
Requirement Quotes

There are 293 quotes

"Right now, kids in this country are seeing what happens when we stop requiring empathy of one another."
"Forgiveness is a very personal journey, and I also believe forgiveness is not required."
"Self-sacrifice is the circumcision required for power."
"Proof beyond the reasonable doubt... that is what the law demands of you."
"You better have a fairly solid engineering background."
"When you go down there, you need scuba gear."
"The calorie deficit is a mandatory requirement for losing fat."
"Most important badge this year is Hall of Fame handles. That's the minimum requirement."
"Trapper attire is 100 percent required, you hear me?"
"As an executive I want to generate a sales report so I know which departments need to improve their productivity."
"Each user story has to create value for the customer or the end user."
"If you're a mechanic and you're operating under the hood of a car in an engine bay, you're going to want a really floody light."
"We just need these chargers at the end of the day"
"This is a legal requirement in the United States."
"You must be *this honest* to enter."
"Unfortunately, it has become necessary."
"There are some stores that will take used but for the ones that only take new, we need more."
"If I want to take passengers on an airplane, I gotta make three takeoffs and landings in the preceding 90 days."
"You gotta at least have an 87-39, dude."
"So if you don't have a Sonology account you're going to have to set that up if you want to use Quick Connect."
"Ultimately, that's what we all need."
"For this deal to work, I need to be around forty thousand."
"If you haven't read it, please read it. It's just a requirement for watching my videos."
"You're not a filmmaker until you've exported a film and sent it publicly. That's why for 'Art of Documentary,' we're creating a new stipulation."
"Apparently, they have a requirement that to be in this gang, you have to wear something weird on your head."
"It demands a huge amount of generosity."
"I'm not required to show you verification of law."
"The act of Virginia required its citizens to act with it."
"Adversity is not avoidable, but living right means knowing it can't be avoided because it's a requirement."
"Accepting the fact that that's required is a huge component of anyone's success."
"You just need to be decent at spreadsheets."
"The great basic requirement for receiving healing is to hear God's voice."
"So in any real-world scenario you would have to use a combination of such databases to fulfill the functional and non-functional requirements that you have."
"The first requirement to enter the kingdom of heaven is to know God."
"You only need about five years okay there you go."
"The only reason he should be able to is if he takes the stand."
"For every single position, we need the max height on the left and right."
"The last eligibility requirement are letters of evaluation."
"Well, the flea statute doesn't require high speed."
"All he has to bring is a ham sandwich."
"We need six cycles, that's what's going on."
"Courage is not extra credit; it's a fundamental requirement of faith."
"So, what needs to happen for you to win this engine? Well, couple things. First of all, this video needs to get 10,000 likes."
"If he couldn't show those signs he wouldn't be able to return." - Suya
"If you are over the age of 20 you need this, this is a requirement."
"If you don't have boobs it ain't going to work."
"So I would really make sure I understand what is my requirement."
"For me, it's very important. I'm blind, I need the font to be big."
"You must know your numbers. That is a requirement."
"Perfection is not a requirement by any means."
"Nowadays, a college degree is a minimum requirement to even step foot into the door."
"Appraisals are required wherever a property is sold, mortgaged, taxed, insured, or even improved upon."
"So to do all that you need a good compactor."
"Any requirement we've ever seen from a regulator has never told us how to build something, it's just told us what they expect to have built."
"To be eligible, the person claiming the reward must submit the tip."
"Make sure you do this, okay? Not a suggestion but a requirement for your best body and your most mobile workouts."
"It's definitely something that I will require in all of our spaces moving forward."
"Every Ripley, required by mandate, must have a shrunken head... we have our shrunken head right there, a real human head skinned made tiny."
"When you're coming into the park, you will need a park pass."
"How awesome is this? If you made it this far, give you have to give us a like now, it's just like mandatory."
"She's a horse, Beth needs a horse."
"It's a requirement to sit through this opening every time, you're legally not allowed to skip it, it's a total bop."
"You also have to be a carpet fitter."
"To qualify for spousal benefits, you have to have been married to your ex-spouse for at least 10 years, you have to currently be unmarried. So if you got remarried, then you can't file on the ex-spouse's claim anymore."
"I think there's no other way of doing it at this point."
"God requires of us what he wants of us is a real living faith."
"Everywhere you go, every restaurant, every movie theater, anywhere you go, you gotta show your double vax to get into, to do anything."
"All that you need to do for today's video is have an account with chat GPT or have an account with OpenAI, and that's all we need today."
"Look at product-based planning, because I'm delivering a series of products, I need to understand what the requirement is."
"The word 'requires' in a sentence implies an objective to be achieved or a consequence to avoid."
"The Church of God requires its ministers to have the baptism of the Holy Ghost."
"I'm going to need a motor that spins really fast."
"It's gonna require a little bit of luck, that's for sure"
"You don't need to have a 19 mil wrench."
"Oh yeah, this would have to be open right here."
"It's likely requiring probably more trust than they're comfortable with."
"Meo required passion and unusual skills from his players."
"It's like saying, 'Yeah, it's not the most important thing in the world, but if you're gonna be an NFL lineman, you gotta be 300 pounds.'"
"She's always said that. In order for me to move back to my mom's house, she has to want to change."
"In order to get band 7, you must meet each requirement for a band 7 score."
"That's what we need to complete a successful operation: proof."
"Being alfarious is not only an honor, being alfarious is a requirement."
"It's not an option, it's a necessary part of our journey."
"You need that almighty magic white first."
"Let's face it, is it even a requirement for artists to be a good performer these days? No, it's not."
"There must be some sort of condition or conditions that must be in play here before this thing can be utilized."
"They desperately need a player like that in their team."
"I knew I needed that side to be able to play this game."
"So, why we require a video splitter is because of mainly two reasons. First is that the video that will come from the client so that video can be a very big video, a big video means that the size will be huge."
"... it does require to have the 4 by 4."
"You need knowledge and skill. You need the ability to do it."
"...this method also needs a proper carbon nitrogen balance all methods generally will require this but this one really needs it."
"If you want the certificate, you need to do the entire course."
"What this needs is your perseverance."
"Unto whomsoever much is given of him much shall be required."
"Proof is absolutely required for everything."
"Registration in SAM is a requirement for entities applying for Shuttered Venue Operators Grants."
"that's not gonna work unless this happens"
"You have to collect your prize in person."
"Teams are required to dress a backup goalie."
"you basically need to either make 30 times the rent in a year or you have to have 45 times the rent in your savings account"
"Before you do that and before you're able to do that, you're going to have to remove your booster."
"Isolophilia is a requirement of the isolophile."
"Make sure you have the first digit of this number be five or else it will not work."
"Corn requires absolutely ridiculously enormous amounts of nitrogen."
"My desires came pouring in when I embodied the only requirement."
"Pages must have a single root element."
"This is in the exact same format we need in order to train this object detector."
"Your singer needs to actually be able to sing."
"The Vandenberg site was needed partly to satisfy a NASA requirement formulated in 1973 and made public that the shuttle be able to place a 11.4t payload into polar orbit to be retrieved on a subsequent mission."
"If you need any more wires in it than that you're going to have to step up to a 22.5 cubic inch box."
"I can't tell you how badly we need someone with a little flare in the kitchen."
"This series requires a bit of imagination and a bit of positivity."
"Publicly traded companies are required to use accrual accounting."
"God doesn't require anything from us that He doesn't first produce in us or through us."
"I want something with serviceable hydros."
"You'll need a computer to run this off of, preferably a laptop of some kind."
"You'll need a copy of Ableton Live, even down to Ableton Live Intro or a free version."
"If you don't have an actual car, I can't mess with you, man."
"You'll have to bring the ticket to this room."
"Your answer will not address the requirements."
"You have to be an AAPC member to take the CPC exam."
"Faith is required, not ignorance."
"My future husband will know how to play the piano because it is a requirement. I will instantly fall in love with you if you just start playing the piano."
"...it would require Papaya to build the type of software program to unlock it."
"These diagrams actually ignore rotation, but in fact, it's a requirement."
"If it don't got stretch in the hips it's not going over."
"Along with your resume, you also need a cover letter."
"Quads are necessary in certain situations and this is one of them."
"This is not an option you have to have one of these which is going to allow you to be able to do that."
"You can't fly jets if you're colorblind."
"You can't run for president without getting divorced within an hour."
"You're gonna have to have a cosigner."
"The day it lands in your account, it is required."
"In order to get your instrument rating...you need 50 hours of PIC cross country flight time."
"If you're gonna be a waterbender, you need water around."
"...with this car it just needs good all-season performance."
"To remain in the Honors Program, you have to maintain at least a 3.8 GPA."
"Love ain't all that matters. That's the basic requirement to this thing, man."
"Everything has conditions... prayer is not an exception."
"For medical school, there's no particular undergraduate major required."
"You have to be above this line to do quantum algorithms."
"For the movie to work, he'd have to be."
"Remember you have to have at least 100 subscribers in order to join the program."
"Yes, these things must happen a software requirement specification and system specification can't exist that does not make you capitulate to doing it all up front and then building the wrong thing because you wrote it down that way"
"Wow, you may not want to, but I require it."
"It is required that we build that trust in God."
"All ideas come from the farmers. An innovator, the job of an innovator is to listen to farmers and detect a requirement."
"The other thing you're going to need is there's going to be one more thing you need to complete this install and that is patience."
"Minimum code requirements does not mean minimum effort required."
"I want the best and I want what's going to work for me."
"For Jeff Gordon to win the championship, he must win the race."
"The kings of old required that all men married by the age of 19 and all women married by the age of 14."
"If you're getting into machine learning engineer or data scientist position, you need to know pytorch."
"You need a dispatcher version of a subscription."
"You have to know that for the ASVAB."
"But you gotta get sober to have it."
"We require this full-bodied person."
"Assault squads, Dark Fury squads will of course be mandatory in this list."
"Faith is the one requirement for entering into God's rest."
"A house has to be owned by a user."
"To get a Green Lantern ring, you need to have an immense amount of willpower."
"I need a motherboard that's got the capability to support a lot of drives."
"It basically requires investment and commitment."
"Forgiveness is exactly what's demanded if you want to begin again."
"You have to be able to make me laugh."
"At a minimum, you need five percent down payment to be able to purchase a house in Canada."
"Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."
"I'm not going to let anybody go on one of these books unless they actually know something about the characters."
"There is a fundamental requirement that good workmanship shall be used in the erection of electrical equipment."
"Jesus' resurrection requires your resurrection."
"Sticking your head through the max air fan hole is like a requirement."
"I am just a huge supporter of this class because I think everyone should be required to take it."
"If you work on Star Wars, you better love Star Wars."
"You had to make people dance, I mean that was the deal, man."
"Love is the first requirement for teaching."
"No rider in the history of Supercross has won the title without winning at least one Supercross."
"The outcome of that was that the OPNAV folks established an operational requirement that any future ARM weapons be smokeless."
"It's almost a requirement to include a skeleton in a pirate related set."
"To make money on YouTube, you must have an AdSense account."
"If you don't provide this message, your git commit will fail."
"We require them to do a lot of things; if you can do it yourself, you get to do it yourself here at this house."
"The time zone is absolutely mandatory anytime you're representing a time with either of these data types."
"What if the suffering was optional? What if the misery was optional? What if it was never required?"
"Write all the essays. So, you know, Duke has three essay prompts. The first one is required; it's a 'Why Duke' essay."
"I just want you to do what love requires of you."
"Strawberry picking growing up as a kid, strawberry jam was a thing that was like, it was a requirement."
"You need good English if it's an English job interview."
"Let no one enter here who is not a geometer."
"That's what due process requires."
"If you want people to wear a uniform, you need to provide it."
"It's required of a steward that he be faithful."
"Fly-half is a position where possessing rugby's finest skills is not a novelty but a basic requirement."
"You need to do that module to pass your ACCA."
"Lying is immoral precisely because telling the truth is morally required."
"You've got to be evocative, that's all you've got to be on this."
"You have no choice but to be great; it is a requirement on your life to be great."
"I'm taking pathophysiology this semester, it is a required course for my nursing program."
"Are you compassionate and non-judgmental? That's a must in nursing."
"I want an IQ test mandatory for every UFC fighter."