
Career Satisfaction Quotes

There are 598 quotes

"This career has given me the life of my dreams, it's given me the freedom that I've been chasing after for years, and it's given me the chance to do the one thing that I love doing most, which is teaching."
"Good work combines three things: it combines what we're really good at, our excellence, with what we're really passionate about, what engages us, and what we value, with our ethics."
"This is a victory for all of us because happier authors able to make a better living make for a vibrant world for everyone."
"Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never ever work a day in your life." - Mark Twain
"It is so cool that we get to do this for a living. Studying whatever I find interesting to me is something that I can have a secure job for... it's amazing."
"I feel very confident in the decision I've made... I've had a really good run."
"Enjoy your career, be able to make your family happy, make yourself happy."
"Most successful and happy people in their careers know how to balance work and rest."
"Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."
"It's a real shame if the job that you're doing is not something you actually want to be doing and something that you sort of feel indentured into because you have no other options."
"I cannot retire. I've never worked. It's, I think, my whole career, I've had fun doing what I was doing."
"Don't waste it doing something you hate. You have the power to control your own life."
"I can't believe this is my job. I can't believe I've got this far."
"Your career is such a huge chunk of time until you retire... if I don't love it every single day, why would I want to spend such a huge chunk of my life doing it?"
"It turns out that life is shorter than people think. You know, I've worked in female-dominated industries my whole life, and what I've observed is among men and women alike, that it's a very rare person for whom career is the most important thing in their life."
"Life is too short to be stuck in a job that doesn't fulfill you."
"Engineering degrees in general tend to have a low level of regret."
"Every person who inspires us, they love the business so much it makes you be like, 'If I don't love what I do like that, I'm in the wrong business.'"
"Feeling like you're in love with what you're doing... perhaps that's worth more than money."
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work."
"Someone that I find to be fascinating because he has really good production, he's found a perfect fit, and he seems to be completely at peace with where he's at in his career."
"The issue isn't quit your job and go do something... do what you're happy with."
"For something I think is enjoyable and then to get paid a whole bunch of money for it? Yeah, sure, I'll do it."
"Career satisfaction comes from doing what comes easily to you for and around people who value that skill."
"You can ascend to the heights of personal happiness and career satisfaction by embracing your individuality and not playing by other people's rules."
"It has been worth it to work really hard at my dream job."
"I've done everything I wanted to do. I've had an amazing career, an amazing amount of luck, amazing good fortune."
"I specialize in social media now and I am just living my best life."
"I will not apologize for having a job that I am compensated fairly for and I enjoy and I've worked really hard for."
"I've had a blessed, fulfilling, and rich career. I've tried to make some good games...and I've witnessed the creation of possibly the most creative and talented fan base on the planet."
"Wouldn't you rather have been working on something that you're really happy with for 10 years?"
"I have gained so much life satisfaction for making a living doing something that I love and it's seriously my dream and my vision to make this a reality for other people as well."
"Making games is awesome. It was my dream job, it is my dream job."
"That is the way you know you love what you do."
"Do what you love, motivated, not get burnt out."
"I felt successful when I felt like my hard work paid off."
"You've gotta love what you do, you've gotta enjoy what you do."
"You never work a day in your life if you love what you do."
"I don't take for granted anything that I do because I enjoy what I do."
"Teaching is something that I enjoy immensely, and it’s the perfect job for me."
"If you wake up every day and you go to work and you're getting paid for something that you love doing then I think you're winning at life."
"You are going to find yourself doing something that you really love and this is going to rejuvenate in so many different ways."
"It's an awesome field and I can't imagine anything more fun than studying human nature for a living."
"We make video games for a living, we have the best jobs in the world."
"Finding a career you enjoy can be beneficial for your life."
"I am so grateful to do what I do... the fact that I get to do that for a living is nothing short of a miracle for me."
"YouTube is by far the best job I've ever had."
"People who do what they have an aptitude to do are much happier."
"Joining the army was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life."
"Cool that this is our job now, we found something good."
"I consider anybody who gets to do something that they enjoy for a living to be successful on some level."
"There is nothing like it. Most of the time, it's just really difficult and often boring, but it is the most deeply fulfilling and at times peak exciting thing you can do with a human brain."
"You can pay your bills doing something you enjoy, which is like the ultimate job."
"I live a very happy life all the years of Cheers. Anytime I'm doing comedy, I'm not one of those people that, you know, you met a lot of comedians, I'm sure that they're very serious and they're depressed and they're dark and they're this."
"I know my body of work as an NBA player stands up to the test would put against many on this list. I'm content with that. I congratulate the players that were selected."
"I love what I do. You never feel like a working day in my life."
"I got the best job in the world, man. I'm so blessed. Thank God for this, man."
"Life's too short to have a job you don't enjoy."
"I'm very lucky. I'm one of those people that get to do their hobby as a career."
"I'm cool with where I'm at and I've dished out a lot of, you know, whatever in my game. I've been on the right side of where I want to be, winning enough, you know, being competitive at that level."
"I'm already living my dream job. Like, this is literally my dream job. I don't want to do anything else."
"I've had an absolutely wonderful career for sure."
"You can like what you do and get paid for it at the same time."
"Being an investor is the best job in the world... there is no better job in the world than being an investor."
"Doing work you love means feeling like you're accomplishing something."
"I just feel lucky to have had the career that I have."
"I have more appreciation for that now being out of it than I did when it was happening. I had a great time, I have no regrets. I worked with fabulous people and generous people."
"This is the one job that really makes a difference in people's lives... That's an impactful moment."
"I'm infinitely happier with my professional life doing what I'm doing now."
"This grind is pretty awesome, man. I won't lie."
"That's amazing for him that he gets to do what he loves every single day and that's been the only thing he's done so I think that's pretty neat."
"It's irrelevant. I love what I do, I love the passion that it brings out of me."
"Choosing a job that you love and you will never work a day in your entire life."
"You're embarking upon a career that brings you joy and abundance."
"Nothing is more gratifying than being a comedian."
"Don't go through life hating your job. Find a career that is fulfilling."
"I feel I'm in the right place at the right time in the right environment with the right people."
"It's so fulfilling and I want every person that's listening to this to be able to find that intersection of what is right for them because it's so fulfilling."
"I still don't feel successful if that makes sense."
"I just want to be able to enjoy what I'm doing for a career...I just don't want to hate my job."
"You have to like what you're doing, and if you don't like what you're doing, it's not going to work."
"Do what you love every day and you will never work a day in your life."
"You don't have to be trapped, you don't have to be bored, you don't have to be a slave to money."
"My enjoyment of medicine has kind of surprised me."
"I love what I do and I've realized one of the things that I really realized this month or last month is just like how blessed I am to just do what I, you know, I think is right."
"As a kid, I thought it was an amazing thing to get to be a musician, and I still do."
"On a more personal note, if it's one thing this show has taught me is that I don't ever want to be in a place where I feel stuck and unfulfilled in life at the hands of someone else."
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be. There's nothing I'd rather be working on."
"You still gotta enjoy it. You still gotta have that love for what you're doing."
"I did the office job thing for years and I'm Way happier here."
"Yes, I'm lucky to do what I do for a living."
"You have an entire German army almost surrounded. And if you can cut it off and destroy it, you've basically won the war."
"Jesus Christ is the most famous black radical revolutionary in history and he was treated just like Dr King."
"I can't believe that I am getting paid to do my three favorite things: build PCs, play video games, and kick Jake's ass."
"It feels like what I was meant to do and what I love doing."
"I'm really loving the work. Like I'm tickled that I'm just in deep in love with the working. The more I do, the more I love it."
"Working at Nasa is just a lot of fun, and we do get a lot of wow moments."
"Good for you man, you're doing what you love that's all that matters."
"The work that you are doing genuinely feels like play."
"You can make a good living doing so, totally."
"I'm lucky... the types of work I do I find very fulfilling and also not boring which definitely helps."
"Love what you do and you'd be damn good at what you do."
"It wasn't a job, it was something that I woke up every single day not only happy to do but more than anything like passionate enough to do."
"You never work a day in your life when you love what you do."
"I think I have a really cool job, I always want to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground."
"Having the job you want, that's an accomplishment. Having the life you want, that's success."
"For the most part, if you're a software engineer at a large tech company, your life is pretty good."
"Do what you love, and you don't work a day in your life."
"I've been very lucky to live the dream fighting all over the world and representing Australia."
"It's so great to wake up every day and do what you love for a living."
"I consider myself a very lucky man, because all my life I did something I thoroughly enjoy. I really did."
"It's been easily the best professional experience of my career."
"I don't give a [] about Emmy. I mean, just making a living at this [] and having fans who come to see you on the road and having a good group of friends like I'm I have no complaints right now."
"I just love being different characters. I love being able to do what I love every day."
"I've had a great career in a blessed career... and I wouldn't have changed it for anything."
"I've never been happier. I get to choose the big stories that really interest me."
"Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life. It is so true. I highly encourage people to follow their passion."
"Creating the designs, creating the technology behind how the sound behaves, that's the best thing actually I ever did in my sound career."
"Finally, I want to end it off by thanking YouTube. When I was in Middle School I thought working at Nintendo would be a dream job but after doing this job I'm proud of the fact a lot of people don't consider it a real job."
"I'm really grateful that I get to do what I do."
"Even to this day, how many of us get a chance to do what we like to do? Most of us, 90 percent of... I'm not gonna say 90 percent, 80 percent of people, 75 percent of people that go to work don't like their jobs."
"I love what I do, reaching the most amount of people just makes sense."
"There's nothing like playing basketball for a living."
"Seeking a task and then seeing it to its ultimate completion is the greatest high that you can ever get in your career."
"My biggest thing you have to love it you have to love what you do."
"It's supposed to be fun. If you get to be in entertainment for a living, it's like winning the lottery."
"Am I happy with my trajectory? Do I feel like this is right for me?"
"Your job can make you a lot of money and you can still hate it. If you are lucky enough to like something enough to think you want to make it your job, try that anyway because you can always go get a job."
"I'm doing what I enjoy doing... when you do something that you know the fans seem to enjoy, that gives you such satisfaction."
"Working for money will only take you so far."
"I need to enjoy what I'm doing; otherwise, what's the point?"
"People are willing to give 40 years at a 9 to 5 sitting in a cubicle. If you love that job, awesome, but I didn't."
"I genuinely, truly from the bottom of my heart, I love what I do. I love AI. I love neural networks. I love being a YouTuber."
"This is something I feel has a long-term potential long-term success long-term stability for me and it brings me to such a joyful place in my life."
"I'm so grateful that every single day I get to do this as a career."
"I'm still really proud of it as a film and I'm really proud of my work in it, and I'd stand by it if I was offered the part again tomorrow, I'd do it in a heartbeat."
"Success to me is that I'm happy doing what I'm doing even if I would make $1."
"If you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work."
"That's where we're going now... I'm loving what I'm doing."
"If you could turn it into a career I think everyone could add five days you know to their week if they can love what they do and also do what they love."
"Being part of Wizards was a dream job come true for me."
"I'm able to work full time on a job that I love doing because of you."
"I wake up every day and I get to do what I love."
"There is like a world in which you get to have the best job in the world."
"You've got to find what you love... Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work."
"I'm very proud of doing and I enjoy it a lot."
"When you lose that passion, it doesn't feel the same because it's like that passion, that desire to make you great, when you lose that, it's like, 'Damn, I'm no longer scoring that touchdown, that ah, it's not there.'"
"There's a wonderful thing in spending time working on your craft and being rewarded financially for it."
"As long as your work ethic matches your ambition, you are very happy."
"It's always been a fun job but I think the guys who invented this industry wouldn't believe where it is now."
"Crazy I'm making more money now so why go back?"
"It was weird, because obviously we were so lucky to play as long as we play in the NBA. I feel like greatest job in the world."
"You don't work a day in your life if you love what you do."
"Make sure you're doing something that you like. Business is very hard."
"I couldn't feel luckier to be doing what I'm doing... that I'm not curing cancer... I'm just trying to make a difference creatively."
"I'm just blessed to be doing what I'm doing and this is a very, very beautiful business."
"When you work hard when you do good, you're rewarded with [ __ ] like this."
"If you do something that you love, you'll never work a day in your life."
"Life as an artist is fulfilling and sustainable."
"Would you be willing to delay your retirement plans by two years if it means that your child was happy with their career for the rest of their life? I'd take that trade any day of the week."
"I wouldn't be a judge for anything. I like what I'm doing."
"It's wild to me that I get to do this. I am so lucky and so privileged and thank you for your support."
"To take a temporary hit to our income and the pace of our financial goals to create a sustainable life and job and career for myself that I love and I'm happy in is a thousand percent worth it."
"My dream job would be what I do right now. Content creation."
"This is the best job in the world, it's also the hardest job."
"It's about service, you get pleasure from your career when you are serving."
"Now I'm at a place where it's like I love my job because I get to do what I want every day."
"I really like that I can be a part of changing people's lives for the better."
"Any wrestler worth their salt is going to derive true satisfaction from a long-term program with a suitable dance partner."
"We may have gotten to the point where it's no longer about finding a job you're passionate about."
"It's moments like this when I feel like I made a really good career choice."
"It's the best company I've ever worked for, it's so crazy, I'm opening for Jill Scott, I'm good for you."
"I love doing what I do, and yes, it's busy and overwhelming and stressful, but I totally believe I have the best job in the world."
"Once you get to your classroom, the freedom that comes with being a professor at Evergreen is so great."
"You'll be working, playing, having fun, doing something that's mission-driven all at the same time."
"The coolest part about my job is seeing you guys in person, seeing the impact that I've had on some of your lives."
"I love what I do, like the minute I'm not having fun and actually like a job, I'm out."
"Do I think I'm more successful than as is? I do, I quite frankly I do."
"We're so lucky. To make money on this is a dream. People literally dream whatever you want and people come up and say what up to you."
"Footballer is the best job I have had and it's the best job you could probably have as a young boy and a young man."
"I'm inspiring millions and I'm very happy doing what I'm doing."
"Some of you guys are leaving jobs even if they pay well to go towards a new job that will bring you a lot more happiness rather than just bring you a lot of money."
"What's your definition of success? Be a good person, be a good father, have a career that you really love."
"Teaching is by far the most rewarding career anyone could ever experience."
"Hey, I'm on vacation every single day because I love my occupation."
"I'd rather have an amazing job than just have unlimited money to whatever."
"It's not just about money to me, it's about having something I truly enjoyed."
"Most people do not have a purpose and a mission that they really love in life. Only 13% of workers feel engaged by their jobs globally."
"I'm getting paid to do something that I could only dream of doing."
"The project or the career path that gives you a feeling of Peace deep down is what's going to make you successful the most."
"It's a great place to solve really hard problems and make an impact."
"At the end of the day it's not just about that, you know, there's so much reward in what I do."
"You're going toward a more joyful career; it's expanding you to be happy and joyful."
"Feel how it feels to be living your dream job."
"If we do what we love, we will never work a single day in our life."
"I still realize how lucky I am to do what I do, you know, win, lose or draw I'm always smiling."
"I don't know how you get a career more rewarding than that."
"I couldn't have written a better career script myself." - Jason Belmonte
"I never thought it would ever become my full-time job. I'm so grateful for all the incredible experiences it's brought me."
"When you do what you love, the money always follows."