
Favor Quotes

There are 2304 quotes

"It's a year of wishes coming true, of things aligning in your favor after a period of struggle."
"Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."
"The will is shifting in your favor and things are going to turn out okay for you."
"You'll receive favor from superiors, decision-maker, higher authorities."
"Humility is the faucet that favor flows from."
"God wants to use you as an example of His incredible wealth, favor, and kindness in all He's done for you through Christ Jesus."
"When you have the favor of God on your life, some good things begin to happen."
"Cover me, Lord, with your favor as with a shield."
"The gift of God's favor is unmerited and undeserved, yet through His son, it is given freely to all who would receive it."
"Something good is going to happen to you today, and that favor will go ahead of you and divinely arrange things before you get there."
"If you have Jesus Christ in your life and in your heart, you are privileged, you are blessed and highly favored."
"Great is your faithfulness; your favor never fails."
"Physical obedience releases spiritual power, favor, help, protection, healing, miracles, blessing."
"When you have God's favor, God's going to make sure that other men see that too."
"Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and men."
"Yusuf Ali Salaam holds on to the spiritual favor while constantly losing the material favor, and eventually, both come together."
"You gain favor with men by being where God told you to be."
"I pray right now for every single person, Lord God, that this week your favor would go in front of them."
"Whatever your certificate cannot give, whatever your birth certificate cannot give to you, favor can give it to you."
"Favor will distinguish you in a world with a sea of people."
"Only one encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor."
"God wants you to know that you are blessed and highly favored."
"You were picked. You didn't deserve it. It was a gift from Allah."
"Fortune favors the bold, the strong, the brave."
"The universe is plotting in your favor... making serendipitous things happen."
"When you pray favor upon your life, don't pray and say God use my uncle."
"I pray that I would find uncommon favor in the sight of those necessary for my elevation. Make me the head but not the tail."
"I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it."
"Something is going to be working out for you in your favor."
"You are favored in your position at this time."
"Extraordinary outlandish favor is coming to you."
"I know that we're favored. I know it, and I don't doubt for one second."
"With the favor of the gods, we shall forge our destiny together."
"I believe that this is the year for abundant favor and wealth to come to you."
"It's not the morality that gets you a meeting with the King, it's the oil of the Holy Spirit."
"He found favor, he was made a governor over all things."
"Favor is like a gentle breeze that subtly shifts the course of our life towards divine opportunities and blessings."
"Rejoice, so highly favored! The Lord is with you."
"Keep in mind that the universe favors the bold."
"Just have fun and know things are going to go in your favor."
"Justice: all rulings are made in your favor."
"We serve an unbelievable God, uncommon favor."
"You do things positively and you attract positive things."
"It is where things are turning in your favor, a big turning point for you."
"I pray that your favor upon my life will increase each passing day so that others will Marvel."
"You stuck to that and the main thing that's coming in here is how favored you are by your ancestors."
"Favor is when God interrupts what the devil had planned to flip the situation."
"You are favored and you're joining forces here with your ancestors."
"Everybody loves you when you think that everybody hates you, that's not the case, you are favored."
"You're God's favorite child, baby. He chose you."
"Let your favor speak for me in all areas of my life."
"Favor ain't based on beauty, favor ain't based on skill set."
"There is a new cycle beginning here, I feel things are going to start going in your favor."
"Things working out for you in your favor, just as being on your side."
"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
"Start seeing the universe flowing in your favor."
"The grace thing will give him extra credit because he just keeps the Lord's commandments."
"You are blessed and highly favored at this time."
"I never want to feel like I'm working for God's favor if I don't have to."
"This is my chosen one, this is who I have blessed and highly favored."
"May you grant America renewed favor at this place of prayer and repentance."
"No weapon formed in spirit and physical against me shall prosper. I'm highly favored and protected."
"You give my favor to My people now because they have favor in My sight and they have favor with man." - Patricia King
"Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed...he who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters."
"May the favor of God manipulate the hearts of gatekeepers to your favor."
"There is no favor if you don't draw a line in the sand."
"The proof of favor is when God connects you to the heart of men."
"Protect the favor God has placed in your life."
"Esther obtained favor in the sight of all men."
"When God saw you and saw his son, he chose you."
"I may not be the favorite but I got the favor."
"Rulings will be made in your favor. This is about the truth and nothing but the truth."
"I'm highly favored and protected from all evil."
"Maybe she felt like she's doing me a favor but that's not a favor."
"Rise above it; we're too blessed to lose favor."
"Favor is not what you have, but it's who has you."
"You have received the devil dose of trouble but a double dose of favor is coming your way."
"You are divinely protected, chosen, and highly favored."
"Everywhere I go, let your favor shine upon my life."
"I owe you one, I hope I get some gratitude crystals for this."
"Pray for mercy, for it covers mistakes and brings favor."
"Anybody who's in here that you know that got there from that, hey, how you doing? Here's a favor."
"You're aligned for your favor, and the favor is what's really going to be the salt on your work."
"The universe is favoring you at this time and is sending you a gift of a person."
"You walk under a new grace; the gates are open to your favor, the doors are open to your favor."
"Hopefully everybody is doing well, feeling blessed and highly favored."
"Everything is working in your favor now, everything is loving you now, everything is supporting you now."
"Everything's gonna work out in your favor."
"Move with your best foot forward because something is definitely going to work out in your favor."
"People are a far better currency than money, and the favor of people brings about pretty much everything you need."
"When you really walk in your purpose and you really serve people, you take that seriously, and you obey God, you gain the favor of God and the favor of man, and that is life-changing."
"Expect the unexpected; it actually works in your favor."
"Why is the universe rigged in my favor?"
"Things are going to really start working out in your favor, and it's the result of Good Karma."
"May the Lord bless them and protect them; may the Lord smile on them and be gracious to them; may the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace."
"It's this huge shift, the wheel turning in your favor in a big way."
"Favor with God and favor with men."
"Astrological transits favor you at this time, Cancer."
"Being a very lucky month for you or things working out in your favor."
"Everything is working out in my favor."
"You're blessed and highly favored today."
"I call for strange breakthroughs."
"Men you don't know, women you don't know, they will arise and favor you strangely."
"Something went in your favor because you manifested some sort of healing."
"You are obeying the universe, you are obeying God, you are spoiled by God."
"May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you."
"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold."
"The Lord has favored you because of your heart."
"They're complete polar opposites, but they'd be doing the universe a favor."
"Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests."
"You are already blessed and highly favored, it's done."
"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor."
"Something's going to work out in your favor, I feel like it's going to be surprising."
"The course loves us now, the course loves us."
"You're one of the universe's favorites or they see you as a light worker kind of as an Angelic kind of energy."
"A good man obtaineth favor of the Lord."
"There is a power called favor; if that power is on you, daily men join themselves to you."
"There must be a perfume; it's called favor."
"When favor comes, men consider it an honor to serve you."
"God's favor is what opens up doors."
"Remove the mark of disfavor; be delivered from it now."
"For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime."
"I command favor that overturns; receive that Grace now."
"God has put favor on my life and I would like to share that favor with you because I want you to prosper more than me."
"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk is blameless." - Psalm 84:1
"Favor will make the mistakes of your past become transportation to your future."
"Things always turn around in my favor."
"If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life—this is my petition."
"It didn't do Margaret any favors, Shane having that scare earlier."
"God blessed you to be a blessing; God's favor on you is meant to affect those around you."
"The deeper the forgiveness, the greater the favor."
"Do yourself a solid and download the app."
"When you got favor on your life, no matter what you throw into, you're going to always rise to the top."
"Get ready for some far-out favor, far-out blessing, far-out opportunity, far-out promotion."
"I'm doing you a favor, just hold your head still, okay?"
"I would like you to do us a favor, though."
"We declare that you are blessed, you are blessed of the Lord, highly favored of God and all is well with you in the mighty name of Jesus."
"Something is about to go in your favor."
"You're about to be showered with favor, openly and publicly, and there's not going to be a way to hide it."
"You're stepping into a season where even if you felt like you were blessed, get ready to feel even doubly blessed, okay? Double, triple, soul, all right? There is favor over your life because of your faith."
"Favor is good, but Grace is great."
"Grace is undeserved unmerited favor. It is multiplied not by doing more. A lot of people think, 'If I do more for God...' No, first of all, seat. God wants you to seat. God wants you to rest."
"I guess I'm just blessed and highly favored."
"The fastest way for the favor of God to come on your life is for being faithful in unseen places."
"Heaven has loaded the court in your favor. That's right."
"May your favor shine upon us, guiding our steps and filling our lives with joy and prosperity."
"Everything changes when God's favor is on your five and two."
"Everything is going to go in your favor here because they reaping what they so for a cycle to be over."
"God will give you favor that those who are meant to block doors for you will be the ones that open doors for you."
"Mary, you're the most favored among all women."
"Hey, can you take this for a sec so I get over? Yeah, thank you."
"Good understanding give it favor but the way of transgressors is hard fools make a mock at sin but among the righteous the yasharam there is favor."
"And the Patriarchs moved with Envy sold Joseph into Egypt but Elohim was with him and gave him favor and wisdom."
"He that rebuketh a man afterwards shall find more favor than he that flattereth with the tongue."
"In the light of the king's countenance is life and his favor is a cloud of the latter rain."
"You're getting paid more money than ever, do me a favor."
"Everything is just going to make sense, and everything's going to fall in your favor."
"It's going to start as a friendship or it could start as this person doing a favor for you."
"How have you experienced favor since she's been in your life...? It's the peace of God. I have so much peace in my life because of this woman."
"You've done enough for me. It's about time I returned the favor in a cool way."
"When God's favor is upon you, you occupy a preferred status with God."
"God's favor will result in elevation. That favor will make you successful because it will open doors for you, bring opportunities your way, or resources your way."
"The grace for favor, a fresh dimension."
"When you carry this anointing, there's always going to be favor upon your life, favor in small little things, favor in big things, there's going to be a pattern of favor upon your life."
"I just need you to get a little Gizmo for me from your uncle, something small he won't even know is missing."
"Your favor can be wrapped in a foolish situation."
"God will lift you in the presence of naysayers."
"Some sort of conflict has been resolved in your favor."
"So just know that things are going in your favor and there's some course correction happening here."
"I pray that uncommon favor would rest on you, may his favor rest on your home."
"...God's glory will overtake your situation and your life in general and there will be no question as to whose hand you and your spouse are covered and favored by."
"Grace is favor. It's unmerited favor, which means that God is for us and He's intervening to help us and He's going to give us what we need to get better."
"God was with him and delivered him out of all his afflictions and gave him favor and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt."
"All doors open! Doors of favor, doors of speed, doors of ministry! Open in the name of Jesus!"
"Trust the universe, trust that all is working out in your favor."
"Open doors that should have come, lift things that should have come, answers to prayer that should have come up."
"Doors of favor open, doors of speed open, all doors, doors of jobs open, all doors open."
"Favor is real. Favor can happen to anybody. Strangers can arise to favor you."
"...she had worked at a small bed and breakfast and had found favor in the eyes of the owner, an old woman who had left the establishment to her when she passed away."
"Is this you come to me this day of my daughter's wedding and ask me for a favor."
"I declare favor upon your life, granting you unusual kindness, access, and acceptance!"
"Be humble, because favor is fragile."
"Favor is revealed when you've got options."
"Our favor is about to match our opportunities."
"What's the craziest thing you've used a man for? You pay my rent for six months straight because you like me, and that happened."
"Dude that was a lob you just lobbed at me."
"May you walk in unmerited favor, doors opening for you that you wonder how they opened."
"Grace means undeserved favor, like a gift you didn't earn."
"Grace is undeserved favor, a gift that you didn't earn."
"Reformation is where you inherit the favor of man because you start discovering the mind of God."
"He who earnestly seeks good finds favor, but trouble will come to him who seeks evil."
"A promise is a promise and a deal is a deal. Your aunt has agreed to help us in return for this small favor."
"You can even ask for a favor or two while you're on vacation."
"You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost. You are shining, and nothing can stop you. It is your season, it is your time. Nothing can hinder you, this is your time, this is your hour. Favor is yours."
"We choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor in you, we find protection in you, we find Mercy In You."
"I'm going to learn how to become favor minded and I'm going to begin to expect it everywhere I go just like he does."
"Whatever you're asking about, the resolution will go in your favor, like, period."
"I'd like to thank God for always giving me and our staff uncommon favor."
"Do you mind if I get the stuff from the car so I can return it and pay you back?"