
Societal Foundation Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Empathy does matter because, without empathy, we wouldn't even really be able to maintain social contracts."
"I think the home, the family unit, is the foundation for everything in a great society, a great country."
"The foundation of any society lies in its education system."
"A strong country starts with a strong family."
"There is really very little meaningful or actual human activity that is not premised on not being stolen from."
"Public safety is the prerequisite to prosperity."
"Families and really children are the building blocks of society."
"The basic building block of society is an individual who is a man and an individual who is a woman coming together in a relationship that is going to produce the next generation, and how they're going to do it, that's the way the world works."
"The root of peace and prosperity is the nation's laws."
"Everything you use, eat, enjoy is founded and rooted in foundational Black American culture."
"We are expecting anybody to be able to stand up on anything. There's no foundation."
"The foundation in America was on immigration."
"Equal opportunity can only begin with the health of mind and body."
"The family is the bedrock political institution."
"The basic principle of our system: without the rule of law, nothing else is possible, including freedom."
"America is either built on sand or built on a lie. But I don't think it is. And if you listen to Martin Luther King's speeches, neither did he."
"Freedom is the foundation of Western society, the freedom of thought, expression, and creativity."
"The foundation of every social order is mating."
"The Constitution is built for moral and religious people."
"Great civilizations are built on the back of good workers."
"The family is the most important institution in the world."
"Marriage exists as the foundation for the family union and the family unit exists as the foundation for civilization."
"If you're going to base your new society on philosophy, you should try to found it on ideals that are as inclusive and humanistic as possible."
"None of this is a suggestion that you have to be religious in order to be moral at all. The question is, what can you build a civilization on?"
"A free press is a foundation for any democracy."
"It's not walls or the polis or ships that make a great nation, it's the people."
"Everything we have here in the US of A is because of capitalism."
"The framework of this country was created with enough headspace."
"The foundation of any free society is contingent upon the freedom of speech."
"Freedom is the foundation of all good lives."
"Mutual aid is and always has been the groundwork for a functional society."
"True without free speech is not a democracy."
"Without Christianity, there isn't any foundation for a belief in human dignity or equality."
"There's a necessity for shared values... establish common first principles... cosmos evolution non-aggression."
"I think freedom of speech is one of the tenets upon which previous societies are based."
"Free speech is the whole reason why we have a civilization."
"Everything our country is built upon is preserved by the fact that political opinions that you happen to disagree with can exist."
"I think free speech is the bed of a functioning democracy."
"The Constitution was built for a moral and religious people. It was built for people who knew the most basic facts of reality."
"You do not have any semblance of democracy without a free press."
"Strong families are the key to strong communities."
"America's ethos is rooted in the respect for the rule of law."
"Families are the building blocks of society. By turning to faith, we will be the kind of nation God intends us to be."
"Skill became the absolute basis of human affairs."
"May you leave this assembly today as a family united, committed one to the other, to honor your mother and to honor your father because the family is the cornerstone of civilization."
"Society depends upon certain shared moral values and typically those values are anchored in some transcendent belief in God."
"Freedom of speech, the right to protest, and a free press are the hallmarks of a democratic society."
"Free speech is sort of the lynchpin holding everything else together."
"Freedom of speech is more than just a right. It is the very foundation of a free and healthy society."
"Education has made all the difference in life for my family and me and it has been the foundation of progress in this country for generations."
"The foundation of this country is that of exhausted people, enslaved folks, indigenous folks. All of us had to be exhausted for this country to thrive."
"Personal responsibility is the ultimate foundation of our country."
"Without agriculture, we cannot have a city, an orchestra, a church, an army, a university."
"Marriage is the bedrock institution, and strong families create strong communities which create strong civilizations."
"Without the family, there's no society; without the family, there's no sanctity."
"Children are wonderful and our society is ultimately built on the family unit."
"Family is foundational; we've got to restore the family."
"Society civilization built on the back of trust."
"Culture is the university of a people."
"The old civilizations claimed they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred."
"Justice is the firmest pillar of good government."
"These are the constituent elements of self-government as a social reality without which self-government as a political form becomes untenable."
"Without science, we don't have anything. We don't have society, we don't have ways of being, we don't have ways of interacting, we have nothing."
"Preservation of family is the most important [principle] because if that breaks down, everything else breaks down."
"No nation is stronger than the families of that nation."
"The home is the rock foundation of society and always has been of any people."
"The conversation is everything. I think civil discourse is one of the things our country is built upon."
"Our Western world was built on the premise of individual rights."
"Racism is a structural problem; it's actually foundational to much of our society."
"All good government originates in families."