
Destruction Quotes

There are 3716 quotes

"A society that is not built on men trying to help each other will be built on men trying to destroy each other."
"The Necromancer and his two zombies are obliterated. It's like a grenade went off."
"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."
"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
"The lie that inequality is the result of inequity means that the solution will be to destroy standards."
"Parents are terrible, but destroying things isn't going to change them. All you can change is you."
"This cult has gone off against every critic, anybody outspoken against them, any defector, and destroyed them."
"Isolation does not bring health; isolation brings destruction."
"Mother Nature created animals... and humans are the AIs... now we're destroying Mother Nature."
"The flames of destruction will ignite a rebirth."
"Seth expresses the desire to destroy all Nemesis."
"Everything within these walls are doomed to destruction unless you act."
"We all have potential to complete great tasks, and we all have the capability to destroy wondrous possibility."
"It's so satisfying to see just a huge balloon clump get annihilated by the army of glaves."
"If they can be destroyed by the truth then it should be destroyed by the truth."
"All right, we're checking out the only game where the entire purpose is to literally destroy your future."
"The first Jewish temple, built by King Solomon, was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC."
"Jesus said unto them, 'See ye not all of these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down.'"
"My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." - Hosea chapter 4 verse 6
"Poverty isn't just an inconvenience; it is a life destroyer."
"The volcanoes of Iceland are not only agents of destruction but also of creation."
"The soul society lies in ruins in the wake of the Quincy's first invasion."
"Humankind has three basic needs: food, water, and the unsuppressed urge to blow something up."
"You're destroying your own neighborhood when you do that because that store is going to go out of business."
"Destroy all non-land permanents that aren't legendary."
"It's very easy to destroy, but the people who destroy are always left with nothing because nothing comes of just tearing things down."
"When things usually get destroyed like this, it means something better and something new will be born out of it."
"Any object that the lighthouse's light shines on will be destroyed through unknown means."
"Destruction is the medium through which action finds consequence, where pursuit meets result."
"Imagine a game world that could be fully destroyed, top to bottom, every building, every mound of dirt, and every vehicle."
"Maestro wasn't lying. They really did it. They blew themselves to hell."
"The city itself has been almost entirely destroyed."
"The planet of Xandar is in ruins because Thanos attacked it in the events leading up to Infinity War to acquire the Power Stone."
"His victory would unleash absolute destruction, bringing about the end of the Egyptian gods and, more broadly, of the universe itself."
"Volcanoes are both the creators and destroyers of existence."
"This is a tale about a way of life doomed to fade, a people doomed to destruction, a family doomed to sunder, a relationship doomed to fall apart, and a man who embodies all of this inevitable doom."
"It's death, it's destruction, it's horrible."
"White supremacy destroys for the sake of destruction; abolition destroys for the sake of creation."
"The goal of the specter is to ruin humanity."
"My life as I knew it was utterly destroyed. Everyone and everything I knew was gone."
"It's really hard to build new things. It's so easy to tear things down."
"By destroying [Alifa Hospital], you are dealing a lethal blow, a death blow, to all that Gaza stood for."
"Destruction leads to a very rough road but it also breeds creation."
"In celebrity culture, we destroy what we worship."
"The apocalyptic scene there, the orange sky, thick smoke, dozens of homes damaged or destroyed already."
"These tornadoes leave behind a dark side, a total destruction like this here in Indian Lake."
"Kirby just brings you so much delight and it brings so much destruction to the universe."
"The thing about a virus is it doesn’t destroy you head on. Instead, it brings you down from the inside, turning your own cells into enemies."
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory."
"What I’m saying is it’s pretty goddamn rich to voyeuristically delight in the re-discovery of a buried city when you’ve sat by and watched its destruction."
"You need to destroy in order to create sometimes."
"Woah, that TNT explosion destroyed the first house and it totally killed a bunch of the zombies."
"God highly values what you are about to destroy."
"In 586 the Babylonians pull a Godzilla and wreck Jerusalem and the temple and then they pull a Patrick Star and 'Push it somewhere else!'"
"Jesus brings enlightenment. Lucifer brings destruction."
"Fundamentally there are really two types of people in the world they're creators and there are destroyers."
"Could I take down a country? I hate to tell you but I could. Some say I'm already doing it."
"Volcanoes exemplify the absolute force of creation and destruction. They go hand in hand."
"They're willing to burn the entire house down just for the sake of their ideology."
"Even with U.S ROK counter battery fire an estimated 40 percent of the city would be destroyed in the opening hours of a new war leading to catastrophic economic damage for the south."
"Destroying the world? What's the endgame there?"
"It's the societies, the links that hold us all together that is what is going to be destroyed in this."
"Your purpose is to destroy. The purpose of this wondrous day, this wondrous week, is to build."
"That is substantial. You get nukes on the overworld. Goodbye forever, Wood Elves – nothing will be growing there again."
"Shigaraki refuses to be all for one's pawn and he refuses to be corrupted by power."
"When Satan is influencing a nation, they only talk about killing and destroying."
"At the end of this, you are guaranteed failure, you are guaranteed sleep, you are guaranteeing destruction."
"This is absolutely destroyed, he gets swag three spells."
"The planet Buster: a powerful bomb that... will immediately explode its core and turn into a giant flaming ball of death."
"Clearly the most destructive country in the post-war period."
"Once part of a mountain breaks off, nothing can stop the destructive force of the falling rock."
"Plastic pollution is extremely destructive for the environment."
"The reset is the only possible way. You have to destroy the present World you've apparated and something comes out of the ashes."
"We got to just burn it to the ground, build a new world out of the ashes."
"But nothing gives us the right to flood this country with weapons, to destroy it and leave it in ruins."
"The destruction was so great that it resembled Sodom."
"Sure, some cities may need to be destroyed and some of your morals may need to be compromised, but in the end, you'll see why all those people had to die."
"We are a society that is demographically doomed to destruction."
"Building things up then knocking them down, it's all part of the fun."
"I had to get home, destroy the maps like Owen said, stay away from the cracks."
"Prediction: We're gonna blow stuff up and it's going to stay blown up."
"We were here to burn this place to the ground in the best possible way."
"The Rocket Launcher is an extremely powerful weapon capable of blowing up even the toughest enemies."
"It's kind of wild to see someone self-destruct without them even being aware of it."
"It's very easy to destroy something, to disrupt something, but it's very difficult to build something."
"The Bible says, 'My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.' If anybody has watched my videos for a long time they know."
"I did not expect them to destroy everything, yo this guy is insane."
"Sometimes you need to have ultimate destruction in order to have a rebirth of something great."
"The ultimate result is to steal, kill, and destroy."
"The only Escape is to tear it down entirely in the hopes that something new might spring out of it."
"Tragedy is when everything in our lives conspires to work against us all at once. Life doesn't just beat us down; it destroys us."
"We're taking it to the reactor, all right? And then we're gonna throw it in and destroy this ship. No one goes to Earth, Carver. No one."
"The scale of the damage done... is on such a scale that I personally cannot imagine that this was done by anything else other than a missile strike."
"50 years of history reduced to piles of scrap metal and debris."
"Destructive riots and ideology are ripping this country to shreds."
"Just show me a giant monster stepping on shit over and over."
"Everything that Gavin Newsom touches, he destroys; everything that Justin Trudeau touches, he destroys."
"He's unafraid to just smash it all to bits so that there can be this revitalization of the Christian America."
"Destruction of the city of Mosul, a sad reminder of devastation."
"If you're advocating for evil, you're advocating for destruction for its own sake."
"Firing pulse cannons and throwing mechas into buildings."
"Nothing lasts forever! Destroy them!" - Davy Jones
"Your country, city, town, kingdom... was destroyed."
"The crew is ultimately able to destroy the spheres."
"Sometimes you need to destroy in order to create."
"Christ wipes them out and they are mercilessly destroyed."
"The flood destroys the Nephilim and leaves Watchers in their prison."
"We're sitting on the potential to not only destroy all living things on the planet but the planet itself."
"An explosion in Jankoy City... destroyed a train carrying a number of cruise missiles."
"War... is messy. Even if a conflict end decisively, there's always destruction left behind."
"Welcome back to a brand new Minecraft video today's video is going to be probably possibly one of my most destructive videos ever."
"We are literally approaching destruction of the mainland."
"Randy was leaving a path of destruction, and after the punt, no one could stand."
"We can choose in the moment whether or not we want to allow something to destroy us."
"It would be the most egregious ruination of a beloved franchise."
"They'll happily just destroy a planet for fun or off offer political opponents and just have these big highfalutin schemes in the background."
"You talk as though you are advancing our species, but it's a lie. All I have seen over these past few days is death and destruction. You have taken the soul of my colleagues and turned them into your mindless drones."
"Opening up the L-gate is like triggering a weapon of mass destruction on the far side of the galaxy."
"Assault the quarantine has failed. You must destroy the facility. As long as it remains, something the great tempest will continue to surge unabated throughout the galaxy."
"They are using useful idiots to destroy the country from within."
"Fear is like fire. If you control it, it can be your friend. If not, it can destroy you."
"Their policies cause destruction, they wreak havoc, they destroy families, they destroy businesses."
"Destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin."
"Enough nuclear power to destroy the human race several times over."
"Beth saw the chimney or what was left of it."
"But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to know that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice."
"War is terrible. War is awful. War is punishing and cruel and ruins lives and ends lives."
"Charles Manson arrived to destroy the hippie dream."
"They've lost their mandate from heaven and the imperial family must be DESTROYED with an UNRELENTING, FURIOUS WRATH!!!"
"Broad and wide is the way that leads to destruction."
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical like money they can't be bought bullied reasoned or negotiated with some men just want to watch the world burn."
"SCP 682 must be destroyed as soon as possible."
"The destruction of something new will replace it."
"We must gain knowledge and understanding because like Hosea chapter 4 verse 6 says, 'My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.'"
"Lara smashes the Source onto the ground, destroying it."
"They'll tear down to make the toys just completely a mess."
"Plato's account: a massive destructive event, annihilated in a single day and night."
"Unless god shorten the time frame the entire human race would be destroyed, there being no flesh left."
"Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed."
"Burn it all down, burn it to the ground, a song of ice and fire but really only fire."
"The almighty has been reduced to smoldering ash."
"Every strike that Garou throws is essentially the equivalent to a nuke exploding."
"Saitama's so strong that he himself claims to be able to destroy the planet with a single punch."
"Sometimes the only way to hide a secret is to burn it."
"What can be more powerful than a weapon that lets you kill half of the entire universe's population in one single snap?"
"The heart of the universe made Thanos so strong that he engulfed the whole universe until there was nothing left but himself."
"Just sort of building up a civilization then destroying it."
"On the day that the Temple was destroyed, the Messiah was born."
"To destroy the beauty from which one came." - Sean Carter, better known as Jay-Z
"What these companies are doing is the equivalent of trying to burn down the modern-day digital equivalent to the library of Alexandria."
"Humans have almost completely destroyed nature."
"He is literally trying to burn this country down on his way out."
"The Marquis of Death was capable of destroying whole worlds within seconds."
"The longer this war goes on, the less of Ukraine will be left."
"It's absolutely shocking that this was happening lives had been destroyed."
"It's gonna just tear it all down, the system's gonna start back over again."
"When people decide that the goal is to destroy things for its own sake, what you're watching is not a political movement, it's evil."
"The Mad Queen burned everyone for no reason, and that's the song we're left with."
"Yes, I have this many [artifacts] and you know what? I've probably destroyed twice as many."
"The storm raged the whole day covering mountains and people with water."
"There's like one group of people basically that are controlling the system and are destroying everything."
"Before too long, this Linear B was found on tablets all across the mainland – implying that, one way or another, Crete had been destroyed, and the Mycenaean Greeks were gleefully benefitting from it."
"Malice represents pure anarchy, destruction, and terror."
"If you're a fan of ruining the past and hopes of building a brighter featuring there's tons of bright terracotta blocks that you can take out of the structure too."
"Broly exists in this form to cause as much damage as possible without reason."
"For me, when you begin to destroy, you should destroy completely."
"DK and Diddy punched their moon, smashing an island."
"Destruction can be a very, very positive force... It's a positive transformation."
"This burn down the house is going to get literally everything."
"The end of an era, three thousand seven hundred years of contracts burnt and reduced to ash."
"It's breaking the building, dude! Ladies and gentlemen..."
"Burn the [ __ ] down like this [ __ ] needs to be gone."
"I personally think they should burn this place down."
"At the end of the day, I've dedicated my life to building something and then you have people that have dedicated their lives to destroying what I've built."
"I want to see the facade ripped apart. I want to see the foundation crumble."
"He would obliterate a small country and murder millions."
"Lightning will allow you to pulverize any buildings that your opponent throws down, allowing your giants and cannon carts to lock onto the towers when it matters."
"Witness the destruction of the universe over and over in a video game form."
"This was the birth of the Murder Machine and thus began the Earth's demise."
"The destruction of art by someone else's disdain for it redefines the original work’s intent into a new form of art."
"Amongst the destruction, you'll still find people living there."
"Jesus taught that people would be destroyed, not tormented."
"This is good. Yeah, we're gonna blow stuff up."
"The only way to change it is to burn everything down."
"There is a physics to destroying the establishment."
"The greatest force for destruction that the world had ever seen."
"Once it starts to pick up, you might have a hard time putting it down. It's a very engaging and relatable story."
"Let's make a big structure and then when you're done, just knock it down. Destruction is inside all of us."
"The aggressive Force looks to destroy traditional civilization or Sauron and Saruman both destroy nature and despise it."
"Destruction is something that gives way to creation."
"I had a lot of fun using Tompas and I played through and I had a ton of fun blowing shit up with this one."
"Sometimes things have to burn in order to be rebuilt..."
"It looks like it's been ripped up like confetti."
"If the truth can destroy something, it should. It deserves to be destroyed."
"I remember there's a quote like this and I believe it: if the truth can destroy something, it should. It deserves to be destroyed by definition."
"Maybe the destruction of the entire planet isn't supposed to be fun though."
"It's like a ghetto ex-girlfriend smashing your car up with a baseball bat."
"Everything is so destroyed by the end of it."
"If you start destroying the cells of the body, that's a very easy way to destroy the body."