
Interpersonal Relations Quotes

There are 1502 quotes

"The only place where we seem to have difficulty with diversity is with each other."
"You can respect somebody and not agree with everything that they say."
"The most important thing that you could do is connect and relate with people."
"Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
"Look at what's going on inside of you. How are you treating other people? How are you treating yourself?"
"Understanding and applying Ayurvedic concepts can lead to more harmonious interactions, as it provides a framework to appreciate and accommodate diverse temperaments."
"The heart is kicking off energy that we can't see... when we talk about people being in your space and you picking up people's energy, that stuff is very real."
"You don't get to dictate other people's feelings and emotions like that."
"Your kindness and forgiveness should be the fount through which we give others kindness and grace."
"Your energy speaks before you. Your energy precedes you."
"Be kind to others because we're going to be kinder to ourselves."
"Really what I look for, it's more of just kind of like if you can vibe with me and I can vibe with you, no negativity, positivity."
"Dignity is a state of mind relative to both yourself and to others."
"I never meant to hurt you like that; I am so sorry that I did."
"Be true to yourself and you cannot then be false to any man."
"Denise, you're the negative in the restaurant."
"Show respect. It's a simple yet powerful part of your character."
"Best to back away slowly from someone who believes their opinion cannot be changed."
"Charisma... that is an energy which, as you're interacting with others, makes them feel some kind of way."
"The greatest gift you can give somebody is your attention."
"Dealer workshop is to make things easy, to give you a framework that once you understand the parameters, the outliers, the extremes, so to speak, that you can look at any interaction between one or more human beings and extrapolate exactly what's probably going on."
"If you have a great purpose, that is going to make such a difference in the way that you're reacting to people."
"Warmth and trustworthiness has been shown to trump pretty much any other trait."
"You have to focus on the positive. The second agreement is to never take anything personal because it's never about you."
"I wonder if I thought about other people more, if I'd have less anxiety."
"I've always had the tools to solve my problems myself when those people arrived, and I've had to learn to deal with difficult people."
"You should be able to be assertive with people you know, even more so with individuals you don't know, because that's just the strength of your character."
"That really hurt my feelings; I don't think I'm going to give you gifts anymore."
"Please remember to be kind to yourselves and each other."
"It doesn't matter if you're right if people don't like you."
"It's always appropriate to question another person's judgment, but never their motive."
"The quality of the marriage has everything to do with what happens between us."
"I tried to buy him stuff yesterday, and we got in this shoving match at the cash register."
"Every interaction is an opportunity to add value."
"One of the biggest challenges we all face is getting along with people because everyone is different."
"Even if it's about you, it is not about you."
"We say things to one another and about one another on social media that we would never say face to face."
"It's fun to discuss, to a degree, the ways in which we're different."
"Your personal ambitions must be maintained in a very positive perspective, never losing sight of an interest in people."
"It's really important how we talk to ourselves and how we talk to each other, what words we use."
"Be careful who you disrespect, and how you talk to people."
"Leadership isn't just about policy. It's about how you motivate people to treat other people."
"When people are criticizing you, they're telling you about themselves, not about you."
"Men are putting up this facade to each other that's not allowing for depth because they're so afraid."
"It basically decodes human behavior so you can understand people better and understand better how to get along with people."
"You can only really reject yourself. If you are just being the real you, you're just being the real you. If other people don't like it, that's on them, not you."
"You must treat you the way you wanna be treated by other people."
"Why not be friendly? It's a question why I need to be angry at people."
"You're one of the more interesting people that I know."
"Just remember to bring it to me, not Cindy. We're trying to make me look good here."
"Loyalty and commitment are often unpopular because they require us to think of others rather than ourselves, but the beauty of loyalty counterbalances the bitterness of betrayal."
"Bitterness always brings out more bitterness."
"The respect for another person's property is respect for another person."
"Treat other people how you would like to be treated."
"Empathy is the ability to kind of have an understanding between other people, between yourself and other people, put yourself in their positions to kind of understand where they're coming from."
"Everyone can just be nicer to one another, right?"
"When you really get to know yourself, you realize that when you ignore others and when you mistreat others, very often it harms you even before it harms them."
"It's been said that [strawberries] teach us about vulnerability because they carry their seeds on the outside, which is just like me because on a first date I bring a complete list of my insecurities so that way we can start by having zero secrets."
"The most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people - your family, your friends, and co-workers, and even strangers you meet along the way."
"Stop looking for steps. Find your own path to winning. Those steps are infinite and they're constantly changing."
"There is nothing more powerful than presence, however that presence is configured."
"BJ shows a refreshing amount of deference for other people, their personhood and their talents."
"I still my favorite bit of Revenge is you didn't have to do anything."
"A person who plays high status is saying 'Don't come near me, I bite.' Someone who plays low status is saying 'Don't bite me, I'm not worth the trouble.'"
"Men and women need each other and that's good."
"I think our niceties are much more about us."
"You're the handsomest guy in all of Hogwarts, you can't work up the courage to talk to Hermione?"
"If we can't love, the scriptures say we can't love the people that we see, even though they seem beyond redemption."
"I think it makes things a lot worse if we're gonna hate each other for [ __ ] sake."
"Positive reinforcement works way better than nagging somebody about something."
"You attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar."
"Instead of calling everything woke, you sound really weird and not fun to hang out with."
"Respect for each other is what's going to make LeFray succeed."
"Let's just stay together and let's work it through."
"Racism isn't exclusively interpersonally, but it still exists."
"Everything we're saying is we're telling someone a story to make them feel differently about us because how they feel about us is how we feel about ourselves."
"When ego gets in the way of your treatment of other people, that becomes a real problem."
"Don't be an asshole. Those are the words to live by."
"Don't make people feel weird about who they are just because you don't see them that often."
"That's part of being an adult, treating people with respect."
"Don't be a dick to people, even if they have what you know."
"Trump's not mean to people who aren't mean to him."
"He's polite to people who aren't being polite to him."
"That's why people don't like you. Percy Pigs. Sorry. That's why people don't like you."
"Focus on the impact, rather than the intention."
"Once I let go of religion and became an atheist, I was way more aware of how I treated people."
"Kindness is your gift to dole out as you see fit."
"Setting expectations is so important, exactly."
"Can we agree that some things are better left unsaid?"
"You have to regard men and women as actually having some really fundamental differences."
"You come in to block them. That's what he values you as a person."
"What if we could move through our day and pause enough and make that U-turn kind of come back to our own heart and presence so that when we run into others we see past the plaster clay covering and we see who is there and we respond to our world."
"The big question that eludes us still is why did Brian kill Gabby?"
"I meet people on the left also... I have yet to meet anybody who doesn't like him."
"Showing up is really the key. In person if you can, but someone's not in their city then it might be harder."
"It's gotta be sort of like we're on the same team and I respect you."
"Maybe they really took action towards you at first."
"When you're dealing with people like this...you need something for your own protection."
"It's not gossip if I'm speaking to your face."
"One thing that I'd definitely change... I just wish people were a bit nicer to each other."
"It's not always about complexion; sometimes it's simply personality who people really vibe with, you know? Personality makes a big difference. It really does."
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
"90% of our emotional communication is nonverbal, and the more a person imitates subconsciously our gestures and facial expressions, the more we like that person."
"Oh, you would. Yeah, you and Brad just have it going at it. That was a good time."
"First impressions are very important but no one ever talks about the lasting impressions."
"You're not wrong to expect the best from people."
"Try hard not to offend people, try even harder not to be offended."
"You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and it's always best to lead by example."
"Do black people like each other? Hate is a very strong word."
"Everybody means well, you know hurt people hurt people."
"You're doing it, which helps. I do believe when someone is thinking about, 'Yo, can I take you serious?'"
"People will forget what you did to them, people will forget what you said to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
"If someone judges you or says something nasty about you, it has nothing to do with you. It's something within them."
"Take people at their word. Don't think you know better than they do."
"Everybody says the worst [__] to each other because there's nobody around to really judge."
"What are your preconditions for satisfaction? If I could give you what you wanted right now, what would I have to say or do?"
"The harder you are to figure out, the more they'll think of you when you're not there."
"What's up buddy? That's what it's all about—being a good person."
"Be respectful of other people, the ones that they agree with and the ones they disagree with."
"This month is all about self-reflection, it's about understanding how we affect the people around us."
"Isn't it profoundly more honest to just talk to people?"
"The lady who knows everything knows what I'm thinking before I can speak."
"If you want respect, you don't get it by trying to please other people."
"Understanding how I come across to others, that's what it really does to me. Understanding the perception that I have and that I have created for myself."
"Your perception of me is a reflection of you, my reaction to you is a projection of me."
"The best way to know what someone is thinking is to ask them, and the best way for other people to know what you're thinking is to be honest."
"Studies show when you think somebody likes you, you end up liking them more."
"Some people come along and know how to connect with people."
"Treat other people the way you want to be treated guess what that'll take care of a lot of problems regard other people the way you want to be regarded."
"What we can do is calm down, don't judge, accept people for what they are..."
"We can have two different opinions and we don't always have to agree on things. That is why we're human beings and that's what makes us interesting."
"As long as you're at war with yourself watch this you cannot be at peace with others."
"You gotta watch the way you treat people because you never know when you're gonna need them."
"It's like somebody being an [expletive] right?"
"I have to assume with the benefit of the doubt that everyone is being completely genuine when they tell me that."
"Humans are stupid creatures who can get along with anyone."
"Most importantly, be excellent to each other."
"Love these people, understand these people, try to come to even ground and reason with them as best you can."
"Being a good teammate and actually caring about your teammates as people will genuinely make them play better."
"She was obnoxious, selfish, a complainer... I was going insane after being around this girl for like three or four different occasions."
"Every single person requires a different approach in how you talk to them, voice criticism, partner with them."
"As long as you're respectful to me, I'll be respectful to you. This will be great."
"Live with no regrets... especially when it comes to interactions with your fellow human beings."
"Easiest way to get someone to want you is to not want them."
"Communication is both the root cause and the solution to most of our problems."
"We have to prove to Elon that we can do this. We have to earn his love."
"I'm here to deliver the message to you that your good poems may want to be more than just pals if you feel the same."
"If our intention behind it is really a kind one then people are gonna kind of forgive us."
"If a person is genuinely friendly, then there is a seed of hope."
"Showing empathy, we can go, okay, this person's actually a decent human who you're doing what you think is right, right? If you think you're saving babies."
"The narcissist interacts only with the representation inside his mind, preferring it over the dynamic reality of you."
"There isn't no loyalty in this. Nothing but lies and fake promises over and over again. No one has your best interest at heart." - Tico
"It's a reciprocal thing. It's give and take, my guy. Like, come on now, relax."
"If you're thinking it, you will communicate it in a million small ways, and we will know."
"You a heartless [], a heartless [], pointless as [__]."
"What I love about you is that you speak the truth."
"I really can't stand people who take advantage of other people... Because you know it's just wrong... Why do you need to negatively affect somebody else?"
"Jane's conduct toward Anne, both before and after Henry began to court her, suggests that the woman whom most people probably took for a doormat had a vivid streak of ambition."
"I think it's fair to be disappointed or upset. It'd be wrong with me to invalidate those feelings."
"Calling someone stupid won't make you any smarter."
"Communication is key... and the voice is priceless."
"Approach people with more compassion, love, and empathy."
"Well, we're not gonna understand each other better if we stay separated."
"Radiating joy and positivity: They radiate joy and positivity wherever they go."
"If you never liked me, then why would you matter?"
"Person B wanted to push boundaries here with conversation."
"Respect the other person's opinion. You may not like it, but you need to respect it."
"Just being nice to people... innately positive... makes the world a better place."
"Everything that's happening in here is because of her, everyone wants her like she's just some object to be owned."
"There is a relationship and a human element to pretty much everything."
"She's literally the secret keeper... this feeling that people will just tell you their secrets and you didn't even ask them to."
"If your beliefs are making you standoffish towards people that don't share your beliefs, that says a lot about your faith and your character."
"Listen before you [ __ ] speak, pardon me, before you speak you know it's, you got to listen."
"If they matter to you, they will matter to somebody else."
"There's only two men I trust. One of them's not you."
"Treat them like a human... allow them to have humanity."
"Man the most genius move you ever did bro was putting your wife between me and you and all these other people because she'll write me some [__]."
"Ain't been here this long by not being good to people, being a stand-up guy."
"An enemy speaketh sweetly with his lips, but in his heart, he imagines how to throw thee into a pit."
"I apologize for calling you crazy and not validating your opinion."
"Those who treat others well are treated well in return."
"Viewing other people as your equal is a good thing to do."
"Let people see that you have a sense of humor."
"When you demonize somebody you take away something far more precious than you can ever get back and that is their humanity."
"The positive energy generated through reciprocal gratitude becomes a driving force for continued positive exchanges."
"We weren't created to curse each other... We walk around blessing each other."
"Roosters will stand up for them [hens]. Roosters are not very nice to the hens, but they will stand up for them." - Unknown
"You should probably just take that criticism and throw it in the garbage because the odds are this person just fundamentally does not like you."
"That's honestly like one of the worst things you could do."
"I appreciate you not asking me about them. I mean, I do see you looking at them."
"You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar."
"I can handle anyone's authentic self, but I can't handle someone's false self."
"Our body is reacting to these, whether we know it or not. That's why you could be with someone and be like 'I don't feel good, why do I not trust this person?' Your body is reading these cues."
"Tell this guy the truth like, yeah, let them have it, we got your back."
"He never knew what was true and you never knew what was a lie."
"People won't remember what you said but they'll remember how you made them feel."
"You get more flies with honey than with vinegar, right?"
"Wait, God damn it, every time I want to be mean to Cody, he says something really nice or impressive."
"Just treat people the way they want to be treated."
"The most important thing is to first know what their motivation is."