."
"Only we can save us from this current surge, and we know precisely what to do."
"Southwestern Advantage should be proactive to prevent these things from happening."
"Call the lawyer asap. Get ahead of it. Stop being nice, stop it."
"Sometimes eliminating a threat sooner might be the only option to prevent something far worse."
"Act now to do what you need to do to protect yourself and your family."
"Funding will also be used to trial population testing, people would be regularly tested regardless of symptoms."
"Assessing, understanding, and knowing these patterns can both keep you safe after disaster and illuminate your best course of action."
"The Amish understand that if you want to protect your sanctity, you need to take precautions."
"If there is a teacher who is willing to step forward, go through the training, and go through the screening, why not empower them to save our kids?"
"What we do know is we can't take some active actions to reduce the risk of getting it and or transmitting it and at this point that I think is important to each of us and everyone that we consider neander excellent."
"Thinking your way through it is preparing for a strike."
"If you don't deal with... it will be painful."
"Conscious politics is bold, fearless, and proactive."
"I believe we can prevent violence... even if it saves lives."
"Our institutions have been infected with a virus, and we have to get it out."
"Building your own is the best answer to discrimination that there is."
"Remember that authorities who look at our forecasts can use the information to prevent the events from happening in the first place."
"You will be safer if you're able to open with contact."
"It's very clear that the president is preparing, plotting, figuring out, endeavoring, scheduling to get stuff out to you."
"Until you have your check in your hand, you need to ramp up the pressure."
"Blackpink asked fans to make more breathing space and offered water."
"Prepare accordingly. There are solutions to every indicator of collapse."
"I'm also trying to warn us about a potential future, a future that people watching this channel won't be safe in, and so that's a future I'm willing to do my best to prevent."
"It's critical that folks continue to prep the essentials they need in place to meet their most immediate and pressing threats."
"It's worth working towards as early as possible, time is one of the most important factors."
"Now is the time to be more prepared for war than ever before."
"The goal of this caucus is not to talk about the environment, not talk about conservation, but to actually do something about it."
"Sometimes, it's only once we realize that there are holes in safety, that we can prevent the next disaster from claiming more lives."
"Who needs to be intervened upon and in the earlier is clearly better."
"You don't always have to go through it in order to make sure that you're doing the thing that you're supposed to do."
"We need to take out some time to make sure that this way of thinking does not enter our society."
"Protect yourself from hospitalization with vaccination."
"These schools in these districts and these activist teachers are preemptively they are preemptively taking books off shelves."
"If you don't confront evil when it's young and small, it will always get bigger."
"We need accountability. Change must happen. It's the only way."
"One thing I'd encourage everyone to do though if they're in the area and they're at home and they smell gas, please turn off the gas and call PG&E right away."
"Prepare a bug out grab-and-go emergency bag and keep it handy for any incidents that may arise."
"The failure point, you know, where more people need to be much more proactive, otherwise this will be everywhere."
"It's incredibly concerning because these moments provide a window of action."
"Prepare proactively to turn disasters into surmountable problems."
"Let's try and reverse the demographic decline that we'll all be paying for otherwise."
"Make sure that you're not giving anyone access to harm you."
"Their proactive approach now has worked, with no assassination attempts since 1981."
"Take preventive health measures as a priority."
"Continue to shame this behavior and curb it along the way."
"You might be pro-life, but hey, you should be [ __ ] pro-birth control too then, absolutely, like prevent what you're so scared of and you have the tools."
"Doing a small thing now to make a future thing better is always worth it."
"Clear overgrown trees and brush from your area that will help keep your structures safe in a storm with winds or wildfire."
"I'm not letting what happened to Daniel happen to me. Are you crazy?"
"I'm going to start shoring up my financial defenses."
"I call the doctor, made the appointment, they did ultrasound and biopsy, came back atypical."
"Putting strategies in place to minimize craving is crucial. Once craving starts, the battle is almost lost."
"The best way to not ever get diabetes is to understand where it starts."
"You can either fight the battles when they are far away, or you can wait until global powers have decided."
"We must dig deep for solutions that will work and not simply heed the calls to arrest and incarcerate our way out of this."
"Something has to be done about that legally because if not this could happen every time"
"The very best thing you can do to fight this pandemic is to follow Public Health recommendations."
"When I took early action in January to ban all travel to and from China."
"It's better to take preventative measures than to try to reverse."
"We need to realize that fact and realize that we can take unilateral actions."
"We as a society need to look at future risks and deal with them in the present."
"You can't just passively hope they'll go away because if they find a foothold, they'll, yeah, that's one reason why community managers are very special."
"Make sure you got people who can look out for your folks and your kids."
"He has an ambitious agenda to deal with climate change and he's going to continue to move forward with that agenda."
"You're catching the betrayal in time, before it escalates further."
"Hate left unchallenged spreads like wildfire."
"We must confront it now, prevent it, and give it no space to grow."
"There is always something we can do... it's about understanding the reality of the world we live in and what we can actually do about it."
"One of the lessons of history is, when you detect a potential threat, you need to pay attention and investigate it."
"We have the solution to the pandemic in our hands. We really could just reach out and grab it."
"If you've ever accidentally come across any of the content that I was mentioning in this video, then there's something that you have to actually do."
"The US is teetering on the brink of authoritarianism." - Heather Cox Richardson
"Less I don't think Steve would be happy if I didn't warn you."
"You know, every time somebody gets injured at one of his shows, he stops it and helps them get the assistance they need."
"Always buy a test kit. Better be safe than sorry."
"If you want to lock in a low mortgage rate, do it sooner rather than later."
"The point at which the people can see the field beginning to fill up with water... it's way too late to actually avoid it."
"Computer security is not a set it and forget it. Okay, I hate it when people are like, I've got an antivirus running, I'm safe forever now."
"In the absence of meaningful federal action, it has become necessary for others to step in and adopt the protections needed."
"I think we saved hundreds of thousands of lives by acting very early."
"Risk of doing too little outweighs the risk of doing too much."
"Reddit admins are proactively working to decrease the influence of bad actors on the platform."