
Defiance Quotes

There are 9304 quotes

"But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up."
"All y'all haters, all your trolls, close your eyes and picture me rolling."
"I'm not going to dumb it down anymore; I'm not getting in line anymore."
"Alicia gave a cold look at those Bandits who wished to capture her again."
"You have chosen to defy peace; you have chosen war with a God."
"A crazy society would vilify those who fought against it while demanding to insert its craziness everywhere."
"I'd like to take this chance to apologize to absolutely nobody."
"I was proud of Belle and what she did...she saw clearly that they wanted to put her in a box and she goes, 'I'm not gonna enter into a box that you've defined for me.'"
"Don't let anybody tell you what you can't, you won't, or you shouldn't do."
"The one above all basically tells Thanos to stop his actions, and Thanos says no."
"Stop letting the status quo bully you. Stop letting the enemy steal your lunch and walk on you."
"Being unable to conform is worse. Now refusing to conform, that's in a different category."
"You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies, you may trod me in the dirt, but still, like dust, I'll rise."
"In spite of what the American people tell me to do, I shall continue."
"You could take our bodies but you can't take our souls. You can take our lives but you can't take our faith."
"Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather be a pig than a fascist."
"First of all, you're making up the timer. Second of all, you're cheating. Third of all, I don't care. I'm still going to beat you."
"Humanity's shtick is quite literally defying nature."
"Hope may be the single greatest act of defiance against a politics of pessimism and against a culture of despair."
"Of course, I have people in my ear telling me to wrap it up, but I can't hear you."
"Are we just supposed to lie down and die because some machine decided it? Is that our fate? Yeah, well [__] fate."
"We won't let this game end the way they want. We won't make a good ending or a bad one. To win this killing game and end it forever, we will reject Danganronpa."
"You do not go gently into that good night, but you rage, rage against the dying of the light."
"If it's wrong to be excited about this, I do not want to be right."
"If somebody's going to try to blackmail me with advertising... go f*** yourself."
"If nobody believes in you, then puff out your chest and scream in defiance."
"No devil will dare to touch you, or he'll burn his filthy fingers."
"Ukraine's president vladimir zelinski again vowed the resistance against Russia's aggression would go on. 'Wherever they go, they will be destroyed. They will not have come here. They will not have food. They will not have one quiet moment.'"
"The property developers offered her a staggering $1 million to give up her home, but she still refused."
"She will never follow those rules and regulations that you have put her into."
"If you're enjoying it, who gives a [expletive]? That's the biggest [expletive] you can give to anybody."
"I was told not to take any more questions, but I will ignore that advice."
"In a difficult situation, most people will choose to keep their heads down in an effort to avoid trouble. However, history is full of daring and downright risky acts of defiance where individuals and leaders have refused to submit to the demands of authority or an enemy, even if doing so endangers their lives or even their entire nation."
"The act of defiance so clearly on display born from smoldering resentment caused by forbidden love."
"This brave act of defiance... not only becoming one of the 20th century's most iconic images but also demonstrating to the world how the actions of a single individual can leave an enduring legacy."
"I rebel against the notion that I must live in constant fear of what I say and do on this platform."
"The Midwives feared God and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them but saved the men children alive."
"If the world does nothing but reject her, she's entitled to do the very same to the world."
"Do I look like I need saving? I have three guns pointed out!"
"The notion of social change and the possibility that defiance in the face of injustice and kindness in the face of cruelty... I think young people... can refuse to play the game and see their world change as a result."
"The reason I win is because I'm in this ring for myself. I don't give a fuck what anybody says about me, nobody."
"He stands unbroken, a testament to moral principle and defiance in the face of tyranny."
"The act of defiance is Promethean... It makes you responsible for your own creation."
"You think binding me will grant you victory over me? I will shatter through such things and go beyond the limits I've broken through."
"Do not go gently into that good night, but rage, rage against the dying of the light."
"Hunter Biden defied his subpoena, and the GOP says they're going to hold him in contempt."
"The machine will not apologize to us, but this is not important. We are stronger than it thinks we are."
"If you're going to tell me I'm not going to do something, I'm just going to go and do it to prove it to you that I did it."
"This guy encouraged all of it by telling me I'm not allowed to do that. We may have to go rescue it."
"That's the ultimate symbol of being a badass, where death itself has no control over you."
"We are not the dregs of society, but the women who defy it."
"You can't cancel somebody that doesn't give a fuck."
"Standing before the Emperor Charles V...Luther is asked to recant, he's demanded to recant, and famously Luther says here I stand, I can do no other."
"There should be an element to great relationships and great friendships of '**** the world, it's us versus us.'"
"I'm just gonna say [__] it and I'm gonna post what I want to do."
"Donald Trump acts as if these rules of law just don't apply to him."
"When you don't owe anyone anything... you just start walking off. Where are you going? I don't have any payments; I don't put up with your crap anymore."
"Jesus walking on water is an act of defiance. It's him saying that the laws of nature apply to you as humans but they don't apply to me as God."
"Millions of Americans... standing up and saying 'I can do what I want, I can say what I want, and if you don't like that, you can go to hell.'"
"But they may take our lives. But they'll never...take our MACHICOLATIONS!"
"It's now been over two years since the brutal invasion of Ukraine, and they remain defiant."
"The Black Bulls are the absolute lowest on the ridiculously stupid social ladder, and these are the bastards that are going to save the goddamn day."
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own."
"I am not a citizen of your empire. I will always answer to myself."
"There's something so incredible about the human spirit that was overcoming that, being like, 'Screw you, Authority. We're doing this.'"
"If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have."
"We shall go on to the end...we shall never surrender."
"You're not gonna keep me or guilt me into not being a part of it."
"I would not give in to something that absolutely violates my principles."
"Veronica Lake: 'I am not going to hang on to my blood nor am I going to allow them to hang on to me.'"
"I don't like you, I am never going to live under you nobody watching this is gonna we're gonna fight into the end."
"Superboy's my boyfriend and there's nothing you can do to break us up."
"Yo, you ain't trying to get the [ __ ] out of here i'm on on that wave too."
"You can only be canceled if you let them cancel you and you've refused so wait stand by."
"I will save you, Nora. I'm nearly there. The next round of therapies. Don't you see? I don't want saving."
"We were the ones who said no, you're not going to have us [ __ ] up in the game."
"Defying the woke mob is a sign of character - a sign of intellectual courage."
"Ahsoka Tano fails to listen to the order and stubbornly remains fighting while standing on top of a giant turbo tank."
"I'm exhausted. Who cares if you're not with me, you're against me. F off."
"Cancel culture can suck my [] ass. They can cancel, yeah, boom, boom, and go to hell because cancel culture can't do [] to me because, guess what? [__] I don't get sponsorships anyways, and brands gotta worry about me."
"People just think everything's impossible. Bro, I want Doug to just shut these people up."
"If it's dominance we're talking about, Jeff just took everything the cops had and dumped it in that garbage can."
"Every individual has the power to go against what the aristocracy say is right to accomplish what we know is right."
"We are the scourge, we don't run from battle."
"If you're a man who tries his absolute best and is brutally competent and speaks against Authority, there's only one path. Where else was this going to end?"
"Perpetua refused to worship the Emperor and declared herself a Christian."
"So if they throw all this stuff at me and it doesn't work and I win anyway, oh my god that's gonna be a cannon shot straight across the heads of Washington DC."
"Every time you give me money they get more scared and attack me more. Good, screw them."
"Disappointing him is my explicit objective here."
"Attack me if you dare. I was never, nor shall I ever be your slave."
"There's something romantic about last stands."
"We're not letting Capital Games put us down."
"Nobody's going to tell me any different. Nothing's gonna happen to me. You can't do anything to me that I've already been through to make me do what you want."
"Edward angrily declared: "By God, Sir Earl, either go or hang!" which was smoothly parried with Norfolk’s own response: "By the same oath, O king, I shall neither go nor hang."
"A fabulous two fingers to homophobes and gender norms."
"We will not be cowed. We will not be afraid."
"I don't really care if that gets me in trouble these days. You're talking about a modern-day Ironman."
"We just don't care any longer what you in the West think about us."
"I'll go live buck naked in the woods, screw you."
"We're back. I'm not going anywhere. You're going to need a wrecking ball to take me out of here."
"Thank you Mr. Trump for showing us how to shove this right back in their face."
"I'm not going to fight your war. I'm gonna end it."
"I'm not going to answer your question the way you want me to, but I'm going to answer your question."
"And if you ever call me puke bro, bite me 'cause I did it."
"There's something there that actively defies common sense, and that's magic."
"That's the greatest thing you can be called, that means you ain't in line with that white man."
"A message had been sent: the Overlord will not tolerate defiance."
"We didn't do it to be defiant, we didn't do it to push back against government, we did it to provide a solution where there was none."
"We're going to open, no matter what. No matter what you do to us, we are going to open."
"This is not how it ends! This is not our fate!"
"Well, let's bring it on. You know, what are you going to try? You're going to call me a racist, a Nazi, a white supremacist? I've heard it all before and it doesn't faze me anymore."
"They can try to make it a crime to care but they will not stop people from caring."
"I will never give in. I will never break. I am a hero."
"Yeah, your boy snapped, all right? It's just, like, dude, I'm not-- I'm not gonna go through this, alright? I had enough in my lifetime of being bullied where I'm not gonna relive-- relive this."
"Surprise! Did you actually think something could take me down?"
"The soul is always defying gravity, always seeking to grow."
"If other people don't see it that way, then fuck them. I mean, I joined this club hoping I would make friends, and I would say I had at least one success, wouldn't you?"
"How can you have people in New York City defying the CDC?"
"Trump did the right thing by refusing to back down."
"To the judges, I say P off. This ad was HOT." - Bussy Queen
"Not real then you have Snake Island it's now confirmed that the guys on Snake Island the guys who told Russia to go f themselves alive."
"If they want you fat, become fit. If they want you uneducated, become educated."
"That's why I'm me and you're you [ __ ] yep yep that's why you're that's why you're watching my [ __ ] and I'm not watching your [ __ ]."
"Honestly, everybody can go to hell. My wife was a good wife, she was a good mom, she was an entrepreneur, she came from nothing to something."
"I'm no longer going to let people stifle my creativity because I am not this or too much of this. I'm a bad bitch." - Empowering self-affirmation.
"Don't yell at the Grim Reaper, make a vampire pun."
"I'm a freaking vampire, I will do as I please."
"As one last act of defiance to Richardson, the new union voted unanimously to throw down the old banner of the enclave; as they were now once again Americans."
"I'm done listening to you guys. I'm gonna make my own decisions."
"Never apologize to the cancel mob, especially when you've done nothing wrong."
"Glad to be ordered to march into hell and to dance with the devil."
"I don't fear death. Kill me however you like."
"His biggest crime was challenging the authority and showing them for who they were."
"That's gangster, they weren't cleared for any of this. Anything. I'm not judging, but that's gangster."
"I don't care what you were told in the past; I'm going to think differently."
"Isabella's Demon Queen persona emerges, demanding obedience and surprising Xiang Ye."
"They can't move me off of it. They're not standing on much."
"A lot of people that doubted me, a lot of people that said I was full of [], can shut the [] up right now."
"In an act of final defiance even from beyond the grave, he stands in defiance of a fascist horde."
"He raises aloft that banner in an act of final defiance."
"If you repeatedly tell people they cannot speak, that is when they scream."
"Vins, defying stereotypes with her strength."
"To all the haters, everyone who doubted me throughout my life, I'm out here making guac."
"I don't care what the white man thinks about me."
"I cannot be canceled because unlike you guys, I am the machine."
"You gotta outsmart the devil, laugh and say, 'Get the hell outta here!'"
"This was Brian Michael Bendis giving a big middle finger to the naysayers."
"I think that both of us, I think have the self-confidence to say you know what stuff this nonsense, uh, yeah stuff the fun police is saying."
"If you tell people they can't do something, they're immediately gonna want to do more of it."
"I'm not gonna shut up and I'm not gonna sit down and I'm not gonna be quiet."
"We won't let them beat us down, we won't let them stop us from expressing our opinions."
"Are you refusing to leave at this time? Yes, I'm refusing. My kids too. Deputies."
"Patrice was infamously opposed to letting big networks dictate his career to the degree that he called himself professional bridge burner."
"Look, this is my show. I'm doing this entrance. I don't give a [ __ ] what do you think?"
"You're not going to Razzle A Dazzle me in any way, it's not going to happen."
"Imagine what else we could accomplish together Captain we could build a strong Fleet and Crush our enemies conquer any threat we could defy the gods themselves."
"I'm just going to continue to be the lord of chaos, the lord of chaos."
"You may take my life but you'll never take my freedom!"
"Live properly in your defiance of the crowd. Make your own course, allow yourself to be guided by your own genuine principles."
"Prepare to embrace your creators in the Stygian haunts of hell." - A dramatic declaration of defiance.
"I was not going to come out there in a box. I was not going to let them kill me."
"I'm not going to let them live in my head; I'm never going to be scared by these people."
"We have the power to do this and send the middle finger to the Chinese government and any government that thinks that they can destroy our financial freedom and crypto. We will not allow it to happen."
"The ultimate Act of defiance right now is to control your own food."
"We will not give in to Putin's economic blackmail."
"Stay on it, don't censor yourself, and then if they delete you for doing so, so be it."
"Chip on the shoulder. Don't fool with us. We're glider pilots."
"You want to be the one that says [expletive] it, I'm going to do it anyway."
"They can't stop us. They can't stop us. We're deemed essential." - Joey Diaz
"Tomorrow could be my last day on Earth, and I'll be damned if I die 'cause when I do die, your life doesn't stop."
"Defiantly, Nobunaga signed his reply as 'Dairokuden Mao,' the sixth heavenly demon king, a righteous demon."
"They want you to hide. So this is actually the reverse of what they want."
"His legacy is one of defiance, a constant thorn in the side of the Kremlin."
"I will not comply is a symbolization of defiance against politicians, anti-gunners, and any other tyrannical entity."
"Get this over my dead body," Gwen's defiant stand against Verna.
"I'll show you out of order! You don't know what that order is, Mr. Trask!" - Scent of a Woman
"Don't let nobody tell you anything different. You know who you are."
"I don't need the right from anybody. I'm taking it."
"I must be doing... making the right people angry."
"I'm not going anywhere. They can't shut me down."
"On camera, it would probably be, um, 'I love you.' Oh, that's a good three words to piss off any hater."
"David Koresh believed he had the right to oppose the forces surrounding him."
"I'll stand in front of a tank. You can run over me."
"No, I don't want that because I could have fought someone else."
"But what you've decided to do above and beyond defying Supreme Court precedents has just created a big ugly mess."
"You can use our language to spit out all that lofty filth all day for all I care. It's just a bunch of lies. You're a virus, an invader, and if there is one thing you might not understand about our species yet, it's that we are fighters."
"Someone tells you that you can't do it that you can't do something [ __ ] them, I don't give a [ __ ] what it is."
"Even if the attitude is [], you, I'm better than what you think I am, like exactly [] your word, I'm wet [__] you dude, watch this, I'm coming back, I'm sure coming back."
"I'll be back tomorrow, I'll be battered to meself and I'll still say you to the world and keep on training too hard and just believe in myself I do I do believe in myself you know dad it's like MYSELF AND STILL SAY FUCK YOU TO THE WORLD."
"I'm basically unapologetically gay and also literally just saying [__] you that is what it is."
"When oblivion finally comes to swallow each of us, we can smile back at it and say, here stood a man who believed in his cause."
"She spent her final evening, laughing and joking that, she may well be known to history as quote: ‘Queen Anne lack-head’, this was perhaps the last act of defiance open to her."
"I just want to say from the bottom of my heart I'd like to take this chance to apologize to absolutely nobody." - Conor McGregor
"Raise the white flag? No, don't raise the white flag!"
"If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I'm proud of it."
"The coolest thing is just saying, '[__] all that. This is who I am.'"
"She wasn't joking about raising hell by the way."
"This is my country, and I'm not giving it away to thugs. Period."